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4 days
Test Coverage
import glob
import logging
import os
import tempfile
import zipfile
from functools import wraps
from inspect import isawaitable
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Text, Union, Tuple

from sanic import Sanic, response
from sanic.exceptions import NotFound
from sanic.request import Request
from sanic_cors import CORS
from sanic_jwt import Initialize, exceptions

import rasa
from rasa.core import constants, utils
from rasa.core.channels import CollectingOutputChannel, UserMessage
from rasa.core.domain import Domain
from rasa.core.events import Event
from rasa.core.policies import PolicyEnsemble
from rasa.core.test import test
from rasa.core.trackers import DialogueStateTracker, EventVerbosity
from rasa.core.utils import dump_obj_as_str_to_file, write_request_body_to_file
from rasa.model import unpack_model, FINGERPRINT_FILE_PATH
from rasa_nlu.test import run_evaluation

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ErrorResponse(Exception):
    def __init__(self, status, reason, message, details=None, help_url=None):
        self.error_info = {
            "version": rasa.__version__,
            "status": "failure",
            "message": message,
            "reason": reason,
            "details": details or {},
            "help": help_url,
            "code": status
        self.status = status

def _docs(sub_url: Text) -> Text:
    """Create a url to a subpart of the docs."""
    return constants.DOCS_BASE_URL + sub_url

def ensure_loaded_agent(app):
    """Wraps a request handler ensuring there is a loaded and usable model."""

    def decorator(f):
        def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
            if not app.agent or not app.agent.is_ready():
                raise ErrorResponse(
                    "No agent loaded. To continue processing, a "
                    "model of a trained agent needs to be loaded.",

            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        return decorated

    return decorator

def request_parameters(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return request.raw_args
            return request.json
        except ValueError as e:
            logger.error("Failed to decode json during respond request. "
                         "Error: {}.".format(e))

def requires_auth(app: Sanic,
                  token: Optional[Text] = None
                  ) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
    """Wraps a request handler with token authentication."""

    def decorator(f: Callable[[Any, Any, Any], Any]
                  ) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Any]:
        def sender_id_from_args(args: Any,
                                kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Text]:
            argnames = utils.arguments_of(f)
                sender_id_arg_idx = argnames.index("sender_id")
                if "sender_id" in kwargs:  # try to fetch from kwargs first
                    return kwargs["sender_id"]
                if sender_id_arg_idx < len(args):
                    return args[sender_id_arg_idx]
                return None
            except ValueError:
                return None

        def sufficient_scope(request,
                             *args: Any,
                             **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[bool]:
            jwt_data = request.app.auth.extract_payload(request)
            user = jwt_data.get("user", {})

            username = user.get("username", None)
            role = user.get("role", None)

            if role == "admin":
                return True
            elif role == "user":
                sender_id = sender_id_from_args(args, kwargs)
                return sender_id is not None and username == sender_id
                return False

        async def decorated(request: Request,
                            *args: Any,
                            **kwargs: Any) -> Any:

            provided = utils.default_arg(request, 'token', None)
            # noinspection PyProtectedMember
            if token is not None and provided == token:
                result = f(request, *args, **kwargs)
                if isawaitable(result):
                    result = await result
                return result
            elif (app.config.get('USE_JWT') and
                if sufficient_scope(request, *args, **kwargs):
                    result = f(request, *args, **kwargs)
                    if isawaitable(result):
                        result = await result
                    return result
                raise ErrorResponse(
                    403, "NotAuthorized",
                    "User has insufficient permissions.",
            elif token is None and app.config.get('USE_JWT') is None:
                # authentication is disabled
                result = f(request, *args, **kwargs)
                if isawaitable(result):
                    result = await result
                return result
            raise ErrorResponse(
                401, "NotAuthenticated", "User is not authenticated.",

        return decorated

    return decorator

def event_verbosity_parameter(request, default_verbosity):
    event_verbosity_str = request.raw_args.get(
        'include_events', default_verbosity.name).upper()
        return EventVerbosity[event_verbosity_str]
    except KeyError:
        enum_values = ", ".join([e.name for e in EventVerbosity])
        raise ErrorResponse(404, "InvalidParameter",
                            "Invalid parameter value for 'include_events'. "
                            "Should be one of {}".format(enum_values),
                            {"parameter": "include_events", "in": "query"})

async def nlu_model_and_evaluation_files_from_archive(
        zipped_model_path: Text,
        directory: Text
) -> Tuple[Text, List[Text]]:
    """Extract NLU model path and intent evaluation files zipped model.

    Returns a tuple containing the path to the nlu model and a list
    of paths to evaluation files.

    # unzip and return NLU evaluation files contained in it
    unzipped_path = unpack_model(zipped_model_path, directory)

    # cast `unzipped_path` as str for py3.5 compatibility
    unzipped_path = str(unzipped_path)

    model_path = os.path.join(unzipped_path, 'nlu')
    nlu_files = await find_nlu_files_in_path(unzipped_path)

    return model_path, nlu_files

async def find_nlu_files_in_path(path: Text):
    """Return list of NLU data paths in `path`.

    Matches files ending on `.md` and `.json`.
    Excludes `fingerprint.json` files.

    out = []
    for t in ["*.md", "*.json"]:
        match = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, t))
        match = [m for m in match if not m.endswith(FINGERPRINT_FILE_PATH)]

    return out

# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
async def authenticate(request):
    raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(
        "Direct JWT authentication not supported. You should already have "
        "a valid JWT from an authentication provider, Rasa will just make "
        "sure that the token is valid, but not issue new tokens.")

def create_app(agent=None,
               cors_origins: Union[Text, List[Text]] = "*",
               auth_token: Optional[Text] = None,
               jwt_secret: Optional[Text] = None,
               jwt_method: Text = "HS256",
    """Class representing a Rasa Core HTTP server."""

    app = Sanic(__name__)
    app.config.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60

         resources={r"/*": {"origins": cors_origins or ""}},

    # Setup the Sanic-JWT extension
    if jwt_secret and jwt_method:
        # since we only want to check signatures, we don't actually care
        # about the JWT method and set the passed secret as either symmetric
        # or asymmetric key. jwt lib will choose the right one based on method
        app.config['USE_JWT'] = True

    app.agent = agent

    async def warn_if_agent_is_unavailable(app, loop):
        if not app.agent or not app.agent.is_ready():
            logger.warning("The loaded agent is not ready to be used yet "
                           "(e.g. only the NLU interpreter is configured, "
                           "but no Core model is loaded). This is NOT AN ISSUE "
                           "some endpoints are not available until the agent "
                           "is ready though.")

    async def ignore_404s(request: Request, exception: ErrorResponse):
        return response.json(exception.error_info,

    async def hello(request: Request):
        """Check if the server is running and responds with the version."""
        return response.text("hello from Rasa: " + rasa.__version__)

    async def version(request: Request):
        """respond with the version number of the installed rasa core."""

        return response.json({
            "version": rasa.__version__,
            "minimum_compatible_version": constants.MINIMUM_COMPATIBLE_VERSION

    # <sender_id> can be be 'default' if there's only 1 client
    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def execute_action(request: Request, sender_id: Text):
        request_params = request.json

        # we'll accept both parameters to specify the actions name
        action_to_execute = (request_params.get("name") or

        policy = request_params.get("policy", None)
        confidence = request_params.get("confidence", None)
        verbosity = event_verbosity_parameter(request,

            out = CollectingOutputChannel()
            await app.agent.execute_action(sender_id,

            # retrieve tracker and set to requested state
            tracker = app.agent.tracker_store.get_or_create_tracker(sender_id)
            state = tracker.current_state(verbosity)
            return response.json({"tracker": state,
                                  "messages": out.messages})

        except ValueError as e:
            raise ErrorResponse(400, "ValueError", e)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("Encountered an exception while running action '{}'. "
                         "Bot will continue, but the actions events are lost. "
                         "Make sure to fix the exception in your custom "
            logger.debug(e, exc_info=True)
            raise ErrorResponse(500, "ValueError",
                                "Server failure. Error: {}".format(e))

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def append_event(request: Request, sender_id: Text):
        """Append a list of events to the state of a conversation"""

        request_params = request.json
        evt = Event.from_parameters(request_params)
        tracker = app.agent.tracker_store.get_or_create_tracker(sender_id)
        verbosity = event_verbosity_parameter(request,

        if evt:
            return response.json(tracker.current_state(verbosity))
                "Append event called, but could not extract a "
                "valid event. Request JSON: {}".format(request_params))
            raise ErrorResponse(400, "InvalidParameter",
                                "Couldn't extract a proper event from the "
                                "request body.",
                                {"parameter": "", "in": "body"})

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def replace_events(request: Request, sender_id: Text):
        """Use a list of events to set a conversations tracker to a state."""

        request_params = request.json
        verbosity = event_verbosity_parameter(request,

        tracker = DialogueStateTracker.from_dict(sender_id,
        # will override an existing tracker with the same id!
        return response.json(tracker.current_state(verbosity))

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def list_trackers(request: Request):
        if app.agent.tracker_store:
            keys = list(app.agent.tracker_store.keys())
            keys = []

        return response.json(keys)

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def retrieve_tracker(request: Request, sender_id: Text):
        """Get a dump of a conversation's tracker including its events."""

        if not app.agent.tracker_store:
            raise ErrorResponse(503, "NoTrackerStore",
                                "No tracker store available. Make sure to "
                                "configure a tracker store when starting "
                                "the server.")

        # parameters
        default_verbosity = EventVerbosity.AFTER_RESTART

        # this is for backwards compatibility
        if "ignore_restarts" in request.raw_args:
            ignore_restarts = utils.bool_arg(request, 'ignore_restarts',
            if ignore_restarts:
                default_verbosity = EventVerbosity.ALL

        if "events" in request.raw_args:
            include_events = utils.bool_arg(request, 'events',
            if not include_events:
                default_verbosity = EventVerbosity.NONE

        verbosity = event_verbosity_parameter(request,

        # retrieve tracker and set to requested state
        tracker = app.agent.tracker_store.get_or_create_tracker(sender_id)
        if not tracker:
            raise ErrorResponse(503,
                                "Could not retrieve tracker. Most likely "
                                "because there is no domain set on the agent.")

        until_time = utils.float_arg(request, 'until')
        if until_time is not None:
            tracker = tracker.travel_back_in_time(until_time)

        # dump and return tracker

        state = tracker.current_state(verbosity)
        return response.json(state)

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def retrieve_story(request: Request, sender_id: Text):
        """Get an end-to-end story corresponding to this conversation."""

        if not app.agent.tracker_store:
            raise ErrorResponse(503, "NoTrackerStore",
                                "No tracker store available. Make sure to "
                                "configure "
                                "a tracker store when starting the server.")

        # retrieve tracker and set to requested state
        tracker = app.agent.tracker_store.get_or_create_tracker(sender_id)
        if not tracker:
            raise ErrorResponse(503,
                                "Could not retrieve tracker. Most likely "
                                "because there is no domain set on the agent.")

        until_time = utils.float_arg(request, 'until')
        if until_time is not None:
            tracker = tracker.travel_back_in_time(until_time)

        # dump and return tracker
        state = tracker.export_stories(e2e=True)
        return response.text(state)

    @app.route("/conversations/<sender_id>/respond", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def respond(request: Request, sender_id: Text):
        request_params = request_parameters(request)

        if 'query' in request_params:
            message = request_params['query']
        elif 'q' in request_params:
            message = request_params['q']
            raise ErrorResponse(400,
                                "Missing the message parameter.",
                                {"parameter": "query", "in": "query"})

            # Set the output channel
            out = CollectingOutputChannel()
            # Fetches the appropriate bot response in a json format
            responses = await app.agent.handle_text(message,
            return response.json(responses)

        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Caught an exception during respond.")
            raise ErrorResponse(500, "ActionException",
                                "Server failure. Error: {}".format(e))

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def predict(request: Request, sender_id: Text):
            # Fetches the appropriate bot response in a json format
            responses = app.agent.predict_next(sender_id)
            responses['scores'] = sorted(responses['scores'],
                                         key=lambda k: (-k['score'],
            return response.json(responses)

        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Caught an exception during prediction.")
            raise ErrorResponse(500, "PredictionException",
                                "Server failure. Error: {}".format(e))

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def log_message(request: Request, sender_id: Text):
        request_params = request.json
            message = request_params["message"]
        except KeyError:
            message = request_params.get("text")

        sender = request_params.get("sender")
        parse_data = request_params.get("parse_data")
        verbosity = event_verbosity_parameter(request,

        # TODO: implement properly for agent / bot
        if sender != "user":
            raise ErrorResponse(500,
                                "Currently, only user messages can be passed "
                                "to this endpoint. Messages of sender '{}' "
                                "cannot be handled.".format(sender),
                                {"parameter": "sender", "in": "body"})

            usermsg = UserMessage(message, None, sender_id, parse_data)
            tracker = await app.agent.log_message(usermsg)
            return response.json(tracker.current_state(verbosity))

        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Caught an exception while logging message.")
            raise ErrorResponse(500, "MessageException",
                                "Server failure. Error: {}".format(e))

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def load_model(request: Request):
        """Loads a zipped model, replacing the existing one."""

        if 'model' not in request.files:
            # model file is missing
            raise ErrorResponse(400, "InvalidParameter",
                                "You did not supply a model as part of your "
                                {"parameter": "model", "in": "body"})

        model_file = request.files['model']

        logger.info("Received new model through REST interface.")
        zipped_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".zip")
        model_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()


        logger.debug("Downloaded model to {}".format(zipped_path.name))

        zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zipped_path.name, 'r')
        logger.debug("Unzipped model to {}".format(

        domain_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(model_directory),
        domain = Domain.load(domain_path)
        ensemble = PolicyEnsemble.load(model_directory)
        app.agent.update_model(domain, ensemble, None)
        logger.debug("Finished loading new agent.")
        return response.text('', 204)

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def evaluate_stories(request: Request):
        """Evaluate stories against the currently loaded model."""
        import rasa_nlu.utils

        tmp_file = rasa_nlu.utils.create_temporary_file(request.body,
        use_e2e = utils.bool_arg(request, 'e2e', default=False)
            evaluation = await test(tmp_file, app.agent, use_e2e=use_e2e)
            return response.json(evaluation)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ErrorResponse(400, "FailedEvaluation",
                                "Evaluation could not be created. Error: {}"

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def evaluate_intents(request: Request):
        """Evaluate intents against a Rasa NLU model."""

        # create `tmpdir` and cast as str for py3.5 compatibility
        tmpdir = str(tempfile.mkdtemp())

        zipped_model_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'model.tar.gz')
        write_request_body_to_file(request, zipped_model_path)

        model_path, nlu_files = \
            await nlu_model_and_evaluation_files_from_archive(
                zipped_model_path, tmpdir)

        if len(nlu_files) == 1:
            data_path = os.path.abspath(nlu_files[0])
                evaluation = run_evaluation(data_path, model_path)
                return response.json(evaluation)
            except ValueError as e:
                return ErrorResponse(400, "FailedIntentEvaluation",
                                     "Evaluation could not be created. "
                                     "Error: {}".format(e))
            return ErrorResponse(400, "FailedIntentEvaluation",
                                 "NLU evaluation file could not be found. "
                                 "This endpoint requires a single file ending "
                                 "on `.md` or `.json`.")

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def train_stack(request: Request):
        """Train a Rasa Stack model."""

        from rasa.train import train_async

        rjs = request.json

        # create a temporary directory to store config, domain and
        # training data
        temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

            config_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'config.yml')
            dump_obj_as_str_to_file(config_path, rjs["config"])

            domain_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'domain.yml')
            dump_obj_as_str_to_file(domain_path, rjs["domain"])

            nlu_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'nlu.md')
            dump_obj_as_str_to_file(nlu_path, rjs["nlu"])

            stories_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'stories.md')
            dump_obj_as_str_to_file(stories_path, rjs["stories"])
        except KeyError:
            raise ErrorResponse(400,
                                "The Rasa Stack training request is "
                                "missing a key. The required keys are "
                                "`config`, `domain`, `nlu` and `stories`.")

        # the model will be saved to the same temporary dir
        # unless `out` was specified in the request
            model_path = await train_async(
                training_files=[nlu_path, stories_path],
                output=rjs.get("out", temp_dir),
                force_training=rjs.get("force", False))

            return await response.file(model_path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ErrorResponse(400, "TrainingError",
                                "Rasa Stack model could not be trained. "
                                "Error: {}".format(e))

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def get_domain(request: Request):
        """Get current domain in yaml or json format."""

        accepts = request.headers.get("Accept", default="application/json")
        if accepts.endswith("json"):
            domain = app.agent.domain.as_dict()
            return response.json(domain)
        elif accepts.endswith("yml") or accepts.endswith("yaml"):
            domain_yaml = app.agent.domain.as_yaml()
            return response.text(domain_yaml,
            raise ErrorResponse(406,
                                "Invalid Accept header. Domain can be "
                                "provided as "
                                "json (\"Accept: application/json\") or"
                                "yml (\"Accept: application/x-yml\"). "
                                "Make sure you've set the appropriate Accept "

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def continue_training(request: Request):
        epochs = request.raw_args.get("epochs", 30)
        batch_size = request.raw_args.get("batch_size", 5)
        request_params = request.json
        sender_id = UserMessage.DEFAULT_SENDER_ID

            tracker = DialogueStateTracker.from_dict(sender_id,
        except Exception as e:
            raise ErrorResponse(400, "InvalidParameter",
                                "Supplied events are not valid. {}".format(e),
                                {"parameter": "", "in": "body"})

            # Fetches the appropriate bot response in a json format
            return response.text('', 204)

        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Caught an exception during prediction.")
            raise ErrorResponse(500, "TrainingException",
                                "Server failure. Error: {}".format(e))

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def status(request: Request):
        return response.json({
            "model_fingerprint": app.agent.fingerprint if app.agent else None,
            "is_ready": app.agent.is_ready() if app.agent else False

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def tracker_predict(request: Request):
        """ Given a list of events, predicts the next action"""

        sender_id = UserMessage.DEFAULT_SENDER_ID
        request_params = request.json
        verbosity = event_verbosity_parameter(request,

            tracker = DialogueStateTracker.from_dict(sender_id,
        except Exception as e:
            raise ErrorResponse(400, "InvalidParameter",
                                "Supplied events are not valid. {}".format(e),
                                {"parameter": "", "in": "body"})

        policy_ensemble = app.agent.policy_ensemble
        probabilities, policy = \

        scores = [
            {"action": a, "score": p}
            for a, p in zip(app.agent.domain.action_names, probabilities)

        return response.json({
            "scores": scores,
            "policy": policy,
            "tracker": tracker.current_state(verbosity)

    @requires_auth(app, auth_token)
    async def parse(request: Request):
        request_params = request.json
        parse_data = await app.agent.interpreter.parse(request_params.get("q"))
        return response.json(parse_data)

    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    raise RuntimeError("Calling `rasa.core.server` directly is "
                       "no longer supported. "
                       "Please use `rasa.core.run --enable_api` instead.")