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5 hrs
Test Coverage
import asyncio
from asyncio import Queue, CancelledError

import inspect
import json
import logging
from sanic import Sanic, Blueprint, response
from typing import (
    Text, List, Dict, Any, Optional, Callable, Iterable,
import uuid
from rasa.core import utils
from rasa.core.constants import DOCS_BASE_URL

    from urlparse import urljoin
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urljoin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class UserMessage(object):
    """Represents an incoming message.

     Includes the channel the responses should be sent to."""

    DEFAULT_SENDER_ID = "default"

    def __init__(self,
                 text: Optional[Text],
                 output_channel: Optional['OutputChannel'] = None,
                 sender_id: Text = None,
                 parse_data: Dict[Text, Any] = None,
                 input_channel: Text = None,
                 message_id: Text = None
                 ) -> None:
        if text:
            self.text = text.strip()
            self.text = text

        if message_id is not None:
            self.message_id = str(message_id)
            self.message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        if output_channel is not None:
            self.output_channel = output_channel
            self.output_channel = CollectingOutputChannel()

        if sender_id is not None:
            self.sender_id = str(sender_id)
            self.sender_id = self.DEFAULT_SENDER_ID

        self.input_channel = input_channel

        self.parse_data = parse_data

def register(input_channels: List['InputChannel'],
             app: Sanic,
             route: Optional[Text]
             ) -> None:
    async def handler(*args, **kwargs):
        await app.agent.handle_message(*args, **kwargs)

    for channel in input_channels:
        if route:
            p = urljoin(route, channel.url_prefix())
            p = None
        app.blueprint(channel.blueprint(handler), url_prefix=p)

def button_to_string(button, idx=0):
    """Create a string representation of a button."""

    title = button.pop('title', '')

    if 'payload' in button:
        payload = " ({})".format(button.pop('payload'))
        payload = ""

    # if there are any additional attributes, we append them to the output
    if button:
        details = " - {}".format(json.dumps(button, sort_keys=True))
        details = ""

    button_string = "{idx}: {title}{payload}{details}".format(
        idx=idx + 1,

    return button_string

def element_to_string(element, idx=0):
    """Create a string representation of an element."""

    title = element.pop('title', '')

    element_string = "{idx}: {title} - {element}".format(
        idx=idx + 1,
        element=json.dumps(element, sort_keys=True))

    return element_string

class InputChannel(object):

    def name(cls):
        """Every input channel needs a name to identify it."""
        return cls.__name__

    def from_credentials(cls, credentials):
        return cls()

    def url_prefix(self):
        return self.name()

    def blueprint(self,
                  on_new_message: Callable[[UserMessage], Awaitable[None]]
                  ) -> None:
        """Defines a Sanic blueprint.

        The blueprint will be attached to a running sanic server and handle
        incoming routes it registered for."""
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Component listener needs to provide blueprint.")

    def raise_missing_credentials_exception(cls):
        raise Exception("To use the {} input channel, you need to "
                        "pass a credentials file using '--credentials'. "
                        "The argument should be a file path pointing to"
                        "a yml file containing the {} authentication"
                        "information. Details in the docs: "
                        format(cls.name(), cls.name(),
                               DOCS_BASE_URL, cls.name()))

class OutputChannel(object):
    """Output channel base class.

    Provides sane implementation of the send methods
    for text only output channels."""

    def name(cls):
        """Every output channel needs a name to identify it."""
        return cls.__name__

    async def send_response(self, recipient_id: Text,
                            message: Dict[Text, Any]) -> None:
        """Send a message to the client."""

        if message.get("elements"):
            await self.send_custom_message(recipient_id,

        if message.get("quick_replies"):
            await self.send_quick_replies(recipient_id,

        elif message.get("buttons"):
            await self.send_text_with_buttons(recipient_id,
        elif message.get("text"):
            await self.send_text_message(recipient_id,

        # if there is an image we handle it separately as an attachment
        if message.get("image"):
            await self.send_image_url(recipient_id, message.get("image"))

        if message.get("attachment"):
            await self.send_attachment(recipient_id, message.get("attachment"))

    async def send_text_message(self, recipient_id: Text,
                                message: Text) -> None:
        """Send a message through this channel."""

        raise NotImplementedError("Output channel needs to implement a send "
                                  "message for simple texts.")

    async def send_image_url(self, recipient_id: Text, image_url: Text) -> None:
        """Sends an image. Default will just post the url as a string."""

        await self.send_text_message(recipient_id,
                                     "Image: {}".format(image_url))

    async def send_attachment(self, recipient_id: Text,
                              attachment: Text) -> None:
        """Sends an attachment. Default will just post as a string."""

        await self.send_text_message(recipient_id,
                                     "Attachment: {}".format(attachment))

    async def send_text_with_buttons(self,
                                     recipient_id: Text,
                                     message: Text,
                                     buttons: List[Dict[Text, Any]],
                                     **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Sends buttons to the output.

        Default implementation will just post the buttons as a string."""

        await self.send_text_message(recipient_id, message)
        for idx, button in enumerate(buttons):
            button_msg = button_to_string(button, idx)
            await self.send_text_message(recipient_id, button_msg)

    async def send_quick_replies(self,
                                 recipient_id: Text,
                                 message: Text,
                                 buttons: List[Dict[Text, Any]],
                                 **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Sends quick replies to the output.

        Default implementation will just send as buttons."""

        await self.send_text_with_buttons(recipient_id, message, buttons,

    async def send_custom_message(self,
                                  recipient_id: Text,
                                  elements: Iterable[Dict[Text, Any]]) -> None:
        """Sends elements to the output.

        Default implementation will just post the elements as a string."""

        for element in elements:
            element_msg = "{title} : {subtitle}".format(
                title=element.get('title', ''),
                subtitle=element.get('subtitle', ''))
            await self.send_text_with_buttons(
                recipient_id, element_msg, element.get('buttons', []))

class CollectingOutputChannel(OutputChannel):
    """Output channel that collects send messages in a list

    (doesn't send them anywhere, just collects them)."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.messages = []

    def name(cls):
        return "collector"

    def _message(recipient_id,
        """Create a message object that will be stored."""

        obj = {
            "recipient_id": recipient_id,
            "text": text,
            "image": image,
            "buttons": buttons,
            "attachment": attachment

        # filter out any values that are `None`
        return utils.remove_none_values(obj)

    def latest_output(self):
        if self.messages:
            return self.messages[-1]
            return None

    async def _persist_message(self, message):

    async def send_text_message(self, recipient_id, message):
        for message_part in message.split("\n\n"):
            await self._persist_message(self._message(recipient_id,

    async def send_text_with_buttons(self, recipient_id, message, buttons,
        await self._persist_message(self._message(recipient_id,

    async def send_image_url(self,
                             recipient_id: Text,
                             image_url: Text) -> None:
        """Sends an image. Default will just post the url as a string."""

        await self._persist_message(self._message(recipient_id,

    async def send_attachment(self, recipient_id: Text,
                              attachment: Text) -> None:
        """Sends an attachment. Default will just post as a string."""

        await self._persist_message(self._message(recipient_id,

class QueueOutputChannel(CollectingOutputChannel):
    """Output channel that collects send messages in a list

    (doesn't send them anywhere, just collects them)."""

    def name(cls):
        return "queue"

    # noinspection PyMissingConstructor
    def __init__(self, message_queue: Queue = None) -> None:
        self.messages = Queue() if not message_queue else message_queue

    def latest_output(self):
        raise NotImplemented("A queue doesn't allow to peek at messages.")

    async def _persist_message(self, message):
        await self.messages.put(message)

class RestInput(InputChannel):
    """A custom http input channel.

    This implementation is the basis for a custom implementation of a chat
    frontend. You can customize this to send messages to Rasa Core and
    retrieve responses from the agent."""

    def name(cls):
        return "rest"

    async def on_message_wrapper(on_new_message, text, queue, sender_id):
        collector = QueueOutputChannel(queue)

        message = UserMessage(text, collector, sender_id,
        await on_new_message(message)

        await queue.put("DONE")

    async def _extract_sender(self, req):
        return req.json.get("sender", None)

    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
    def _extract_message(self, req):
        return req.json.get("message", None)

    def stream_response(self, on_new_message, text, sender_id):
        async def stream(resp):
            q = Queue()
            task = asyncio.ensure_future(
                self.on_message_wrapper(on_new_message, text, q, sender_id))
            while True:
                result = await q.get()
                if result == "DONE":
                    await resp.write(json.dumps(result) + "\n")
            await task

        return stream

    def blueprint(self, on_new_message):
        custom_webhook = Blueprint(

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        @custom_webhook.route("/", methods=['GET'])
        async def health(request):
            return response.json({"status": "ok"})

        @custom_webhook.route("/webhook", methods=['POST'])
        async def receive(request):
            sender_id = await self._extract_sender(request)
            text = self._extract_message(request)
            should_use_stream = utils.bool_arg(request, "stream",

            if should_use_stream:
                return response.stream(
                    self.stream_response(on_new_message, text, sender_id),
                collector = CollectingOutputChannel()
                # noinspection PyBroadException
                    await on_new_message(UserMessage(text, collector, sender_id,
                except CancelledError:
                    logger.error("Message handling timed out for "
                                 "user message '{}'.".format(text))
                except Exception:
                    logger.exception("An exception occured while handling "
                                     "user message '{}'.".format(text))
                return response.json(collector.messages)

        return custom_webhook