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'use strict';

 * QuickBlox JavaScript SDK
 * Push Notifications Module

var config = require('../qbConfig'),
    Utils = require('../qbUtils');

var isBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined";

function PushNotificationsProxy(service) {
    this.service = service;
    this.subscriptions = new SubscriptionsProxy(service);
    this.events = new EventsProxy(service);

    this.base64Encode = function(str) {
        if (isBrowser) {
            return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function(match, p1) {
                return String.fromCharCode('0x' + p1);
        } else {
            return new Buffer(str).toString('base64');

 * Push Notifications Subscriptions
 * @namespace QB.pushnotifications.subscriptions
function SubscriptionsProxy(service){
    this.service = service;

SubscriptionsProxy.prototype = {

     * Create device based subscription.
     * @memberof QB.pushnotifications.subscriptions
     * @param {object} params - Object of parameters.
     * @param {string} params.notification_channel - Declare which notification channels could be used to notify user about events. Allowed values: apns, apns_voip, gcm, mpns, bbps and email.
     * @param {object} params.push_token - Object of parameters.
     * @param {string} params.push_token.environment - Determine application mode. It allows conveniently separate development and production modes. Allowed values: evelopment or production.
     * @param {string} [params.push_token.bundle_identifier] - A unique identifier for client's application. In iOS, this is the Bundle Identifier. In Android - package id.
     * @param {string} params.push_token.client_identification_sequence - Identifies client device in 3-rd party service like APNS, GCM/FCM, BBPS or MPNS. Initially retrieved from 3-rd service and should be send to QuickBlox to let it send push notifications to the client.
     * @param {object} params.device - Object of parameters.
     * @param {string} params.device.platform - Platform of device, which is the source of application running. Allowed values: ios, android, windows_phone, blackberry.
     * @param {string} params.device.udid - UDID (Unique Device identifier) of device, which is the source of application running. This must be anything sequence which uniquely identify particular device. This is needed to support schema: 1 User - Multiple devices.
     * @param {createPushSubscriptionCallback} callback - The createPushSubscriptionCallback function.
    create: function(params, callback) {
         * Callback for QB.pushnotifications.subscriptions.create(params, callback).
         * @callback createPushSubscriptionCallback
         * @param {object} error - The error object.
         * @param {object} response - Array of all existent user's subscriptions.
        this.service.ajax({url: Utils.getUrl(config.urls.subscriptions), type: 'POST', data: params}, callback);

     * Retrieve subscriptions for the user which is specified in the session token.
     * @memberof QB.pushnotifications.subscriptions
     * @param {listPushSubscriptionCallback} callback - The listPushSubscriptionCallback function.
    list: function(callback) {
         * Callback for QB.pushnotifications.subscriptions.list(callback).
         * @callback listPushSubscriptionCallback
         * @param {object} error - The error object.
         * @param {object} response - Array of all existent user's subscriptions.
        this.service.ajax({url: Utils.getUrl(config.urls.subscriptions)}, callback);

     * Remove a subscription by its identifier.
     * @memberof QB.pushnotifications.subscriptions
     * @param {number} id - An id of subscription to remove.
     * @param {deletePushSubscriptionCallback} callback - The deletePushSubscriptionCallback function.
    delete: function(id, callback) {
         * Callback for QB.pushnotifications.subscriptions.delete(id, callback).
         * @callback deletePushSubscriptionCallback
         * @param {object} error - The error object.
         * @param {object} response - Empty body.
        var attrAjax = {
            'type': 'DELETE',
            'dataType': 'text',
            'url': Utils.getUrl(config.urls.subscriptions, id)

        this.service.ajax(attrAjax, function(err, res){
            if (err) {
                callback(err, null);
            } else {
                callback(null, true);

 * Push Notifications Events
 * @namespace QB.pushnotifications.events
function EventsProxy(service){
    this.service = service;

EventsProxy.prototype = {
     * Create notification event. This request will immediately produce notification delivery (push notification or email) ({@link https://docs.quickblox.com/docs/js-push-notifications#send-push-notifications read more}).
     * @memberof QB.pushnotifications.events
     * @param {object} params - Object of parameters.
     * @param {string} params.notification_type - Type of notification. Allowed values: push or email.
     * @param {string} params.environment - An environment of the notification. Allowed values: development or production.
     * @param {string} params.message - A payload of event. For push notifications: if event[push_type] not present - should be Base64 encoded text.
     * @param {string} [params.push_type] - Push Notification type. Used only if event[notification_type] = push, ignored in other cases. If not present - Notification will be delivered to all possible devices for specified users. Each platform has their own standard format. If specified - Notification will be delivered to the specified platform only. Allowed values: apns, apns_voip, gcm, mpns or bbps.
     * @param {string} [params.event_type] - Allowed values: one_shot, fixed_date or period_date. one_shot - a one-time event, which causes by an external object (the value is only valid if the 'date' is not specified). fixed_date - a one-time event, which occurs at a specified 'date' (the value is valid only if the 'date' is given). period_date - reusable event that occurs within a given 'period' from the initial 'date' (the value is only valid if the 'period' specified). By default: fixed_date, if 'date' is specified. period_date, if 'period' is specified. one_shot, if 'date' is not specified.
     * @param {string} [params.name] - The name of the event. Service information. Only for your own usage.
     * @param {number} [params.period] - The period of the event in seconds. Required if the event[event_type] = period_date. Possible values: 86400 (1 day). 604800 (1 week). 2592000 (1 month). 31557600 (1 year).
     * @param {number} [params.date] - The date of the event to send on. Required if event[event_type] = fixed_date or period_date. If event[event_type] = fixed_date, the date can not be in the pas.
     * @param {object} [params.user] - User's object of parameters.
     * @param {number[]} [params.user.ids] - Notification's recipients - should contain a string of users' ids divided by commas.
     * @param {object} [params.user.tags] - User's object of tags.
     * @param {string[]} [params.user.tags.any] - Notification's recipients - should contain a string of tags divided by commas. Recipients (users) must have at least one tag that specified in the list.
     * @param {string[]} [params.user.tags.all] - Notification's recipients - should contain a string of tags divided by commas. Recipients (users) must exactly have only all tags that specified in list.
     * @param {string[]} [params.user.tags.exclude] - Notification's recipients - should contain a string of tags divided by commas. Recipients (users) mustn't have tags that specified in list.
     * @param {object} [params.external_user] - External user's object of parameters.
     * @param {number[]} [params.external_user.ids] - Notification's recipients - should contain a string of tags divided by commas. Recipients (users) mustn't have tags that specified in list.
     * @param {createPushEventCallback} callback - The createPushEventCallback function.
    create: function(params, callback) {
         * Callback for QB.pushnotifications.events.create(params, callback).
         * @callback createPushEventCallback
         * @param {object} error - The error object.
         * @param {object} response - An event object.
            'url': Utils.getUrl(config.urls.events),
            'type': 'POST',
            'contentType': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
            'isNeedStringify': true,
            'data': {
                'event': params
        }, callback);

     * Get list of events which were created by current user.
     * @memberof QB.pushnotifications.events
     * @param {object} params - Object of parameters.
     * @param {number} [params.page=1] - Used to paginate the results when more than one page of events retrieved.
     * @param {number} [params.per_page=10] - The maximum number of events to return per page, if not specified then the default is 10.
     * @param {listPushEventsCallback} callback - The listOfFilesCallback function.
    list: function(params, callback) {
         * Callback for QB.pushnotifications.events.list(params, callback).
         * @callback listPushEventsCallback
         * @param {object} error - The error object.
         * @param {object} response - An array of events' objects.
        if (typeof params === 'function' && typeof callback ==='undefined') {
            callback = params;
            params = null;

        this.service.ajax({url: Utils.getUrl(config.urls.events), data: params}, callback);

     * Retrieve an event by ID.
     * @memberof QB.pushnotifications.events
     * @param {number} id - An id of event to retrieve.
     * @param {getPushEventByIdCallback} callback - The getPushEventByIdCallback function.
    get: function(id, callback) {
         * Callback for QB.pushnotifications.events.get(id, callback).
         * @callback getPushEventByIdCallback
         * @param {object} error - The error object.
         * @param {object} response - An array of events' objects.
        this.service.ajax({url: Utils.getUrl(config.urls.events, id)}, callback);

     * Delete an event by ID.
     * @memberof QB.pushnotifications.events
     * @param {number} id - An id of event to delete.
     * @param {deletePushEventByIdCallback} callback - The deletePushEventByIdCallback function.
    delete: function(id, callback) {
         * Callback for QB.pushnotifications.events.delete(id, callback).
         * @callback deletePushEventByIdCallback
         * @param {object} error - The error object.
         * @param {object} response - Empty body.
        this.service.ajax({url: Utils.getUrl(config.urls.events, id), dataType: 'text', type: 'DELETE'}, callback);

     * Retrieve an event's status by ID
     * @memberof QB.pushnotifications.events
     * @param {number} id - An id of event to retrieve its status.
     * @param {getPushEventStatusByIdCallback} callback - The getPushEventStatusByIdCallback function.
    status: function(id, callback) {
         * Callback for QB.pushnotifications.events.status(id, callback).
         * @callback getPushEventStatusByIdCallback
         * @param {object} error - The error object.
         * @param {object} response - An array of events' objects.
        this.service.ajax({url: Utils.getUrl(config.urls.events, id + '/status')}, callback);

module.exports = PushNotificationsProxy;