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<head><title>Condon Report Index, Frames Version</title></head>

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    <a id="top">I N D E X</a>

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      <td><strong> Browse the index, or click left frame for alpha sections. </strong></td>

<strong><i> NOTES FROM NCAS EDITORS: </i></strong>

<i> </i>
    <i>The term "passim" after a range of pages means "scattered"; that is, the indexed item is referred to in a number
      of places in the page range, with gaps of various extent between successive references.

    <i>The large number of entries under "Radar" and "Sightings", and the possibility of confusion due to multiple
      indent levels of sub-entries, led us to create separate sections for those topics. They appear at the appropriate
      alphabetic locations. </i></li></ol>


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    Abelson, P.H.: on life proteins, 40

  <dt><br> Acoustical sensing device: proposal for, 1264

  <dt><br> Adams, Col.W.A.: on Case 49, 643

  <dt><br> Adamski, George: attitudes toward, 894-898
  <dd><i>See also</i> Leslie, Desmond

  <dt><br> Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book
  <dd><i>see</i> O'Brien Committee

  <dt><br> Adults: opinion survey of, 325, 332-337, 348-351, 354-355, 356, 358

  <dt><br> Aerial Phenomena Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 1239.
  <dd><i>See also</i> Project Blue Book

  <dt><br> Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Tucson, Ariz, 19, 33, 85, 122, 860
  <dd>field teams, 23
  <dd>file of UFO reports, 31
  <dd>founded, 893
  <dd>source of data, 110

  <dt><br> Aerosol particles: light scattering by, 1047-1052

  <dt><br> AFOSR <i>see</i> Air Force Office of Scientific Research

  <dt><br> Afterimage, 39-40
  <dd>effect on sensation, 936-937

  <dt><br> Age: as factor in opinion, 61, 355-361

  <dt><br> Agena, 276, 739, Plate 20
  <dd>re-entry of fragments (Case 11), 428, 430, 431
  <dd>rendezvous with spacecraft, 300
  <dd>sun-illuminated, 300, 302
  <dd><i>See also</i> Spacecraft, observations from, Agena

  <dt><br> Airborne debris: as probable explanation, 116

  <dt><br> Aircraft: as probable explanation, 75-77, 105, 183-184, 193, 196, 213, 245, 253
  <dd>418 (Case 9),
  <dd>494-497 (Case 23),
  <dd>508-5l0 (Case 27),
  <dd>575-580 (Case 38),
  <dd>599 (Case 43),
  <dd>733 (Case 59),
  <dd>857-858, 1193
  <dd>characteristics of, 1259-1262
  <dd>night refueling of, 22-28, 95, 97-100, 511, 516-517 (Case 28)
  <dd>radar detection of, 1073, 1078-1081
  <dd>struck by ball lightning, 1169-1170, 1172, 1173-1174

  <dt><br> Aircraft, subsonic: pressure disturbance by, 1147, 1153

  <dt><br> Aircraft , supersonic: design modifications of, 1152
  <dd>pressure disturbance by, 1148, 1153

  <dt><br> Air Defense Command <i>see</i> North American Air Defense Command

  <dt><br> Air Force: attitudes of individuals in, 845
  <dd>cooperation of, 103
  <dd>information given by, 94-99, l00-103
  <dd>in Great Falls, Mont.case, 75-78
  <dd>quoted on Dexter, and Hillsdale, Mich. cases, 899-902
  <dd>types of reports investigated, 105

  <dt><br> Air Force, <i>Aids to Identification of Flying Objects</i>, 14
  <dt><br> Air Force bases: UFO officer on, 30-31

  <dt><br> Air Force Letter 200-5, Apr.1952:
  <dd>procedures for Project Blue Book , 884

  <dt><br> Air Force major case, Tex., 79

  <dt><br> Air Force, Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), 11-12, 913-918 <i>passim</i>
  <dd>initiated Colorado project, vii, ix

  <dt><br> Air Force Project Blue Book <i>see</i> Project Blue Book

  <dt><br> Air Force Project Grudge <i>see</i> Project Grudge

  <dt><br> Air Force Project Sign <i>see</i> Project Sign

  <dt><br> Air Force Psychological Warfare Division <i>see</i> Psychological Warfare Division

  <dt><br> Air Force Regulation 80-17 Sept. 1966, 913
  <dd>procedure for reports, 11
  <dd>quoted on report comments, 884, 886
  <dd>quoted on release of information, 886-887
  <dd>regulations for reporting, 30-31, 33

  <dt><br> Air Force Regulation 80-17A Nov. 1966, 884

  <dt><br> Air Force Regulation 200-2, Aug., 1953
  <dd>quoted on procedures for Project Blue Book, 884-885

  <dt><br> Air Force Regulation JANAP-146
  <dd><i>see</i> Joint Army Navy Air Publication 146

  <dt><br> Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Ad Hoc Committee <i>see</i> O'Brien committee

  <dt><br> Air Force Systems Command, 11

  <dt><br> Airglow, 739, Plate 14, 20
  <dd>observed from spacecraft, 289-292

  <dt><br> Airglow photometer <i>see</i> Photometer, air glow

  <dt><br> "Airship effect": influence of, 952-963 <i>passim</i>

  <dt><br> Air Technical Intelligence Center, Dayton, Ohio, 844-9l8 <i>passim</i>

  <dt><br> Aldrin, Edwin E.Jr.: observations by, 306

  <dt><br> Alertness <i>see</i> Sensation, alertness as factor of

  <dt><br> Allen, R.J., 58

  <dt><br> Allen, W. Gordon, <i>Space Craft from Beyond Three Dimensions:</i> on saucer crewmen, 128, 893-894

  <dt><br> All-sky camera: 1215-1219
  <dd>as source of data, 111
  <dd>at Harrisburg, Penn., 65
  <dd>information from, 1249
  <dd>use of in Case 27, 508-510

  <dt><br> Altair, star: as probable explanation, 261

  <dt><br> Aluminum "chaff": as probable explanation, l33, 136, 388 (Case 3)

  <dt><br> Alvarez, Luis, 867-868

  <dt><br> American Airlines: Flight 387, 710-714 (Case 55), 742, Plate 58

    pilot, 245

  <dt><br> American Institute of Public Opinion <i>see</i> Gallup Poll

  <dt><br> Ampleforth Abbey sighting 1290 A.D., 828-829

  <dt><br> Ancient sightings <i>see</i> Sightings, ancient

  <dt><br> Andrews Air Force Base: quoted on sightings, 227-236

  <dt><br> "Angel hair", 131-132

  <dt><br> Angels: causes of, 1249
  <dd>radar detection of, 1073, 1088, 1091, 1099, 1113, 1114
  <dd><i>See also</i> Dot angels; Ring angels

  <dt><br> Anomalous propagation (AP) <i>see</i> Light waves , anomalous propagation; Radar, anomalous propagation

  <dt><br> Antarctic expedition events 1965, 148-150

  <dt><br> Antimatter, 1188-1190

  <dt><br> Apollo program, 300

  <dt><br> APRO <i>see</i> Aerial Phenomena Research Organization

  <dt><br> Archer, E. James, 915

  <dt><br> Arcturus, star: as probable explanation, 199, 441 (Case 14)

  <dt><br> Arizona, University of <i>see</i> University of Arizona

  <dt><br> Arkansas farm case Nov. 1967, 137

  <dt><br> Arnold, Kenneth: report on flying saucers June 1947, 16, 844, 855
  <dd><i>The Flying Saucer as I Saw It</i>, 856

  <dt><br> Artifacts: in orbit, 294-300
  <dd>re-entries of, 295, 298
  <dd>relation to cases, 137, 138
  <dd>sightings of, 283

  <dt><br> Artificial satellites <i>see</i> Satellites, artificial

  <dt><br> Artsimovich, L.A.: quoted on sightings, 925

  <dt><br> Asteroidal fragments: as probable explanation, 947

  <dt><br> Astronauts: log of manned flights, 270
  <dd>observations by, 58-59, 268-312
  <dd>time in orbit, 269, 270
  <dd>visual acuity of, 288-289, 293
  <dd><i>See also</i> Spacecraft, observations from

  <dt><br> Astronomers: attitude of, 864-866

  <dt><br> Astronomical objects: as probable explanation , 851

  <dt><br> Astronomical refraction <i>see</i> Refraction, astronomical

  <dt><br> Astronomical shimmer <i>see</i> Shimmer, astronomical

  <dt><br> Atkinson, Ivan C.: quoted on Colorado Study, vii, viii

  <dt><br> Atmosphere: clear-air turbulence of, 1115
  <dd>density of, 277, 279
  <dd>during sightings, 173-261 <i>passim</i>
  <dd>effect on refraction of radio waves, 1104-1110
  <dd>electric fields in, 1161-1162
  <dd>electricity in <i>see</i> Atmospheric electricity
  <dd>humidity gradients in, 173-174
  <dd>molecular weight of, 278, 279
  <dd>refractivity gradients of, 1102-1111, 1116
  <dd>refractive index of <i>see</i> Light waves, refractive index; Radio waves,
  <dd>refractive index
  <dd>surface ducts, 1109
  <dd>temperature gradients of, 173-174
  <dd>types for refraction of radio waves, 1105, 1106, 1109

  <dt><br> Atmosphere, lower: ionization of, 1159-1160

  <dt><br> Atmospheric electricity, 1156-1194
  <dd>fair weather, sea level average, 1160-1162
  <dd>measuring device, 1264

  <dt><br> Atmospheric interferences <i>see</i> Sferics

  <dt><br> Atmospheric layers, 1114-1117
  <dd>partial reflections from, 1007-1010

  <dt><br> Atmospheric optics <i>see</i> Optics, atmospheric

  <dt><br> Atom bomb simulation: as probable explanation, 655-665 (Case 50)

  <dt><br> Attitude survey, 315-362

  <dt><br> Attitudes Study <i>see</i> Colorado Study of Public attitudes 1968

  <dt><br> Aurora, 113
  <dd>observed from spacecraft, 292
  <dd>radar detection of, 1093, 1095-1096
  <dd>relation to solar flares, 1159

  <dt><br> Auroral arch, 739, Plate 16

  <dt><br> Auroral camera <i>see</i> All-sky camera

  <dt><br> Auroral zone, Plate 15

  <dt><br> Australia, Director of Air Force Intelligence: study program, 926

  <dt><br> Autokinesis, 49
  <dd>effect on sensation, 938

  <dt><br> Automatic sensors: recommendations for, 1266

  <dt><br> Automobile: as probable explanation, 589-593 (Case 40)

  <dt><br> Automobile malfunctions: due to magnetic effects, 53-54, 151-161, 171-172, 582-588 (Case 39), 1192

  <dt><br> Avalanche process, 1163, 1172 defined, 1158

  <dt><br> Ayer, Frederick: quoted on Prairie Network records, 66

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    B-47 crew case Sept. 1957, 80-83, 397-403 (Case 5)

  <dt><br> Bagachev, U., 924

  <dt><br> Baker, R. M. L., 74, 76
  <dd>on Case 47, 631-633, 635
  <dd>on Case 49, 643-651 <i>passim</i>
  <dd>source of data, 110
  <dd>source of information in Case 51, 667

  <dt><br> Bailey, J.O., <i>Pilgrims through Space and Time -- Trends and Patterns in Scientific and Utopian Fiction</i>,

  <dt><br> Baker-Nunn camera: sky coverage by, 1265

  <dt><br> Ball lightning: as possible explanation 1191-1192
  <dd>electric fields of, 1156, 1164-1172, 1173-1194 <i>passim</i>
  <dd>hypotheses for, 1168
  <dd>radar detection of, 1095

  <dt><br> Balloons: "Cutting down," 1207-1208
  <dd>flight profiles of, 1205-1213
  <dd>hot-air: as probable explanation, 90-91, 105, 458 (Case 18), 509 (Case 27), 605-606 (Case 45), 1219
  <dd>lighted, 1210
  <dd>neoprene, 1205-1213
  <dd>radiosonde: as probable explanation, 149
  <dd>"skyhook": as probable explanation, 848
  <dd>super-pressure, 1205-1213
  <dd>weather <i>see</i> Weather balloons

  <dt><br> Barra Da Tijuca, Brazil case May 1952, 121-122, 637-640, 739, 740, Plate 28, 29, 30

  <dt><br> Bates, William H.: quoted at hearing on UFO problems, 911

  <dt><br> Battan, Louis J., <i>Radar Meteorology</i>: quoted on refraction, 551-552 (Case 35)

  <dt><br> Beaman, D.R., 143 quoted on analysis of Case 4, 395

  <dt><br> Beaver case, 741, Plate 48-51

  <dt><br> Beckmann, Fred: evaluation of Case 57, 727

  <dt><br> Berkner, Lloyd, 868

  <dt><br> Betelgeuse, star: as probable explanation, 199-200

  <dt><br> Beverly, Mass.c case 1966, 104

  <dt><br> Bible: as literature of sightings, 823-824
  <dd><i>Book of Ezekiel</i> quoted, 836-838

  <dt><br> Birds: as probable explanation, 551, 557-558 (Case 35), 641, 645-653 (Case 49)
  <dd>radar detection of, 1073, 1081-1091, 1249-1251

  <dt><br> Bismarck, N.D.case Aug.1953, 196-203

  <dt><br> Blackmer, Roy H., 58

  <dt><br> Blackhawk, case Aug. 1953, 196-203

  <dt><br> Blades, Jehu, 148

  <dt><br> Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna, <i>Stanzas of Dzyan; The Secret Doctrine</i>: quoted, 833-835

  <dt><br> Blue Book Project <i>see</i> Project Blue Book

  <dt><br> BOAC Boeing Strato cruiser case, 207-210

  <dt><br> Boeing Airplane Company: in Case 52, 687

  <dt><br> Bogie: in Case 21, 476-482 observed from spacecraft, 307, 309-311

  <dt><br> Bolides: as probable explanation, 947, 954, 960
  <dd>electric fields of, 1185-1190

  <dt><br> Bolling Air Force Base, 234

  <dt><br> <i>Book of Dzyan</i> <i>see</i> Dzyan, Book of

  <dt><br> <i>Book of Ezekiel</i> <i>see</i> Bible, Book of Ezekiel

  <dt><br> Books: on ancient sightings, 821-841
  <dd>on cases, (1950), 856-857
  <dd>on cases, (1954-55), 847

  <dt><br> Boom, sonic <i>see</i> Sonic boom

  <dt><br> Boosters <i>see</i> Rocket boosters

  <dt><br> Borden, R. C., and T. K. Vickers: quoted on sightings, 234-235

  <dt><br> Borman, Frank: observations by, 302, 307, 309-311

  <dt><br> Boulder, Colorado case April 1967, 91

  <dt><br> Boyd, L. G. and D. H. Menzel: on Case 49, 647

  <dt><br> Braniff Airlines pilot case May 1966, 163

  <dt><br> Brazil case Oct. 1957; described in Lorenzen book, 880-882
  <dd><i>See also</i> Barra da Tijuca, Brazil case

  <dt><br> Brazilian Air Force: analysis of photos, Case 48, 638

  <dt><br> Bright objects, unidentified <i>see</i> Unidentified bright objects

  <dt><br> Brightness: of optical source, 1047-1052, 1055, 1056
  <dd><i>See also</i> Scintillation

  <dt><br> Brimstone odors: in tornadoes 1176, 1177, 1186

  <dt><br> Brown, Frank: in Maury Island incident, 846-847

  <dt><br> Brown, Harold, Sec. of the Air Force: quoted on O'Brien Committee report and at hearing on UFO problems,

  <dt><br> Bruner, Elmo: analysis of Case 40, 593

  <dt><br> Bryant, Larry W.: on future research, 1269

  <dt><br> Bureau of Internal Revenue <i>see</i> U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue

  <dt><br> Busemann, Adolph, 1154

  <dt><br> Busk, R. S., 140, 143
  <dd>analysis of Case 4, 392-393

  <dt><br> Byland Abbey sighting 1290 A. D., 828-831

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    Cabell, C.P., Maj. Gen. USAF: re-activation of Project Grudge, 857

  <dt><br> Calgary case, 116

  <dt><br> Camarillo, Calif. case Dec. 1967, 116, 729-736 (Case 58)

  <dt><br> Camera: all-sky <i>see</i> All-sky camera

  <dd>Baker-Nunn <i>see</i> Baker-Nunn camera
  <dd>Super-Schmidt <i>see</i> Super-Schmidt camera
  <dd>television, modifications, 1253

  <dt><br> Cameron, A. G. W., ed. <i>Interstellar Communication</i>: discussion of ILE, 37

  <dt><br> Camrose, Alberta: ring imprints in, 129, 130

  <dt><br> Canada, Air Force <i>see</i> Royal Canadian Air Force

  <dt><br> Canada, Dept. of National Defence, Case 57 reported to, 722, 723

  <dt><br> Canada, Defence Research Board study program, 921-922

  <dt><br> Canada, Mounted Police <i>see</i> Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  <dt><br> Canada: study programs in, 921-922

  <dt><br> Canadian Arsenals Research and Development Establishment, 136

  <dt><br> Canadian Naval Maritime Command, 538-540

  <dt><br> Canadian network: for meteor recovery, 1223

  <dt><br> Canadian - United States Communications: <i>Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings</i>, 887-

  <dt><br> Canal Zone case Nov. 1952, 253, 255-258

  <dt><br> Cantril, H.: quoted on "Invasion from Mars," 980-981

  <dt><br> Cape Ann, Mass. case, 88

  <dt><br> Cape Kennedy: direction of satellites from, 1262

  <dt><br> Capella, star: as probable explanation, 187, 199, 418, 420, 421 (Case 9)

  <dt><br> Capital Airlines pilot case: Ala. Nov. 1956; Va.Aug. 1957, 189-192

  <dt><br> Caravan Surveys <i>see</i> Opinion Research Corporation

  <dt><br> Cardinal point effect <i>see</i> Radar: Cardinal point effect

  <dt><br> Carolina Power &amp; Light Company outage May 1967, 162

  <dt><br> Carpenter, M. Scott: observations by, 290
  <dd>quoted on Glenn effect, 304

  <dt><br> Carswell Air Force Base, Tex. case Feb. 1953, 184-185

  <dt><br> Carter, F.: member O'Brien Committee, 904

  <dt><br> "Case of the Lubbock Lights," 860

  <dt><br> Cases: for case reports <i>see</i> 364-736

  <dt><br> Cases: references to, throughout:
  <dd>Case 2, 245-246, 265;
  <dd>Case 4, 143;
  <dd>Case 5, 80-83, 203-207, 265;
  <dd>Case 6, 89, 104;
  <dd>Case 7, 89;
  <dd>Case 1O, 87-88;
  <dd>Case 11, 276;
  <dd>Case 12, 153-154;
  <dd>Case 15, 93;
  <dd>Case 16, 224;
  <dd>Case 18, 91;
  <dd>Case 19, 160;
  <dd>Case 20, 86;
  <dd>Case 21, 104, 258-259, 265;
  <dd>Case 22, 129, 130;
  <dd>Case 23, 90;
  <dd>Case 25, 65, 129;
  <dd>Case 26, 92;
  <dd>Case 27, 32;
  <dd>Case 27, 86, 1218;
  <dd>Case 28, 94;
  <dd>Case 29, 88;
  <dd>Case 30, 100-1O1;
  <dd>Case 32, 130;
  <dd>Case 33, 87;
  <dd>Case 34, 952;
  <dd>Case 35, 259-261, 449;
  <dd>Case 35, 449;
  <dd>Case 37, 93, 452;
  <dd>Case 38, 87, 129, 130;
  <dd>Case 39, 88, 160;
  <dd>Case 42, 87, 130, 137-138;
  <dd>Case 45, 91;
  <dd>Case 46, 112, 113, 727;
  <dd>Case 47, 74;
  <dd>Case 48, 121-122;
  <dd>Case 50, 78, 122;
  <dd>Case 51, 111, 124-125;
  <dd>Case 52, 112, 115, 123-124;
  <dd>Case 53, 112, 115, 122;
  <dd>Case 55, 114;
  <dd>Case 56, 116;
  <dd>Case 57, 116, 122-123;
  <dd>Case 15-B, 196-203;
  <dd>Case 19-B, 240-241;
  <dd>Case 76-B, 245;
  <dd>Case 93-B, 241-245, 264;
  <dd>Case 1O1-B, 253, 255-258;
  <dd>Case 103-B, 220-223;
  <dd>Case 104-B, 188-189;
  <dd>Case 113-B; 181-182;
  <dd>Case 115-B, 184-185;
  <dd>Case 156-B, 247, 250-253;
  <dd>Case 237-B, 184, 186-188;
  <dd>Case 304-B, 210-212;
  <dd>Case 321-B, 219;
  <dd>Case 1065-B, 192, 193;
  <dd>Case 1207-B, 196;
  <dd>Case 1211-B, 219-220;
  <dd>Case 1212-B, 183-184;
  <dd>Case 1306-B, 182-183;
  <dd>Case 1321-B, 178-181;
  <dd>Case 1323-B, 193-194;
  <dd>Case 7-C, 223-224;
  <dd>Case 14-N, 189-192;
  <dd>Case 190-N, 224-227, 265;
  <dd>Case 1206-N, 194, 196;
  <dd>Case 1482-N, 213-214, 265;
  <dd>Case 1257-P, 148-149;
  <dd>Case 1326-P, 135-136;
  <dd>Case 1406-P, 131, 132;
  <dd>Case 1074-T, 131, 132;
  <dd>Case 10-X, 214-219;
  <dd>Case 19-X, 211, 213

  <dt><br> Cases: classification of, 175-176
  <dd>field investigation of, 22, 73-106
  <dd>radar, AP-like, 219-240
  <dd>radar, blip-like, 240- 261
  <dd>visual, 207-219
  <dd>blurry light or glow, 196-207
  <dd>meteor-like, 193-196
  <dd>star-like, 178-193

  <dt><br> Cases, "classic": discrepancies in reports of, 74-78
  <dd>investigation of, 73-78

  <dt><br> Cases, current: types studied, 87-101
  <dd>field studies of, 83-84

  <dt><br> Cases, photographic <i>see</i> Photographs

  <dt><br> Caswell, Ronald, 894

  <dt><br> Castle Air Force Base, 96-100

  <dt><br> Castle Rock, Colo. case Jan. 1968, 91

  <dt><br> Causes, probable: summarized, 261-266

  <dt><br> Celestial globe, Chinese <i>see</i> Chinese celestial globe

  <dt><br> Censorship, 908
  <dd>of reports , 886-890

  <dt><br> Central Intelligence Agency, 21
  <dd>creates Robertson panel, 866

  <dt><br> Central Meteorological Observatory, Tokyo: observation of fireball, 1181

  <dt><br> "Chaff": radar detection of, 1073, 1098-1099
  <dd><i>See also</i> Aluminum "chaff"; Radar "chaff"

  <dt><br> Chant, C.A.: on fireball of Feb.1913, 960-961

  <dt><br> Charleston, S.C. case, Jan. 1967, 192-193

  <dt><br> Charleston, W.Va. case, May 1966, 245

  <dt><br> Chiles, Clarence S.: pilot in Eastern Airlines case, 848

  <dt><br> Chiles-Whitted case 1948, 962-963

  <dt><br> Chinese celestial globe, 816

  <dt><br> Chop, Al: on Case 49, 645

  <dt><br> Chumley, A.X., translator: on Byland Abbey sighting, 828-829

  <dt><br> CIRVIS reports: security for, 888-889

  <dt><br> Clarion, hypothetical planet, 42-44

  <dt><br> Classic cases <i>see</i> Cases, classic

  <dt><br> Classification of reports <i>see</i> Reports, classified

  <dt><br> Cleto, Fenando: on Case 48, 637

  <dt><br> Clifford, William Kingdon, <i>Aims and Instruments of Scientific Thought</i>: quoted, 4

  <dt><br> Clinton, J.W.: on Washington, D.C. case, 135

  <dt><br> Clouds: as probable explanation, 122
  <dd>electric discharges from, 1156, 1162-1165, 1168-1182 <i>passim</i>
  <dd>in photographs , 113

  <dt><br> Clouds, lenticular, 738, Plate 1

  <dt><br> Clouds, luminescent <i>see</i> Luminescence

  <dt><br> Clouds, tornado <i>see</i> Tornado clouds

  <dt><br> Clutter, ground <i>see</i> Ground clutter

  <dt><br> Coarsegold, Calif. case, 94-100, 104

  <dt><br> Coast Guard Cutter "Sebago" case Nov.1957, 247, 25O-253

  <dt><br> Cognition: influences on, 939-94O

  <dt><br> Cohen, Jose Maria: on Antarctic events, 150

  <dt><br> Collins Radio Company, 1072

  <dt><br> College students: responses to opinion survey, 35O, 353-355
  <dd>samples of, 330-332, 337

  <dt><br> Collis, R.T.H., 58 quoted on Case 35, 542, 558-559

  <dt><br> Color: judgment of, 939

  <dt><br> Colorado project: concluded, 918
  <dd>conclusions and recommendation, 2-8, 67
  <dd>history of, 913-918
  <dd>origin of, l0-12, 18, 19
  <dd>reasons for, 316
  <dd>source of data, 178

  <dt><br> Colorado Springs, Colo. case May 1967, 258-259

  <dt><br> Colorado Study of Public Attitudes 1968, 324-362

  <dt><br> Colorado University <i>see</i> University of Colorado

  <dt><br> Color-blindness: of dark-adapted eye, 48

  <dt><br> Comet: as possible explanation of bolide, 1189-1190

  <dt><br> Cometary debris: as probable explanation, 947

  <dt><br> Comet orbits, 1185

  <dt><br> Communication channels: clogging of, 18, 866, 870

  <dt><br> Compression waves <i>see</i> Sound waves

  <dt><br> Conceptions of observers: effects on reports, 943, 949-964, 974

  <dt><br> Condon, Edward U.: appointed scientific director, viii

  <dt><br> Congress <i>see</i> U.S., Congress

  <dt><br> Conrad, Peter: observations by, 293, 298
  <dd>quoted on Glenn effect, 304, 305

  <dt><br> "Conspiracy hypothesis," 870-877

  <dt><br> "Contactee" stories, 894-898

  <dt><br> Continental Divide, N.M. case Jan. 1953, 214-219

  <dt><br> Cook, Stuart, 916
  <dd>appointed to Colorado project, viii

  <dt><br> Cooper, L. Gordon: observations by, 293, 294
  <dd>quoted on airglow, 291

  <dt><br> Corner reflectors <i>see</i> Radar, corner reflectors

  <dt><br> Coronal point discharges, 1158
  <dd>as possible explanation, 119O, 1191-1192
  <dd>from mountaintops, 1181
  <dd>from thunderstorms, 1161, 1172-1174
  <dd>from tornadoes, 1175, 1176

  <dt><br> Craig, Roy, 53

  <dt><br> Crow, Loren W.: quoted on Case 1, 369-371
  <dd>quoted on Case 52, 672-674, 676
  <dd>report on weather, Case 35, 545-554, 555

  <dt><br> Crowd effect, 979-982

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    David, Jay, ed. <i>The Flying Saucer Reader</i>, 823

  <dt><br> Davidson, Captain: in Maury Island incident, 846-847

  <dt><br> Davidson, M.: on fireball Feb. 1913, 960

  <dt><br> Debris: as probable explanation, 366, 371(Case 1)
  <dd>viewed by astronauts, 59

  <dt><br> Debris, windblown: as probable explanation, 729, 731 (Case 58)

  <dt><br> Deception Island Antarctica event June, July 1965, 149-150

  <dt><br> Decision procedure: in statistical analysis of UFO phenomena 1272-1278 <i>passim</i>

  <dt><br> Decision theory: applied to UFO reports, 1276-1278

  <dt><br> Deductive reasoning: on UFO phenomena, 1272-1273

  <dt><br> Deener, David R.: on age groups related to opinions, 355- 356

  <dt><br> Defense Department <i>see</i> U.S., Department of Defense

  <dt><br> Defense, national <i>see</i> National defense

  <dt><br> Deimos, moon of Mars, 45

  <dt><br> De Rachewiltz, Boris: translator of "Tulli papyrus," 835, 838, 839

  <dt><br> Denmark, Defence Research Board study programs, 925

  <dt><br> Desvergers, D.S.: sighting by, 862

  <dt><br> Detroit, Mich. case March 1953, 224-227

  <dt><br> Dexter, Mich.case March 1966, 899-902

  <dt><br> Disc, flying: alleged fragments from, 133-135, 138-143

  <dt><br> Distal event: distortion of, 931-932

  <dt><br> Distance: judgment of, 932-933, 938

  <dt><br> Distant ground return: radar detection of, 1073, 1099-1117

  <dt><br> Distortions of perception <i>see</i> Perception, distortion of

  <dt><br> Dot angels, 1091, 1114

  <dt><br> Douglas Aircraft Company: analysis of Case 49, 646
  <dd>report on Case 47, 630, 632

  <dt><br> Dow Chemical Company: analysis of Case 4, 392, 394-395
  <dd>producer of magnesium metal, 55
  <dd>source of sample, 140, 141, 143

  <dt><br> Duncombe, R.L.: calculation of Clarion effects, 43

  <dt><br> Dust devil: in Case 1, 369
  <dd>electricity fields of, 1156, 1175, 1178-1179

  <dt><br> <i>Dzyan, Book of</i>: quoted by Edwards, 831-833, 835

  <dt><br> <i>Dzyan, Stanzas of</i>: quoted, 833-835

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    Early Warning Network, 33
  <dd>reports of sightings, 84-86

  <dt><br> Earthquakes: electric fields of, 1156, 1180-1181, 1193
  <dd>luminous effects of, 1180-1182

  <dt><br> Earth radius: for atmospheres, 1105

  <dt><br> Earth satellites <i>see</i> Satellites, earth

  <dt><br> Earth-surveillance satellite: for future research, 1269

  <dt><br> Earth's electric field <i>see</i> Magnetic field, earth

  <dt><br> Eastern Airlines case July 1948, 848, 962-963

  <dt><br> Edmonton, Alberta case April 1967, 194, 196

  <dt><br> Education: as factor in opinion, 62, 355-361

  <dt><br> Edwards Air Force Base case July 1967, 182-183

  <dt><br> Edwards, Frank: on alleged recovery of parts, 133
  <dd>on disc fragments, 134-135
  <dd>on metal spheres, 137
  <dd>quoted as journalist, 966
  <dd>quoted on Adamski's work, 895-898
  <dd>sighting reports received (1967), 84

  <dt><br> Edwards, Frank, <i>Flying_Saucers -- Here and Now</i>: quoted on ancient sightings, 831-833, 835

  <dt><br> Edwards , <i>Frank, Flying Saucers -- Serious Business</i>: quoted on censorship, 877

  <dt><br> Effects, electromagnetic <i>see</i> Electromagnetic effects

  <dt><br> Effects, physical <i>see</i> Physical effects

  <dt><br> Effects, physiological <i>see</i> Physiological effects

  <dt><br> Electric field of earth <i>see</i> Magnetic field, earth

  <dt><br> Electric fields, 1156-1194 <i>passim</i>

  <dt><br> Electric power systems: interruptions of service, 161-172

  <dt><br> Electric storms, 1181-1185

  <dt><br> Electricity, atmospheric <i>see</i> Atmospheric electricity

  <dt><br> Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), 1117-1121

  <dt><br> Electromagnetic effects, 146-172

  <dt><br> Electromagnetic sensors: recommendations for, 1266

  <dt><br> Electromagnetic waves: propagation of, 1100-1117
  <dd>scattering of, 1248-1249
  <dd>propagation of, 1100-1117

  <dt><br> Electrosphere, 1160-1161

  <dt><br> Elevation: judgment of, 939

  <dt><br> ELSS <i>see</i> Extravehicular life support system

  <dt><br> England: study programs in, 922-923

  <dt><br> Ennis, Philip: quoted on reporting crime, 339, 344, 347

  <dt><br> Environmental Science Services Administration(ESSA) <i>see</i> U.S., Environmental Science Services

  <dt><br> Epp, E.J.: in Case 22, 491

  <dt><br> Eriksson, Tage, 134
  <dd>quoted on Spitzbergen case, 923

  <dt><br> Errors in perception <i>see</i> Perception, errors in

  <dt><br> ESSA <i>see</i> U.S., Environmental Science Services Administration

  <dt><br> ETA <i>see</i> Extra Terrestrial Actuality

  <dt><br> ETH <i>see</i> Extra Terrestrial Hypotheses

  <dt><br> ETI <i>see</i> Extra Terrestrial Intelligence EVA <i>see</i> Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA)

  <dt><br> "Excitedness effect": influence of, 953-954, 962

  <dt><br> Exeter, N.H.case Sept.1965, 898-9O2, 1190-1191

  <dt><br> Exhaust trails <i>see</i> Rockets, exhaust trails

  <dt><br> Extra Terrestrial Actuality (ETA), 34 35-36, 37

  <dt><br> Extra Terrestrial Hypotheses, 34-36, 37, 849, 851, 864, 871-885 <i>passim</i>
  <dd>Hynek's opinions on, 911
  <dd>James Harder quoted on, 883-884

  <dt><br> Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, 856
  <dd>hypothesis de-emphasis, 1268
  <dd>in Lorenzen book, 879-880

  <dt><br> Extravehicular life support system (ELSS), 298, 305, 306

  <dt><br> Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) discards: observed from spacecraft, 305

  <dt><br> Eye: adaptation of, 48, 935

  <dt><br> Ezekiel, Book of <i>see</i> Bible, <i>Book of Ezekiel</i>

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    False targets, 180-181

  <dt><br> Fargo, N.D.case, 848-849

  <dt><br> Fata Morgana, 1O10, 1055

  <dt><br> Federal Aviation Agency: radar networks, 65
  <dd>reports of sightings, 84

  <dt><br> Federal Power Commission: Report, Prevention of Power Failures: quoted, 161, 166-269, 170-171

  <dt><br> Field studies, 22-24
  <dd>evaluated, 103-106
  <dd>methods of, 73-106

  <dt><br> Fields, magnetic <i>see</i> Magnetic fields

  <dt><br> Film: damage to, 112, 113
  <dd>defects, 114, 738, Plate 4, 5
  <dd>tracking, 111, 124
  <dd><i>See also</i> photographs

  <dt><br> Finland Air Force Base, Minn. case Sept. 1966, 178-181

  <dt><br> Fireball, Great, Feb. 1913: report of, 960-962

  <dt><br> Fireballs: as probable explanation, 560-562 (Case 36), 947-948, 963, 1253
  <dd>in earthquakes, 1180
  <dd>radar detection of, 1097
  <dd>reports of, 969-973
  <dd>sound from, 1264
  <dd><i>See also</i> Bolides

  <dt><br> "Firefly effect," <i>see</i> Glenn particles

  <dt><br> Fisherville, Va., case Dec. 1964: radioactivity claimed, 130

  <dt><br> Flames: in earthquake, 1180

  <dt><br> "Flaps": clustering of reports, 17, 31

  <dt><br> Flares: as probable explanation, 88, 103, 518-520 (Case 29), 710, 713, 714 (Case 55)

  <dt><br> Flares, solar <i>see</i> Solar flares

  <dt><br> Flashing <i>see</i> Scintillation

  <dt><br> "Flying flapjack" plane: possible sighting of, 846,

  <dt><br> Fontes, Olivo T.: quoted on Case 48, 121, 637-639, 881-882
  <dd>quoted on Ubatuba, Brazil case, 139-140

  <dt><br> Foo-fighters: related to St. Elmo's fire, 1173

  <dt><br> Ford Motor Company, 153
  <dd>investigators of automobile malfunction, 432 , 433

  <dt><br> Forest Service <i>see</i> U.S. Forest Service

  <dt><br> Fort, Charles: quoted on sightings, 821, 826, 827

  <dt><br> Fort Belvoir, Va. case Sept. 1957, 78, 122, 655-665 (Case 50), 740, Plates 32-40

  <dt><br> Fort Monmouth, N.J. incident, Sept. 1951, 857-859

  <dt><br> Fortenberry, William, 364

  <dt><br> Fowler, Raymond E., 88
  <dd>quoted on Case 6, 408
  <dd>quoted on extra-terrestrial intelligence, 911-913

  <dt><br> Fuller, John G.: article on Colorado project, 915
  <dd>quoted on power outage 164-166

  <dt><br> Fuller, John G.: <i>Incident at Exeter</i>, 164-166, 899

  <dt><br> Fuller, John G.: <i>The Interrupted Journey</i> (Barney and Betty Hill case), 899

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    Gallup Poll: on flying saucers (1947 and 1950), 60, 316, 317, 338; (1966), 60, 61, 316-323, 337-339, 355

  <dt><br> Gemini 4: observations from, 307-309

  <dt><br> Gemini 5, 288
  <dd>observations from, 293, 300, 304, 305
  <dd>photograph of REP, 739, Plate 19

  <dt><br> Gemini 6: observations from, 304
  <dd>rendezvous of, 302
  <dd>rendezvous with Gemini 7, 739, Plate 21

  <dt><br> Gemini 6-12, 300

  <dt><br> Gemini 7, 288, 307, 309-311
  <dd>observations from, 276, 292, 739, Plate 16
  <dd>rendezvous of, 302
  <dd>rendezvous with Gemini 6, 739, Plate 21
  <dd>sketch of auroral arch, 739, Plate 16

  <dt><br> Gemini 11, 276, 739, Plate 17, 18
  <dd>observations from, 298, 302

  <dt><br> Gemini 11-Agena <i>see</i> Agena 11

  <dt><br> Gemini 12: observations from, 305-306

  <dt><br> Gemini flights, 298
  <dd>log of manned flights, 270
  <dd>observations from, 268-312
  <dd>time in orbit, 269

  <dt><br> Geminid meteors: as probable explanation, 221

  <dt><br> Genroku earthquake, Japan, Dec.1730: luminous effects of, 1180

  <dt><br> Geomagnetic storms: relation to solar flares, 1159

  <dt><br> Geomagnetic observatories: instruments of, 1255
  <dd>recommendations for, 1266

  <dt><br> Geometrical optics <i>see</i> Optics, geometrical

  <dt><br> Ghost <i>see</i> Radar, ghost

  <dt><br> "Ghost Balloons" <i>see</i> Balloons, super-pressure; Balloons polyethylene

  <dt><br> Glenn, John H.Jr.: observations by, 289-290, 303-305

  <dt><br> Glenn particles, 285, 303-305
  <dd><i>See also</i> Spacecraft, observations from

  <dt><br> <i>Glossary of Meteorology</i>: quoted on mirage definition, 551 (Case 35)

  <dt><br> Godman Air Force Base, Ky., 847

  <dt><br> Gorman, George F.: pilot in Fargo, N.D. case, 848-899

  <dt><br> Goose Air Force Base, Labrador case, Dec. 1952, 188-189

  <dt><br> Goose Bay, Labrador, case June 1954, 207-210

  <dt><br> Goudsmit, Samuel A., 867

  <dt><br> Grand Marais, Minn. case Sept. 1966, 178-181

  <dt><br> Grass, space <i>see</i> "Space grass"

  <dt><br> Graupel <i>See also</i> Hail

  <dt><br> Great Bend, Kans. case, 1227-1228

  <dt><br> Great Falls Air Base, Mont., 75-76

  <dt><br> Great Falls, Mont. case Aug. 1950, 75, 119 626-635 (Case 47)
  <dd>motion picture, 740, Plate 27

  <dt><br> Greece, Ministry of National Defense National Meteor Service: reports file in, 926

  <dt><br> "Green flash": of the sun, 1038-1040, 1055-1056

  <dt><br> Green, Gabriel, <i>Let's Face the Facts about Flying Saucers</i>: quoted on ancient sighting, 824, 828,

  <dt><br> Ground clutter: radar detection of, 1099-1117, 1123-1124

  <dt><br> Ground markings: alleged from UFOs, 128-131

  <dt><br> Ground return, distant <i>see</i> Distant ground return

  <dt><br> Groups: susceptibility of, 980-981

  <dt><br> Grudge, project, <i>see</i> Project Grudge

  <dt><br> Gulf of Mexico, La. coast case Dec. 1952, 220-223

  <dt><br> Gulf of Mexico, "Sebago" case Nov. 1957, 247, 250-253

  <dt><br> Gulfstream Aircraft, Huntsville, Ala. case March 1966, 113, 116, 702-709 (Case 54), 741-742, Plate 52-57
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    Haggarty, John, 829

  <dt><br> Hail: electric fields associated with, 1176, 1182-1184

  <dt><br> Haleakala Observatory: I, Feb. 1966, 1234-1239
  <dd>II, Sept.1967, 1241-1246
  <dd>II, method of investigation, 1215

  <dt><br> Halford-Watkins, Carol, 135-136

  <dt><br> Hall, Asaph: discovered moons of Mars, 45

  <dt><br> Hall, Richard: on alleged ring imprints, 129
  <dd>on "angel hair", 132

  <dt><br> Hall, Richard, <i>The UFO Evidence</i>, 21, 161
  <dd>index of reports, 31

  <dt><br> Hallucination: development of, 978
  <dd><i>See also</i> Hoaxes

  <dt><br> Haneda Air Force Base, Japan, case Aug. 1952, 184, 186-188

  <dt><br> Harder, James A.: on Truckee case, 35, 883

  <dt><br> Harvard College Observatory, Pike's Peak Station: expedition of 1870's, quoted on mountaintop thunderstorms,

  <dt><br> Harvard Meteor Project (1954-1958), 65, 906, 1219, 1220

  <dt><br> Hauser Research and Engineering Company: in Case 3, 388

  <dt><br> Havana, Ill. photographic station, 1220
  <dd><i>See also</i> Radar Meteor Project, Long Branch, Ill.

  <dt><br> Hayes, Allen: in Case 38, 576

  <dt><br> Haynesville, La. case, 87-101

  <dt><br> Heilmaier, Erich Paul: on Antarctic events, 149

  <dt><br> Herold, C., 58

  <dt><br> Hidden data <i>see</i> Photographs: data, hidden

  <dt><br> Highwood Ranger Station, Alberta, case, 720-728 (Case 57)

  <dt><br> Hill, Barney and Betty, case, 899

  <dt><br> Hillsdale, Mich. case Mar. 1966, 899-902

  <dt><br> Hoax: as possible explanation, 724, 725, 727
  <dd>as probable explanation, 51, 89-92, 125-126, 506-507 (Case 26), 847, 851, 862, 943, 965-966
  <dd>categories of, 114, 115
  <dd>of ancient reports, 839-840
  <dd>of Book of Dzyan, 835
  <dd>of Byland Abbey mss., 829-830
  <dd>optical, 114-115, 738, Plate 10-12
  <dd>photographic, 114, 120, 714 (Case 55)
  <dd>photographic discrepancies:
  <dd> 498-502 (Case 24),
  <dd> 637-640 (Case 48),
  <dd> 671-696 (Case 52),
  <dd> 724-727 (Case 57)
  <dd>physical, 114-115, 122, 738, Plate 8-9
  <dd>reasons for, 979

  <dt><br> Hokkaido, Japan, case, Feb.1953, 181-182

  <dt><br> Holloman Air Force Base, 223-224

  <dt><br> Holy Bible <i>see</i> Bible

  <dt><br> Hooven, Frederick J.: quoted on magnetic mapping, 153-156

  <dt><br> Hope, Major K. J.: on photographs (Case 57), 723-724

  <dt><br> Horse case, Colo. (Case 32), 527-531

  <dt><br> Hostile action: recognition of, 866, 870

  <dt><br> Hot-air balloons <i>see</i> Balloons, hot-air

  <dt><br> Howard, J. H., 364

  <dt><br> Humidity gradients in atmosphere <i>see</i> Atmosphere, humidity gradients in

  <dt><br> Hurricanes, 1175

  <dt><br> Husted, A., Sgt, in Case 50, 664

  <dt><br> Huygen's principle, 1000

  <dt><br> Hynek, J.Allen, 21, 706(Case 54)
  <dd>in Case 8, 416-417
  <dd>in Case 16, 445
  <dd>in Case 38, 575
  <dd>in Project Grudge report, Aug. 1949, 851
  <dd>on Bismarck, N. D. case, 198-200
  <dd>on Dexter and Hillsdale, Mich. cases, 899
  <dd>on field teams, 24
  <dd>on Louisville, Ky.case, 848
  <dd>on single-observer sightings, 105
  <dd>on unidentified sightings, 1269
  <dd>quoted, hearings on UFO problems, 910, 911
  <dd>quoted on Case 2, 386-387
  <dd>report of Case 57, 724, 727
  <dd>source of data, 110

  <dt><br> Hypnosis, 983
  <dd>in Case 42, 598-599

  <dt><br> Hypotheses:
  <dd>evaluation of, 840-841
  <dd>formation of, 1273-1274
  <dd>testing of, 1272-1278 <i>passim</i>

  <dt><br> Hysteria: contagion of, 981-982, 984
  <dd><i>See also</i> Mass hysteria

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    Iceland volcanic eruptions: Nov. 1963
  <dd>electric fields of, 1179

  <dt><br> Identified Flying Object: defined, 14

  <dt><br> IEEE Spectrum 1966: quoted on Northeast power outage, 170-171

  <dt><br> Ignis Fatuus, 1174

  <dt><br> ILE <i>see</i> Intelligent Life Elsewhere

  <dt><br> Illusions, optical <i>see</i> Optical illusions

  <dt><br> Image inversion, 102

  <dt><br> Image orthicon, 1253-1255
  <dd>aerial coverage by, 1264

  <dt><br> Imagination: as probable explanation, 92-94

  <dt><br> Imprints <i>see</i> Landing-gear imprints; Ring imprints

  <dt><br> Incident No.40, July 1947:
  <dd>Project Grudge report quoted on 852-853

  <dt><br> Incident No.51, Sept. 1947:
  <dd>Project Grudge report quoted on 853-854

  <dt><br> Inductive reasoning, 1272-1273

  <dt><br> Insects: radar detection of, 1073, 1088-1091, 1114, 1249-1251

  <dt><br> Instrumentation: use of in Case 27, 508-510

  <dt><br> Intelligence, extraterrestrial <i>see</i> Extraterrestrial Intelligence

  <dt><br> Intelligent Life Elsewhere (ILE), 36-46 opinions on, 61

  <dt><br> International Get Acquainted Program Denmark, 894

  <dt><br> Internal Revenue Service <i>see</i> U.S., Internal Revenue Service

  <dt><br> Interpretation: of sighting reports, 943-974

  <dt><br> Interstellar distances, 37-46

  <dt><br> Interviewing of witnesses <i>see</i> Witnesses, interviewing of

  <dt><br> "Invasion from Mars", 980

  <dt><br> Inversions <i>see</i> Image inversion; Temperature inversion

  <dt><br> Investigators: availability of, 86-87
  <dd>equipment of, 86
  <dd>selection of data by, 1215

  <dt><br> Ion rocket engines: development of, 1159

  <dt><br> Ionization of matter, 1157-1158

  <dt><br> Ionized particles: radar detection of, 1073, 1093-1097

  <dt><br> Iris (goddess): myths of, 8l8-819

  <dt><br> Irkutsk Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory, 1188-1189

  <dt><br> Izu, Japan, earthquake, Nov. 1930: luminous effects of, 1181

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    Jack-o-lanterns, 1174

  <dt><br> <i>JANAP</i> <i>see</i> Joint Army-Navy-Air

  <dt><br> Jessup, Mr.: on Byland Abbey sighting, 828

  <dt><br> Jet exhaust stream: as probable explanation, 964

  <dt><br> <i>Joint Army-Navy-Air Publication</i>, 111, 146
  <dd>on reports of sightings, 887-889

  <dt><br> Jones, R.V.: quoted on eyewitness credibility, 964, 966-967, 969

  <dt><br> Jueneman, Frederick B.: on Ubatuba, Brazil case, 142

  <dt><br> Jung, C. J.: quoted on ancient sightings, 825
  <dd><i>Flying Saucers</i>: on anxieties, 982

  <dt><br> Jupiter, planet: as probable explanation, 193, 199-200, 405,
  <dd>410 (Case6),
  <dd>440-441 (Case 14), 563,
  <dd>571-574 (Case 37)
  <dd>life on, 41

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    Kamakura earthquake 1257: luminous effects of, 1180

  <dt><br> Kalstron, G.W.: quoted on Case 52, 671-672

  <dt><br> Keel, John A.: on "space grass", 133
  <dd>quoted on EVA discards, 306

  <dt><br> Keldysh, M.V., 924

  <dt><br> Kellogg, W. W., 913

  <dt><br> Kepler's Laws: applied to satellite orbits, 279, 280

  <dt><br> Kerckhoff, A. C. and K. W. Back, <i>The June Bug</i>, quoted, 981

  <dt><br> Keyhoe, Donald E.: director of NICAP, 19
  <dd>discontinued reporting, 33
  <dd>founded NICAP, 876
  <dd>on Fargo, N.D. case, 849

  <dt><br> "Flying Saucers are Real" (in <i>True</i> Magazine), 19, 34, 856

  <dt><br> Keyhoe, Donald E., <i>Flying Saucers from Outer Space</i>, 851
  <dd>quoted, 876-877

  <dt><br> Kincheloe Air Force Base, Mich. case, Sept. 1967, 247-249

  <dt><br> Kirtland Air Force Base, N. M. case Nov. 1957, 211, 213

  <dt><br> Klass, P. J., 1170, 1190

  <dt><br> Klass, P. J., <i>UFOs Identified</i>, discussed, quoted, 1191-1193

  <dt><br> Konradsen, K. G.: quoted on Danish study programs, 925-926

  <dt><br> Kugelblitz <i>see</i> Ball lightning

  <dt><br> Kuiper, Gerard P. : quoted on outer space searching, 20

  <dt><br> Kwanto, Japan, earthquake, Sept. 1923: luminous effects of, 1181

  <dt><br> Kyoto, Japan, earthquake, 1830: luminous effects of, 1181

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    Labrador case, June 1954, 207-210

  <dt><br> Lackenheath case, Aug. 1956, 245-246

  <dt><br> Lakeville, Conn. case, Jan. 1967, 733-736, 742, Plate 64

  <dt><br> Landing-gear imprints, alleged, 129, 131

  <dt><br> Langmuir, Irving: on Phoenix, Ariz. incident, 853

  <dt><br> Lasers: tracking by, 1256-1257

  <dt><br> Lawnmower's muffler: as explanation, 137

  <dt><br> LeBailly, E. B., Maj. Gen., USAF: quoted on Project Blue Book, 902-903, 905

  <dt><br> Lehner, Ernst and Johanna, <i>Lure and Lore of Outer Space</i>: quoted on Chinese celestial globe, 816

  <dt><br> Lens flares: as UFO images, 113, 114, 738, Plate 6

  <dt><br> Lenticular clouds <i>see</i> Clouds, lenticular

  <dt><br> Leshkovtsev, V.: quoted on sightings, 924-925

  <dt><br> Leslie, Desmond, and George Adamski, <i>Flying Saucers Have Landed</i>, 879
  <dd>quoted on Byland Abbey sightings, 828-829

  <dt><br> Leonid shower, 293

  <dt><br> Levelland, Texas event, Nov. 1957, 161

  <dt><br> Levy, John: in Case 38, 577

  <dt><br> Lied, Finn, 134

  <dt><br> Light: scattering, 1047-1052

  <dt><br> Light waves: anomalous propagation of, 173-266 <i>passim</i>
  <dd>causes of refraction, 1000-1001
  <dd>color separation of, 1037-1044, 1055
  <dd>propagation of, 46-49
  <dd>refraction of, 998, 1014-1017, 1052
  <dd>refractive index of, l000-1004, 1009-1010, 1054
  <dd>signal-to-noise ratio, 1248

  <dt><br> Lighted balloons <i>see</i> Balloons, lighted

  <dt><br> Lightning: properties of, 1156, 1158, 1162-1164, 1171-1188 <i>passim</i>
  <dd>radar detection of, 1093-1095
  <dd><i>See also</i> Ball lightning; Thunderstorms; Tornado lightning; Volcano lightning

  <dt><br> Lipp, James E., 851
  <dd>letter on ILE, 37

  <dt><br> Literature, UFO: effect on children, 8

  <dt><br> Local debris <i>see</i> Spacecraft, observations from

  <dt><br> Look special ed., 1967, on flying saucers, 49, 51

  <dt><br> Lorenzen, Coral, 860
  <dd>head of APRO, 19
  <dd>on alleged landing gear imprints, 128-129
  <dd>on luminous haze, 132
  <dd>on Ubatuba, Brazil case, 54, 138-139, 142

  <dt><br> Lorenzen, Coral, <i>Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space</i>: quoted, 879
  <dd><i>The Great Flying Saucer Hoax</i>, 879
  <dd>on Case 4, 391

  <dt><br> Lorenzen, James: head of APRO, 19

  <dt><br> Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory event (1950, 1951, 1952), 147

  <dt><br> Louisiana-Texas case, Sept. 1957, 203-207

  <dt><br> Louisville, Ky., case, Jan. 1948, 847-848

  <dt><br> Lovell, James A., Jr.: quoted on "bogie", 310-311
  <dd>quoted on discards, 305-306
  <dd>quoted on rendezvous, 302

  <dt><br> Low, Robert J., 915-917
  <dd>appointed to Colorado project, viii
  <dd>quoted on Fuller article, 915
  <dd>"Unexplained Electric Power Interruptions", 161-171

  <dt><br> Lowell, Percival: on canals on Mars, 45

  <dt><br> Lower atmosphere <i>see</i> Atmosphere, lower

  <dt><br> Lowes, John Livingston: quoted on ancient sightings, 826-827

  <dt><br> Luminescence: from bolide, 1186, 1189, 1190
  <dd>from earthquakes, 1180-1182

  <dt><br> Luminescence, snowstorm <i>see</i> Snowstorm luminescence

  <dt><br> Luminous particles <i>see</i> Spacecraft, observations from

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    McChord Air Force Base, Seattle, wash. case, Oct. 1959, 219-220

  <dt><br> McDivitt, James A.: observations by, 307-309

  <dt><br> McDonald, James E., 927, 928
  <dd>in Case 50, 657-662
  <dd>in Case 52, 683-684, 690, 692
  <dd>on future research, 1269
  <dd>on northeast power outage, 167
  <dd>quoted on extraterrestrial hypothesis, 34
  <dd>quoted on numbers of reports, 969
  <dd>reports in other parts of the world, 16
  <dd>source of data, 110

  <dt><br> McGuire Air Force Base, N.J.: reports to, 32

  <dt><br> Mach number, 1148

  <dt><br> Mackay, Charles, <i>Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds</i>: quoted, 979

  <dt><br> McKinley, J. L.: quoted on power outages, 163-164

  <dt><br> McLaughlin, R. B., Cmdr, USN, "How Scientists Tracked Flying Saucers": quoted on sighting, (1950), 856

  <dt><br> McMinnville, Ore. case, May 1950, 112, 119, 607-625, 739, Plate 23-24
  <dd>article on, 856

  <dt><br> Magazine articles: on cases (1947) 847; (1950) 855-856; (1952), 862-864

  <dt><br> Magnesium, metal, 54
  <dd>as probable explanation, 391-396 (Case 4)
  <dd>in Ubatuba, Brazil case, 138-143

  <dt><br> Magnet, project <i>see</i> Project magnet

  <dt><br> Magnetic disturbances, 1189
  <dd>observational program for, 67
  <dd><i>See also</i> Geomagnetic storms

  <dt><br> Magnetic fields: effect on automobiles, 53, 15l-161, 172, 582-588 (Case 39)

  <dt><br> Magnetic field, earth: disturbances of, 53, 148-150, 172, 1255, 1256
  <dd>sea level average, 1160-1162
  <dd>strength detection of, 1255, 1256

  <dt><br> Magnetic mapping: car bodies, 153-161, 172

  <dt><br> Magnetometers, proton <i>see</i> Proton magnetometers

  <dt><br> Malfunctions of automobiles <i>see</i> Automobile malfunctions

  <dt><br> Malfunction of radar <i>see</i> Radar, malfunction of

  <dt><br> Maney, C. A.: on "angel hair", 131-132 on ring imprints, 129

  <dt><br> Manhattan Beach, Calif. case, Feb. 1957, 133

  <dt><br> Man-made device <i>see</i> Artifacts

  <dt><br> Manning, T. E., 915

  <dt><br> Mantell, Thomas: in Louisville, Ky case, 847-848

  <dt><br> Mapping, magnetic <i>see</i> Magnetic mapping

  <dt><br> Marconi Research Laboratory, England, 1085

  <dt><br> <i>The Marine Observer</i>: quoted on astronomical refraction, 1040, 1044
  <dd>quoted on atmospheric refraction, 1028, 1030

  <dt><br> Marliens, France incident, 136

  <dt><br> Mars, planet: gravitational pull of, 42-43
  <dd>life on, 41, 44-46

  <dt><br> Marsh gas, 1174

  <dt><br> "Martian Invasion Defense Program," 875

  <dt><br> Marynov, D.: quoted on sightings, 924-925

  <dt><br> Mass hysteria, 979-982

  <dt><br> Material deposited, alleged, 131-133

  <dt><br> Matter, ionization of <i>see</i> Ionization of matter

  <dt><br> Maury Island incident, (1947), 114, 846, 965

  <dt><br> Menzel, Donald H., 21, 46-47, 925, 927
  <dd>"Do Flying Saucers Move in Straight Lines?", 891-892
  <dd><i>Flying Saucers</i>, 879

  <dt><br> Menzel, D. H. and L. G. Boyd: on Case 49, 647

  <dt><br> Menzel, D.H. and L.G.Boyd, <i>The World of Flying Saucers</i>: on Case 48, 639-640

  <dt><br> Mercury 6: observations from, 289-290

  <dt><br> Mercury 7: observations from, 9, 290, 303-305

  <dt><br> Mercury 8: observations from, 290-291, 293

  <dt><br> Mercury 9: observations from, 291, 294

  <dt><br> Mercury flights, 288
  <dd>log of manned flights, 270
  <dd>observations assigned 271-273
  <dd>observations from, 268-312
  <dd>time in orbit, 269

  <dt><br> Mercury, planet: life on, 41

  <dt><br> Merint reports: security for, 888

  <dt><br> Merritt, Everitt, photogrammetist, 50-51

  <dt><br> Metallic material: from St. Lawrence River case, 135-136
  <dd>from Case 42, 137-138
  <dd>from Ubatuba case, 138-143

  <dt><br> Meteor sounds <i>see</i> Noise

  <dt><br> Meteorite Recovery Project <i>see</i> Smithsonian Meteorite Recovery Project

  <dt><br> Meteorites: electric fields of, 1185-1188, 1189, 1190
  <dd>photographs of path, 1220
  <dd>radar detection of, 1097
  <dd>recovery of, 1223
  <dd>trajectories of, 281

  <dt><br> Meteoroids: as probable explanation, 947-948, 1255
  <dd>detection of, 1254
  <dd>electric fields produced by, 1185-1186, 1189
  <dd>source of, 1219

  <dt><br> Meteorological conditions: summarized, 261, 263

  <dt><br> Meteorological optics <i>see</i> Optics, atmospheric

  <dt><br> Meteors: as probable explanation, 196, 203, 223, 236, 250, 253,
  <dd>508-510 (Case 27),
  <dd>560-562 (Case 36),
  <dd>948-961 <i>passim</i>, 1227-1228
  <dd>characteristics of, 1258-1262
  <dd>electric fields of, 1156, 1158, 1185-1188
  <dd>flux of, 971
  <dd>luminosity of, 293
  <dd>observed from spacecraft, 293
  <dd>radar tracking of, 1252-1253
  <dd>research on, 1219-1229, 1252-1254
  <dd>source of, 1219

  <dt><br> Meteors, Geminid <i>see</i> Geminid meteors

  <dt><br> Meteor trails: radar detection of, 1096-1097
  <dd>described, 1186

  <dt><br> Methodology, statistical <i>see</i> Statistical methodology

  <dt><br> Michaux, C.M., <i>Handbook of the Physical Properties of the Planet Mars</i>, 44

  <dt><br> Michel, Aime, 890-892 on "angel hair", 132

  <dt><br> Micrometeorites, 1188-1190

  <dt><br> Middleton, W. E. Knowles, <i>Vision through the Atmosphere</i>, 1047

  <dt><br> Mie, Gustav, 1249

  <dt><br> Military communication channels <i>see</i> Communication channels

  <dt><br> Military installations: reports near, 32, 33

  <dt><br> Miller, Stanley L.: on life proteins, 40

  <dt><br> Millman, Peter M., in Case 22, 492
  <dd>on Canadian UFO study program, 921-922
  <dd>on single observer sightings, 105

  <dt><br> Minnaert, M.: on lights from swamps, 900-901
  <dd>quoted on Case 54, 706

  <dt><br> Mirage: as probable explanation, 209-210, 226-227, 541, 551-554, 555-557 (Case 35)
  <dd>characteristics of, 988, 1017-1030, 1053-1056
  <dd>formation of, 551, 553, 554-557 (Case 35)

  <dt><br> Mirage images: brightening of, 1033-1037
  <dd>focusing of, 1033-1037, 1052, 1055-1056
  <dd>number and shape of, 1022-1030

  <dt><br> Mirage, optical, 191, 192, 987-1056
  <dd>defined, 987
  <dd>distortions, 987
  <dd>duration, 987, 1020-1022
  <dd>literature of, 987-999

  <dt><br> Mirfak, star: probably sighted, 198

  <dt><br> Misidentification: as probable explanation, 51
  <dd>of real stimuli, 977

  <dt><br> Misinterpretation: as probable explanation, 94-100, 943-974

  <dt><br> Missile, sub-orbital: as probable explanation, 1241

  <dt><br> Mohawk Airlines case, 213-214

  <dt><br> Moon: as probable explanation, 1228
  <dd>photographed, 113
  <dd>trails of, 738, Plate 3
  <dd>fragments, as probable explanation, 947-948

  <dt><br> Moon satellites <i>see</i> Satellites, moon

  <dt><br> Moroney, N.J., <i>Facts from Figures</i>: quoted on statistics, 1271, 1277

  <dt><br> Moseley, James W.: on flying saucer captured, 128
  <dd>operator of <i>Saucers</i>, 19

  <dt><br> Motion: judgment of, 934, 938

  <dt><br> Mt.Palomar Observatory event Oct. 1949, 147
  <dt><br> Mt.Palomar Observatory Sky Atlas, 906

  <dt><br> Mt.Palomar Schmidt telescope, 1254

  <dt><br> Mountaintop electricity: physiological effects of, 1182-1185

  <dt><br> Mountaintops: electric fields on, 1156, 1181-1185

  <dt><br> Murrow, Edward R.: television show, 856

  <dt><br> Mustel, E.: quoted on sightings, 924-925

  <dt><br> Mystery <i>see</i> Secrecy

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    Narashimhan, C. V.: quoted on United Nations, 927

  <dt><br> Nash, W. B., 364

  <dt><br> National Academy of Sciences, 918
  <dd>to review Colorado project, ix

  <dt><br> National Academy of Sciences, Space Science Board, <i>Biology and Exploration of Mars</i>, 44

  <dt><br> National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). <i>see</i> U. S. National Aeronautics and Space

  <dt><br> National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 5
  <dd>support of Colorado project, viii, ix

  <dt><br> National defense: relation of reports to, 7

  <dt><br> National Investigations Committee for Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), 19, 32, 33, 85, 325, 328-330,
  <dd>582-588 (Case 39),
  <dd>644-645 (Case 49),
  <dd>657-662 (Case 50)
  <dd>field teams, 23
  <dd>file of UFO reports, 31
  <dd>founded, 876
  <dd>in Case 52, 671-697
  <dd>incorporated, 893
  <dd>investigation by, 94
  <dd>on Chiles-Whitted case, 963
  <dd>published reports of Project Grudge and Project Blue Book, 857
  <dd>reports of cases, 73
  <dd>sighting reports received(1967), 84
  <dd>source of data, 110, 178
  <dd>types of reports investigated, 105

  <dt><br> National Opinion Research Center, 337

  <dt><br> National Research Council, Ottawa, Upper Atmosphere Research Section: Non-Meteoritic Sighting File, 922

  <dt><br> National Science Foundation <i>see</i> U.S. National Science Foundation

  <dt><br> National security: threat to, 7, 18, 864, 869-871, 893, 903, 906, 909

  <dt><br> Naval Photographic Interpretation Center <i>see</i> U.S. Naval Photographic Interpretation Center

  <dt><br> NCAR <i>see</i> National Center for Atmospheric Research

  <dt><br> Negatives <i>see</i> Films

  <dt><br> Nemuro AF Detachment, Hokkaido, Japan, case Feb. 1953, 181-182

  <dt><br> Neoprene balloons <i>see</i> Balloons, neoprene

  <dt><br> Neptune, planet: life on, 41

  <dt><br> Nests <i>see</i> "Saucer nests"

  <dt><br> Network of observing stations: possibilities of, 64-67

  <dt><br> New Mexico aircraft flight case April 1966, 114, 710-711

  <dt><br> New Zealand: study program in, 926

  <dt><br> Niagara Falls, N. Y., case July 1957, 219

  <dt><br> NICAP <i>see</i> National Investigations Committee for Aerial Phenomena

  <dt><br> Noise: from bolides, 1186-1187, 1188-1189
  <dd>from electric storms, 7, 1183-1184
  <dd>from fireball of Feb. 1913, 960, 962
  <dd>from meteorites, 1187
  <dd>from meteors, 1185, 1186, 1187-1188
  <dd>in tornadoes, 1176, 1177

  <dt><br> Nolli, Gianfranco: on "Tulli papyrus", 839

  <dt><br> Non-event: e.g. Case 19, 100-102, 466-467

  <dt><br> Non-Meteoritic Sighting File, Canada, 922

  <dt><br> Non-sighters: demographic analysis of, 325, 337-338
  <dd>reporting by, 338-348
  <dd>responses to opinion survey, 350

  <dt><br> NORAD <i>see</i> North American Air Defense Command

  <dt><br> North American Air Defense Command, 298
  <dd>catalogue of objects in orbit, 294, 308
  <dd>identification of Zond IV, 949
  <dd>in Case 52, 687-690, 696
  <dd>on Gemini 4 sighting, 308

  <dt><br> North American Power Systems Interconnection Committee July 1967, 164

  <dt><br> Northeast power outage March 1965, 164-171

  <dt><br> Northrop Corporation, 1153

  <dt><br> Nuclear explosion: as possible explanation of bolide, 1189

  <dt><br> Null hypothesis <i>see</i> Reports, null hypothesis applied to

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  <dt><br> Objects in space <i>see</i> Artifacts; Space objects; Spacecraft; Satellites

  <dt><br> O'Brien, Brian, i, 10, 18, 903-904

  <dt><br> O'Brien Committee, 109, 893-913, 916
  <dd>quoted on project recommendations, 10, 11, 18
  <dd>recommendations of, 907-908
  <dd>report commented on, 909
  <dd>report quoted, 905-908

  <dt><br> Observatories, geomagnetic <i>see</i> Geomagnetic observatories

  <dt><br> Observer: ability of, 1214-1215
  <dd>conceptions <i>see</i> Conceptions of observers
  <dd>creditability of, 976, 982-983
  <dd>defects of vision, 47
  <dd>psychology of, 984
  <dd><i>See also</i> Sighters

  <dt><br> Odessa, Wash. case, Dec. 1952, 210-212

  <dt><br> O'Keefe, John A.: on Glenn effect, 304-305

  <dt><br> Old Testament <i>see</i> Bible

  <dt><br> Olivier, Charles P.: analysis of fireball reports, 970
  <dd>in Case 36, 562

  <dt><br> Olmsted Air Force Base: reports to, 32

  <dt><br> Olsen, T., <i>The Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports</i>: index of reports, 31

  <dt><br> Opinion on UFOs, 315-362
  <dd>correlated to age and education, 355-361

  <dt><br> Opinion, public <i>see</i> Public opinion

  <dt><br> Opinion Research Center <i>see</i> National Opinion Research Center

  <dt><br> Opinion Research Corporation, 60, 62
  <dd>Caravan surveys, 316-317, 325, 326, 337

  <dt><br> Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 867, 875

  <dt><br> Optical illusion: nature of, 977

  <dt><br> Optical mirage <i>see</i> Mirage, optical

  <dt><br> Optical refractive index <i>see</i> Light waves, refractive index

  <dt><br> Optical scintillation <i>see</i> Scintillation

  <dt><br> Optical waves <i>see</i> Light waves

  <dt><br> Optics, atmospheric, 46-47

  <dt><br> Optics, geometrical: of mirage, 1000, 1007, 1054

  <dt><br> Optics, meteorological <i>see</i> Optics, atmospheric

  <dt><br> Orbiting Solar Observatory, 285-286

  <dt><br> Orcadas Naval Station, Antarctica, event July 1965, 148-150

  <dt><br> Orlansky, Jesse: member O'Brien committee, 904

  <dt><br> Orthicon <i>see</i> Image orthicon

  <dt><br> Orthoteny; defined, 890

  <dt><br> Ostrom, Carl E: in Case 38, 580
  <dd>on forest damage, 130-131

  <dt><br> Oswego, Oregon, incident, Sept. 1947, 853-854

  <dt><br> Ottawa New Sciences Club, 135-136

  <dt><br> Outer Space Affairs Group <i>see</i> United Nations, Outer Space Affairs Group

  <dt><br> Owls: as probable explanation, 468, 472-473 (Case 20)

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  <dt><br> Page, R.M., <i>The Origin of Radar</i>, 55

  <dt><br> Page, Thornton, 868-869

  <dt><br> Palomar Observatory <i>see</i> Mt. Palomar Observatory

  <dt><br> Panoramic Research Laboratory, 852-853

  <dt><br> Paris, Texas case, March 1967, 196

  <dt><br> Particles, ionized <i>see</i> Ionized particles

  <dt><br> Pearson Product Moment Coefficients, 333, 357

  <dt><br> Pennsylvania Power &amp; Light Company outage, June 1967, 162

  <dt><br> Pegasus B: observed from spacecraft, 308-309

  <dt><br> Percept: formulation of, 937-939
  <dd>influences on, 940

  <dt><br> Perception, 976-981
  <dd>causes of, 943-948, 962-964, 974
  <dd>defined, 937
  <dd>distortions of, 977-981
  <dd>errors in, 977-979
  <dd>medical and psychological tests of, 982
  <dd>process of, 930-941

  <dt><br> Perception, visual, 46

  <dt><br> Physical effects, 52-55, 128-144, 146-172

  <dt><br> Physiological effects, 146

  <dt><br> Phobos, moon of Mars, 45

  <dt><br> Phoenix, Ariz. incident, JuIy 1947, quoted from Project Grudge report, 852-853

  <dt><br> Photoelectric sensors: recommendations for, 1266

  <dt><br> Photographic effects: common classes of, 113

  <dt><br> Photographic evidence: discussed by Klass, 1191-1192

  <dt><br> Photographic network: for future research, 1269

  <dt><br> Photographs: as evidence, 89-90, 108
  <dd>classification of cases, 116, 117, 118
  <dd>conclusions summarized, 124-125
  <dd>criteria for study, 120-121
  <dd>data, hidden, 110-111
  <dd>diagnostic characteristics, 115
  <dd>fabrication of, 120
  <dd>first reported, July 4, 1947, 845
  <dd>from spacecraft: Proton III, 298, 299, Plate 17, 18
  <dd>from spacecraft: Radar Evaluation Pod, 300, 739, Plate 19
  <dd>Gemini program, 302, Plate 18, 19
  <dd>in Case 7, 411-4l5
  <dd>in Case 24, 498-502
  <dd>in Case 46, 607-625
  <dd>in Case 47, 628-635
  <dd>in Case 48, 637-640
  <dd>in Case 49, 641-653
  <dd>in Case 50, 655-665
  <dd>in Case 51, 667-670
  <dd>in Case 52, 671-697
  <dd>in Case 53, 115, 698-700
  <dd>in Case 54, 702-709
  <dd>in Case 55, 710-714
  <dd>in Case 56, 716-718
  <dd>in Case 57, 720, 722-727
  <dd>in Case 58, 729-732
  <dd>in Case 59, 733, 735, 736
  <dd>in Phoenix, Ariz. case, 852-853
  <dd>of fireballs, 970-971
  <dd>of meteors, 1219-1229
  <dd>of RCAF pilot, 1956, 1170
  <dd>of stars, 1219-1229
  <dd>priorities for study of, 116
  <dd>quality of, 112
  <dd>study of, 49-52
  <dd>types of, 111
  <dd>unexplained cases, 109, 119
  <dd>unexplained cases summarized 125-126

  <dt><br> Photometer, airglow: searching, 1234-1239
  <dd>sky coverage by, 1263

  <dt><br> Photometers, scanning, 1232-1234
  <dd>analysis of data of, 1215
  <dd>in UFO searches, 66
  <dd>space coverage by, 1263, 1265

  <dt><br> Photometer, zodiacal light: scanning, 1241-1246

  <dt><br> Pibal balloon <i>see</i> Weather balloon

  <dt><br> Pickering, W. H., 1229

  <dt><br> Pike's Peak Station <i>see</i> Harvard College Observatory, Pike's Peak Station

  <dt><br> Pilot balloons <i>see</i> Balloons, lighted

  <dt><br> Plan Position Indicator <i>see</i> Radar - Plan Position Indicator

  <dt><br> Planets <i>see</i> names of individual planets

  <dt><br> Plasma, 1156-1194
  <dd>characteristics expected, 1194
  <dd>radar detection of, 1073, 1093-1097

  <dt><br> Plasma blobs: as possible explanation, 1191

  <dt><br> Plasma UFO Conference, Boulder, Colo. Oct. 1967, 1193-1194

  <dt><br> Plastic balloons <i>see</i> Balloons, neoprene; Balloons, polyethylene

  <dt><br> Pluto, planet, 1229
  <dd>life on, 41

  <dt><br> Poe, William E: quoted in Case 52, 685

  <dt><br> Polls <i>see</i> Colorado Study of Public Attitudes, 1968; Gallup; Opinion Research Corporation-Caravan
    Surveys; Public Opinion

  <dt><br> Pollux, star: probably sighted, 198

  <dt><br> Polyethylene balloons <i>see</i> Balloons, polyethylene

  <dt><br> Polygraph: use of, 983

  <dt><br> Population: samples of, 325-332

  <dt><br> Port Townsend, Wash, case: soil tests, 131

  <dt><br> Powell, Bill: in Case 46, 610

  <dt><br> Power line faults: as probable explanation, 503 (Case 25)

  <dt><br> Power systems <i>see</i> Electric power systems

  <dt><br> Powers, W. T.: on future research, 1269

  <dt><br> Prairie Network, 65-66, 111, 1251, 1255, 126I, 1269
  <dd>as source of data, III
  <dd>capabilities of, 1265
  <dd>evaluation of, 1224-1229
  <dd>field headquarters of, 1223, 1224
  <dd>operation of, 1219-1229
  <dd>recommendations for, 1266
  <dd>reports, films classified, 1227
  <dd>sightings by, 1224, 1230
  <dd>space coverage by, 1262-1264

  <dt><br> Pranks <i>see</i> Hoaxes

  <dt><br> Precipitation: radar detection of, 1073, 1074-1078

  <dt><br> President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration, 339

  <dt><br> Presnell, R. I., 58

  <dt><br> Presque Isle State Park, Penna. incident, July 1966: landing gear imprint at, 129

  <dt><br> Price, William, 12

  <dt><br> Pro, Maynard, J.: analysis in Case 4, 393
  <dd>analysis of metal, 141

  <dt><br> Product Moment Coefficients <i>see</i> Pearson Product Moment Coefficients

  <dt><br> Project Blue Book, 7, 10, 11, 18, 74, 76, 80, 82, 99-100, 129, 134, 147, 379,
  <dd>381-385 (Case 2),
  <dd>397-398 (Case 5),
  <dd>325, 328-330, 551 (Case 35),
  <dd>642-652 <i>passim</i> (Case 49),
  <dd>685, 693 (Case 52),
  <dd>713 (Case 55)
  <dd>correspondence re Case 47, 627-632
  <dd>establishment of, 857, 860
  <dd>file of UFO reports, 31
  <dd>operating instructions, 884
  <dd>personnel investigating Michigan cases, 899-902
  <dd>report on Zond IV, 949, 950
  <dd>reports for 1953 to 65, 893
  <dd>reports of cases, 73
  <dd>review of, 903, 905-908
  <dd>source of data, 110, 178
  <dd>source of reports, 33

  <dt><br> Project Grudge., 851-866
  <dd>establishment of, 850, 857
  <dd>reactivated Oct. 1941, 857
  <dd>recommendations of, 853-855, 857

  <dt><br> Project Magnet, 922

  <dt><br> Project Second Storey: study program of, 922

  <dt><br> Project Sign, 844-851
  <dd>final report quoted, (1949), 850-851
  <dd>final report quoted by Keyhoe, 851

  <dt><br> Project Sign, <i>Estimate of the Situation</i>: Conclusions of, 849

  <dt><br> Proton III: observed from spacecraft, 298-300

  <dt><br> Proton magnetometers; described, 1255-1256

  <dt><br> Proximal stimulus: ambiguity of, 932-934

  <dt><br> Psychiatric evaluation: of observers recommended, 983

  <dt><br> Psychiatric problems, 6

  <dt><br> Psychiatric studies: possibility of, 64

  <dt><br> Psychic predictions, 100 (Case 19)

  <dt><br> Psychological studies: possibility of, 63

  <dt><br> Psychological testing in cases 33, 38, 42, 87, 598-599 (Case 42)
  <dd>of observers recommended, 983
  <dd>value of, 104

  <dt><br> Psychological Warfare Division: in Grudge recommendations, 854-855

  <dt><br> Psychology, national: effect of propaganda on, 870

  <dt><br> Public Attitudes Study <i>see</i> Colorado Study of Public Attitudes, 1968

  <dt><br> Public opinion: on UFOs, 59-62, 315-362

  <dt><br> Public opinion poll respondents, demographic analysis of, 319-323

  <dt><br> Putt, Donald, Brig. Gen., USAF, 851

  <dt><br> Pvibram, Czechoslovakia meteor, 1223

  <dt><br> Quintanilla, Hector, Lt. Col., USAF, 21

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  <dt><br> Anomalous propagation effects, 173-266 <i>passim</i>, 1109-1114, 1249

  <dd>as probable explanation, 188, 194, 203, 223, 239, 247, 250, 253, 257-258, 261-266, 445 (Case 16), 541, 551-558
    (Case 35), 743, 859, Plate 68

  <dd>formation of, 551-558 (Case 35)

  <dt><br> Cardinal point effect, 1116

  <dt><br> Chaff, 133, 136
  <dd>as probable explanation, 388, 390 (Case 3)

  <dt><br> Corner reflectors, 1116

  <dt><br> Curvature of waves, 1106-1110 1456

  <dt><br> Echo
  <dd>"Angels", 1088, 1091, 1099, 1100, 1113-1114
  <dd>as RFI, 1118
  <dd>auroras, 1093, 1095-1096
  <dd>ball lightning, 1095
  <dd>birds and insects, 1081-1091
  <dd>chaff, window, rope, 1098-1099
  <dd>distant around returns, 1099-1117
  <dd>evaluation of, 1131-1137
  <dd>fireballs, 1097
  <dd>from aircraft, 1078-1081
  <dd>ground clutter, 1099-1117, 1123-1124
  <dd>ionized particles, 1093&#8212;1097
  <dd>lightning, 1093-1095
  <dd>meteorites, 1097
  <dd>meteors, 1096-1097
  <dd>multiple trip, 1064, 1091
  <dd>plasmas, 1093-1097
  <dd>precipitation, 1074-1078
  <dd>related to targets, 1071-1072, 1138-1139
  <dd>satellite, 1091-1093
  <dd>sferics, 1095
  <dd>side lobe, 1121-1131
  <dd>signal variation, 1066-1069
  <dd>smoke, 1099
  <dd>space objects, 1091-1093
  <dd>surface objects, 1099-1117
  <dd>terrain features, 1099-1117
  <dd>weather balloons, 1097-1098
  <dd><i>See also</i> "Angels", Radar, reflections

  <dt><br> Evaluation Pod, 739, Plate 19
  <dd>observed from spacecraft, 300, 301
  <dd>sun-illuminated, 300

  <dt><br> Evidence: discussed by Klass, 1191-1192

  <dt><br> False targets, 1110-1139
  <dd>probable explanation, 240

  <dt><br> Frequency bands, 1074-1131 <i>passim</i>

  <dt><br> Fundamentals of, 1063-1069

  <dt><br> Ghost, 1121, 1125-1127

  <dt><br> Ground clutter, 743, Plate 68b

  <dt><br> Information from, 1059-1140, 1246-1253

  <dt><br> Interference signals, 1117-1121

  <dt><br> Jamming, 133, 136

  <dt><br> Malfunction of, as probable explanation, 445 (Case 16)

  <dt><br> Meteor Project, Long Branch, Ill., 1254
  <dd>described, 1252

  <dt><br> Networks, 65

  <dt><br> Noise track, as probable explanation, 324

  <dt><br> Plan position indicator, 742, Plate 65, 1068-1069, 1071-1140 <i>passim</i>

  <dt><br> Reflected, as probable explanation, 183

  <dt><br> Reflections, 1121-1131

  <dt><br> Reflectors, 1124-1130, 1134-1137

  <dt><br> Resolving power of, 1246-1248

  <dt><br> Scanning: space coverage by, 1263-1264

  <dt><br> Sensitivity of, 1248-1253

  <dt><br> Side lobes of antenna, 1111, 1121-1131

  <dt><br> Sighting, 397-404 (Case 5), 564-565 (Case 37)

  <dt><br> Sightings <i>see</i> Sightings, radar

  <dt><br> Sightings of UFO's, 55-58

  <dt><br> Signal sources, 1072-1131

  <dt><br> Space coverage by, 1262-1263

  <dt><br> Systems, description of, 1060-1063
  <dd>reliability of, 1060, 1069-1070, 1138-1139

  <dt><br> Target identification, 1110-1117, 1131-1139

  <dt><br> Target intensity, 1133-1134

  <dt><br> Target velocity, 1131-1133

  <dt><br> Tropospheric propagation of radio waves, 1099-1117

  <dt><br> Uses of, 1246-1248 WSR-57 weather instruments, 1251-1252

  <dt><br> Weather <i>see</i> Weather radar network

  <dt><br> <i>See also</i> Radio waves

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  <dt><br> Radiation level: effects on, 147, 172

  <dt><br> Radioactivity: claimed, 130, 133

  <dt><br> Radio blackouts: relation to solar flares, 1159

  <dt><br> Radio dusting, 1123

  <dt><br> Radio frequency interference (RFI), 1117-1121, 1138

  <dt><br> Radio interference, 743, Plate 67

  <dt><br> Radio meteorology: principles of, 1100-1117

  <dt><br> Radiosonde balloons <i>see</i> Balloons, Neoprene; Weather balloons, Balloons, Radiosonde

  <dt><br> Radio waves: forward scatter of, 1113-1115
  <dd>propagation of, 1100-1117
  <dd>reflection of, 1100-1117, 1138
  <dd>refraction of, 1100-1117
  <dd>refractive index, 176-177, 1100-1117
  <dd>profiles of, 179-256 <i>passim</i>
  <dd><i>See also</i> Radar

  <dt><br> Rainbow: myths of, 818-819

  <dt><br> Raman, C.V.: on mirage, 1052, 1056

  <dt><br> Ramberg, Walter: quoted on "Tulli papyrus", 839

  <dt><br> Rankow, Ralph: in Case 50, 662
  <dd>quoted on Case 52, 691, 693-694

  <dt><br> Rapid City, S.D. case, Aug. 1953, 196-203

  <dt><br> Ratchford, J. Thomas, 913
  <dd>set up project, 12

  <dt><br> Reasoning <i>see</i> Deductive reasoning; Inductive reasoning

  <dt><br> Recommendations: for future investigations, 265-266

  <dt><br> Reflection: in the atmosphere, 1006-1009

  <dt><br> Refraction: in the atmosphere, 1000-1007, 1009-1011, 1014-1016, 1054
  <dd>literature of, 988-999

  <dt><br> Refraction, astronomical: color separation in, 1037-1044

  <dt><br> Refraction, Snell's law of <i>see</i> Snell's law of refraction

  <dt><br> Refractive index <i>see</i> Light waves, refractive index; Radio waves, refractive index

  <dt><br> Reporting: influences on, 940
  <dd>medical and psychological tests of, 982
  <dd>reliability of, 964-974

  <dt><br> Reports, 969, 974
  <dd>credibility of, 940-941
  <dd>early, 16-19
  <dd>explanation of, 24-30
  <dd>interpretation of, 943-974
  <dd>Null hypothesis applied to, 1275-1276
  <dd>opinions on, 315-362
  <dd>patterns in, 1274-1275
  <dd>recommendation for handling, 6-7
  <dd>sources of, 30-33
  <dd>stimuli for, 13-16
  <dd>time and place of, 31, 32

  <dt><br> Reports, published, availability of, 908
  <dd>classified, 18

  <dt><br> Revere Copper and Brass, Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y., in Case 3, 388
  <dd>Foil Division, 133

  <dt><br> Ring angels: radar identification of, 1088
  <dd><i>See also</i> Radar, echo: birds and insects

  <dt><br> Ring imprints: alleged, 129-131

  <dt><br> Roach, Franklin E.: appointed to Colorado project, viii, 917
  <dd>investigation by, 94-99
  <dd>on astronaut observations, 58-59

  <dt><br> Roberts, C.E.B., <i>The Mysterious Madame</i>: quoted on Mme. Blavatsky, 833

  <dt><br> Roberts, Walter Orr, 917

  <dt><br> Robertson, H.P., 18, 866-867

  <dt><br> Robertson Panel, 855, 866-879, 893 "Debunking" recommended by, 878-879
  <dd>educational program recommended by, 878
  <dd>on Case 49, 646, 647, 651
  <dd>report quoted, 869-971 <i>see</i> Appendix
  <dd>training program recommended by, 878

  <dt><br> Robinson, Marvin, 927

  <dt><br> Rocket, as probable explanation, 440 (Case 14)

  <dt><br> Rocket boosters, observed from spacecraft, 305, 310-311

  <dt><br> Rockets: exhaust trails, 114
  <dd>launch paced by UFO, 114, 124

  <dt><br> Rocky Mountain Power Pool meeting, June 1967, 164

  <dt><br> "Rope": radar detection of, 1073, 1098-1099

  <dt><br> Rorschach, Hermann, 819-920

  <dt><br> Roth, H.E.: reports of sightings, 84

  <dt><br> Rothberg, Gerald H.: on future research, 1269
  <dd>quoted on all-sky cameras, 1218-1219

  <dt><br> <a href="/people/r/RoushJEdward/index.html">Roush, J. Edward</a>, 68

  <dt><br> Royal Canadian Air Force, report on Case 57, 720, 723, 725, 726

  <dt><br> Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 538-540 (Case 34)

  <dt><br> Rubber balloons <i>see</i> Balloons, neoprene

  <dt><br> Ruppelt, E.J., 860
  <dd>head of Projects Grudge and Blue Book, 857
  <dd>on Case 49, 645, 646, 648, 649
  <dd>on Desvergers case, 862
  <dd>on Louisville, Ky. case, 848
  <dd>on Project Grudge report, 851-852
  <dd>quoted on Case 47, 631
  <dd>quoted on Keyhoe, 876
  <dd>quoted on Maury Island Hoax, 965
  <dd><i>The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects</i>, 21

  <dt><br> Rush, Joseph H., 1256

  <dt><br> Rusk, Dean: quoted on Colorado project, 926

  <dt><br> Russell, Bertrand, <i>Skeptical Essays</i>: quoted on expert opinion, 840-841

  <dt><br> Russia <i>see</i> U.S.S.R.

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  <dt><br> Sagan, Carl, 68
  <dd>member O'Brien committee, 904

  <dt><br> St. Elmo's fire, 1158
  <dd>as possible explanation, Klass theory of, 1190
  <dd>described, 1170, 1173
  <dd><i>See also</i> Ball lightning

  <dt><br> St. Lawrence River, Quebec case, July 1960, 134, 135-136

  <dt><br> St. Petersburg, Fla. incident, 1951, 1172

  <dt><br> Salisbury, Frank B.: quoted on moons on Mars, 46

  <dt><br> Sampling: of phenomena, 1274

  <dt><br> Santa Ana, Calif. case, Aug. 1965, 112, 115, 123-124, 671-697, 741, Plate 42

  <dt><br> <i>Santa Ana Register</i>, in Case 52, 685-694

  <dt><br> Satellites, artificial: as probable explanation, 105, 1255
  <dd>atmospheric drag on, 276-281
  <dd>brightness of, 283
  <dd>characteristics of, 1259-1262
  <dd>deceleration of, 281-282
  <dd>for future earth-surveillance, 1269
  <dd>orbit of, 276-283, 292, 294-300
  <dd>radar detection of, 1073, 1091-1093
  <dd>re-entries of, 84, 276, 281 <i>See also</i> Spacecraft

  <dt><br> Satellites, earth: search for small, 1229-1232

  <dt><br> Satellite, Earth-surveillance <i>see</i> Earth-surveillance satellite

  <dt><br> Satellites, moon: search for, 1231

  <dt><br> Saturn, Planet, 27, 191
  <dd>life on, 41

  <dt><br> Saucer "nests": alleged of UFOs, 128-131

  <dt><br> Saucers and Unexplained Celestial Events Research Society (SAUCERS), 19

  <dt><br> Sault Saint Marie Air Force Base case, Sept. 1966, 193-194

  <dt><br> Saunders, David R.: on staff of Colorado project, 917

  <dt><br> Scanning photometers <i>see</i> Photometers scanning

  <dt><br> Scanning radar <i>see</i> Radar, scanning

  <dt><br> Scattering of light <i>see</i> Light, scattering

  <dt><br> Schiaparelli, G.V.: map of Mars, 45

  <dt><br> Schirra, Walter M., Jr.: quoted on airglow, 290-291, 293

  <dt><br> Schmidt telescope <i>see</i> Mt. Palomar Schmidt telescope

  <dt><br> Schools: attitude toward UFOs, 8

  <dt><br> Schroeder, Earl: quoted on "claw" markings, 51-52

  <dt><br> Science: contribution of study to, 2-3, 7

  <dt><br> Scientific research: possibilities for, 2-5

  <dt><br> Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects <i>see</i> Colorado project.

  <dt><br> Scientists: caution of, 35-36
  <dd>decisions of, 2-5

  <dt><br> Scintillation: atmospheric, 1044-1047, 1055
  <dd>literature of, 999

  <dt><br> Scorpio (Shaula) star: as probable explanation, 181

  <dt><br> Scott, William A.: on social psychology of UFOs, 323-324, 332, 361
  <dd>on staff, Colorado project, 917

  <dt><br> Scully, Frank, <i>Behind the Flying Saucers</i>, 856

  <dt><br> Second Storey <i>see</i> Project Second Storey

  <dt><br> Secrecy, 18, 20-21
  <dd>of project reports, 869-874, 876, 877-878
  <dd>of UFO reports, 7

  <dt><br> Security, national <i>see</i> National security

  <dt><br> Seeing <i>see</i> Perception, visual

  <dt><br> Seitz, Frederick, 924

  <dt><br> Selfridge Air Force Base, Mich.: personnel investigating Michigan cases, 899-902

  <dt><br> Sensation: alertness as factor of, 935-936
  <dd>modifications of, 934-937

  <dt><br> Sensors, automatic <i>see</i> Automatic sensors

  <dt><br> Sensors, electromagnetic <i>see</i> Electromagnetic sensors

  <dt><br> Sensors, photoelectric <i>see</i> Photoelectric sensors

  <dt><br> Sensory anomalies: effect on sensation, 936

  <dt><br> Sensory deprivation: occurrence of, 978, 980

  <dt><br> Sex: as factor in opinions on UFOs, 62

  <dt><br> Sferics: radar detection of, 1095

  <dt><br> Shape: judgment of, 934, 938

  <dt><br> Sharif, M. experiment on perception, 979-980

  <dt><br> Shells, concentric with the earth: search of, 1229, 1231

  <dt><br> Shields, C.A.: in Case 38, 579

  <dt><br> Shimmer: astronomical, 1046

  <dt><br> Shinano earthquake, 1847: luminous effects of, 1180

  <dt><br> Shiroi Air Force Base, Japan: quoted on Haneda case, 1952, 186

  <dt><br> Shklovskii, I.S.: on moons of Mars, 45-46

  <dt><br> Shklovskii, I.S. and Sagan, Carl, <i>Intelligent Life in the Universe</i>: discussion of ILE, 37

  <dt><br> Shock waves <i>see</i> Sonic boom

  <dt><br> Shockley, John S., 236, 239

  <dt><br> Shooting stars, 1184-1185

  <dt><br> Sidell, Ill, image orthicon, 1252, 1254

  <dt><br> Sienko and Plane: quoted on swamp gas, 901-902

  <dt><br> Sighters: attitudes of, 315-362
  <dd>demographic analysis of, 319-323, 325, 328-329, 337-338
  <dd>public and private responses of, 324
  <dd>reporting by, 338-348
  <dd>responses to UFO opinion survey, 350, 352, 355
  <dd><i>See also</i> Observers

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  <dt><br> Air Force information on, 94-99, 100-103

  <dt><br> Air Force study of, 10-12

  <dt><br> Altitude of, 1260-1262

  <dt><br> Analyses of, 885

  <dt><br> Ancient, 824-839
  <dd>nconclusiveness of, 821-822

  <dt><br> Available information on, 73

  <dt><br> Azimuth of, 1260, 1262

  <dt><br> BAYVIC line, Sept. 1944, 890

  <dt><br> By astronauts, 268-312
  <dd><i>See also</i> Spacecraft, observations from

  <dt><br> Causes of, 943-948

  <dt><br> Data needed, 1258

  <dt><br> Decision to investigate, 85-86

  <dt><br> Duration of, 22, 1258, 1260

  <dt><br> Early notification of, 84-85

  <dt><br> Explaining reports of, 24-30

  <dt><br> History of, 813-841, 844-920

  <dt><br> History of, (1947 to 1968), 844-918

  <dt><br> Hypotheses for, 174

  <dt><br> In Illinois, (1967), 1254-1255

  <dt><br> In 1952, 864

  <dt><br> Instrumental, 1256, 1262-1268

  <dt><br> Instrumented, 64-67, 1214-1270

  <dt><br> Interpretations of reports, 943-974

  <dt><br> Investigation of, 103-106, 907-910

  <dt><br> Of balloons, 1211-1212

  <dt><br> Of 1947, 845

  <dt><br> Percentage reported, 15-16, 63

  <dt><br> Previously unreported, 78-83

  <dt><br> Psychology of, 976-984

  <dt><br> Radar, SS-S8, 104, 173-266, 219240
  <dd>blip--like, 240-261
  <dd>in Case 37, 564-565

  <dt><br> Repetitive, 83-84

  <dt><br> Reporting of, 338-348

  <dt><br> Reports of, 33, 940-941

  <dt><br> "Straight line mystery", 890

  <dt><br> Suppressed data, 111

  <dt><br> Unexplained, 116, 125-126, 192, 193, 207, 210, 214, 245-246, 259, 306-309, 1239
  <dd>by astronauts, 59, 306-309
  <dd>by Project Grudge, 851
  <dd>Case 2, 372-387
  <dd>Case 5, 397
  <dd>Case 6, 88-89, 405, 410
  <dd>Case 8, 416-417
  <dd>Case 10, 87-88, 422
  <dd>Case 12, 432, 435
  <dd>Case 13, 436-437
  <dd>Case 14, 438-442
  <dd>Case 17, 451, 457
  <dd>Case 21, 474-483
  <dd>Case 22, 484-493
  <dd>Case 31, 524-526
  <dd>Case 33, 532-537
  <dd>Case 34, 538-540
  <dd>Case 39, 87-88
  <dd>Case 42, 596&#8212;598
  <dd>Case 43, 599, 602
  <dd>Case 44, 603-604
  <dd>Case 46, 625
  <dd>Case 47, 626-635
  <dd>Case 52, 671-697
  <dd>Case 56, 716, 718
  <dd>Case 57, 720-727
  <dd>Case of B-47, 82
  <dd>numerical occurrence of, 1269-1270
  <dd>observed from spacecraft, 306-311
  <dd>percentage, (1947 to 1965;) 905
  <dd>percentage of photographic cases, 109
  <dd>statistical study of "residual" reports, 969-973
  <dd>velocity range of, 1260-1261
  <dd>visual, 147, 173-266, 193-219
  <dd>Washington, D.C., (1952, )860
  <dd>Wright-Patterson AFB, 1952, 860-861

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              <center>S (Cont'd)</center>

  <dt><br> Sign, Project <i>see</i> Project Sign

  <dt><br> Sirius, star: as probable explanation, 105, 577-598 (Case 38)

  <dt><br> Size: judgment of, 932-933, 934, 938

  <dt><br> Size-distance relations, 47-48

  <dt><br> <i>Sky and Telescope</i>: reports on fireballs, 970

  <dt><br> Sky coverage network: cost of, 1267-1268

  <dt><br> Proposal for, 1265-1268

  <dt><br> "Skyhook" balloons <i>see</i> Balloons, "Skyhook"

  <dt><br> Sky-luminescence <i>see</i> Luminescence

  <dt><br> Sky survey: by photometers, 1232-1234
  <dd>by telescope, 1265
  <dd>of airglow, 1233, 1234-1239
  <dd>of zodiacal light, 1233, 1241-1246

  <dt><br> Smith, Warren P., 742, Plate 61-62

  <dt><br> Smith, Warren, and Gabriel Green, <i>Let's Face the Facts about Flying Saucers</i>: quoted on 1720 A.D.
    sighting, 824-825

  <dt><br> Smith, Wilbert B. 922

  <dt><br> Smithsonian Institution, 65-66, 1252, 1254
  <dd>Radar Meteor Project: adaptable to UFO searches, 66-67
  <dd>research on meteorites, 1219
  <dd>Visual Prairie Network, 906

  <dt><br> Smithsonian Meteorite Recovery Project: costs of, 1267

  <dt><br> Smoke: radar detection of, 1073, 1099

  <dt><br> Snell's law of refraction, 1000, 1001 , l005-1007, 1009-1010, 1017, 1054

  <dt><br> Snowstorm luminescence: as possible explanations, 1192

  <dt><br> Social forces: influence on reporting, 974

  <dt><br> Sodium flare <i>see</i> Flare, sodium

  <dt><br> Soil tests, 131

  <dt><br> Solar flares: cause, effect, 1159

  <dt><br> Solar Observatory, Orbiting <i>see</i> Orbiting Solar Observatory

  <dt><br> Sonic boom, 1146-1154
  <dd>absence of, 52-53, 147, 214, 1146 , 1154
  <dd>atmospheric effects on, 1151-1152
  <dd>propagation of, 1147-1151, 1153
  <dd>reduction of, 1152, 1153
  <dd>wind effects on, 1151

  <dt><br> Superbooms, 1153
  <dd><i>See also</i> Sound waves

  <dt><br> Sonora and Camarillo, Calif. case, Nov. 1967, Dec. 1967, 729-736 (Case 58)

  <dt><br> Sonora, Calif., case, 116, 742, Plate 63

  <dt><br> Sound <i>see</i> Noise

  <dt><br> Sound effects <i>see</i> Sonic boom

  <dt><br> Sound, Speed of <i>see</i> Sound waves

  <dt><br> Sound waves: speed of, 1147 <i>See also</i> Sonic boom

  <dt><br> South Hill, Virginia, incident, April 1967: landing gear imprint of, 129

  <dt><br> Soviet satellite Zond <i>see</i> Zond

  <dt><br> Soviet Union <i>see</i> U.S.S.R.

  <dt><br> Space: characteristics of, 279

  <dt><br> Spacecraft: disintegration of Zond IV, 949-958

  <dt><br> Spacecraft: luminosity of, 281

  <dt><br> Spacecraft: observations from, 268-312
  <dd>Agena, 302
  <dd>Airglow, 289-292
  <dd>artifacts, 294-300
  <dd>Aurora, 292
  <dd>Bogie, 307, 309-311
  <dd>ELSS, 298
  <dd>extra-vehicular activity (EVA), 305
  <dd>Glenn particles, 285, 303-305
  <dd>meteors, 293
  <dd>Pegasus B, 308-309
  <dd>Proton III, 298-300
  <dd>Radar Evaluation Pod, 300, 391, 739, Plate 19
  <dd>rocket boosters, 305, 310, 311
  <dd>stars, 292-293
  <dd>twilight bands, 294
  <dd>unidentified, 306-309
  <dd>uriglow, 285, 304
  <dd>zodiacal light, 293, 294

  <dt><br> Spacecraft: reentry of, 281
  <dd>rendezvous and docking of, 300, 302
  <dd>rendezvous of: Agena, 300
  <dd>windows of, 274-276, 292, 293, 294, 311
  <dd><i>See also</i> Satellites, artificial

  <dt><br> Spacecraft, extraterrestrial <i>see</i> Extraterrestrial intelligence

  <dt><br> "Space grass", 132-133

  <dt><br> Space objects: as causes of sightings, 943-948
  <dd>characteristics of, 1256-1262
  <dd>classified, 175-176
  <dd>mass of, 281, 283, 284, 286, 287
  <dd>radar detection of, 1073, 1091-1093
  <dd>sun-illuminated, 283-287, 304
  <dd><i>See also</i> Artifacts; Spacecraft; Satellites; names of specific objects

  <dt><br> Space travel fiction, 34

  <dt><br> Speed: judgment of, 933-934, 938

  <dt><br> Spheres, metal: as probable explanation, 136-137

  <dt><br> Spherics <i>see</i> Sferics

  <dt><br> Spiders: as probable explanation, 132

  <dt><br> Spitzbergen Island case, (1952, ) 133-134

  <dt><br> Sprinkle, R. Leo: on hypnotic examination of witness, 598-599 (Case 42)
  <dd>quoted on Lorenzen book, 879-880

  <dt><br> Squall lines: source of tornadoes, 1174

  <dt><br> SS Hampton Roads case, 253

  <dt><br> Stanford Research Institute, 55
  <dd>contribution to Colorado project, iii

  <dt><br> Stars: as probable explanation, 182, 203, 220, 232, 234, 236,
  <dd>575-580 (Case 38)
  <dd>magnitude of, 1222
  <dd>observed from spacecraft, 292-293
  <dd>scintillating, as probable explanation, 181
  <dd>visibility of, 292-293
  <dd><i>See also</i> names of individual stars and planets

  <dt><br> Stars, shooting <i>see</i> Shooting stars

  <dt><br> Statistical analysis: of UFO phenomena, 1271-1278

  <dt><br> Statistical methodology: for studying UFO phenomena, 1272, 1277-1278

  <dt><br> Stimulus, concomitant: effect on sensation, 936

  <dt><br> Stimulus, proximal <i>see</i> Proximal stimulus

  <dt><br> Stolyarov, Porfiry A., 923

  <dt><br> Storms, geomagnetic <i>see</i> Geomagnetic storms

  <dt><br> Stringfield, L.H.: investigation of Case 55, 711, 712, 714

  <dt><br> Strong, Ralph, Case 50, 662, 663

  <dt><br> Strontium: added to magnesium, 143 in Case 4, 395

  <dt><br> Study programs regarding UFOs: in foreign countries, 921-928

  <dt><br> Subsonic aircraft <i>see</i> Aircraft, subsonic

  <dt><br> Sub-sun: as probable explanation, 116, 702-709 (Case S4) in photographs, 113, 738, Plate 2

  <dt><br> Sullivan, Walter, <i>We are Not Alone</i>: review of ILE, 36-37

  <dt><br> Sulphur <i>see</i> Brimstone odors

  <dt><br> Sun: worship of, 817-818
  <dd><i>See also</i> Sub-sun

  <dt><br> Sun illuminated space objects <i>see</i> Space objects sun illuminated

  <dt><br> Sunspots: nature of, 1158-1159

  <dt><br> Super-pressure balloons <i>see</i> Balloons, super-pressure

  <dt><br> Super-Schmidt Camera, 1220-1222
  <dd>sky coverage by, 1265

  <dt><br> Supersonic aircraft <i>see</i> Aircraft supersonic

  <dt><br> Surface objects: radar detection of, 1099-1117

  <dt><br> Swamp gas, 1174
  <dd>as probable explanation, 899-902
  <dd>theory for ball lightning, 1168

  <dt><br> Sweden: sightings in, 17
  <dd>study programs in, 921, 923

  <dt><br> Sweden, Research Institute of National Defence: study programs, 923

  <dt><br> Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Washington, D.C., July 1968, 68

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  <dt><br> Tachikawa Air Force Base, Japan, 187

  <dt><br> Teenagers: responses to UFO opinion survey, 348-351, 354-355

  <dt><br> sample of, 325, 337

  <dt><br> Television camera <i>see</i> Camera, television

  <dt><br> Temperature gradients in the atmosphere <i>see</i> Atmosphere, temperature gradients in

  <dt><br> Temperature inversions: in mirage formation, 1011-1014, 1053-1054

  <dt><br> Temperature lapses: in mirage formation, 1011-1012, 1018, 1053-1054

  <dt><br> Tennessee Valley Authority outage Feb.1967, 162

  <dt><br> Terrain features: as probable explanations, 224
  <dd>radar detection of, 1099-1117

  <dt><br> Terrestrial magnetic disturbances <i>see</i> Magnetic field, earth: disturbances of

  <dt><br> Testing, psychological <i>see</i> Psychological testing

  <dt><br> Thacher, Peter S.: quoted on U.N. committees, 927-928

  <dt><br> Thayer, Gordon: quoted on anomalous propagation hypothesis, 58
  <dd>"Light scattering by aerosol particles", 1047-1052

  <dt><br> Thomas, Paul: on "Miracle of Fatima", 823

  <dt><br> Thomas, Paul, <i>Flying Saucers Through the Ages</i>: quoted on Byland Abbey sighting, 828-829

  <dt><br> Thompson, Frank, Lt. Cmdr, USN: Washington, D.C. case, 135

  <dt><br> Thor-Agena rocket: in Case 51, 667-670

  <dt><br> Thunderstorms: electric fields of, 1156, 1161-1162, 1170-1175, 1182-1183

  <dt><br> Thutmose III, 1504-1450 B.C., Annals: quoted 835-836, 838

  <dt><br> Tillamook, Ore. case Mar.1967, 183-184

  <dt><br> Titan, second phase, 307

  <dt><br> Titan 3 C-4, satellite Sept. 1967: re-entry of, 958-959

  <dt><br> Titanium: as component of "angel hair", 132

  <dt><br> Tombaugh Survey, 1229-1232, 1265, 1266

  <dt><br> Tornado clouds: as possible explanation, 1192

  <dt><br> Tornado lightning: description of, 1156, 1174-1178, 1179, 1193

  <dt><br> Tornadoes: characteristics of, 1259-1262
  <dd>electric field of, 1256

  <dt><br> Tosa earthquake (1698) luminous effects of, 1180

  <dt><br> Tracking films <i>see</i> Films, tracking

  <dt><br> Traill, R. J.: quoted in Case 22, 492-493

  <dt><br> Tremonton, Utah. case July 1952, 641-653; movie film frame, 740, Plate 31

  <dt><br> Trench, Brinsley LePoer: quoted on ancient sightings, 824, 828
  <dd><i>The Flying Saucer Story</i>, quoted 835-836

  <dt><br> Troposphere <i>see</i> Atmosphere

  <dt><br> Truckee, Calif. case, Sept. 1963, 35, 883-884

  <dt><br> Tucson, Ariz. incident Oct. 1967; landing gear, imprint of, 87

  <dt><br> Tulli , Alberto: "Tulli papyrus", 835-839

  <dt><br> "Tulli papyrus": quoted, 835-836, 838

  <dt><br> Tunguska Meteor of 1908, 1219

  <dt><br> Tunguska River, Siberia, incident, June 1908, 1188-1190

  <dt><br> Twilight bands: observed from space-craft, 294

  <dt><br> Twilight effects: of balloons, 1209-1210

  <dt><br> Twining, Nathan F., Lt.Gen, USAF: established study, 844
  <dd>on secrecy, 874

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  <dt><br> Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, case (1957), 54, 138-143

  <dt><br> UFO <i>see</i> Unidentified flying objects

  <dt><br> <i>UFO Contact</i>, periodical: quoted on Adamski's work, 894-895

  <dt><br> Uhlenbeck, George, 867

  <dt><br> Uncertainty: quantitative treatment of, 1271

  <dt><br> Unexplained sightings <i>see</i> Sightings, unexplained

  <dt><br> Unidentified bright objects (UBO):
  <dd>study of, 1234-1239, 1240-1246

  <dt><br> Unidentified flying object: defined, 13-14

  <dt><br> Unidentified sightings <i>see</i> Sightings, unidentified

  <dt><br> United Artists: documentary film by, 632 (Case 47)

  <dt><br> United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 927-928

  <dt><br> United Nations, Outer Space Affairs Group, 924, 927, 928

  <dt><br> U.S.Air Force <i>see</i> Air Force

  <dt><br> U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue, National Office Laboratory: analysis of metal, 140-143

  <dt><br> U.S. Central Intelligence Agency <i>see</i> Central Intelligence Agency

  <dt><br> U.S. Congress, House Committee on Armed Services: defense concerns, 68

  <dt><br> U.S. Congress, House Committee on Science and Astronautics: research concerns, 68

  <dt><br> U.S. Department of Defense, 5, 7

  <dt><br> U.S. Environmental Science Services Administration, 5

  <dt><br> U.S. Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA), 5
  <dd>support of Colorado project, viii-ix

  <dt><br> U.S. Federal Aviation Agency <i>see</i> Federal Aviation Agency

  <dt><br> U.S. Federal Power Commission <i>see</i> Federal Power Commission

  <dt><br> U.S. Forest Service, Region 2: reports of sightings, 84

  <dt><br> U.S. House Armed Services Committee: hearing on UFO problems, 909

  <dt><br> U.S. Internal Revenue Service, Research and Methods Evaluation Group: analysis in Case 4, 393

  <dt><br> U.S. Library of Congress: Bibliography of UFO literature, 898

  <dt><br> U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 5, 58, 298

  <dt><br> U.S. National Science Foundation, 5

  <dt><br> U.S. Naval Photographic Interpretation Center: on Case 49, 647

  <dt><br> U.S. Navy captain case (1962), 78-79

  <dt><br> U.S. President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration <i>see</i> President's Commission on Law
    Enforcement and Administration

  <dt><br> U.S. Weather Bureau, 1251
  <dd>radar adaptable to UFO searches, 66
  <dd>reports of sightings, 84

  <dt><br> Universal City Studios: photographs of sightings, 729 (Case 58)

  <dt><br> Universe: dimensions of, 38-39

  <dt><br> University of Arizona: contribution to Colorado project, ix.

  <dt><br> University of Colorado, 12, 913-918 <i>passim</i>
  <dd>assumes project, vii-ix
  <dd>Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects <i>see</i> Colorado project

  <dt><br> Unknown <i>see</i> Sightings unexplained

  <dt><br> Upper Atmosphere Research Section Canada: study program of, 922

  <dt><br> Uranus, planet: life on, 41

  <dt><br> Urbana, Illinois sighting Nov. 1967, 1255

  <dt><br> Uriglow, 739, Plate 22

  <dt><br> U.S.S.R.: study programs in, 923-925

  <dt><br> Utica, New York case June 1955, 213-214

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  <dt><br> Vallee, Jacques: on patterns in reports, 1275
  <dd>quoted on alignments, 892
  <dd>quoted on ancient sightings, 824-827, 828, 830

  <dt><br> Valley, George, 851

  <dt><br> Vandenberg, Hoyt S., Gen. USAF: on 1947/48 studies, 849

  <dt><br> Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.: direction of satellites from, 1262
  <dd>case, 111, 124-l25,
  <dd>259-261 (Case 35),
  <dd>667-670 (Case 51),
  <dd>tracking film 741, Plate 41

  <dt><br> Vatican Museum, Egyptian section: on "Tulli papyrus", 839

  <dt><br> Vega, star, 261

  <dt><br> Venus, planet, 14, 191, 211, 285, 443-444 (Case 15), 1055
  <dd>as probable explanation, 93-94, 104, 111, 124, 148, 189, 563 , 571-574 (Case 37), 667-670 (Case 51)
  <dd>gravitational pull of, 42-43
  <dd>life on, 41-42
  <dd>photographed, 113, 739, Plate 13
  <dd>tracking film, 741, Plate 41

  <dt><br> "Vergilian saucers": defined, 891

  <dt><br> Vidicon television camera: modifications of, 1253

  <dt><br> Vidicons: aerial coverage by, 1264

  <dt><br> Viezee, William, 47

  <dt><br> Vilas-Boas, Antonio: in Brazil case, 35, 880-883

  <dt><br> Vision defects: should be noted, 47

  <dt><br> Visitors from outer space <i>see</i> Extra Terrestrial Actuality

  <dt><br> Visual perception, 46-49
  <dd>process of, 930-941

  <dt><br> Visual sightings <i>see</i> Sightings, visual

  <dt><br> Visualization: nature of, 820

  <dt><br> Volcanic eruption, Iceland <i>see</i> Iceland volcanic eruptions

  <dt><br> Volcano lightning, 1156, 1179

  <dt><br> Volunteer Flight Officer Network: reports of sightings, 84

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  <dt><br> Wadsworth, James E.: investigation by, 94-99

  <dt><br> Wagner, A. M., Sgt. Maj., U.S.A., in Case 50, 662

  <dt><br> Walesville-Westmorland, N.Y., case July 1954, 240-241

  <dt><br> Walker, S: on observer creditability, 976, 982-983

  <dt><br> Walsh, Robert C.: on northeast power outage, 166

  <dt><br> Walter, C. D.: on Antarctic events, 149

  <dt><br> Ware, Willis H.: member O'Brien Committee, 904

  <dt><br> Washington, D.C. area case July 1952, 134-135, 227-236

  <dt><br> Washington, D.C. radar sightings (1952) 73-74, 78, 364

  <dt><br> Washington flap of 1952 <i>see</i> Washington National Airport, reports on sightings

  <dt><br> Washington National Airport: reports on sightings, 17, 29, 231-235

  <dt><br> Waves, Optical <i>see</i> Light waves

  <dt><br> Waves, radio <i>see</i> Radio waves

  <dt><br> Weather balloons, 108
  <dd>as probable explanation, 182, 211, 215-219, 224, 240-241, 242, 245, 253, 445 (Case 16), 594-595 (Case 41), 849,
  <dd>in photographs, 114
  <dd>radar detection of, 1073, 1097-1098

  <dt><br> Weather Bureau <i>see</i> U.S.Weather Bureau

  <dt><br> Weather Network, 1251

  <dt><br> Weather Radar Network, 1255, 1263-1264, 1266

  <dt><br> Webb, Eugene J.: on age groups related to UFO opinions, 357

  <dt><br> Welles, Orson: "Invasion from Mars", 980

  <dt><br> Wertheimer, Michael, 47
  <dd>on staff, Colorado project, 917

  <dt><br> Western Operating Committee meeting, July 1967, 164

  <dt><br> White, Edward H., II, observation by, 309

  <dt><br> White light: color separation of, 1037-1044

  <dt><br> White Sands Missile Range, N.M. case, Mar. 1967, 223-224

  <dt><br> White Sands Proving Ground: flare in Case 53, 710, 712, 713
  <dd>sightings during rocket tests in Case 51, 668

  <dt><br> Whitted, John B.: pilot in Eastern Airlines case, 848

  <dt><br> Wichita, Kansas, case August 1965, 236-240

  <dt><br> Wilkins, Harold T.: <i>Flying Saucers on the Attack</i>, 877

  <dt><br> Will-o-the-wisp, 1174

  <dt><br> "Window": radar detection of, 1073, 1098

  <dt><br> Witnesses: interviewing of, 23, 28-30

  <dt><br> Wolberg, L. R.: quoted on hypnosis, 983

  <dt><br> Wortman, Ralph and Frank: in Case 46, 610

  <dt><br> Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio case Aug. 1952, 241-245

  <dt><br> Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Project Blue Book <i>see</i> Project Blue Book

  <dt><br> WSR-57: features of, 1251

  <dt><br> XF-5-U-1 plane: possible sighting of, 846

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              <center>Y - Z</center>

  <dt><br> Yedo, Tokyo, earthquake (1672): luminous effects of, 1180

  <dt><br> Zigel, Feliks, 923-924

  <dt><br> Zodiacal band: observed from spacecraft, 293

  <dt><br> Zodiacal light, 739, Plate 13

  <dt><br> Zodiacal light photometer <i>see</i> Photometer, zodiacal light

  <dt><br> Zond IV, satellite, 276
  <dd>Mar. 1968 re-entry of, 933, 949-958, 960, 961, 967-968, 970, 971


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