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Test Coverage
module BawWorkers
  module Analysis

    # Class that handles creating and evaluating analysis payloads.
    class Payload

      # A list of fields invariant to the payload
      BASE_FIELDS = [
          # command to run, with placeholders
          # Relative path to executable or script to run.
          # This value is OPTIONAL.
          # It exists because when we run analyses, we copy the script/program to run each time.
          # Because the path changes, we need to be able to template the command with the correct absolute path.
          # Examples:
          # command: "mono <{file_executable}> some argument", file_executable: "AP/AP.exe"
          #   ---> result: "mono /mnt/workers/production/runs/123/programs/AP/AP.exe some argument"
          # command: "python <{file_executable}> some argument", file_executable: "analysis_v3.py"
          #   ---> result: "python /mnt/workers/production/runs/123/programs/analysis_v3.py some argument"
          # array of paths to copy after running executable file
          # string containing config/settings for executable

          # Paths to nest output results.
          # Particularly useful for system jobs the can run multiple analysis and store the output in the same folder.

      # The full list of fields expected in the payload
          # audio recording info

          # identifier for job (integer or 'system')
          # This field is invariant, but its also useful as a PK so we keep it anyway

          # absolute path to source audio file
          # absolute path to executable
          # absolute path to the config file
          # absolute path to output dir (is also created)
          # absolute path to temp dir (is also created)

      # Create a new BawWorkers::Analysis::Payload.
      # @param [Logger] logger
      # @return [BawWorkers::Analysis::Payload]
      def initialize(logger)
        @logger = logger
        @class_name = self.class.name

      # Read a csv file containing audio recording info, and create analysis config files using a template yml file.
      # e.g. bundle exec baw:analysis:standalone:from_csv[settings_file,csv_file,config_file,command_file]
      # @param [String] csv_file
      # @param [String] config_file
      # @param [String] command_file
      # @return [Array<Hash>] analysis payloads
      def from_csv(csv_file, config_file, command_file)
        csv_path = BawWorkers::Validation.normalise_file(csv_file)
        config_path = BawWorkers::Validation.normalise_file(config_file)
        command_path = BawWorkers::Validation.normalise_file(command_file)

        command_info = YAML.load_file(command_path)

        command_format = command_info['command_format']
        file_executable = command_info['file_executable']
        copy_paths = command_info['copy_paths']
        config_string = File.read(config_path)
        job_id = command_info['job_id']

        results = []

        BawWorkers::ReadCsv.read_audio_recording_csv(csv_path) do |audio_params|
          opts = {
              command_format: command_format,
              file_executable: file_executable,
              copy_paths: copy_paths,
              config_string: config_string,
              job_id: job_id,

              uuid: audio_params[:uuid],
              id: audio_params[:id],
              datetime_with_offset: audio_params[:recorded_date],
              original_format: audio_params[:original_format]

          # add analysis payload to results
          result = build(opts)


      # Build an analysis task payload.
      # @param [Hash] raw_opts
      # @option raw_opts [String] :command_format (nil) command line format string
      # @option raw_opts [String] :file_executable (nil) executable file path (absolute or relative to dir_working)
      # @option raw_opts [String] :config_file (nil) config file
      # @option raw_opts [String] :config_string (nil) config text
      # @option raw_opts [Array<String>] :copy_paths (nil) paths to copy after running executable
      # @option raw_opts [String, Integer] :job_id (nil) job id
      # @option raw_opts [String] :uuid (nil) audio_recording uuid
      # @option raw_opts [String] :id (nil) audio_recording id
      # @option raw_opts [ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, String] :datetime_with_offset (nil) audio_recording recorded date
      # @option raw_opts [String] :original_format (nil) audio_recording original_format
      # @return [Hash] analysis task payload
      def build(raw_opts)

        # normalise config
        raw_opts[:config] = get_config(raw_opts)

        # normalise recorded date
        raw_opts[:datetime_with_offset] = get_datetime_with_offset(raw_opts)

        # validate opts
        opts = BawWorkers::Analysis::Payload.normalise_opts(raw_opts)

        # validate command placeholders

        # return the analysis payload
            command_format: opts[:command_format].to_s,
            file_executable: opts[:file_executable].to_s,
            copy_paths: opts[:copy_paths],
            config: opts[:config].to_s,
            job_id: opts[:job_id].to_s,

            uuid: opts[:uuid].to_s,
            id: opts[:id].to_s,
            datetime_with_offset: opts[:datetime_with_offset].iso8601(3),
            original_format: opts[:original_format].to_s

      # Get the recorded date as a ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone.
      # @param [Hash] opts
      # @return [ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone] recording start datetime
      def get_datetime_with_offset(opts)
          parsed = BawWorkers::Validation.normalise_datetime(opts[:datetime_with_offset])
        rescue => e
          @logger.error(@class_name) { e.message }
          raise e


      # Get the config string.
      # @param [Hash] raw_opts
      # @return [String] config/settings for executable
      def get_config(raw_opts)
        fail ArgumentError, 'Must provide only one of config_file or config_string.' if raw_opts[:config_file] && raw_opts[:config_string]
        fail ArgumentError, 'Must provide one of config_file or config_string.' if !raw_opts[:config_file] && !raw_opts[:config_string]

        return raw_opts[:config_string] if raw_opts[:config_string]
        return File.read(raw_opts[:config_file]) if File.exists?(raw_opts[:config_file])

        msg = "Config file #{raw_opts[:config_file]} was not found."
        @logger.error(@class_name) { msg }
        fail ArgumentError, msg

      # Normalise opts so that keys are Symbols and check all required keys are present.
      # @param [Hash] opts
      # @return [Hash] normalised opts
      def self.normalise_opts(opts)
        normalised_keys = BawWorkers::Validation.deep_symbolize_keys(opts)
        BawWorkers::Validation.check_custom_hash(normalised_keys, BawWorkers::Analysis::Payload::OPTS_FIELDS)

      # Split apart the variant and invariant parts of the payload.
      # @param [Hash] analysis_params
      # @param [String] group_key
      def self.validate_and_create_invariant_opts(analysis_params, group_key)
        # 0. verify group key
        return analysis_params if group_key.blank?

        # 1. split out invariant keys
        invariant = {}
        BASE_FIELDS.each do |key|
          raise "analysis_params is missing required key #{key}" unless analysis_params.has_key?(key)

          invariant[key] = analysis_params.delete(key)

        # e.g. baw-workers:partial_payload:analysis:20-1472601600 (leading namespace added by PartialPayload)
        unique_key = "analysis:" + analysis_params[:job_id].to_s + "-" + group_key

        # 2. check if invariant payload already exists
        # 3. if it does, validate it is identical
        # 4. if it does not, insert it
        payload = BawWorkers::PartialPayload.create_or_validate(invariant, unique_key)

        # 5. return the lean analysis_params merge with the partial payload key
