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<title>Grady Booch</title>
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<p>Booch naît <time>1955-02-27</time>. Il reçoit son BS en ingéniérie de l'Ecole de l'<a
  href="/org/us/dod/af">USAF</a> <time>
  1977</time> puis son MSEE de l'Université de Californie à Santa Barbara <time>1979</time>.</p>
<p><time>1980</time>, lors de la fondation de Rational Software, il entre comme que directeur scientifique. Il y
  contribue à la fondation d'UML ainsi qu'au développement de produits Rational tels que Rose. Il fonde la méthode <abbr
    title="Object-Oriented Analysis and Design">OOAD</abbr>.</p>
<p>Booch est membre de l'<abbr title="Association for Computing Machinery">ACM</abbr>, l'<abbr title="Institute of
  Electrical and Electronics Engineers">IEEE</abbr>, l'<a href="/org/us/asso/AAAS.html">AAAS</a>, et <abbr title="Computer
  Professionals for Social Responsibility">CPSR</abbr>.</p>
<p>Auteur de :</p>
  <li>UP 1999</li>
  <li>Developing Applications with Visual Basic and UML (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series) par Paul R. Reed, Jr.
    (Préfaces de Francesco Balena et Grady Booch)</li>
  <li>Visual Modeling with Rational Rose 2000 and UML (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series) by Terry Quatrani, Grady
    Booch (Contributor)</li>
  <li>Best of Booch: Designing Strategies for Object Technology avec Ed Eykholt (Ed.)</li>
  <li>The Complete UML Training Course avec James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson</li>
  <li>The Complete UML Training Course, Student Edition avec James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson</li>
  <li>Object Solutions: Managing the Object-Oriented Project (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)Object-</li>
  <li>Oriented Analysis and Design with ApplicationsUnified Objects: Object-Oriented Programming Using C++by Babak Sadr,
    Foreword by Grady Booch Software components with Ada: Structures, Tools, and Subsystems</li>
  <li>Software Engineering with Ada</li>
  <li>The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series) avec James Rumbaugh, Ivar
  <li>The Unified Software Development Process avec <span class="people">Ivar Jacobson</span>, <span class="people">James Rumbaugh</span>
  <li>The Unified Modeling Language User Guide avec <span class="people">Ivar Jacobson</span>, <span class="people">James Rumbaugh</span>
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