

1 day
Test Coverage
from collections import OrderedDict
import errno
import glob
from hashlib import md5
from io import StringIO
import json
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Text, Type, Union
import warnings
import random
import string
import portalocker

from ruamel import yaml as yaml
from ruamel.yaml import RoundTripRepresenter, YAMLError
from ruamel.yaml.constructor import DuplicateKeyError, BaseConstructor, ScalarNode

from rasa.shared.constants import (
from rasa.shared.exceptions import (
import rasa.shared.utils.validation


class bcolors:
    HEADER = "\033[95m"
    OKBLUE = "\033[94m"
    OKGREEN = "\033[92m"
    WARNING = "\033[93m"
    FAIL = "\033[91m"
    ENDC = "\033[0m"
    BOLD = "\033[1m"
    UNDERLINE = "\033[4m"

def wrap_with_color(*args: Any, color: Text) -> Text:
    return color + " ".join(str(s) for s in args) + bcolors.ENDC

def raise_warning(
    message: Text,
    category: Optional[Type[Warning]] = None,
    docs: Optional[Text] = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
    """Emit a `warnings.warn` with sensible defaults and a colored warning msg."""
    original_formatter = warnings.formatwarning

    def should_show_source_line() -> bool:
        if "stacklevel" not in kwargs:
            if category == UserWarning or category is None:
                return False
            if category == FutureWarning:
                return False
        return True

    def formatwarning(
        message: Union[Warning, Text],
        category: Type[Warning],
        filename: Text,
        lineno: int,
        line: Optional[Text] = None,
    ) -> Text:
        """Function to format a warning the standard way."""
        if not should_show_source_line():
            if docs:
                line = f"More info at {docs}"
                line = ""

        formatted_message = original_formatter(
            message, category, filename, lineno, line
        return wrap_with_color(formatted_message, color=bcolors.WARNING)

    if "stacklevel" not in kwargs:
        # try to set useful defaults for the most common warning categories
        if category == DeprecationWarning:
            kwargs["stacklevel"] = 3
        elif category in (UserWarning, FutureWarning):
            kwargs["stacklevel"] = 2

    warnings.formatwarning = formatwarning
    warnings.warn(message, category=category, **kwargs)
    warnings.formatwarning = original_formatter

def write_text_file(
    content: Text,
    file_path: Union[Text, Path],
    encoding: Text = DEFAULT_ENCODING,
    append: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Writes text to a file.

        content: The content to write.
        file_path: The path to which the content should be written.
        encoding: The encoding which should be used.
        append: Whether to append to the file or to truncate the file.

    mode = "a" if append else "w"
    with open(file_path, mode, encoding=encoding) as file:

def read_file(filename: Union[Text, Path], encoding: Text = DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> Any:
    """Read text from a file."""
        with open(filename, encoding=encoding) as f:
            return f.read()
    except FileNotFoundError:
        raise FileNotFoundException(
            f"Failed to read file, " f"'{os.path.abspath(filename)}' does not exist."
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        raise FileIOException(
            f"Failed to read file '{os.path.abspath(filename)}', "
            f"could not read the file using {encoding} to decode "
            f"it. Please make sure the file is stored with this "

def read_json_file(filename: Union[Text, Path]) -> Any:
    """Read json from a file."""
    content = read_file(filename)
        return json.loads(content)
    except ValueError as e:
        raise FileIOException(
            f"Failed to read json from '{os.path.abspath(filename)}'. Error: {e}"

def list_directory(path: Text) -> List[Text]:
    """Returns all files and folders excluding hidden files.

    If the path points to a file, returns the file. This is a recursive
    implementation returning files in any depth of the path.
    if not isinstance(path, str):
        raise ValueError(
            f"`resource_name` must be a string type. " f"Got `{type(path)}` instead"

    if os.path.isfile(path):
        return [path]
    elif os.path.isdir(path):
        results: List[Text] = []
        for base, dirs, files in os.walk(path, followlinks=True):
            # sort files for same order across runs
            files = sorted(files, key=_filename_without_prefix)
            # add not hidden files
            good_files = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("."), files)
            results.extend(os.path.join(base, f) for f in good_files)
            # add not hidden directories
            good_directories = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("."), dirs)
            results.extend(os.path.join(base, f) for f in good_directories)
        return results
        raise ValueError(f"Could not locate the resource '{os.path.abspath(path)}'.")

def list_files(path: Text) -> List[Text]:
    """Returns all files excluding hidden files.

    If the path points to a file, returns the file.
    return [fn for fn in list_directory(path) if os.path.isfile(fn)]

def _filename_without_prefix(file: Text) -> Text:
    """Splits of a filenames prefix until after the first ``_``."""
    return "_".join(file.split("_")[1:])

def list_subdirectories(path: Text) -> List[Text]:
    """Returns all folders excluding hidden files.

    If the path points to a file, returns an empty list.
    return [fn for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*")) if os.path.isdir(fn)]

def deep_container_fingerprint(
    obj: Union[List[Any], Dict[Any, Any], Any], encoding: Text = DEFAULT_ENCODING
) -> Text:
    """Calculate a hash which is stable.

    Works for lists and dictionaries. For keys and values, we recursively call
    `hash(...)` on them. In case of a dict, the hash is independent of the containers
    key order. Keep in mind that a list with items in a different order
    will not create the same hash!

        obj: dictionary or list to be hashed.
        encoding: encoding used for dumping objects as strings

        hash of the container.
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        return get_dictionary_fingerprint(obj, encoding)
    elif isinstance(obj, list):
        return get_list_fingerprint(obj, encoding)
    elif hasattr(obj, "fingerprint") and callable(obj.fingerprint):
        return obj.fingerprint()
        return get_text_hash(str(obj), encoding)

def get_dictionary_fingerprint(
    dictionary: Dict[Any, Any], encoding: Text = DEFAULT_ENCODING
) -> Text:
    """Calculate the fingerprint for a dictionary.

    The dictionary can contain any keys and values which are either a dict,
    a list or a elements which can be dumped as a string.

        dictionary: dictionary to be hashed
        encoding: encoding used for dumping objects as strings

        The hash of the dictionary
    stringified = json.dumps(
            deep_container_fingerprint(k, encoding): deep_container_fingerprint(
                v, encoding
            for k, v in dictionary.items()
    return get_text_hash(stringified, encoding)

def get_list_fingerprint(
    elements: List[Any], encoding: Text = DEFAULT_ENCODING
) -> Text:
    """Calculate a fingerprint for an unordered list.

        elements: unordered list
        encoding: encoding used for dumping objects as strings

        the fingerprint of the list
    stringified = json.dumps(
        [deep_container_fingerprint(element, encoding) for element in elements]
    return get_text_hash(stringified, encoding)

def get_text_hash(text: Text, encoding: Text = DEFAULT_ENCODING) -> Text:
    """Calculate the md5 hash for a text."""
    # deepcode ignore InsecureHash: Not used for a cryptographic purpose
    return md5(text.encode(encoding)).hexdigest()  # nosec

def json_to_string(obj: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Text:
    """Dumps a JSON-serializable object to string.

        obj: JSON-serializable object.
        kwargs: serialization options. Defaults to 2 space indentation
                and disable escaping of non-ASCII characters.

        The objects serialized to JSON, as a string.
    indent = kwargs.pop("indent", 2)
    ensure_ascii = kwargs.pop("ensure_ascii", False)
    return json.dumps(obj, indent=indent, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii, **kwargs)

def fix_yaml_loader() -> None:
    """Ensure that any string read by yaml is represented as unicode."""

    def construct_yaml_str(self: BaseConstructor, node: ScalarNode) -> Any:
        # Override the default string handling function
        # to always return unicode objects
        return self.construct_scalar(node)

    yaml.Loader.add_constructor("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", construct_yaml_str)
    yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", construct_yaml_str)

def replace_environment_variables() -> None:
    """Enable yaml loader to process the environment variables in the yaml."""
    # eg. ${USER_NAME}, ${PASSWORD}
    env_var_pattern = re.compile(r"^(.*)\$\{(.*)\}(.*)$")
    yaml.Resolver.add_implicit_resolver("!env_var", env_var_pattern, None)

    def env_var_constructor(loader: BaseConstructor, node: ScalarNode) -> Text:
        """Process environment variables found in the YAML."""
        value = loader.construct_scalar(node)
        expanded_vars = os.path.expandvars(value)
        not_expanded = [
            w for w in expanded_vars.split() if w.startswith("$") and w in value
        if not_expanded:
            raise RasaException(
                f"Error when trying to expand the "
                f"environment variables in '{value}'. "
                f"Please make sure to also set these "
                f"environment variables: '{not_expanded}'."
        return expanded_vars

    yaml.SafeConstructor.add_constructor("!env_var", env_var_constructor)


def read_yaml(content: Text, reader_type: Union[Text, List[Text]] = "safe") -> Any:
    """Parses yaml from a text.

        content: A text containing yaml content.
        reader_type: Reader type to use. By default "safe" will be used.

        ruamel.yaml.parser.ParserError: If there was an error when parsing the YAML.
    if _is_ascii(content):
        # Required to make sure emojis are correctly parsed
        content = (
            .encode("utf-16", "surrogatepass")

    yaml_parser = yaml.YAML(typ=reader_type)
    yaml_parser.version = YAML_VERSION  # type: ignore[assignment]
    yaml_parser.preserve_quotes = True  # type: ignore[assignment]

    return yaml_parser.load(content) or {}

def _is_ascii(text: Text) -> bool:
    return all(ord(character) < 128 for character in text)

def read_yaml_file(
    filename: Union[Text, Path], reader_type: Union[Text, List[Text]] = "safe"
) -> Union[List[Any], Dict[Text, Any]]:
    """Parses a yaml file.

    Raises an exception if the content of the file can not be parsed as YAML.

        filename: The path to the file which should be read.
        reader_type: Reader type to use. By default "safe" will be used.

        Parsed content of the file.
        return read_yaml(read_file(filename, DEFAULT_ENCODING), reader_type)
    except (YAMLError, DuplicateKeyError) as e:
        raise YamlSyntaxException(filename, e)

def write_yaml(
    data: Any,
    target: Union[Text, Path, StringIO],
    should_preserve_key_order: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Writes a yaml to the file or to the stream.

        data: The data to write.
        target: The path to the file which should be written or a stream object
        should_preserve_key_order: Whether to force preserve key order in `data`.

    if should_preserve_key_order:
        data = convert_to_ordered_dict(data)

    dumper = yaml.YAML()
    # no wrap lines
    dumper.width = YAML_LINE_MAX_WIDTH  # type: ignore[assignment]

    # use `null` to represent `None`
        lambda self, _: self.represent_scalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:null", "null"),

    if isinstance(target, StringIO):
        dumper.dump(data, target)

    with Path(target).open("w", encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING) as outfile:
        dumper.dump(data, outfile)


def is_key_in_yaml(file_path: Union[Text, Path], *keys: Text) -> bool:
    """Checks if any of the keys is contained in the root object of the yaml file.

        file_path: path to the yaml file
        keys: keys to look for

          `True` if at least one of the keys is found, `False` otherwise.

        FileNotFoundException: if the file cannot be found.
        with open(file_path, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING) as file:
            return any(
                any(line.lstrip().startswith(f"{key}:") for key in keys)
                for line in file
    except FileNotFoundError:
        raise FileNotFoundException(
            f"Failed to read file, " f"'{os.path.abspath(file_path)}' does not exist."

def convert_to_ordered_dict(obj: Any) -> Any:
    """Convert object to an `OrderedDict`.

        obj: Object to convert.

        An `OrderedDict` with all nested dictionaries converted if `obj` is a
        dictionary, otherwise the object itself.
    if isinstance(obj, OrderedDict):
        return obj
    # use recursion on lists
    if isinstance(obj, list):
        return [convert_to_ordered_dict(element) for element in obj]

    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        out = OrderedDict()
        # use recursion on dictionaries
        for k, v in obj.items():
            out[k] = convert_to_ordered_dict(v)

        return out

    # return all other objects
    return obj

def _enable_ordered_dict_yaml_dumping() -> None:
    """Ensure that `OrderedDict`s are dumped so that the order of keys is respected."""

def is_logging_disabled() -> bool:
    """Returns `True` if log level is set to WARNING or ERROR, `False` otherwise."""
    log_level = os.environ.get(ENV_LOG_LEVEL, DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL)

    return log_level in ("ERROR", "WARNING")

def create_directory_for_file(file_path: Union[Text, Path]) -> None:
    """Creates any missing parent directories of this file path."""

def dump_obj_as_json_to_file(filename: Union[Text, Path], obj: Any) -> None:
    """Dump an object as a json string to a file."""
    write_text_file(json.dumps(obj, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), filename)

def dump_obj_as_yaml_to_string(
    obj: Any, should_preserve_key_order: bool = False
) -> Text:
    """Writes data (python dict) to a yaml string.

        obj: The object to dump. Has to be serializable.
        should_preserve_key_order: Whether to force preserve key order in `data`.

        The object converted to a YAML string.
    buffer = StringIO()

    write_yaml(obj, buffer, should_preserve_key_order=should_preserve_key_order)

    return buffer.getvalue()

def create_directory(directory_path: Text) -> None:
    """Creates a directory and its super paths.

    Succeeds even if the path already exists.
    except OSError as e:
        # be happy if someone already created the path
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

def raise_deprecation_warning(
    message: Text,
    warn_until_version: Text = NEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_FOR_DEPRECATIONS,
    docs: Optional[Text] = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
    """Thin wrapper around `raise_warning()` to raise a deprecation warning. It requires
    a version until which we'll warn, and after which the support for the feature will
    be removed.
    if warn_until_version not in message:
        message = f"{message} (will be removed in {warn_until_version})"

    # need the correct stacklevel now
    kwargs.setdefault("stacklevel", 3)
    # we're raising a `FutureWarning` instead of a `DeprecationWarning` because
    # we want these warnings to be visible in the terminal of our users
    # https://docs.python.org/3/library/warnings.html#warning-categories
    raise_warning(message, FutureWarning, docs, **kwargs)

def read_validated_yaml(
    filename: Union[Text, Path],
    schema: Text,
    reader_type: Union[Text, List[Text]] = "safe",
) -> Any:
    """Validates YAML file content and returns parsed content.

        filename: The path to the file which should be read.
        schema: The path to the schema file which should be used for validating the
            file content.
        reader_type: Reader type to use. By default "safe" will be used.

        The parsed file content.

        YamlValidationException: In case the model configuration doesn't match the
            expected schema.
    content = read_file(filename)

    rasa.shared.utils.validation.validate_yaml_schema(content, schema)
    return read_yaml(content, reader_type)

def read_config_file(
    filename: Union[Path, Text], reader_type: Union[Text, List[Text]] = "safe"
) -> Dict[Text, Any]:
    """Parses a yaml configuration file. Content needs to be a dictionary.

        filename: The path to the file which should be read.
        reader_type: Reader type to use. By default "safe" will be used.

        YamlValidationException: In case file content is not a `Dict`.

        Parsed config file.
    return read_validated_yaml(filename, CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE, reader_type)

def read_model_configuration(filename: Union[Path, Text]) -> Dict[Text, Any]:
    """Parses a model configuration file.

        filename: The path to the file which should be read.

        YamlValidationException: In case the model configuration doesn't match the
            expected schema.

        Parsed config file.
    return read_validated_yaml(filename, MODEL_CONFIG_SCHEMA_FILE)

def is_subdirectory(path: Text, potential_parent_directory: Text) -> bool:
    """Checks if `path` is a subdirectory of `potential_parent_directory`.

        path: Path to a file or directory.
        potential_parent_directory: Potential parent directory.

        `True` if `path` is a subdirectory of `potential_parent_directory`.
    if path is None or potential_parent_directory is None:
        return False

    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    potential_parent_directory = os.path.abspath(potential_parent_directory)

    return potential_parent_directory in path

def random_string(length: int) -> Text:
    """Returns a random string of given length."""
    return "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=length))

def handle_print_blocking(output: Text) -> None:
    """Handle print blocking (BlockingIOError) by getting the STDOUT lock.

        output: Text to be printed to STDOUT.
    # Locking again to obtain STDOUT with a lock.
    with portalocker.Lock(sys.stdout) as lock:
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            # colorama is used to fix a regression where colors can not be printed on
            # windows. https://github.com/RasaHQ/rasa/issues/7053
            from colorama import AnsiToWin32

            lock = AnsiToWin32(lock).stream

        print(output, file=lock, flush=True)