* This file contains the configuration for the WP Bookings CQRS Module.
* @since [*next-version*]
return [
'cqrs' => [
'table_prefix' => '${wpdb_prefix}',
'bookings' => include __DIR__ . '/bookings.php',
'sessions' => include __DIR__ . '/sessions.php',
'unbooked_sessions' => include __DIR__ . '/unbooked_sessions.php',
'session_rules' => include __DIR__ . '/session_rules.php',
'transition_logs' => include __DIR__ . '/transition_log.php',
'resources' => include __DIR__ . '/resources.php',
'booking_resources' => include __DIR__ . '/booking_resources.php',
'wp_bookings_cqrs' => [
'migrations' => [
* The target version to migrate to.
* @since [*next-version*]
'target_db_version' => 3,
* The WordPress option name where the database version is saved.
* @since [*next-version*]
'db_version_option' => 'wp_bookings_db_version',
* The starting delimiter of placeholder tokens.
* @since [*next-version*]
'placeholder_token_start' => '${',
* The ending delimiter of placeholder tokens.
* @since [*next-version*]
'placeholder_token_end' => '}',
* The default value to use when a placeholder token does not map to a value.
* @since [*next-version*]
'placeholder_default_value' => '',