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@import 'base';

@mixin arrow-border-color($color, $isInsideSelector: "true") {
  @each $position in top, bottom, left, right {
  // if the current mixin is called from within a selector, use a '&'. Otherwise not.
    @if $isInsideSelector == "true" {
      &.hint--#{$position}:before {
        border-#{$position}-color: $color;
    } @else {
      .hint--#{$position}:before {
        border-#{$position}-color: $color;

@mixin hint-custom-color($color, $content) {
  border-color: $color;
  @include vendor-prefix(box-shadow, 1px 1px 8px -1px rgba($color, 0.5));
  &:before {
    //border-top-color: $color;
  &:after {
    background-color: $color;
    text-shadow:      0 -1px 0px darken($color, 20%);
    content:          $content;


.time {
  background-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.3) ;
  @include rounded-corners($standard-border-radius);
  color:        nth($master-dark, 1);
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 1px;
  @extend .hint;

  padding:      0 $standard-padding-horizontal;

.relative-recording-time {
  @extend .time;
  @include hint-custom-color($time-recording-relative-color, "Time measured from the start of the audio file");

  @include arrow-border-color($time-recording-relative-color, "true");


.relative-segment-time {
  @extend .time;
  @include hint-custom-color($time-segment-relative-color, "Time measured from the start of the segment");

  @include arrow-border-color($time-segment-relative-color, "true");

.relative-chunk-time {
  @extend .time;
  @include hint-custom-color($time-chunk-relative-color, "Time measured from the start of the playing audio");

  @include arrow-border-color($time-chunk-relative-color, "true");

.absolute-time {
  @extend .time;
  @include hint-custom-color($time-absolute-color, "An absolute point in time");

  @include arrow-border-color($time-absolute-color, "true");

.duration {
  @extend .time;
  @include hint-custom-color($time-duration-color, "A span of time (a length)");

  @include arrow-border-color($time-duration-color, "true");