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- content_for :title, t('baw.shared.links.project_request_access.long_title')
- @info_bar = {title: t('baw.shared.links.projects.title'), icon: 'home'}
- set_current_menu_item(:projects, {title: t('baw.shared.links.project_request_access.title'), icon: 'key'  })

= simple_form_for :access_request, url: '/projects/submit_access_request',html: {class: 'form-horizontal'}  do |f|
  = field_set_tag do
    = f.error_notification
    = f.input :projects, as: :select, required: true, collection: @all_projects, label_method: Proc.new {|item| "#{item.name}: \"#{item.description}\""},
      value_method: :id, label: 'Projects',
      include_blank: false, input_html: {  rows: 16, multiple: true, required: true, style:'height: 200px;' }
      Select one or more projects by holding
      %code Ctrl
      on Windows or
      %code Command
      on a Mac, and clicking the project names.
    = f.input :reason, as: :text, required: true,
        placeholder: 'Why would you like to access these projects? Will you need to be able to change project information or create annotations?',
        input_html: { rows: 8, class: 'span12', required: true }
    = f.button :submit_cancel, 'Submit request', class: 'btn-default'