Index: time/datasource/ChronologyReplacer.ts
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.BaseRevisionTextPatchEP
<+>import { DomReplacement } from \"../DomReplacement\"\nimport { HtmlRR0SsgContext } from \"../../RR0SsgContext\"\nimport { RR0CaseRenderer } from \"../RR0CaseRenderer\"\nimport { CaseMapping } from \"./CaseMapping\"\nimport { CsvMapper } from \"./CsvMapper\"\nimport fs from \"fs\"\nimport path from \"path\"\nimport { StringUtil } from \"../../util/string/StringUtil\"\nimport { RR0CaseSummary } from \"./rr0/RR0CaseSummary\"\nimport { RR0Datasource } from \"./rr0/RR0Datasource\"\nimport { CaseSource } from \"./CaseSource\"\n\nexport interface RR0CaseMapping<S> extends CaseMapping<HtmlRR0SsgContext, S, RR0CaseSummary> {\n}\n\nexport type ChronologyReplacerActions = {\n readonly merge: boolean\n readonly save: boolean\n}\n\nexport class ChronologyReplacer implements DomReplacement<HtmlRR0SsgContext, HTMLUListElement> {\n\n protected readonly done = new Set<string>()\n\n constructor(protected mappings: RR0CaseMapping<any>[], protected renderer: RR0CaseRenderer,\n protected actions: ChronologyReplacerActions, protected rr0Datasource: RR0Datasource) {\n }\n\n async replacement(context: HtmlRR0SsgContext, element: HTMLUListElement): Promise<HTMLUListElement> {\n element.classList.add(\"indexed\")\n // TODO: Merge with existing those items\n if (this.actions.save || this.actions.merge) {\n await this.aggregate(context, element)\n }\n return element\n }\n\n protected async aggregate(context: HtmlRR0SsgContext, element: HTMLUListElement) {\n const existingItems = Array.from(element.children)\n // TODO: Get cases from local RR0, not the remote one\n const existingCases = this.rr0Datasource.getFromRows(context, existingItems)\n const casesToAdd: RR0CaseSummary[] = []\n for (const mapping of this.mappings) {\n const datasource = mapping.datasource\n const datasourceKey = context.inputFile.name + \"$\" + datasource.copyright\n if (!this.done.has(datasourceKey)) {\n const sourceCases = await datasource.fetch(context)\n const fetchTime = new Date()\n if (this.actions.save) {\n this.save(context, sourceCases, fetchTime, datasource)\n }\n if (this.actions.merge) {\n const toAddFromThisSource = this.merge(context, sourceCases, fetchTime, element, mapping, existingCases)\n casesToAdd.concat(toAddFromThisSource)\n }\n this.done.add(datasourceKey)\n }\n }\n if (this.actions.save) {\n this.save(context, existingCases.concat(casesToAdd), new Date(), this.rr0Datasource)\n }\n }\n\n protected merge(\n context: HtmlRR0SsgContext, sourceCases: any[], fetchTime: Date, element: HTMLUListElement,\n mapping: RR0CaseMapping<any>, existingCases: RR0CaseSummary[]\n ): RR0CaseSummary[] {\n const casesToMerge = sourceCases.map(sourceCase => mapping.mapper.map(context, sourceCase, fetchTime))\n const casesToAdd: RR0CaseSummary[] = []\n for (const caseToMerge of casesToMerge) {\n const foundExisting = existingCases\n .filter(existingCase => existingCase.time.equals(caseToMerge.time))\n .filter(existingCase => existingCase.place?.name === caseToMerge.place?.name)\n if (foundExisting?.length > 0) {\n context.logger.debug(\"Merging \", caseToMerge, \" into \", foundExisting)\n } else {\n casesToAdd.push(caseToMerge)\n }\n }\n const items = casesToAdd.map(c => this.renderer.render(context, c))\n for (const item of items) {\n element.append(item)\n }\n return casesToAdd\n }\n\n protected save(context: HtmlRR0SsgContext, sourceCases: any[], fetchTime: Date, datasource: CaseSource<any>) {\n const csvContents = new CsvMapper().reduce(context, sourceCases, fetchTime)\n const specialChars = /[ \\-?!&*#.:\\/\\\\;=°',]/g\n const authorsStr = datasource.authors.map(\n author => StringUtil.removeAccents(author).replace(specialChars, \"\")).join(\"-\")\n const fileName = path.join(path.dirname(context.inputFile.name),\n authorsStr + \"_\" + StringUtil.removeAccents(datasource.copyright).replace(specialChars, \"\") + \".csv\")\n fs.writeFileSync(fileName, csvContents, {encoding: \"utf-8\"})\n }\n}\n
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/time/datasource/ChronologyReplacer.ts b/time/datasource/ChronologyReplacer.ts
--- a/time/datasource/ChronologyReplacer.ts (revision 86e6546d13284bc41ba9786be65ebc8869f84876)
+++ b/time/datasource/ChronologyReplacer.ts (date 1711011370521)
@@ -56,6 +56,13 @@
+ if (this.actions.merge) {
+ const allCases = existingCases.concat(casesToAdd)
+ const items = allCases.map(c => this.renderer.render(context, c))
+ for (const item of items) {
+ element.append(item)
+ }
+ }
if (this.actions.save) {
this.save(context, existingCases.concat(casesToAdd), new Date(), this.rr0Datasource)
@@ -68,19 +75,14 @@
const casesToMerge = sourceCases.map(sourceCase => mapping.mapper.map(context, sourceCase, fetchTime))
const casesToAdd: RR0CaseSummary[] = []
for (const caseToMerge of casesToMerge) {
- const foundExisting = existingCases
- .filter(existingCase => existingCase.time.equals(caseToMerge.time))
- .filter(existingCase => existingCase.place?.name === caseToMerge.place?.name)
- if (foundExisting?.length > 0) {
+ const foundExisting = existingCases.find(existingCase => existingCase.time.equals(caseToMerge.time)
+ && existingCase.place?.name === caseToMerge.place?.name)
+ if (foundExisting) {
context.logger.debug("Merging ", caseToMerge, " into ", foundExisting)
} else {
- const items = casesToAdd.map(c => this.renderer.render(context, c))
- for (const item of items) {
- element.append(item)
- }
return casesToAdd
Index: time/datasource/HttpSource.ts
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.BaseRevisionTextPatchEP
<+>export class MimeType {\n static readonly csv: string = \"text/csv\"\n static readonly json: string = \"application/json\"\n static readonly txt: string = \"text/plain\"\n static readonly xls: string = \"application/vnd.ms-excel\"\n}\n\n/**\n * A source for cases that can be fetched online.\n */\nexport class HttpSource {\n\n constructor(\n protected userAgents = [\n \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36\",\n \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36\",\n \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.157 Safari/537.36\",\n \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36\",\n \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.45 Safari/537.36\",\n \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36\"\n ]\n ) {\n }\n\n static findParam(str: string, separator: string, param: string): string {\n const params = str.split(separator).map(s => {\n let t = s.trim()\n const q = t.indexOf(\"?\")\n if (q) {\n t = t.substring(q + 1)\n }\n return t\n })\n const key = param + \"=\"\n const foundParam = params.find(p => p.startsWith(key))\n return foundParam.substring(key.length)\n }\n\n randomUA() {\n const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.userAgents.length)\n return this.userAgents[randomNumber]\n }\n\n async fetch<T>(url: string, init: RequestInit = {}): Promise<T> {\n init.headers = Object.assign({\"User-Agent\": this.randomUA()}, init.headers)\n const response = await fetch(url, init)\n if (response.ok) {\n const accept = init.headers[\"accept\"]\n if (accept) {\n const buffer = await response.arrayBuffer()\n const charset = HttpSource.findParam(accept, \";\", \"charset\")\n const decoder = new TextDecoder(charset)\n return decoder.decode(buffer) as T\n } else {\n switch (response.headers.get(\"content-type\")) {\n case MimeType.json:\n return await response.json()\n case MimeType.xls:\n return await response.arrayBuffer() as T\n default:\n return await response.text() as T\n }\n }\n } else {\n throw Error(response.statusText)\n }\n }\n\n async submitForm<T>(url: string, obj: object, headers = {}): Promise<T> {\n const formData = new FormData()\n Object.entries(obj).forEach(entry => formData.append(entry[0], encodeURIComponent(entry[1])))\n const init: RequestInit = {method: \"POST\", headers, body: formData}\n return await this.fetch(url, init)\n }\n}\n
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/time/datasource/HttpSource.ts b/time/datasource/HttpSource.ts
--- a/time/datasource/HttpSource.ts (revision 86e6546d13284bc41ba9786be65ebc8869f84876)
+++ b/time/datasource/HttpSource.ts (date 1711013155381)
@@ -43,8 +43,10 @@
async fetch<T>(url: string, init: RequestInit = {}): Promise<T> {
init.headers = Object.assign({"User-Agent": this.randomUA()}, init.headers)
+ console.debug("Fetching", url, "with", init)
const response = await fetch(url, init)
if (response.ok) {
+ console.debug("Got response")
const accept = init.headers["accept"]
if (accept) {
const buffer = await response.arrayBuffer()