

1 day
Test Coverage
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import zlib

import base64
import json
import logging
import structlog

from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Optional, Any, Dict, List, Text
from pathlib import Path

import rasa.utils.io
import rasa.shared.utils.io
from rasa.engine.graph import ExecutionContext
from rasa.engine.recipes.default_recipe import DefaultV1Recipe
from rasa.engine.storage.resource import Resource
from rasa.engine.storage.storage import ModelStorage
from rasa.shared.core.domain import State, Domain
from rasa.shared.core.events import ActionExecuted
from rasa.core.featurizers.tracker_featurizers import TrackerFeaturizer
from rasa.core.featurizers.tracker_featurizers import MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer
from rasa.core.featurizers.tracker_featurizers import FEATURIZER_FILE
from rasa.shared.exceptions import FileIOException
from rasa.core.policies.policy import PolicyPrediction, Policy, SupportedData
from rasa.shared.core.trackers import DialogueStateTracker
from rasa.shared.core.generator import TrackerWithCachedStates
from rasa.shared.utils.io import is_logging_disabled
from rasa.core.constants import (
from rasa.shared.core.constants import ACTION_LISTEN_NAME

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
structlogger = structlog.get_logger()

    DefaultV1Recipe.ComponentType.POLICY_WITHOUT_END_TO_END_SUPPORT, is_trainable=True
class MemoizationPolicy(Policy):
    """A policy that follows exact examples of `max_history` turns in training stories.

    Since `slots` that are set some time in the past are
    preserved in all future feature vectors until they are set
    to None, this policy implicitly remembers and most importantly
    recalls examples in the context of the current dialogue
    longer than `max_history`.

    This policy is not supposed to be the only policy in an ensemble,
    it is optimized for precision and not recall.
    It should get a 100% precision because it emits probabilities of 1.1
    along it's predictions, which makes every mistake fatal as
    no other policy can overrule it.

    If it is needed to recall turns from training dialogues where
    some slots might not be set during prediction time, and there are
    training stories for this, use AugmentedMemoizationPolicy.

    def get_default_config() -> Dict[Text, Any]:
        """Returns the default config (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        # please make sure to update the docs when changing a default parameter
        return {
            "enable_feature_string_compression": True,
            "use_nlu_confidence_as_score": False,

    def _standard_featurizer(self) -> MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer:
        # Memoization policy always uses MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer
        # without state_featurizer
        return MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer(
            state_featurizer=None, max_history=self.config[POLICY_MAX_HISTORY]

    def __init__(
        config: Dict[Text, Any],
        model_storage: ModelStorage,
        resource: Resource,
        execution_context: ExecutionContext,
        featurizer: Optional[TrackerFeaturizer] = None,
        lookup: Optional[Dict] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the policy."""
        super().__init__(config, model_storage, resource, execution_context, featurizer)
        self.lookup = lookup or {}

    def _create_lookup_from_states(
        trackers_as_states: List[List[State]],
        trackers_as_actions: List[List[Text]],
    ) -> Dict[Text, Text]:
        """Creates lookup dictionary from the tracker represented as states.

            trackers_as_states: representation of the trackers as a list of states
            trackers_as_actions: representation of the trackers as a list of actions

            lookup dictionary
        lookup: Dict[Text, Text] = {}

        if not trackers_as_states:
            return lookup

        assert len(trackers_as_actions[0]) == 1, (
            f"The second dimension of trackers_as_action should be 1, "
            f"instead of {len(trackers_as_actions[0])}"

        ambiguous_feature_keys = set()

        pbar = tqdm(
            zip(trackers_as_states, trackers_as_actions),
            desc="Processed actions",
        for states, actions in pbar:
            action = actions[0]

            feature_key = self._create_feature_key(states)
            if not feature_key:

            if feature_key not in ambiguous_feature_keys:
                if feature_key in lookup.keys():
                    if lookup[feature_key] != action:
                        # delete contradicting example created by
                        # partial history augmentation from memory
                        del lookup[feature_key]
                    lookup[feature_key] = action
            pbar.set_postfix({"# examples": "{:d}".format(len(lookup))})

        return lookup

    def _create_feature_key(self, states: List[State]) -> Optional[Text]:
        if not states:
            return None

        # we sort keys to make sure that the same states
        # represented as dictionaries have the same json strings
        # quotes are removed for aesthetic reasons
        feature_str = json.dumps(states, sort_keys=True).replace('"', "")
        if self.config["enable_feature_string_compression"]:
            compressed = zlib.compress(
                bytes(feature_str, rasa.shared.utils.io.DEFAULT_ENCODING)
            return base64.b64encode(compressed).decode(
            return feature_str

    def train(
        training_trackers: List[TrackerWithCachedStates],
        domain: Domain,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> Resource:
        # only considers original trackers (no augmented ones)
        training_trackers = [
            for t in training_trackers
            if not hasattr(t, "is_augmented") or not t.is_augmented
        training_trackers = SupportedData.trackers_for_supported_data(
            self.supported_data(), training_trackers

        ) = self.featurizer.training_states_and_labels(training_trackers, domain)
        self.lookup = self._create_lookup_from_states(
            trackers_as_states, trackers_as_actions
        logger.debug(f"Memorized {len(self.lookup)} unique examples.")

        return self._resource

    def _recall_states(self, states: List[State]) -> Optional[Text]:
        return self.lookup.get(self._create_feature_key(states))

    def recall(
        states: List[State],
        tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
        domain: Domain,
        rule_only_data: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]],
    ) -> Optional[Text]:
        """Finds the action based on the given states.

            states: List of states.
            tracker: The tracker.
            domain: The Domain.
            rule_only_data: Slots and loops which are specific to rules and hence
                should be ignored by this policy.

            The name of the action.
        return self._recall_states(states)

    def _prediction_result(
        self, action_name: Text, tracker: DialogueStateTracker, domain: Domain
    ) -> List[float]:
        result = self._default_predictions(domain)
        if action_name:
            if (
                and tracker.latest_message is not None
                # the memoization will use the confidence of NLU on the latest
                # user message to set the confidence of the action
                score = tracker.latest_message.intent.get("confidence", 1.0)
                score = 1.0

            result[domain.index_for_action(action_name)] = score

        return result

    def predict_action_probabilities(
        tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
        domain: Domain,
        rule_only_data: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> PolicyPrediction:
        """Predicts the next action the bot should take after seeing the tracker.

            tracker: the :class:`rasa.core.trackers.DialogueStateTracker`
            domain: the :class:`rasa.shared.core.domain.Domain`
            rule_only_data: Slots and loops which are specific to rules and hence
                should be ignored by this policy.

             The policy's prediction (e.g. the probabilities for the actions).
        result = self._default_predictions(domain)

        states = self._prediction_states(tracker, domain, rule_only_data=rule_only_data)
            "memoization.predict.actions", tracker_states=copy.deepcopy(states)
        predicted_action_name = self.recall(
            states, tracker, domain, rule_only_data=rule_only_data
        if predicted_action_name is not None:
            logger.debug(f"There is a memorised next action '{predicted_action_name}'")
            result = self._prediction_result(predicted_action_name, tracker, domain)
            logger.debug("There is no memorised next action")

        return self._prediction(result)

    def _metadata(self) -> Dict[Text, Any]:
        return {"lookup": self.lookup}

    def _metadata_filename(cls) -> Text:
        return "memorized_turns.json"

    def persist(self) -> None:
        """Persists the policy to storage."""
        with self._model_storage.write_to(self._resource) as path:
            # not all policies have a featurizer
            if self.featurizer is not None:

            file = Path(path) / self._metadata_filename()

            rasa.shared.utils.io.dump_obj_as_json_to_file(file, self._metadata())

    def load(
        config: Dict[Text, Any],
        model_storage: ModelStorage,
        resource: Resource,
        execution_context: ExecutionContext,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> MemoizationPolicy:
        """Loads a trained policy (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        featurizer = None
        lookup = None

            with model_storage.read_from(resource) as path:
                metadata_file = Path(path) / cls._metadata_filename()
                metadata = rasa.shared.utils.io.read_json_file(metadata_file)
                lookup = metadata["lookup"]

                if (Path(path) / FEATURIZER_FILE).is_file():
                    featurizer = TrackerFeaturizer.load(path)

        except (ValueError, FileNotFoundError, FileIOException):
                f"Couldn't load metadata for policy '{cls.__name__}' as the persisted "
                f"metadata couldn't be loaded."

        return cls(

    DefaultV1Recipe.ComponentType.POLICY_WITHOUT_END_TO_END_SUPPORT, is_trainable=True
class AugmentedMemoizationPolicy(MemoizationPolicy):
    """The policy that remembers examples from training stories for `max_history` turns.

    If it is needed to recall turns from training dialogues
    where some slots might not be set during prediction time,
    add relevant stories without such slots to training data.
    E.g. reminder stories.

    Since `slots` that are set some time in the past are
    preserved in all future feature vectors until they are set
    to None, this policy has a capability to recall the turns
    up to `max_history` from training stories during prediction
    even if additional slots were filled in the past
    for current dialogue.

    def _strip_leading_events_until_action_executed(
        tracker: DialogueStateTracker, again: bool = False
    ) -> Optional[DialogueStateTracker]:
        """Truncates the tracker to begin at the next `ActionExecuted` event.

            tracker: The tracker to truncate.
            again: When true, truncate tracker at the second action.
                Otherwise truncate to the first action.

            The truncated tracker if there were actions present.
            If none are found, returns `None`.
        idx_of_first_action = None
        idx_of_second_action = None

        applied_events = tracker.applied_events()

        # we need to find second executed action
        for e_i, event in enumerate(applied_events):
            if isinstance(event, ActionExecuted):
                if idx_of_first_action is None:
                    idx_of_first_action = e_i
                    idx_of_second_action = e_i

        # use first action, if we went first time and second action, if we went again
        idx_to_use = idx_of_second_action if again else idx_of_first_action
        if idx_to_use is None:
            return None

        # make second ActionExecuted the first one
        events = applied_events[idx_to_use:]
        if not events:
            return None

        truncated_tracker = tracker.init_copy()
        for e in events:

        return truncated_tracker

    def _recall_using_truncation(
        old_states: List[State],
        tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
        domain: Domain,
        rule_only_data: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]],
    ) -> Optional[Text]:
        """Attempts to match memorized states to progressively shorter trackers.

        This method iteratively removes the oldest events up to the next action
        executed and checks if the truncated event sequence matches some memorized
        states, until a match has been found or until the even sequence has been

            old_states: List of states.
            tracker: The tracker.
            domain: The Domain.
            rule_only_data: Slots and loops which are specific to rules and hence
                should be ignored by this policy.

            The name of the action.
        logger.debug("Launch DeLorean...")

        # Truncate the tracker based on `max_history`
        truncated_tracker: Optional[
        ] = _trim_tracker_by_max_history(tracker, self.config[POLICY_MAX_HISTORY])
        truncated_tracker = self._strip_leading_events_until_action_executed(
        while truncated_tracker is not None:
            states = self._prediction_states(
                truncated_tracker, domain, rule_only_data=rule_only_data

            if old_states != states:
                # check if we like new futures
                memorised = self._recall_states(states)
                if memorised is not None:
                        "memoization.states_recall", states=copy.deepcopy(states)
                    return memorised
                old_states = states

            # go back again
            truncated_tracker = self._strip_leading_events_until_action_executed(
                truncated_tracker, again=True

        # No match found
            "memoization.states_recall", old_states=copy.deepcopy(old_states)
        return None

    def recall(
        states: List[State],
        tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
        domain: Domain,
        rule_only_data: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]],
    ) -> Optional[Text]:
        """Finds the action based on the given states.

        Uses back to the future idea to change the past and check whether the new future
        can be used to recall the action.

            states: List of states.
            tracker: The tracker.
            domain: The Domain.
            rule_only_data: Slots and loops which are specific to rules and hence
                should be ignored by this policy.

            The name of the action.
        predicted_action_name = self._recall_states(states)
        if predicted_action_name is None:
            # let's try a different method to recall that tracker
            return self._recall_using_truncation(
                states, tracker, domain, rule_only_data=rule_only_data
            return predicted_action_name

def _get_max_applied_events_for_max_history(
    tracker: DialogueStateTracker, max_history: Optional[int]
) -> Optional[int]:
    """Computes the number of events in the tracker that correspond to max_history.

    To ensure that the last user utterance is correctly included in the prediction
    states, return the index of the most recent `action_listen` event occuring
    before the tracker would be truncated according to the value of `max_history`.

        tracker: Some tracker holding the events
        max_history: The number of actions to count

        The number of events, as counted from the end of the event list, that should
        be taken into accout according to the `max_history` setting. If all events
        should be taken into account, the return value is `None`.
    if not max_history:
        return None
    num_events = 0
    num_actions = 0
    for event in reversed(tracker.applied_events()):
        num_events += 1
        if isinstance(event, ActionExecuted):
            num_actions += 1
            if num_actions > max_history and event.action_name == ACTION_LISTEN_NAME:
                return num_events
    return None

def _trim_tracker_by_max_history(
    tracker: DialogueStateTracker, max_history: Optional[int]
) -> DialogueStateTracker:
    """Removes events from the tracker until it has `max_history` actions.

        tracker: Some tracker.
        max_history: Number of actions to keep.

        A new tracker with up to `max_history` actions, or the same tracker if
        `max_history` is `None`.
    max_applied_events = _get_max_applied_events_for_max_history(tracker, max_history)
    if not max_applied_events:
        return tracker

    applied_events = tracker.applied_events()[-max_applied_events:]
    new_tracker = tracker.init_copy()
    for event in applied_events:
    return new_tracker