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<title>Dan Throop Smith, Jr.</title>
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<figure class="left side">
  <figcaption>Smith <span class="source">"<a
      href="">About Dan T. Smith</a>", StarPod US, 2011-06</span>
  <img alt="Dan Smith" src="portrait.jpg"/>
<p>Fils de Dan Throop Smith (1907-1982, conseiller en fiscalité du Département du Trésor sous <span class="people">
  Dwight D. Eisenhower</span>) <span class="source">Sullivan, Ronald: "<a
    href="">Dan T. Smith Dies; Tax
  Policy Expert</a>", The NewYork Times, 1982-06-02</span>.</p>
<p>Dans les années 1980s Smith commence à s'intéresser à ce que saurait le gouvernement US sur les phénomènes
  paranormaux. Dans les années 1990 il rejoint Rosemary Ellen Guily (célèbre paranormaliste) dans une enquête sur les <a
      href="/science/crypto/ufo/enquete/dossier/CropCircle/index.html">cercles de cultures</a>.</p>
<p>Shortly after Smith began looking into government complicity in a cover-up of an eschatological phenomena problem, he
  was introduced to a CIA analyst named <span class="people">Ron Pandolfi</span>.</p>
<p>Smith and <span class="people">Ron Pandolfi</span> have been friends ever since, and Smith often blogs about the
  latest gossip passed on to him by <span class="people">Pandolfi</span>.</p>
<p>Smith has shared numerous communications with Pandolfi and some of his associates, like Dr. <span class="people">Kit Green</span>,
  another former CIA analyst.</p>
<p><time>2006</time>, <span class="people">Pandolfi</span> shared Green’s communications with Smith, to facilitate
  spreading the information to investigators.</p>
<span class="source">Ryan: "<a
    href="">Dan Smith – Who’s
  That?</a>", Top Secret Writers, 2009-04-26</span>.
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