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 * Message translations.
 * This file is automatically generated by 'yii message/extract' command.
 * It contains the localizable messages extracted from source code.
 * You may modify this file by translating the extracted messages.
 * Each array element represents the translation (value) of a message (key).
 * If the value is empty, the message is considered as not translated.
 * Messages that no longer need translation will have their translations
 * enclosed between a pair of '@@' marks.
 * Message string can be used with plural forms format. Check i18n section
 * of the guide for details.
 * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding.
return [
    '"{attribute}" must be a valid JSON' => '',
    'API access token' => '',
    'About' => '',
    'Article ID' => '',
    'Base URL' => '',
    'Base Url' => '',
    'Bio' => '',
    'Blocked At' => '',
    'Body' => '',
    'Cannot save {modelName} model' => '',
    'Caption' => '',
    'Carousel ID' => '',
    'Category ID' => '',
    'Client ID' => '',
    'Client Id' => '',
    'Company ID' => '',
    'Component' => '',
    'Confirmed At' => '',
    'Details' => '',
    'Down to maintenance.' => '',
    'Expire At' => '',
    'Gravatar Email' => '',
    'Gravatar ID' => '',
    'Gravatar Id' => '',
    'Hash' => '',
    'ID' => '',
    'Image Base Url' => '',
    'Image Path' => '',
    'Is Live' => '',
    'Middlename' => '',
    'Page View' => '',
    'Password Hash' => '',
    'Product ID' => '',
    'Product Id' => '',
    'Product Unit ID' => '',
    'ProductPrice' => '',
    'ProductPrices' => '',
    'Profiles' => '',
    'Provider' => '',
    'Public Email' => '',
    'Receipt ID' => '',
    'Receipt Id' => '',
    'Registration Ip' => '',
    'Shop ID' => '',
    'Slug' => '',
    'SocialAccount' => '',
    'SocialAccounts' => '',
    'Tokens' => '',
    'Total Price' => '',
    'Translations' => '',
    'Unconfirmed Email' => '',
    'United States Dollar' => '',
    'Updater' => '',
    'Upload Ip' => '',
    'User Id' => '',
    'Value' => '',
    'Wallet ID' => '',
    'Website' => '',
    'Active' => 'Aktywny',
    'Address' => 'Adres',
    'Article View' => 'Widok artykułu',
    'Auth Key' => 'Klucz autoryzacyjny',
    'Author' => 'Autor',
    'Category' => 'Kategoria',
    'City' => 'Miasto',
    'Code' => 'Kod',
    'Comment' => 'Komentarz',
    'Config' => 'Konfiguracja',
    'Count' => 'Ilość',
    'Created At' => 'Utworzony',
    'Created at' => 'Uworzony',
    'Currency' => 'Waluta',
    'Data' => 'Dane',
    'Date' => 'Data',
    'Deleted' => 'Usunięty',
    'Description' => 'Opis',
    'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
    'Email' => 'Email',
    'Error while saving model' => 'Błąd przy zapisywaniu modelu',
    'File Type' => 'Typ pliku',
    'Firstname' => 'Imię',
    'Flags' => 'Flagi',
    'Gender' => 'Płeć',
    'Image' => 'Obraz',
    'Key' => 'Klucz',
    'Last login' => 'Ostatnie logowanie',
    'Lastname' => 'Nazwisko',
    'Locale' => 'Język',
    'Location' => 'Lokacja',
    'Logo' => 'Logo',
    'Model has been saved' => 'Model został zapisany',
    'Name' => 'Nazwa',
    'Nationality' => 'Narodowość',
    'Not Active' => 'Nieaktywny',
    'Notes' => 'Notatki',
    'Order' => 'Kolejność',
    'Parent Category' => 'Kategoria nadrzędna',
    'Password' => 'Hasło',
    'Path' => 'Ścieżka',
    'Picture' => 'Obraz',
    'Please fix errors below' => 'Proszę popraw poniższe błędy',
    'Poland Zloty' => 'Polski Złoty',
    'Price' => 'Cena',
    'Profile' => 'Profil',
    'Published' => 'Opublikowany',
    'Published At' => 'Opublikowany dnia',
    'Roles' => 'Role',
    'Size' => 'Wielkość',
    'Status' => 'Status',
    'Thumbnail' => 'Miniaturka',
    'Title' => 'Tytuł',
    'Token' => 'Token',
    'Type' => 'Typ',
    'Updated At' => 'Zaktualizowany dnia',
    'Updated at' => 'Zaktualizowany dnia',
    'Url' => 'Url',
    'User' => 'Użytkownik',
    'User ID' => 'ID Użytkownika',
    'Username' => 'Nazwa użytkownika',
    'Users' => 'Użytkownicy',
    'Wallet successfully saved' => 'Portfel został zapisany',