

1 day
Test Coverage
 * Created by alammar on 12/23/16.

// Zip it like python -
function zip(arrays) {
  return arrays[0].map(function (_, i) {
    return (array) {
      return array[i]

// Makes an element be drawn on top of other elements
d3.selection.prototype.moveUp = function () {
  return this.each(function () {

// Add commas to a big number fo readibility
function numberWithCommas(x) {
  return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, " ");

// Calculate standard deviation of an array
// Needed for feature normalization
function standardDeviation(values) {
  var avg = average(values);
  var squareDiffs = (value) {
    var diff = value - avg
    var sqrDiff = diff * diff
    return sqrDiff
  var avgSquareDiff = average(squareDiffs);
  var stdDev = Math.sqrt(avgSquareDiff);
  return stdDev;

function average(data) {
  var sum = data.reduce(function (sum, value) {
    return sum + value;
  }, 0);
  var avg = sum / data.length;
  return avg;

// From
// Converts from degrees to radians.
Math.radians = function (degrees) {
  return degrees * Math.PI / 180;

// Converts from radians to degrees.
Math.degrees = function (radians) {
  return radians * 180 / Math.PI;

roundPrecision = function (number, precision) {
  precision = Math.floor(precision);
  var factor = Math.pow(10, precision);
  var tempNumber = number * factor;
  var roundedTempNumber = Math.round(tempNumber);
  return roundedTempNumber / factor;

softmax = function (input) {

  if (!(input instanceof Array))
    throw(TypeError("Input passed into softmax() is not an array. softmax() expects an array. Input: " + input, "nnVizUtils.js"));

  var output = [], expSum = 0;

  // Calculate the sum of exp's
  for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
    if (!(typeof (input[i]) == "number")) {
      throw(TypeError("An element in the array passed to softmax() is not a number. softmax() expects an array of numbers. Input: " + input[i], "nnVizUtils.js"));
    expSum = expSum + Math.exp(input[i]);

  for (var j = 0; j < input.length; j++)
    output[j] = Math.exp(input[j]) / expSum;

  return output;

numberFormatter = function (value, digit_limit) {

  // default to 4 digits if not set
  digit_limit = digit_limit || 4;

  //If abs(value) has more than 6 digits, we'll show it as exp
  digits = Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(value)) + 1);

  // Deals with numbers above 99999 and below -99999
  if (digits > digit_limit) {
    return value.toExponential(1);

  // Deals with abs(numbers) between 99999 and 1
  if ((value > 1) || (value < -1)) {
    return roundPrecision(value, digit_limit - digits);

  //Deals with decimals with less than digit_limit significant digits
  if (digits > -digit_limit) {
    return roundPrecision(value, digit_limit);

  if (value == 0)
    return 0;
  return value.toExponential(1);
