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# !/usr/bin/env python
""" a small class for Principal Component Analysis
    p = PCA( A, fraction=0.90 )
    A:an array of e.g. 1000 observations x 20 variables, 1000 rows x 20 columns
    fraction: use principal components that account for e.g.
        90 % of the total variance

    p.U, p.d, p.Vt: from numpy.linalg.svd, A = U . d . Vt
    p.dinv: 1/d or 0, see NR
    p.eigen: the eigenvalues of A*A, in decreasing order (p.d**2).
        eigen[j] / eigen.sum() is variable j's fraction of the total variance;
        look at the first few eigen[] to see how many PCs get to 90 %, 95 % ...
    p.npc: number of principal components,
        e.g. 2 if the top 2 eigenvalues are >= `fraction` of the total.
        It's ok to change this; methods use the current value.

    The methods of class PCA transform vectors or arrays of e.g.
    20 variables, 2 principal components and 1000 observations,
    using partial matrices U' d' Vt', parts of the full U d Vt:
    A ~ U' . d' . Vt' where e.g.
        U' is 1000 x 2
        d' is diag([ d0, d1 ]), the 2 largest singular values
        Vt' is 2 x 20.  Dropping the primes,

    d . Vt      2 principal vars = p.vars_pc( 20 vars )
    U           1000 obs = p.pc_obs( 2 principal vars )
    U . d . Vt  1000 obs, p.obs( 20 vars ) = pc_obs( vars_pc( vars ))
        fast approximate A . vars, using the `npc` principal components

    Ut              2 pcs = p.obs_pc( 1000 obs )
    V . dinv        20 vars = p.pc_vars( 2 principal vars )
    V . dinv . Ut   20 vars, p.vars( 1000 obs ) = pc_vars( obs_pc( obs )),
        fast approximate Ainverse . obs: vars that give ~ those obs.

    PCA does not center or scale A; you usually want to first
        A -= A.mean(A, axis=0)
        A /= A.std(A, axis=0)
    with the little class Center or the like, below.

See also:
    Press et al., Numerical Recipes (2 or 3 ed), SVD
    PCA micro-tutorial
    iris-pca .py .png

Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1730600/principal-component-analysis

import numpy as np
import logging
dot = np.dot
# import bz.numpyutil as nu
# dot = nu.pdot

__version__ = "2010-04-14 apr"
__author_email__ = "denis-bz-py at t-online dot de"

logger = logging.getLogger("radar")


class PCA:

    def __init__(self, A, fraction=0.90):
        assert 0 <= fraction <= 1
        # A = U . diag(d) . Vt, O( m n^2 ), lapack_lite --
        self.U, self.d, self.Vt = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=False)
        assert np.all(self.d[:-1] >= self.d[1:])  # sorted
        self.eigen = self.d ** 2
        self.sumvariance = np.cumsum(self.eigen)
        self.sumvariance /= self.sumvariance[-1]
        self.npc = np.searchsorted(self.sumvariance, fraction) + 1
        self.dinv = np.array([1 / d if d > self.d[0] * 1e-6 else 0
                              for d in self.d])

    def pc(self):
        """ e.g. 1000 x 2 U[:, :npc] * d[:npc], to plot etc. """
        n = self.npc
        return self.U[:, :n] * self.d[:n]

    # These 1-line methods may not be worth the bother;
    # then use U d Vt directly --

    def vars_pc(self, x):
        n = self.npc
        return self.d[:n] * dot(self.Vt[:n], x.T).T  # 20 vars -> 2 principal

    def pc_vars(self, p):
        n = self.npc
        return dot(self.Vt[:n].T, (self.dinv[:n] * p).T) .T  # 2 PC -> 20 vars

    def pc_obs(self, p):
        n = self.npc
        return dot(self.U[:, :n], p.T)  # 2 principal -> 1000 obs

    def obs_pc(self, obs):
        n = self.npc
        return dot(self.U[:, :n].T, obs) .T  # 1000 obs -> 2 principal

    def obs(self, x):
        # 20 vars -> 2 principal -> 1000 obs
        return self.pc_obs(self.vars_pc(x))

    def vars(self, obs):
        # 1000 obs -> 2 principal -> 20 vars
        return self.pc_vars(self.obs_pc(obs))

class Center:

    """ A -= A.mean() /= A.std(), inplace -- use A.copy() if need be
        uncenter(x) == original A . x
    # mttiw

    def __init__(self, A, axis=0, scale=True, verbose=1):
        self.mean = A.mean(axis=axis)
        if verbose:
            print("Center -= A.mean:", self.mean)
        A -= self.mean
        if scale:
            std = A.std(axis=axis)
            self.std = np.where(std, std, 1.)
            if verbose:
                print("Center /= A.std:", self.std)
            A /= self.std
            self.std = np.ones(A.shape[-1])
        self.A = A

    def uncenter(self, x):
        return np.dot(self.A, x * self.std) + np.dot(x, self.mean)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

    csv = "iris4.csv"  # wikipedia Iris_flower_data_set
    # 5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2  # ,Iris-setosa ...
    N = 1000
    K = 20
    fraction = .90
    seed = 1
    exec("\n".join(sys.argv[1:]))  # N= ...
    np.set_printoptions(1, threshold=100, suppress=True)  # .1f
        A = np.genfromtxt(csv, delimiter=",")
        N, K = A.shape
    except IOError as error:
        A = np.random.normal(size=(N, K))  # gen correlated ?
        logger.error("IOError: %s" % error)

    print("csv: %s  N: %d  K: %d  fraction: %.2g" % (csv, N, K, fraction))
    print("A:", A)

    print("PCA ... \n")
    p = PCA(A, fraction=fraction)
    print("npc:", p.npc)
    print("% variance:", p.sumvariance * 100)

    print("Vt[0], weights that give PC 0:", p.Vt[0])
    print("A . Vt[0]:", dot(A, p.Vt[0]))
    print("pc:", p.pc())

    print("\nobs <-> pc <-> x: with fraction=1, diffs should be ~ 0")
    x = np.ones(K)
    # x = np.ones(( 3, K ))
    print("x:", x)
    pc = p.vars_pc(x)  # d' Vt' x
    print("vars_pc(x):", pc)
    print("back to ~ x:", p.pc_vars(pc))

    Ax = dot(A, x.T)
    pcx = p.obs(x)  # U' d' Vt' x
    print("Ax:", Ax)
    print("A'x:", pcx)
    print("max |Ax - A'x|: %.2g" % np.linalg.norm(Ax - pcx, np.inf))

    b = Ax  # ~ back to original x, Ainv A x
    back = p.vars(b)
    print("~ back again:", back)
    print("max |back - x|: %.2g" % np.linalg.norm(back - x, np.inf))