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import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { CONSTS } from '../../config/consts';

const global = (window as any);

export class DrawUtils {

    private idKey: string;
    private waitOnKey: string;
    private tasks: any [];

    constructor(idKey: string, waitOnKey: string, tasks: any[]) {
      this.idKey = idKey;
      this.waitOnKey = waitOnKey;
      this.tasks = tasks;

     * Put positioned taskIds into an array in flipped "N" position sequence
     * (Top-down in each column then left-right for all columns)
    public sortTaskIdsByPos(colMatrix: any, rowMatrix: any, skipLastCol: boolean): string[] {
      let locatedTaskIds: string[][] = [];
      _.forEach(colMatrix, (col, taskId) => {
        let row = rowMatrix[taskId];
        locatedTaskIds[col] = locatedTaskIds[col] || [];
        locatedTaskIds[col][row] = taskId;

      if (skipLastCol) locatedTaskIds.pop();

      return _.compact(_.flatten(locatedTaskIds));

     * Retrieve task-task waited-by relations from workflow task list
     * WaitedBy is the reversed description for waitedOn
    public getWaitedBysMatrix(tasks: any[]): any {
      let waitedBys = {};
      _.forEach(tasks, task => {
        _.forEach(task[this.waitOnKey], (states, key) => {
          let state: string;
          waitedBys[key] = waitedBys[key] || {};
          if (states as any instanceof Array) {
            state = states.length > 1 ? CONSTS.taskResult.finished : states[0];
          } else {
            state = states;
          waitedBys[key][task[this.idKey]] = state;
      return waitedBys;

     * Create canvas node object for task
    public createTaskNode(task: any, position): any {
      let waitOnLength = _.keys(task[this.waitOnKey]).length;
      let taskNodeName = 'rackhd/task_' + waitOnLength;
      let taskNode = global.LiteGraph.createNode(taskNodeName);
      taskNode.title = task.label;
      taskNode.properties.task = task;
      taskNode.state = task.state;
      taskNode.pos = [position[0], position[1]];

      if (task.state) {
        let colors = CONSTS.colors;
        let state = task.state;
        let fgColor = colors[state].color;
        let bgColor = colors[state].bgColor;
        if (fgColor) taskNode.color = fgColor;
        if (bgColor) taskNode.bgcolor = bgColor;

      // get error log of invalid tasks
      if (task.state === 'failed' || task.state === 'error' ||
        task.state === "cancelled" || task.state === "timeout") {
        taskNode.properties.log = task.error;
      return taskNode;

     * Connect task nodes by column
    public connectNodes(allTaskIds, taskNodeMatrix, inputSlotIndexes) {
      let waitedBysMatrix = this.getWaitedBysMatrix(this.tasks);
      _.forEach(allTaskIds, (taskId) => {
        let curNode = taskNodeMatrix[taskId];
        let task = curNode.properties.task;
        let waitedByTasks = waitedBysMatrix[taskId];
        _.forEach(waitedByTasks, (state, taskId) => {
          let curNodeOutputSlot = CONSTS.outputSlots[state];
          let nextNodeInputSlot = inputSlotIndexes[taskId];
          let nextNode = taskNodeMatrix[taskId];
          curNode.connect(curNodeOutputSlot, nextNode, nextNodeInputSlot);
          inputSlotIndexes[taskId] += 1;

   * drawBackCanvas is used to override default method to delete the border of canvas
  public static drawBackCanvas() {
    return function(){
      var canvas = this.bgcanvas;
      if (canvas.width != this.canvas.width ||
        canvas.height != this.canvas.height) {
        canvas.width = this.canvas.width;
        canvas.height = this.canvas.height;
      if (!this.bgctx)
        this.bgctx = this.bgcanvas.getContext("2d");
      var ctx = this.bgctx;
      if (ctx.start)

      if (this.clear_background)
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

      //reset in case of error
      ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);

      if (this.graph) {
        //apply transformations
        ctx.scale(this.scale, this.scale);
        ctx.translate(this.offset[0], this.offset[1]);

        //render BG
        if (this.background_image && this.scale > 0.5) {
          ctx.globalAlpha = (1.0 - 0.5 / this.scale) * this.editor_alpha;
          ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
          if (!this._bg_img || this._bg_img.name != this.background_image) {
            this._bg_img = new Image();
            this._bg_img.name = this.background_image;
            this._bg_img.src = this.background_image;
            var that = this;
            this._bg_img.onload = function () {
              that.draw(true, true);

          var pattern = null;
          if (this._pattern == null && this._bg_img.width > 0) {
            pattern = ctx.createPattern(this._bg_img, 'repeat');
            this._pattern_img = this._bg_img;
            this._pattern = pattern;
            pattern = this._pattern;
          if (pattern) {
            ctx.fillStyle = pattern;
            ctx.fillRect(this.visible_area[0], this.visible_area[1], this.visible_area[2] - this.visible_area[0], this.visible_area[3] - this.visible_area[1]);
            ctx.fillStyle = "transparent";

          ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
          ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = true;

        if (this.onBackgroundRender)
          this.onBackgroundRender(canvas, ctx);

        //DEBUG: show clipping area
        //ctx.fillStyle = "red";
        //ctx.fillRect( this.visible_area[0] + 10, this.visible_area[1] + 10, this.visible_area[2] - this.visible_area[0] - 20, this.visible_area[3] - this.visible_area[1] - 20);

        ctx.strokeStyle = "transparent"; //change border to white
        ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

        if (this.render_connections_shadows) {
          ctx.shadowColor = "#000";
          ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
          ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;
          ctx.shadowBlur = 6;
          ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";

        //draw connections
        if (!this.live_mode)

        ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";

        //restore state

      if (ctx.finish)

      this.dirty_bgcanvas = false;
      this.dirty_canvas = true; //to force to repaint the front canvas with the bgcanvas


export class PositionUtils {

    private tasks: any [];
    private idKey: string;
    private waitOnKey: string;

    constructor(tasks, idKey, waitOnKey) {
      this.tasks = tasks;
      this.idKey = idKey;
      this.waitOnKey = waitOnKey;

     * Retrieve only taskId-waitOns from workflow task list
    public getWaitOnsMatrix(): any {
      return _.transform(this.tasks, (result, value, key) => {
        let _value: any = value as any;
        result[_value[this.idKey]] = _value[this.waitOnKey];
      }, {});

     * Generate column positions for all tasks based on waitOn level depth
     * That is:
     *  if task has no waitOn, its depth is 0;
     *  if task waitOn task has depth 0, its depth is 1;
     *  if task waits on tasks, its depth is max depth it waits on plus 1
    public generateColPos(waitOnsList: any): {[propName: string]: number} {
      let colPosMatrix = {};
      _.forEach(waitOnsList, (waitOns, taskId) => {
        this.generateColPosForTask(taskId, colPosMatrix, waitOnsList);
      return colPosMatrix;

     * Get task column position by taskId
    private generateColPosForTask(taskId: string, colPosMatrix: any, waitOnsList: any): number {
      let waitOns = waitOnsList[taskId];
      let colPos: number;
      let waitOnsColPosList: any[];
      if (_.isEmpty(waitOns)) {
        colPos = 0;
      } else {
        //Each task will be placed after all tasks it waits on.
        colPos = _.max(this.getWaitOnsColPositions(waitOns, colPosMatrix, waitOnsList)) + 1;

      //Task column position is assigned once identified to save iterations/recursions
      colPosMatrix[taskId] = colPos;

      return colPos;

     * Get all waitOn tasks's column positions
    private getWaitOnsColPositions(waitOns: any, colPosMatrix: any, waitOnsList): number[] {
      let colIndexes = [];
      _.forEach(waitOns, (waitOn, waitOnTask) => {
        if (!_.isUndefined(colPosMatrix[waitOnTask])) {
        } else {
          colIndexes.push(this.generateColPosForTask(waitOnTask, colPosMatrix, waitOnsList));
      return colIndexes;

     * Retrieve tasksId-waitedBys from workflow task list
    public getWaitedBysMatrix(tasks: any[]): any {
      let waitedBys = {};
      _.forEach(tasks, task => {
        _.forEach(task[this.waitOnKey], (states, key) => {
          let state: string;
          waitedBys[key] = waitedBys[key] || {};
          if (states as any instanceof Array) {
            state = states.length > 1 ? CONSTS.taskResult.finished : states[0];
          } else {
            state = states;
          waitedBys[key][task[this.idKey]] = state;
      return waitedBys;

     * Generate row position for all tasks that have already had column positions
     * Row position is decided by two things:
     *  1. Row position of tasks it waits-on.
     *  Tasks in a column will be queued following there waitOn tasks row position
     *  before generating row position. Row position is then assigned by the queue
     *  index by default. However if row position of a task is smaller than its
     *  waits-on tasks, this task will be shift to a new index in the queue
     *  to make sure the new generated task row position (and its index in the queue)
     *  is no smaller than its waitOn tasks row positions.
     *  All tasks in the queue after current task will be shifted as well.
     *  2. Wait-on status.
     *  Task will have increasing row sequence as 'failed=>succeeded=>finished' to
     *  align status position on task nodes
    public generateRowPos(colPosMatrix: any, waitOnsList: any): {[propName: string]: number} {
      let rowPosMatrix = {};
      let tasksSortedByCol = this.sortTaskByCol(colPosMatrix);
      let waitedBysMatrix = this.getWaitedBysMatrix(this.tasks);

      //First column task's row position is decided by its appearing sequence
      let rowIndex = 0;
      let firstColumnTasks = tasksSortedByCol[0];
      _.forEach(firstColumnTasks, task => {
        rowPosMatrix[task] = rowIndex;
        rowIndex += 1;

      let curColTasks = firstColumnTasks;
      let curColumn = 0;
        if (curColumn === tasksSortedByCol.length -1) break; // Skip last column

        let startRowPos = 0;
        let nextColTasks = tasksSortedByCol[curColumn + 1];
        // Generate row position for next column tasks via waited-by relations
        let nextSortedColTasks = [];
        _.forEach(curColTasks, curTaskId => {
          let waitedByTasks = waitedBysMatrix[curTaskId];
          if (_.isEmpty(waitedByTasks)){ return true; } // Skip task is not waited by any task
          let curRowPos = startRowPos;
          let tasksSortedByOut = this.sortTaskByWaitOnState(waitedByTasks, nextColTasks);

          _.forEach(tasksSortedByOut, taskId => {
            rowPosMatrix[taskId] = curRowPos;
            // Row number will be no small than task row number it waits on
            if (rowPosMatrix[taskId] < rowPosMatrix[curTaskId]){
              rowPosMatrix[taskId] = rowPosMatrix[curTaskId];
            curRowPos = rowPosMatrix[taskId] + 1;
          startRowPos = curRowPos;
          nextSortedColTasks = nextSortedColTasks.concat(tasksSortedByOut);
        curColTasks = nextSortedColTasks;
        curColumn += 1;

      return rowPosMatrix;

     * Sort tasks in a task's waitOn list by waitOn status
    private sortTaskByWaitOnState(waitedByTasks, nextColTasks){
      let failedWaitedBys = [];
      let succeededWaitedBys = [];
      let finishedWaitedBys = [];
      _.forEach(waitedByTasks, (state, taskId) => {
        if(!_.includes(nextColTasks, taskId)){ return true; } // Prevent jumping columns
        switch(state) {
          case CONSTS.waitOn.failed:
          case CONSTS.waitOn.succeeded:
          case CONSTS.waitOn.finished:
      return _.concat(failedWaitedBys, succeededWaitedBys, finishedWaitedBys);

     * Sort tasks by column index
    private sortTaskByCol(colPosMatrix: any): any[] {
      let taskMatrix = [];
      _.forEach(colPosMatrix, (colIndex, taskId) => {
        if (taskMatrix[colIndex]) {
        } else {
          taskMatrix[colIndex] = [taskId];
      return taskMatrix;