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Test Coverage
<div id="content" ng-controller="ExperimentsCtrl">
        .isa_info, .isa_success, .isa_warning, .isa_error {
            border: 1px solid;
            margin: 10px 0px;
            padding:10px 10px 10px 50px;
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
            background-position: 10px center;-moz-border-radius:.5em;

            width: 500px;

        .isa_info {
            color: #00529B;
            background-color: #BDE5F8;
            background-image: url("/experiment_assets/info.png");
        .isa_success {
            color: #4F8A10;
            background-color: #DFF2BF;
        .isa_warning {
            color: #9F6000;
            background-color: #FEEFB3;
            background-image: url("/experiment_assets/warning.png");
        .isa_error {
            color: #D8000C;
            background-color: #FFBABA;
            background-image: url("/experiment_assets/error.png");

        label input[type="text"], label input[type="email"] {
            width: 300px;


        .progress {
            margin-top: -35px;
            text-align: center;

        #experimentConclusion textarea {
            width: 800px;
            height: 400px;

        #content h2 {
           margin-top: -14px;

        .survey {
            text-align: center;
            font-size: x-large;
            line-height: 150%;
            width:  -webkit-calc(800px - 2em);
            padding: 1em;

            border: 1px solid rgb(123, 144, 60);
            border-radius: 5px;
            background-color: rgb(212, 222, 184);

        .survey a {
            font-size: xx-large;


    <h2>{{spec.experiment}} ยป {{stage}}</h2>

    <div id="experimentPreface" ng-show="stage == PREFACE_STAGE">



            <li ng-repeat="step in spec.instructions" ng-bind-html-unsafe="step"></li>
            <li>Please do not leave this page, or close your browser during the experiment, your progress will be lost</li>
                Ensure you have read the experiment <a href="/ParticipantInformation.html" target="_blank"  ng-click="popupEthics($event)" style="">ethics statement</a>. <!-- You will need to click the link.-->
                        <!--<label title="This checkbox will automatically check when the ethics statement has been read">-->
                            <!--<input type="checkbox" ng-checked="results.ethicsStatementViewed" disabled/>-->
                            I have read the <a href="/ParticipantInformation.html" target="_blank" ng-click="popupEthics($event)" style="">ethics statement</a>
                            <input type="checkbox" ng-model="results.consented"/>
                            I consent to participating in this experiment and I understand I can leave at any time without penalty
                            <input type="checkbox" ng-model="results.allowContact"/>
                            I consent to be contacted (via email) for follow up questions if it is required
                <!--You need to be signed in to participate in this experiment. Registration is very easy.-->
                <!--<div ng-hide="loggedIn" class="isa_warning">You are not signed in yet. <a ng-click="login()">Click</a> to sign in.</div>-->
                <!--<div ng-show="loggedIn" class="isa_info">You are signed in as {{userData.email}} </div>-->
                We'd like your contact details. We need to track who participates in the experiment.
                <br />We will not distribute your details to anyone. These details will be deleted after the experiment.
                <form name="detailsForm">
                        <span >Full name</span>
                        <input type="text" required name="fullName" ng-minlength="1" ng-model="results.name" />
                        <span >Email</span>
                        <input type="email" name="email" required ng-model="results.email" />
                Google Chrome is required for this experiment.
                <p ng-show="isChrome()" class="isa_info">You are using chrome</p>
                <p ng-hide="isChrome()" class="isa_error">You are NOT using <a href="http://chrome.google.com" target="_blank">Google Chrome</a></p>

        <div id="prefaceErrors" class="isa_error" ng-hide="errors.length == 0">
                <li ng-repeat="error in errors">{{error}}</li>

        <button ng-click="verifyPreface()">Start experiment</button>
    <div id="experimentBody" ng-show="stage == EXPERIMENT_STAGE">
        <div class="progress">
            Experiment step {{step}}/{{spec.experimentSteps.length}}  <meter value="{{step}}" max="{{spec.experimentSteps.length}}"></meter>
        <div ng-include src="getPath()"></div>

        <!--<button ng-click="step = step + 1">Next</button>-->
    <div id="experimentConclusion" ng-show="stage == FINAL_STAGE">
        <p>Thank you very much for participating.</p>

        <p ng-show="spec.surveyLink" class="survey">
            The experiment is over. However we would <em>really</em> appreciate it if you could complete this short survey.
            <a ng-href="{{spec.surveyLink}}" target="_blank">Click to go to the survey</a>
            Thanks so much!

        <p  class="isa_info" ng-show="resultsSending">Your results are being saved at the moment. <em>Please do not close the window or navigate away!</em>

        <p class="isa_success" ng-show="resultsSentSuccessfully == true">Your results have been saved. You may now close this window.

        <div class="isa_error" ng-show="resultsSentSuccessfully == false">
            Saving the results failed. We don't know why but something didn't work.
            We'd still really like your experiment data, could please email the information you see below?
            Copy this data:
                <textarea readonly>{{prettyResults}}</textarea>

                and send to: <a href="mailto:anthony.truskinger@student.qut.edu.au">anthony.truskinger@student.qut.edu.au</a>

        <p>Below is a copy of the data we have saved</p>

            <textarea readonly> {{prettyResults}} </textarea>

        <div id="summary"></div>
