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    <title>Participant Information for QUT Research Project</title>

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            <h2 style="margin: 0 0 5px 0; padding: 0;">
                Participant Information for QUT Research Project</h2>
            <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
                –- Questionnaire and Website -–</h4>
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            <h2 style="text-align: center;">
            <h4 style="text-align: center;">
                QUT Ethics Approval Number 1200000307</h4>
    Principal Researcher: Mark-Cottman Fields, Masters Student, QUT
    Associate Researcher: Anthony Truskinger, PhD Student, QUT
    Supervisor: Professor Paul Roe, QUT
    This project is being undertaken as part of a PhD study for Anthony Truskinger and
    a Masters study for Mark Cottman-Fields.
    The purpose of this research is to investigate ways for interested volunteers to
    interact with audio recordings of environmental sounds, with a focus on sounds made
    by animals such as bird, frog, and koala calls. The recordings are from areas with
    little to no human activity. The two main goals of the research are to provide ecologists
    with information about the animals present in the area the sound recordings were
    made, and create a website that enables people to listen to and label audio in an
    easy and straightforward way.
    You are invited to participate in this project if you have an interest in the project.
    The research team is looking for anyone who is interested in listening to audio
    recordings of the natural environment, and willing to indicate interesting sounds
    or suggest the name of the animal that made a call. For example, people with bird
    watching experience, people who camp or hike regularly, people who enjoy listening
    to the sounds of nature, or those who live outside the city.
    You will need access to a computer, an Internet connection, and some way to listen
    to audio, such as speakers or a pair of headphones.
    Your participation in this project is entirely voluntary. If you do agree to participate,
    you can withdraw from the project without comment or penalty. Any personally identifiable
    information already obtained from you will be destroyed. However, other contributed
    data will be made anonymous and kept. Your decision to participate (or not), will
    in no way impact upon your current or future relationship with QUT.
    <strong>To participate</strong>, complete and submit a questionnaire (on the website),
    or create an account on the website.
    <strong>You can withdraw</strong> by not submitting a questionnaire. You can stop
    and discard an incomplete or complete questionnaire before you submit it. Once a
    questionnaire is submitted, it is not possible to withdraw it, as the questionnaire
    is anonymous.
    <strong>You can withdraw</strong> by deleting your account on the website. If you
    delete your account, information you have entered in your personal profile will
    be deleted. Other contributions you may have made, such as adding tags, will be
    made anonymous and kept.
    Participation will involve interaction with a number of web pages and completing
    questionnaires about your experience with these web pages. Each web page is designed
    in a slightly different way to investigate the most effective way to collect data
    and help the environment. Some of these web pages will be more like a traditional
    question/answer survey (some with Likert Scales – e.g. strongly agree to strongly
    disagree and some short answer questions).
    These web pages involve completing tasks that will take varying amounts of time.
    However each task is designed to be small (no more than a minute) and you can choose
    to stop participating at any time.
    The tasks will include activities like listening to audio on a web page, and pressing
    a button to indicate an interesting sound. Other input may include suggestions for
    the animal that made the sound. Tasks may show a visualisation of recorded audio.
    An example activity might be drawing a rectangle around a part of the visualisation
    to indicate an area of interest (an interesting sound you might be hearing in the
    recorded audio).
    The questionnaires will include questions about the user interfaces, your reaction
    to them, and experience with them. For example “Did you understand the tasks you
    were asked to complete?” and “Did the visualisation accurately represent the sound
    you heard?”
    Your participation in this project may include content created by other participants
    on the website. This might occur through viewing the history of another participant’s
    activity on the website, or as part of a list of suggested tags. The website may
    include competitive elements, such as a display of participants ranked by the amount
    of work each has completed up to that point in time.
    If you agree to participate you do not have to answer any question(s) or complete
    any task(s) that you are uncomfortable with.
    It is expected that this project will not directly benefit you. However, it may
    benefit you in that you may learn to recognise a range of animal calls as well as
    exposing you to other people interested in the environment and listening to animal
    calls. As part of this project you may receive training in identifying particular
    calls. This would take the form of informative pages on the website that give examples
    of different species, or tips on how to associate spectrograms (visualisations of
    audio) with underlying audio. When you complete a task, you may receive feedback
    on your performance in that task. This feedback will be calculated based on data
    collected by other participants on the website. Again, the feedback is provided
    so that you may know when you have correctly identified an animal call. In this
    way we hope you will be able to apply this knowledge for other recreational activities.
    This project aims to benefit environmental research, particularly research into
    animal populations. This can include studies of changes in particular environmental
    regions and evaluations of proposed development works on the environment. In this
    way any participation on your behalf will go towards understanding the environment.
    There are no risks beyond normal day-to-day living associated with your participation
    in this project.
    All comments, responses, and personally identifiable user contributed data will
    be treated confidentially. The actions that you perform to complete tasks on the
    website may be monitored, such as the buttons you click and the identifier of the
    recorded audio that is loaded. This monitoring may include any personally identifiable
    information. The monitoring is only for evaluating and improving the website, and
    will only be available to the research team.
    Any data collected as part of this project will be stored securely as per QUT’s
    management of research data policy.
    Please note that non-identifiable data collected in this project may be used as
    comparative data in future projects.
    There are two main ways for you to confirm your consent to participate in this project.
    Signing up and creating an account on the website, or clicking ‘I Accept’ or ‘Submit’
    button at the bottom of the online Participation Consent form on the website is
    accepted as an indication of your consent to participate in this project.
    Submitting a completed online questionnaire is accepted as an indication of your
    consent to participate in that questionnaire. It does not indicate your consent
    to participate in other aspects of the project.
    If you are involved in a discovery or some other notable event, we may ask you for
    permission to publically use your username, real name or both. This is entirely
    If have any questions or require any further information please contact one of the
    research team members below.</p>
<table style="width: 100%;">
            Mark Cottman-Fields - Masters Student
            <br />
            Science and Engineering Faculty
            <br />
            Queensland University of Technology
            <br />
            3138 9340
            Anthony Truskinger - PhD Student
            <br />
            Science and Engineering Faculty
            <br />
            Queensland University of Technology
            <br />
            3138 9340
            Prof Paul Roe – Supervisor
            <br />
            Science and Engineering Faculty
            <br />
            Queensland University of Technology
            <br />
            <br />
    QUT is committed to research integrity and the ethical conduct of research projects.
    However, if you do have any concerns or complaints about the ethical conduct of
    the project you may contact the QUT Research Ethics Unit on 3138 5123 or email <a
        href="mailto:ethicscontact@qut.edu.au">ethicscontact@qut.edu.au</a>. The QUT
    Research Ethics Unit is not connected with the research project and can facilitate
    a resolution to your concern in an impartial manner.
    Thank you for helping with this research project. Please note the url of this information
    sheet for future reference.</p>
