

7 hrs
Test Coverage
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import reduce
from typing import Text, Optional, List, Dict, Set, Any, Tuple, Type, Union, cast
import logging

import rasa.shared.constants
import rasa.shared.utils.common
import rasa.shared.core.constants
import rasa.shared.utils.io
from rasa.shared.core.domain import (
from rasa.shared.core.events import ActionExecuted, UserUttered
from rasa.shared.core.training_data.structures import StoryGraph
from rasa.shared.nlu.training_data.message import Message
from rasa.shared.nlu.training_data.training_data import TrainingData
from rasa.shared.nlu.constants import ENTITIES, ACTION_NAME
from rasa.shared.core.domain import IS_RETRIEVAL_INTENT_KEY

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class TrainingDataImporter(ABC):
    """Common interface for different mechanisms to load training data."""

    def __init__(
        config_file: Optional[Text] = None,
        domain_path: Optional[Text] = None,
        training_data_paths: Optional[Union[List[Text], Text]] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialise the importer."""

    def get_domain(self) -> Domain:
        """Retrieves the domain of the bot.

            Loaded `Domain`.

    def get_stories(self, exclusion_percentage: Optional[int] = None) -> StoryGraph:
        """Retrieves the stories that should be used for training.

            exclusion_percentage: Amount of training data that should be excluded.

            `StoryGraph` containing all loaded stories.

    def get_conversation_tests(self) -> StoryGraph:
        """Retrieves end-to-end conversation stories for testing.

            `StoryGraph` containing all loaded stories.
        return self.get_stories()

    def get_config(self) -> Dict:
        """Retrieves the configuration that should be used for the training.

            The configuration as dictionary.

    def get_config_file_for_auto_config(self) -> Optional[Text]:
        """Returns config file path for auto-config only if there is a single one."""

    def get_nlu_data(self, language: Optional[Text] = "en") -> TrainingData:
        """Retrieves the NLU training data that should be used for training.

            language: Can be used to only load training data for a certain language.

            Loaded NLU `TrainingData`.

    def load_from_config(
        config_path: Text,
        domain_path: Optional[Text] = None,
        training_data_paths: Optional[List[Text]] = None,
        args: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]] = {},
    ) -> "TrainingDataImporter":
        """Loads a `TrainingDataImporter` instance from a configuration file."""
        config = rasa.shared.utils.io.read_config_file(config_path)
        return TrainingDataImporter.load_from_dict(
            config, config_path, domain_path, training_data_paths, args

    def load_core_importer_from_config(
        config_path: Text,
        domain_path: Optional[Text] = None,
        training_data_paths: Optional[List[Text]] = None,
        args: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]] = {},
    ) -> "TrainingDataImporter":
        """Loads core `TrainingDataImporter` instance.

        Instance loaded from configuration file will only read Core training data.
        importer = TrainingDataImporter.load_from_config(
            config_path, domain_path, training_data_paths, args
        return importer

    def load_nlu_importer_from_config(
        config_path: Text,
        domain_path: Optional[Text] = None,
        training_data_paths: Optional[List[Text]] = None,
        args: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]] = {},
    ) -> "TrainingDataImporter":
        """Loads nlu `TrainingDataImporter` instance.

        Instance loaded from configuration file will only read NLU training data.
        importer = TrainingDataImporter.load_from_config(
            config_path, domain_path, training_data_paths, args

        if isinstance(importer, E2EImporter):
            # When we only train NLU then there is no need to enrich the data with
            # E2E data from Core training data.
            importer = importer.importer

        return NluDataImporter(importer)

    def load_from_dict(
        config: Optional[Dict] = None,
        config_path: Optional[Text] = None,
        domain_path: Optional[Text] = None,
        training_data_paths: Optional[List[Text]] = None,
        args: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]] = {},
    ) -> "TrainingDataImporter":
        """Loads a `TrainingDataImporter` instance from a dictionary."""
        from rasa.shared.importers.rasa import RasaFileImporter

        config = config or {}
        importers = config.get("importers", [])
        importers = [
                importer, config_path, domain_path, training_data_paths, args
            for importer in importers
        importers = [importer for importer in importers if importer]
        if not importers:
            importers = [
                RasaFileImporter(config_path, domain_path, training_data_paths)

        return E2EImporter(ResponsesSyncImporter(CombinedDataImporter(importers)))

    def _importer_from_dict(
        importer_config: Dict,
        config_path: Text,
        domain_path: Optional[Text] = None,
        training_data_paths: Optional[List[Text]] = None,
        args: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]] = {},
    ) -> Optional["TrainingDataImporter"]:
        from rasa.shared.importers.multi_project import MultiProjectImporter
        from rasa.shared.importers.rasa import RasaFileImporter

        module_path = importer_config.pop("name", None)
        if module_path == RasaFileImporter.__name__:
            importer_class: Type[TrainingDataImporter] = RasaFileImporter
        elif module_path == MultiProjectImporter.__name__:
            importer_class = MultiProjectImporter
                importer_class = rasa.shared.utils.common.class_from_module_path(
            except (AttributeError, ImportError):
                logging.warning(f"Importer '{module_path}' not found.")
                return None

        constructor_arguments = rasa.shared.utils.common.minimal_kwargs(
            {**importer_config, **(args or {})}, importer_class

        return importer_class(

    def fingerprint(self) -> Text:
        """Returns a random fingerprint as data shouldn't be cached."""
        return rasa.shared.utils.io.random_string(25)

    def __repr__(self) -> Text:
        """Returns text representation of object."""
        return self.__class__.__name__

class NluDataImporter(TrainingDataImporter):
    """Importer that skips any Core-related file reading."""

    def __init__(self, actual_importer: TrainingDataImporter):
        """Initializes the NLUDataImporter."""
        self._importer = actual_importer

    def get_domain(self) -> Domain:
        """Retrieves model domain (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return Domain.empty()

    def get_stories(self, exclusion_percentage: Optional[int] = None) -> StoryGraph:
        """Retrieves training stories / rules (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return StoryGraph([])

    def get_conversation_tests(self) -> StoryGraph:
        """Retrieves conversation test stories (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return StoryGraph([])

    def get_config(self) -> Dict:
        """Retrieves model config (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return self._importer.get_config()

    def get_nlu_data(self, language: Optional[Text] = "en") -> TrainingData:
        """Retrieves NLU training data (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return self._importer.get_nlu_data(language)

    def get_config_file_for_auto_config(self) -> Optional[Text]:
        """Returns config file path for auto-config only if there is a single one."""
        return self._importer.get_config_file_for_auto_config()

class CombinedDataImporter(TrainingDataImporter):
    """A `TrainingDataImporter` that combines multiple importers.

    Uses multiple `TrainingDataImporter` instances
    to load the data as if they were a single instance.

    def __init__(self, importers: List[TrainingDataImporter]):
        self._importers = importers

    def get_config(self) -> Dict:
        """Retrieves model config (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        configs = [importer.get_config() for importer in self._importers]

        return reduce(lambda merged, other: {**merged, **(other or {})}, configs, {})

    def get_domain(self) -> Domain:
        """Retrieves model domain (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        domains = [importer.get_domain() for importer in self._importers]

        return reduce(
            lambda merged, other: merged.merge(other),

    def get_stories(self, exclusion_percentage: Optional[int] = None) -> StoryGraph:
        """Retrieves training stories / rules (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        stories = [
            importer.get_stories(exclusion_percentage) for importer in self._importers

        return reduce(
            lambda merged, other: merged.merge(other), stories, StoryGraph([])

    def get_conversation_tests(self) -> StoryGraph:
        """Retrieves conversation test stories (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        stories = [importer.get_conversation_tests() for importer in self._importers]

        return reduce(
            lambda merged, other: merged.merge(other), stories, StoryGraph([])

    def get_nlu_data(self, language: Optional[Text] = "en") -> TrainingData:
        """Retrieves NLU training data (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        nlu_data = [importer.get_nlu_data(language) for importer in self._importers]

        return reduce(
            lambda merged, other: merged.merge(other), nlu_data, TrainingData()

    def get_config_file_for_auto_config(self) -> Optional[Text]:
        """Returns config file path for auto-config only if there is a single one."""
        if len(self._importers) != 1:
                "Auto-config for multiple importers is not supported; "
                "using config as is."
            return None
        return self._importers[0].get_config_file_for_auto_config()

class ResponsesSyncImporter(TrainingDataImporter):
    """Importer that syncs `responses` between Domain and NLU training data.

    Synchronizes responses between Domain and NLU and
    adds retrieval intent properties from the NLU training data
    back to the Domain.

    def __init__(self, importer: TrainingDataImporter):
        """Initializes the ResponsesSyncImporter."""
        self._importer = importer

    def get_config(self) -> Dict:
        """Retrieves model config (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return self._importer.get_config()

    def get_config_file_for_auto_config(self) -> Optional[Text]:
        """Returns config file path for auto-config only if there is a single one."""
        return self._importer.get_config_file_for_auto_config()

    def get_domain(self) -> Domain:
        """Merge existing domain with properties of retrieval intents in NLU data."""
        existing_domain = self._importer.get_domain()
        existing_nlu_data = self._importer.get_nlu_data()

        # Merge responses from NLU data with responses in the domain.
        # If NLU data has any retrieval intents, then add corresponding
        # retrieval actions with `utter_` prefix automatically to the
        # final domain, update the properties of existing retrieval intents.
        domain_with_retrieval_intents = self._get_domain_with_retrieval_intents(

        existing_domain = existing_domain.merge(
            domain_with_retrieval_intents, override=True

        return existing_domain

    def _construct_retrieval_action_names(retrieval_intents: Set[Text]) -> List[Text]:
        """Lists names of all retrieval actions related to passed retrieval intents.

            retrieval_intents: List of retrieval intents defined in the NLU training

        Returns: Names of corresponding retrieval actions
        return [
            for intent in retrieval_intents

    def _get_domain_with_retrieval_intents(
        retrieval_intents: Set[Text],
        responses: Dict[Text, List[Dict[Text, Any]]],
        existing_domain: Domain,
    ) -> Domain:
        """Construct a domain consisting of retrieval intents.

         The result domain will have retrieval intents that are listed
         in the NLU training data.

            retrieval_intents: Set of retrieval intents defined in NLU training data.
            responses: Responses defined in NLU training data.
            existing_domain: Domain which is already loaded from the domain file.

        Returns: Domain with retrieval actions added to action names and properties
          for retrieval intents updated.
        # Get all the properties already defined
        # for each retrieval intent in other domains
        # and add the retrieval intent property to them
        retrieval_intent_properties = []
        for intent in retrieval_intents:
            intent_properties = (
                if intent in existing_domain.intent_properties
                else {}
            intent_properties[IS_RETRIEVAL_INTENT_KEY] = True
            retrieval_intent_properties.append({intent: intent_properties})

        action_names = ResponsesSyncImporter._construct_retrieval_action_names(

        return Domain.from_dict(
                KEY_INTENTS: retrieval_intent_properties,
                KEY_RESPONSES: responses,
                KEY_ACTIONS: action_names,

    def get_stories(self, exclusion_percentage: Optional[int] = None) -> StoryGraph:
        """Retrieves training stories / rules (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return self._importer.get_stories(exclusion_percentage)

    def get_conversation_tests(self) -> StoryGraph:
        """Retrieves conversation test stories (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return self._importer.get_conversation_tests()

    def get_nlu_data(self, language: Optional[Text] = "en") -> TrainingData:
        """Updates NLU data with responses for retrieval intents from domain."""
        existing_nlu_data = self._importer.get_nlu_data(language)
        existing_domain = self._importer.get_domain()

        return existing_nlu_data.merge(

    def _get_nlu_data_with_responses(
        responses: Dict[Text, List[Dict[Text, Any]]]
    ) -> TrainingData:
        """Construct training data object with only the responses supplied.

            responses: Responses the NLU data should
            be initialized with.

        Returns: TrainingData object with responses.

        return TrainingData(responses=responses)

class E2EImporter(TrainingDataImporter):
    """Importer with the following functionality.

    - enhances the NLU training data with actions / user messages from the stories.
    - adds potential end-to-end bot messages from stories as actions to the domain

    def __init__(self, importer: TrainingDataImporter) -> None:
        """Initializes the E2EImporter."""
        self.importer = importer

    def get_domain(self) -> Domain:
        """Retrieves model domain (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        original = self.importer.get_domain()
        e2e_domain = self._get_domain_with_e2e_actions()

        return original.merge(e2e_domain)

    def _get_domain_with_e2e_actions(self) -> Domain:

        stories = self.get_stories()

        additional_e2e_action_names = set()
        for story_step in stories.story_steps:
                    for event in story_step.events
                    if isinstance(event, ActionExecuted) and event.action_text

        return Domain.from_dict({KEY_E2E_ACTIONS: list(additional_e2e_action_names)})

    def get_stories(self, exclusion_percentage: Optional[int] = None) -> StoryGraph:
        """Retrieves the stories that should be used for training.

        See parent class for details.
        return self.importer.get_stories(exclusion_percentage)

    def get_conversation_tests(self) -> StoryGraph:
        """Retrieves conversation test stories (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return self.importer.get_conversation_tests()

    def get_config(self) -> Dict:
        """Retrieves model config (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return self.importer.get_config()

    def get_config_file_for_auto_config(self) -> Optional[Text]:
        """Returns config file path for auto-config only if there is a single one."""
        return self.importer.get_config_file_for_auto_config()

    def get_nlu_data(self, language: Optional[Text] = "en") -> TrainingData:
        """Retrieves NLU training data (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        training_datasets = [

        return reduce(
            lambda merged, other: merged.merge(other), training_datasets, TrainingData()

    def _additional_training_data_from_stories(self) -> TrainingData:
        stories = self.get_stories()

        utterances, actions = _unique_events_from_stories(stories)

        # Sort events to guarantee deterministic behavior and to avoid that the NLU
        # model has to be retrained due to changes in the event order within
        # the stories.
        sorted_utterances = sorted(
            utterances, key=lambda user: user.intent_name or user.text or ""
        sorted_actions = sorted(
            actions, key=lambda action: action.action_name or action.action_text or ""

        additional_messages_from_stories = [
            _messages_from_action(action) for action in sorted_actions
        ] + [_messages_from_user_utterance(user) for user in sorted_utterances]

            f"Added {len(additional_messages_from_stories)} training data examples "
            f"from the story training data."
        return TrainingData(additional_messages_from_stories)

def _unique_events_from_stories(
    stories: StoryGraph,
) -> Tuple[Set[UserUttered], Set[ActionExecuted]]:
    action_events = set()
    user_events = set()

    for story_step in stories.story_steps:
        for event in story_step.events:
            if isinstance(event, ActionExecuted):
            elif isinstance(event, UserUttered):

    return user_events, action_events

def _messages_from_user_utterance(event: UserUttered) -> Message:
    # sub state correctly encodes intent vs text
    data = cast(Dict[Text, Any], event.as_sub_state())
    # sub state stores entities differently
    if data.get(ENTITIES) and event.entities:
        data[ENTITIES] = event.entities

    return Message(data=data)

def _messages_from_action(event: ActionExecuted) -> Message:
    # sub state correctly encodes action_name vs action_text
    return Message(data=event.as_sub_state())

def _additional_training_data_from_default_actions() -> TrainingData:
    additional_messages_from_default_actions = [
        Message(data={ACTION_NAME: action_name})
        for action_name in rasa.shared.core.constants.DEFAULT_ACTION_NAMES

    return TrainingData(additional_messages_from_default_actions)