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// Copyright 2017, Dell EMC, Inc.

'use strict';

var di = require('di');

module.exports = waitSelEventJobFactory;
di.annotate(waitSelEventJobFactory, new di.Provide('Job.Wait.Sel.Events'));
di.annotate(waitSelEventJobFactory, new di.Inject(

function waitSelEventJobFactory(
) {
    var logger = Logger.initialize(waitSelEventJobFactory);

     * @param {Object} options
     * @param {Object} context
     * @param {String} taskId
     * @constructor
    function WaitSelEventJob(options, context, taskId) {
        WaitSelEventJob.super_.call(this, logger, options, context, taskId);
        this.nodeId = context.target;
        this.pollerId = undefined;
        this.alertFilters = options.alertFilters;
        this.pollInterval = options.pollInterval || 60000;
        this.legacyInterval = undefined;
        this.freshAlerts = [];
        this.severity =  options.severity || 'information';
    util.inherits(WaitSelEventJob, BaseJob);

     * @memberOf WaitSelEventJob
    WaitSelEventJob.prototype._run = function run() {
        var self = this;
        return waterline.workitems.findPollers({
            node: self.nodeId,
            'config.command': 'selEntries'
            return self._retrievePollerInfo(pollers);
            return self.setSelAlertConfig(pollers[0]);
            return self._subscribeSelEvent(self.severity, self.pollerId, self._callback.bind(self));
            logger.error('Fail to run wait sel events', {
                node: self.nodeId,
                error: err,
                options: self.options

     * @memberOf WaitSelEventJob
    WaitSelEventJob.prototype._retrievePollerInfo = function(pollers) {
        var poller;
        var existingAlerts;
        var self = this;
        if (_.isEmpty(pollers)) {
            return Promise.reject("Can't find SEL poller");
        if (pollers.length !== 1) {
            return Promise.reject("Find more than one SEL poller for a node");
        return Promise.try(function(){
            poller = pollers[0];
            self.pollerId = poller.id;
            self.legacyInterval = poller.pollInterval;
            existingAlerts = poller.config.alerts || [];
            _.forEach(self.alertFilters, function(alertFilter){
                var filter = _.omit(alertFilter, 'count');
                if (!filter.action || filter.action !== self.severity){
                    filter.action = self.severity;
                if (_.findIndex(existingAlerts, filter) === -1) {
            self.pureFilters = _.map(self.alertFilters, function(alertFilter){
                return _.omit(alertFilter, ['action', 'count']);
            self.eventCounts = _.map(self.alertFilters, function(alertFilter){
                return alertFilter.count || 1;

     * @memberOf WaitSelEventJob
    WaitSelEventJob.prototype.updateSelPollerConfig = function(data) {
        if (_.isEmpty(this.freshAlerts)){
            data = _.omit(data, ['alerts', 'isRemove']);
        if (this.legacyInterval === this.pollInterval) {
            data = _.omit(data, 'pollInterval') ;
        if (_.isEmpty(data)) {
            return Promise.resolve();
        return waterline.workitems.updatePollerAlertConfig(this.pollerId, data);

     * @memberOf WaitSelEventJob
    WaitSelEventJob.prototype.unsetSelAlertConfig = function() {
        var self = this;
        var data = {
            alerts: self.freshAlerts,
            pollInterval: self.legacyInterval,
            isRemove: true 
        return this.updateSelPollerConfig(data);

     * @memberOf WaitSelEventJob
    WaitSelEventJob.prototype.setSelAlertConfig = function() {
        var self = this;
        var data = {
            alerts: self.freshAlerts,
            pollInterval: self.pollInterval,
            isRemove: false
        return self.updateSelPollerConfig(data);

     * @memberOf WaitSelEventJob
    WaitSelEventJob.prototype._callback = function(data) {
        var self = this;
        var filteringValid = _verifyFiltering(self.pureFilters, self.eventCounts, data);
        if (!filteringValid) {
            return Promise.resolve();
        return self.unsetSelAlertConfig()

     * Validate events data against filtering conditions.
     * Alert filters will be validated by indexing sequence.
     * Each alert filter can includes an attribute "count" to indicate how many times this event
     * should happen continuously
     * @param {Array} filters: an array of alert filters in sequence
     * @param {Array} counts: an array of alert filters counting in sequence
     * @param {Object} data: AMQP data received
     * @return {Boolean}: true if all filtering conditions are met, false otherwise.
    function _verifyFiltering(filters, counts, data) {
        var reading = data.data.alert.reading;
        if (_.isEmpty(reading)) {
            return false;
        var filter = filters[0];
        var count = counts[0];
        var matched = true;
        _.map(filter, function(value, key){
            if (data.data.alert.reading[key] !== value) {
                matched = false;
        if (matched) {
            count = count - 1;
            if (count === 0){
            } else {
                counts[0] = count;
        if (_.isEmpty(filters)){
            return true;
        return false;

    return WaitSelEventJob;