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package irc

import (


Client contains information for our IRC bridge, including the girc Client
and the IRCSettings that were passed into NewClient
type Client struct {
    Settings         *internal.IRCSettings
    TelegramSettings *internal.TelegramSettings
    logger           internal.DebugLogger
    sendToTg         func(string)

NewClient returns a new IRCClient based on the provided settings
func NewClient(settings *internal.IRCSettings, telegramSettings *internal.TelegramSettings, logger internal.DebugLogger) Client {
    logger.LogInfo("Creating new IRC bot client...")
    client := girc.New(girc.Config{
        Server: settings.Server,
        Port:   settings.Port,
        Nick:   settings.BotNick,
        Name:   settings.BotName,
        User:   settings.BotIdent,
        SSL:    settings.UseSSL,

    // Bind an IP address for IRC connection
    if settings.BindAddress != "" {
        client.Config.Bind = settings.BindAddress

    // IRC server authentication
    if settings.ServerPass != "" {
        client.Config.ServerPass = settings.ServerPass

    // NickServ authentication
    if settings.NickServUser != "" && settings.NickServPassword != "" {
        client.Config.SASL = &girc.SASLPlain{
            User: settings.NickServUser,
            Pass: settings.NickServPassword,

    return Client{client, settings, telegramSettings, logger, nil}

StartBot adds necessary handlers to the client and then connects,
returns any errors that occur
func (c Client) StartBot(errChan chan<- error, sendMessage func(string)) {
    c.logger.LogInfo("Starting up IRC bot...")
    c.sendToTg = sendMessage
    // 10 second timeout for connection
    if err := c.ConnectDialer(&net.Dialer{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}); err != nil {
        errChan <- err
    } else {
        errChan <- nil

AddHandler registers the handler function for the given event.
func (c Client) AddHandler(eventType string, cb func(*girc.Client, girc.Event)) {
    c.Handlers.Add(eventType, cb)

ConnectDialer allows you to specify your own custom dialer which implements
the Dialer interface.
func (c Client) ConnectDialer(dialer girc.Dialer) error {
    return c.DialerConnect(dialer)

Message sends a PRIVMSG to target (either channel, service, or user).
func (c Client) Message(channel string, msg string) {
    c.Cmd.Message(channel, msg)

Join attempts to enter a list of IRC channels, at bulk if possible to
prevent sending extensive JOIN commands.
func (c Client) Join(channels ...string) {

JoinKey attempts to enter an IRC channel with a password.
func (c Client) JoinKey(channel string, key string) {
    c.Cmd.JoinKey(channel, key)

Logger returns the DebugLogger to be used for logging
func (c Client) Logger() internal.DebugLogger {
    return c.logger

SendToTg sends a message to Telegram
func (c Client) SendToTg(msg string) {

IRCSettings returns the IRCSettings struct associated with this client
func (c Client) IRCSettings() *internal.IRCSettings {
    return c.Settings

TgSettings returns the TgSettings struct associated with this client
func (c Client) TgSettings() *internal.TelegramSettings {
    return c.TelegramSettings

SendMessage sends a message to the IRC channel specified in the
func (c Client) SendMessage(msg string) {
    c.Message(c.Settings.Channel, msg)

addHandlers adds handlers for the client struct based on the settings
that were passed in to NewClient
func (c Client) addHandlers() {
    for eventType, handler := range getHandlerMapping() {
        c.logger.LogDebug("Adding IRC event handler:", eventType)
        c.AddHandler(eventType, handler(c))

Close disconnects from the IRC channel.  If a quit message
was specified, it gets sent first.
Some servers may not report the QUIT message unless the bot
was in the channel for a minimum amount of time.
func (c Client) Close() {
    if c.IRCSettings().QuitMessage != "" {
    } else {