

7 hrs
Test Coverage
import inspect
import logging
import typing
from typing import (

import dataclasses

from rasa.core.policies.policy import PolicyPrediction
from rasa.engine.training.fingerprinting import Fingerprintable
import rasa.utils.common
import typing_utils

from rasa.engine.exceptions import GraphSchemaValidationException
from rasa.engine.graph import (
from rasa.engine.constants import RESERVED_PLACEHOLDERS
from rasa.engine.storage.resource import Resource
from rasa.engine.storage.storage import ModelStorage
from rasa.shared.constants import DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS
from rasa.shared.exceptions import RasaException
from rasa.shared.nlu.training_data.message import Message

TypeAnnotation = Union[TypeVar, Text, Type]

class ParameterInfo:
    """Stores metadata about a function parameter."""

    type_annotation: TypeAnnotation
    # `True` if we have a parameter like `**kwargs`
    is_variable_length_keyword_arg: bool
    has_default: bool

KEYWORDS_EXPECTED_TYPES: Dict[Text, TypeAnnotation] = {
    "resource": Resource,
    "execution_context": ExecutionContext,
    "model_storage": ModelStorage,
    "config": Dict[Text, Any],

def validate(model_configuration: GraphModelConfiguration) -> None:
    """Validates a graph schema.

    This tries to validate that the graph structure is correct (e.g. all nodes pass the
    correct things into each other) as well as validates the individual graph

        model_configuration: The model configuration (schemas, language, etc.)

        GraphSchemaValidationException: If the validation failed.
    _validate(model_configuration.train_schema, True, model_configuration.language)
    _validate(model_configuration.predict_schema, False, model_configuration.language)


def _validate(
    schema: GraphSchema, is_train_graph: bool, language: Optional[Text]
) -> None:

    for node_name, node in schema.nodes.items():
        _validate_supported_languages(language, node)

        run_fn_params, run_fn_return_type = _get_parameter_information(
            node.uses, node.fn
        _validate_run_fn(node, run_fn_params, run_fn_return_type, is_train_graph)

        create_fn_params, _ = _get_parameter_information(
            node.uses, node.constructor_name
        _validate_constructor(node, create_fn_params)

        _validate_needs(node, schema, create_fn_params, run_fn_params)


def _validate_prediction_targets(
    schema: GraphSchema, core_target: Optional[Text], nlu_target: Text
) -> None:
    if not nlu_target:
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            "Graph schema specifies no target for the 'nlu_target'. It is required "
            "for a prediction graph to specify this. Please choose a valid node "
            "name for this."

    _validate_target(nlu_target, "NLU", List[Message], schema)

    if core_target:
        _validate_target(core_target, "Core", PolicyPrediction, schema)

def _validate_target(
    target_name: Text, target_type: Text, expected_type: Type, schema: GraphSchema
) -> None:
    if target_name not in schema.nodes:
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Graph schema specifies invalid {target_type} target '{target_name}'. "
            f"Please make sure specify a valid node name as target."

    if any(target_name in node.needs.values() for node in schema.nodes.values()):
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"One graph node uses the {target_type} target '{target_name}' as input. "
            f"This is not allowed as NLU prediction and Core prediction are run "

    target_node = schema.nodes[target_name]
    _, target_return_type = _get_parameter_information(target_node.uses, target_node.fn)

    if not typing_utils.issubtype(target_return_type, expected_type):
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Your {target_type} model's output component "
            f"'{target_node.uses.__name__}' returns an invalid return "
            f"type '{target_return_type}'. This is not allowed. The {target_type} "
            f"model's last component is expected to return the type '{expected_type}'. "
            f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

def _validate_cycle(schema: GraphSchema) -> None:
    for target_name in schema.target_names:
        parents = schema.nodes[target_name].needs.values()
        for parent_name in parents:
            _walk_and_check_for_cycles([], parent_name, schema)

def _walk_and_check_for_cycles(
    visited_so_far: List[Text], node_name: Text, schema: GraphSchema
) -> None:
    if node_name in visited_so_far:
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Node '{node_name}' has itself as dependency. Cycles are not allowed "
            f"in the graph. Please make sure that '{node_name}' does not have itself "
            f"specified in 'needs' and none of '{node_name}'s dependencies have "
            f"'{node_name}' specified in 'needs'."

    if node_name not in schema.nodes:
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Node '{node_name}' is not part of the graph. Node was expected to be "
            f"present in the graph as it is used by another component."

    parents = schema.nodes[node_name].needs.values()
    for parent_name in parents:
        if not _is_placeholder_input(parent_name):
                [*visited_so_far, node_name], parent_name, schema

def _is_placeholder_input(name: Text) -> bool:
    return name in RESERVED_PLACEHOLDERS

def _validate_interface_usage(node: SchemaNode) -> None:
    if not issubclass(node.uses, GraphComponent):
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Your model uses a component with class '{node.uses.__name__}'. "
            f"This class does not implement the '{GraphComponent.__name__}' interface "
            f"and can hence not be run within Rasa Open Source. Please use a different "
            f"component or implement the '{GraphComponent}' interface in class "
            f"'{node.uses.__name__}'. "
            f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

def _validate_supported_languages(language: Optional[Text], node: SchemaNode) -> None:
    supported_languages = node.uses.supported_languages()
    not_supported_languages = node.uses.not_supported_languages()

    if supported_languages and not_supported_languages:
        raise RasaException(
            "Only one of `supported_languages` and "
            "`not_supported_languages` can return a value different from `None`."

    if (
        and supported_languages is not None
        and language not in supported_languages
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"The component '{node.uses.__name__}' does not support the currently "
            f"specified language '{language}'."

    if (
        and not_supported_languages is not None
        and language in not_supported_languages
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"The component '{node.uses.__name__}' does not support the currently "
            f"specified language '{language}'."

def _validate_required_packages(node: SchemaNode) -> None:
    missing_packages = rasa.utils.common.find_unavailable_packages(
    if missing_packages:
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Component '{node.uses.__name__}' requires the following packages which "
            f"are currently not installed: {', '.join(missing_packages)}."

def _get_parameter_information(
    uses: Type[GraphComponent], method_name: Text
) -> Tuple[Dict[Text, ParameterInfo], TypeAnnotation]:
    fn = _get_fn(uses, method_name)

    type_hints = _get_type_hints(uses, fn)
    return_type = type_hints.pop("return", inspect.Parameter.empty)
    type_hints.pop("cls", None)

    params = inspect.signature(fn).parameters

    type_info = {}
    for param_name, type_annotation in type_hints.items():
        inspect_info = params[param_name]
        if inspect_info.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
            # We always pass things using keywords so we can ignore the any variable
            # length positional arguments

        type_info[param_name] = ParameterInfo(
            == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD,
            has_default=inspect_info.default != inspect.Parameter.empty,

    return type_info, return_type

def _get_type_hints(
    uses: Type[GraphComponent], fn: Callable
) -> Dict[Text, TypeAnnotation]:
        return typing.get_type_hints(fn)
    except NameError as e:
            f"Failed to retrieve type annotations for component "
            f"'{uses.__name__}' due to error:\n{e}"
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Your model uses a component '{uses.__name__}' which has "
            f"type annotations in its method '{fn.__name__}' which failed to be "
            f"retrieved. Please make sure remove any forward "
            f"reference by removing the quotes around the type "
            f"(e.g. 'def foo() -> \"int\"' becomes 'def foo() -> int'. and make sure "
            f"all type annotations can be resolved during runtime. Note that you might "
            f"need to do a 'from __future__ import annotations' to avoid forward "
            f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

def _get_fn(uses: Type[GraphComponent], method_name: Text) -> Callable:
    fn = getattr(uses, method_name, None)
    if fn is None:
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Your model uses a graph component '{uses.__name__}' which does not "
            f"have the required "
            f"method '{method_name}'. Please make sure you're either using "
            f"the right component or that your component is registered with the "
            f"correct component type."
            f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."
    return fn

def _validate_run_fn(
    node: SchemaNode,
    run_fn_params: Dict[Text, ParameterInfo],
    run_fn_return_type: TypeAnnotation,
    is_train_graph: bool,
) -> None:
    _validate_types_of_reserved_keywords(run_fn_params, node, node.fn)
    _validate_run_fn_return_type(node, run_fn_return_type, is_train_graph)

    for param_name in _required_args(run_fn_params):
        if param_name not in node.needs:
            raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
                f"Your model uses a component '{node.uses.__name__}' which "
                f"needs the param '{param_name}' to be provided to its method "
                f"'{node.fn}'. Please make sure that you registered "
                f"your component correctly and and that your model configuration is "
                f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

def _required_args(fn_params: Dict[Text, ParameterInfo]) -> Set[Text]:
    keywords = set(KEYWORDS_EXPECTED_TYPES)
    return {
        for param_name, param in fn_params.items()
        if not param.has_default
        and not param.is_variable_length_keyword_arg
        and param_name not in keywords

def _validate_run_fn_return_type(
    node: SchemaNode, return_type: Type, is_training: bool
) -> None:
    if return_type == inspect.Parameter.empty:
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Your model uses a component '{node.uses.__name__}' whose "
            f"method '{node.fn}' does not have a type annotation for "
            f"its return value. Type annotations are required for all "
            f"components to validate your model's structure."
            f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

    # TODO: Handle forward references here
    if typing_utils.issubtype(return_type, list):
        return_type = typing_utils.get_args(return_type)[0]

    if is_training and not isinstance(return_type, Fingerprintable):
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Your model uses a component '{node.uses.__name__}' whose method "
            f"'{node.fn}' does not return a fingerprintable "
            f"output. This is required for proper caching between model trainings. "
            f"Please make sure you're using a return type which implements the "
            f"'{Fingerprintable.__name__}' protocol."

def _validate_types_of_reserved_keywords(
    params: Dict[Text, ParameterInfo], node: SchemaNode, fn_name: Text
) -> None:
    for param_name, param in params.items():
        if param_name in KEYWORDS_EXPECTED_TYPES:
            if not typing_utils.issubtype(
                param.type_annotation, KEYWORDS_EXPECTED_TYPES[param_name]
                raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
                    f"Your model uses a component '{node.uses.__name__}' which has an "
                    f"incompatible type '{param.type_annotation}' for "
                    f"the '{param_name}' parameter in its '{fn_name}' method. "
                    f"The expected type is '{KEYWORDS_EXPECTED_TYPES[param_name]}'."
                    f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

def _validate_constructor(
    node: SchemaNode, create_fn_params: Dict[Text, ParameterInfo]
) -> None:
    _validate_types_of_reserved_keywords(create_fn_params, node, node.constructor_name)

    required_args = _required_args(create_fn_params)

    if required_args and node.eager:
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Your model uses a component '{node.uses.__name__}' which has a "
            f"method '{node.constructor_name}' which has required parameters "
            f"('{', '.join(required_args)}'). "
            f"Extra parameters can only be supplied to the constructor method which is "
            f"used during training."
            f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

    for param_name in _required_args(create_fn_params):
        if not node.eager and param_name not in node.needs:
            raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
                f"Your model uses a component '{node.uses.__name__}' which "
                f"needs the param '{param_name}' to be provided to its method "
                f"'{node.constructor_name}'. Please make sure that you registered "
                f"your component correctly and and that your model configuration is "
                f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

def _validate_needs(
    node: SchemaNode,
    graph: GraphSchema,
    create_fn_params: Dict[Text, ParameterInfo],
    run_fn_params: Dict[Text, ParameterInfo],
) -> None:
    available_args, has_kwargs = _get_available_args(
        node, create_fn_params, run_fn_params

    for param_name, parent_name in node.needs.items():
        if not has_kwargs and param_name not in available_args:
            raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
                f"Your model uses a component '{node.uses.__name__}' which is "
                f"supposed to retrieve a value for the "
                f"param '{param_name}' although "
                f"its method '{node.fn}' does not accept a parameter with this "
                f"name. Please make sure that you registered "
                f"your component correctly and and that your model configuration is "
                f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

        if not _is_placeholder_input(parent_name) and parent_name not in graph.nodes:
            raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
                f"Missing graph component '{parent_name}'."
                f"Your model uses a component '{node.uses.__name__}' which expects "
                f"input from the missing component. The component is missing from "
                f"your model configuration. Please make sure that you registered "
                f"your component correctly and and that your model configuration is "
                f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

        required_type = available_args.get(param_name)

        if not has_kwargs and required_type is not None:
            parent = None
            if _is_placeholder_input(parent_name):
                parent_return_type: TypeAnnotation = RESERVED_PLACEHOLDERS[parent_name]
                parent = graph.nodes[parent_name]
                _, parent_return_type = _get_parameter_information(
                    parent.uses, parent.fn

                node, parent, parent_return_type, required_type.type_annotation

def _get_available_args(
    node: SchemaNode,
    create_fn_params: Dict[Text, ParameterInfo],
    run_fn_params: Dict[Text, ParameterInfo],
) -> Tuple[Dict[Text, ParameterInfo], bool]:
    has_kwargs = any(
        param.is_variable_length_keyword_arg for param in run_fn_params.values()
    available_args = run_fn_params.copy()
    if node.eager is False:
        has_kwargs = has_kwargs or any(
            param.is_variable_length_keyword_arg for param in create_fn_params.values()
    return available_args, has_kwargs

def _validate_parent_return_type(
    node: SchemaNode,
    parent_node: Optional[SchemaNode],
    parent_return_type: TypeAnnotation,
    required_type: TypeAnnotation,
) -> None:

    if not typing_utils.issubtype(parent_return_type, required_type):
        parent_node_text = ""
        if parent_node:
            parent_node_text = f" by the component '{parent_node.uses.__name__}'"

        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"Your component '{node.uses.__name__}' expects an input of type "
            f"'{required_type}' but it receives an input of type '{parent_return_type}'"
            f"{parent_node_text}. "
            f"Please make sure that you registered "
            f"your component correctly and and that your model configuration is "
            f"See {DOCS_URL_GRAPH_COMPONENTS} for more information."

def _validate_required_components(schema: GraphSchema) -> None:
    unmet_requirements: Dict[Type, Set[Text]] = dict()
    for target_name in schema.target_names:
        unmet_requirements_for_target, _ = _recursively_check_required_components(
            node_name=target_name, schema=schema
        for component_type, node_names in unmet_requirements_for_target.items():
            unmet_requirements.setdefault(component_type, set()).update(node_names)
    if unmet_requirements:
        errors = "\n".join(
                f"The following components require a {component_type.__name__}: "
                f"{', '.join(sorted(required_by))}. "
                for component_type, required_by in unmet_requirements.items()
        num_nodes = len(
                for required_by in unmet_requirements.values()
                for node_name in required_by
        raise GraphSchemaValidationException(
            f"{num_nodes} components are missing required components which have to "
            f"run before themselves:\n"
            f"Please add the required components to your model configuration."

def _recursively_check_required_components(
    node_name: Text, schema: GraphSchema
) -> Tuple[Dict[Type, Set[Text]], Set[Type]]:
    """Collects unmet requirements and types used in the subtree rooted at `node_name`.

        schema: the graph schema
        node_name: the name of the root of the subtree
       unmet requirements, i.e. a mapping from component types to names of nodes that
       are contained in the subtree rooted at `schema_node` that require that component
       type but can't find it in their respective subtrees and
       a set containing all component types of nodes that are ancestors of the
       `schema_node` (or of the`schema_node` itself)
    schema_node = schema.nodes[node_name]

    unmet_requirements: Dict[Type, Set[Text]] = dict()
    component_types = set()

    # collect all component types used by ancestors and their unmet requirements
    for parent_node_name in schema_node.needs.values():
        if _is_placeholder_input(parent_node_name):
        ) = _recursively_check_required_components(
            node_name=parent_node_name, schema=schema
        for _type, nodes in unmet_requirements_of_ancestors.items():
            unmet_requirements.setdefault(_type, set()).update(nodes)

    # check which requirements of the `schema_node` are not fulfilled by
    # comparing its requirements with the types found so far among the ancestor nodes
    unmet_requirements_of_current_node = set(
        for required in schema_node.uses.required_components()
        if not any(
            issubclass(used_subtype, required) for used_subtype in component_types

    # add the unmet requirements and the type of the `schema_node`
    for component_type in unmet_requirements_of_current_node:
        unmet_requirements.setdefault(component_type, set()).add(node_name)

    return unmet_requirements, component_types