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import {ImmutableAggregateRepository, AggregateIndex, ModelEvent, ModelEventType} from '@rheactorjs/event-store'
import {UserModel, MaybeUserModelType} from '../model/user'
import {EntryNotFoundError} from '@rheactorjs/errors'
import {EmailValueType} from '@rheactorjs/value-objects'
import Promise from 'bluebird'
import {UserCreatedEvent, UserEmailChangedEvent} from '../event/user'
import {PaginationType} from '../util/pagination'

export class UserRepository extends ImmutableAggregateRepository {
   * Creates a new user repository
   * @param {redis.client} redis
   * @constructor
  constructor (redis) {
    super(UserModel, 'user', redis)
    this.index = new AggregateIndex(this.alias, redis)

   * Find a user by email
   * @param {EmailValue} email
   * @return {Promise.<UserModel>}
  findByEmail (email) {
    return this
      .catch(EntryNotFoundError, () => {
        return null

   * Find all users
   * @param {Pagination} pagination
   * @return {Promise.<Array.<UserModel>>}
  listAll (pagination) {
    return this.index.getAll('email')
      .then(userIds => {
        const total = userIds.length
        return Promise.map(pagination.splice(userIds), userId => this.getById(userId))
          .then(users => pagination.result(users, total))

   * Get a user by email
   * @param {EmailValue} email
   * @return {Promise.<UserModel>}
  getByEmail (email) {
    return this.index.find('email', email.toString())
      .then((id) => {
        if (!id) {
          throw new EntryNotFoundError('User with email "' + email.toString() + '" not found')
        return this.getById(id)

   * Create a new user
   * The precondition is that a user with the same email address must not exist,
   * therefore the email address index for this aggregate is consulted before
   * @param {Object} userdata
   * @param {UserModel} author Can be empty, if user is creating themselves
   * @returns {Promise.<Number>} of the id
  add (userdata, author) {
    const data = {
      email: userdata.email.toString(),
      firstname: userdata.firstname,
      lastname: userdata.lastname,
      password: userdata.password,
      isActive: userdata.isActive
    if (userdata.avatar) {
      data.avatar = userdata.avatar.toString()
    return this.redis.incrAsync(this.alias + ':id')
      .then(id => this.index.addIfNotPresent('email', data.email, `${id}`)
        .then(() => this.persistEvent(new ModelEvent(`${id}`, UserCreatedEvent, data, new Date(), author ? author.meta.id : undefined)))

   * Persist a user event
   * @param {ModelEvent} modelEvent
   * @return {ModelEvent}
  persistEvent (modelEvent) {
    return super.persistEvent(modelEvent)
      .then(() => this.postPersist(modelEvent))
      .then(() => modelEvent)

   * Persist a user event
   * @param {ModelEvent} modelEvent
  postPersist (modelEvent) {
    if (modelEvent.name === UserEmailChangedEvent) {
      return Promise
          this.index.remove('email', modelEvent.data.oldemail, modelEvent.aggregateId),
          this.index.add('email', modelEvent.data.email, modelEvent.aggregateId)
        .then(() => modelEvent)
    return Promise.resolve(modelEvent)