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<title>Psychologie de la perception en ufologie</title>
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<p><strong>Références </strong>:</p>
<li><span class="people">Shepard, Roger N.</span>: <em><a href="/time/1/9/6/8/07/29/Symposium/Shepard">Some
psychologically oriented techniques for the scientific investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena</a></em> (<a
href="/time/1/9/6/8/07/29/Symposium">Symposium sur les Objets Volants Non Identifiés</a>, Auditions devant Comité
sur la Science et l'Astronautique, Chambre des Réprésentants U.S, 9ème Congrès, 2nde Session, 29 Juillet 1968)
<li><span class="people">Shepard, Roger N.</span>: <em>Recontruction of witnesses experiences of anomalous
phenomena</em> - version étendue de l'article de 1968.
<li><span class="people">Shepard, Roger N.</span>: <em>Mental images and their Transformations</em> (MIT Press 1982)
<li><span class="people">Haines, Richard F.</span>: <em>UFO Phenomena and the behavioral scientist</em>, Scarecrow
Press, Metuchen, New Jersey, 1979 — Ouvrage collectif dirigé par Haines, regroupant diverses dissertations
liées à l'aspect psychologique du sujet.
<li><span class="people">Haines, Richard F.</span>: <em>Observing UFOs : an investigative handbook</em>, Nelson-Hall
Publishers, Chicago 1980, ISBN 0-88229-725-2
<li><span class="people">Shepard, Roger N.</span>: <em>Mind sights </em>- <em>Original visual illusions, ambiguities,
and other anomalies with a commentary on the play of mind in perception and art</em> (W.H. Freeman and Co., 1990)
<li><span class="people">Shepard, Roger N.</span>: <em>Mind and world</em>, conférence à Harvard (1994)</li>
<li><span class="people">Jimenez, Manuel</span>: <em>La psychologie de la perception</em>, Dominos n° 129, Flammarion,
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