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35 mins
Test Coverage
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Text

from rasa.constants import DEFAULT_MODELS_PATH

def get_validated_path(current: Optional[Text], parameter: Text,
                       default: Optional[Text] = None,
                       none_is_valid: bool = False) -> Optional[Text]:
    """Check whether a file path or its default value is valid and returns it.

        current: The parsed value.
        parameter: The name of the parameter.
        default: The default value of the parameter.
        none_is_valid: `True` if `None` is valid value for the path,
                        else `False``

        The current value if it was valid, else the default value of the
        argument if it is valid, else `None`.

    if (current is None or
            current is not None and not os.path.exists(current)):
        if default is not None and os.path.exists(default):
            print_warning("'{}' not found. Using default location '{}' instead."
                          "".format(current, default))
            current = default
        elif none_is_valid:
            current = None
            cancel_cause_not_found(current, parameter, default)

    return current

def cancel_cause_not_found(current: Optional[Text], parameter: Text,
                           default: Optional[Text]) -> None:
    """Exits with an error because the given path was not valid.

        current: The path given by the user.
        parameter: The name of the parameter.
        default: The default value of the parameter.


    default_clause = ""
    if default:
        default_clause = ("use the default location ('{}') or "
    print_error("The path '{}' does not exist. Please make sure to {}specify it"
                " with '--{}'.".format(current, default_clause, parameter))

def parse_last_positional_argument_as_model_path() -> None:
    """Fixes the parsing of a potential positional model path argument."""
    import sys

    if (len(sys.argv) >= 2 and
            sys.argv[1] in ["run", "test", "shell", "interactive"] and not
            sys.argv[-2].startswith('-') and
        sys.argv[-2] = "--model"

def create_output_path(output_path: Text = DEFAULT_MODELS_PATH,
                       prefix: Text = "") -> Text:
    """Creates an output path which includes the current timestamp.

        output_path: The path where the model should be stored.
        prefix: A prefix which should be included in the output path.

        The generated output path, e.g. "20191201-103002.tar.gz".
    import time

    if output_path.endswith("tar.gz"):
        return output_path
        time_format = "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"
        file_name = "{}{}.tar.gz".format(prefix, time.strftime(time_format))
        return os.path.join(output_path, file_name)

def minimal_kwargs(kwargs: Dict[Text, Any], func: Callable) -> Dict[Text, Any]:
    """Returns only the kwargs which are required by a function.

        kwargs: All available kwargs.
        func: The function which should be called.

        Subset of kwargs which are accepted by `func`.

    from rasa.core.utils import arguments_of

    possible_arguments = arguments_of(func)

    return {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in possible_arguments}

def print_success(text: Text):
    print_color(text, bcolors.OKGREEN)

class bcolors(object):
    HEADER = '\033[95m'
    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
    WARNING = '\033[93m'
    FAIL = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

def wrap_with_color(text: Text, color: Text):
    return color + text + bcolors.ENDC

def print_color(text: Text, color: Text):
    print(wrap_with_color(text, color))

def print_warning(text: Text):
    print_color(text, bcolors.WARNING)

def print_error(text: Text):
    print_color(text, bcolors.FAIL)