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# example of rsg-components
Click a button to send data from the server, fetch the same data from the server and show it in an Box component. Powered by Meteor and uses the development version of rsg-components (aka you must build rsg-components before using this). Example of usage of all components in RSGComponents (WIP).

## Notes:
1. It does not use a native version of FormBasic and simply uses something similar with same styling due to certain issues with the API as of yet. This will be kept in sync with the FormBasic from master.
2. CSS-dependent components (ones which haven't been ported to inline styles yet) are not used.
3. Aphrodite-JSS and Lodash are externals of RSGComponents. As a built version of RSGComponents without Aphrodite-JSS/Lodash is being used, lodash and aphrodite-jss are used as dependencies. DO NOT DO THIS IN YOUR APP UNLESS YOU ARE USING THEM.