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5 hrs
Test Coverage
import zlib

import base64
import json
import logging
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Optional, Any, Dict, List, Text

from rasa.core import utils
from rasa.core.domain import Domain
from rasa.core.events import ActionExecuted
from rasa.core.featurizers import (
    TrackerFeaturizer, MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer)
from rasa.core.policies.policy import Policy
from rasa.core.trackers import DialogueStateTracker

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MemoizationPolicy(Policy):
    """The policy that remembers exact examples of
        `max_history` turns from training stories.

        Since `slots` that are set some time in the past are
        preserved in all future feature vectors until they are set
        to None, this policy implicitly remembers and most importantly
        recalls examples in the context of the current dialogue
        longer than `max_history`.

        This policy is not supposed to be the only policy in an ensemble,
        it is optimized for precision and not recall.
        It should get a 100% precision because it emits probabilities of 1.1
        along it's predictions, which makes every mistake fatal as
        no other policy can overrule it.

        If it is needed to recall turns from training dialogues where
        some slots might not be set during prediction time, and there are
        training stories for this, use AugmentedMemoizationPolicy.




    def _standard_featurizer(max_history=None):
        # Memoization policy always uses MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer
        # without state_featurizer
        return MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer(state_featurizer=None,

    def __init__(self,
                 featurizer: Optional[TrackerFeaturizer] = None,
                 priority: int = 2,
                 max_history: Optional[int] = None,
                 lookup: Optional[Dict] = None
                 ) -> None:

        if not featurizer:
            featurizer = self._standard_featurizer(max_history)

        super(MemoizationPolicy, self).__init__(featurizer, priority)

        self.max_history = self.featurizer.max_history
        self.lookup = lookup if lookup is not None else {}
        self.is_enabled = True

    def toggle(self, activate: bool) -> None:
        self.is_enabled = activate

    def _add_states_to_lookup(self, trackers_as_states, trackers_as_actions,
                              domain, online=False):
        """Add states to lookup dict"""
        if not trackers_as_states:

        assert len(trackers_as_states[0]) == self.max_history, \
            ("Trying to mem featurized data with {} historic turns. Expected: "
             "{}".format(len(trackers_as_states[0]), self.max_history))

        assert len(trackers_as_actions[0]) == 1, \
            ("The second dimension of trackers_as_action should be 1, "
             "instead of {}".format(len(trackers_as_actions[0])))

        ambiguous_feature_keys = set()

        pbar = tqdm(zip(trackers_as_states, trackers_as_actions),
                    desc="Processed actions", disable=online)
        for states, actions in pbar:
            action = actions[0]

            feature_key = self._create_feature_key(states)
            feature_item = domain.index_for_action(action)

            if feature_key not in ambiguous_feature_keys:
                if feature_key in self.lookup.keys():
                    if self.lookup[feature_key] != feature_item:
                        if online:
                            logger.info("Original stories are "
                                        "different for {} -- {}\n"
                                        "Memorized the new ones for "
                                        "now. Delete contradicting "
                                        "examples after exporting "
                                        "the new stories."
                                        "".format(states, action))
                            self.lookup[feature_key] = feature_item
                            # delete contradicting example created by
                            # partial history augmentation from memory
                            del self.lookup[feature_key]
                    self.lookup[feature_key] = feature_item
            pbar.set_postfix({"# examples": "{:d}".format(

    def _create_feature_key(self, states):
        feature_str = json.dumps(states, sort_keys=True).replace("\"", "")
            compressed = zlib.compress(bytes(feature_str, "utf-8"))
            return base64.b64encode(compressed).decode("utf-8")
            return feature_str

    def train(self,
              training_trackers: List[DialogueStateTracker],
              domain: Domain,
              **kwargs: Any
              ) -> None:
        """Trains the policy on given training trackers."""
        self.lookup = {}
        # only considers original trackers (no augmented ones)
        training_trackers = [
            for t in training_trackers
            if not hasattr(t, 'is_augmented') or not t.is_augmented
         trackers_as_actions) = self.featurizer.training_states_and_actions(
            training_trackers, domain)
        self._add_states_to_lookup(trackers_as_states, trackers_as_actions,
        logger.debug("Memorized {} unique examples."

    def continue_training(self,
                          training_trackers: List[DialogueStateTracker],
                          domain: Domain,
                          **kwargs: Any) -> None:

        # add only the last tracker, because it is the only new one
         trackers_as_actions) = self.featurizer.training_states_and_actions(
            training_trackers[-1:], domain)
        self._add_states_to_lookup(trackers_as_states, trackers_as_actions,
                                   domain, online=True)

    def _recall_states(self, states: List[Dict[Text, float]]) -> Optional[int]:

        return self.lookup.get(self._create_feature_key(states))

    def recall(self,
               states: List[Dict[Text, float]],
               tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
               domain: Domain
               ) -> Optional[int]:

        return self._recall_states(states)

    def predict_action_probabilities(self,
                                     tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
                                     domain: Domain) -> List[float]:
        """Predicts the next action the bot should take
            after seeing the tracker.

            Returns the list of probabilities for the next actions.
            If memorized action was found returns 1.1 for its index,
            else returns 0.0 for all actions."""
        result = [0.0] * domain.num_actions

        if not self.is_enabled:
            return result

        tracker_as_states = self.featurizer.prediction_states(
            [tracker], domain)
        states = tracker_as_states[0]
        logger.debug("Current tracker state {}".format(states))
        recalled = self.recall(states, tracker, domain)
        if recalled is not None:
            logger.debug("There is a memorised next action '{}'"

            if self.USE_NLU_CONFIDENCE_AS_SCORE:
                # the memoization will use the confidence of NLU on the latest
                # user message to set the confidence of the action
                score = tracker.latest_message.intent.get("confidence", 1.0)
                score = 1.0

            result[recalled] = score
            logger.debug("There is no memorised next action")

        return result

    def persist(self, path: Text) -> None:


        memorized_file = os.path.join(path, 'memorized_turns.json')
        data = {
            "priority": self.priority,
            "max_history": self.max_history,
            "lookup": self.lookup
        utils.dump_obj_as_json_to_file(memorized_file, data)

    def load(cls, path: Text) -> 'MemoizationPolicy':

        featurizer = TrackerFeaturizer.load(path)
        memorized_file = os.path.join(path, 'memorized_turns.json')
        if os.path.isfile(memorized_file):
            data = json.loads(utils.read_file(memorized_file))
            return cls(featurizer=featurizer, priority=data["priority"],
            logger.info("Couldn't load memoization for policy. "
                        "File '{}' doesn't exist. Falling back to empty "
                        "turn memory.".format(memorized_file))
            return cls()

class AugmentedMemoizationPolicy(MemoizationPolicy):
    """The policy that remembers examples from training stories
        for `max_history` turns.

        If it is needed to recall turns from training dialogues
        where some slots might not be set during prediction time,
        add relevant stories without such slots to training data.
        E.g. reminder stories.

        Since `slots` that are set some time in the past are
        preserved in all future feature vectors until they are set
        to None, this policy has a capability to recall the turns
        up to `max_history` from training stories during prediction
        even if additional slots were filled in the past
        for current dialogue.

    def _back_to_the_future_again(tracker):
        """Send Marty to the past to get
            the new featurization for the future"""

        idx_of_first_action = None
        idx_of_second_action = None

        # we need to find second executed action
        for e_i, event in enumerate(tracker.applied_events()):
            # find second ActionExecuted
            if isinstance(event, ActionExecuted):
                if idx_of_first_action is None:
                    idx_of_first_action = e_i
                    idx_of_second_action = e_i

        if idx_of_second_action is None:
            return None
        # make second ActionExecuted the first one
        events = tracker.applied_events()[idx_of_second_action:]
        if not events:
            return None

        mcfly_tracker = tracker.init_copy()
        for e in events:

        return mcfly_tracker

    def _recall_using_delorean(self, old_states, tracker, domain):
        """Recursively go to the past to correctly forget slots,
            and then back to the future to recall."""

        logger.debug("Launch DeLorean...")
        mcfly_tracker = self._back_to_the_future_again(tracker)
        while mcfly_tracker is not None:
            tracker_as_states = self.featurizer.prediction_states(
                [mcfly_tracker], domain)
            states = tracker_as_states[0]

            if old_states != states:
                # check if we like new futures
                memorised = self._recall_states(states)
                if memorised is not None:
                    logger.debug("Current tracker state {}".format(states))
                    return memorised
                old_states = states

            # go back again
            mcfly_tracker = self._back_to_the_future_again(mcfly_tracker)

        # No match found
        logger.debug("Current tracker state {}".format(old_states))
        return None

    def recall(self,
               states: List[Dict[Text, float]],
               tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
               domain: Domain
               ) -> Optional[int]:

        recalled = self._recall_states(states)
        if recalled is None:
            # let's try a different method to recall that tracker
            return self._recall_using_delorean(states, tracker, domain)
            return recalled