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namespace RebelCode\Storage\Resource\WordPress\Module;

use ArrayAccess;
use Dhii\Data\Container\NormalizeContainerCapableTrait;
use Dhii\Data\Object\DataStoreAwareContainerTrait;
use Dhii\Exception\CreateInvalidArgumentExceptionCapableTrait;
use Dhii\Exception\CreateOutOfRangeExceptionCapableTrait;
use Dhii\Exception\CreateRuntimeExceptionCapableTrait;
use Dhii\I18n\StringTranslatingTrait;
use Dhii\Output\TemplateFactoryInterface;
use Dhii\Util\Normalization\NormalizeIntCapableTrait;
use Dhii\Util\Normalization\NormalizeStringCapableTrait;
use Dhii\Util\String\StringableInterface as Stringable;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use mysqli;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use RuntimeException;
use stdClass;

 * Performs database migrations through WPDB.
 * @since [*next-version*]
class Migrator
    /* @since [*next-version*] */
    use DataStoreAwareContainerTrait {
        _getDataStore as _getPlaceholderValues;
        _setDataStore as _setPlaceholderValues;

    /* @since [*next-version*] */
    use NormalizeIntCapableTrait;

    /* @since [*next-version*] */
    use NormalizeStringCapableTrait;

    /* @since [*next-version*] */
    use NormalizeContainerCapableTrait;

    /* @since [*next-version*] */
    use CreateInvalidArgumentExceptionCapableTrait;

    /* @since [*next-version*] */
    use CreateOutOfRangeExceptionCapableTrait;

    /* @since [*next-version*] */
    use CreateRuntimeExceptionCapableTrait;

    /* @since [*next-version*] */
    use StringTranslatingTrait;

     * The filename for "up" migrations.
     * @since [*next-version*]
    const UP_MIGRATION_FILENAME = 'up.sql';

     * The filename for "down" migrations.
     * @since [*next-version*]
    const DOWN_MIGRATION_FILENAME = 'down.sql';

     * The direction value for migrating upwards (upgrading).
     * @since [*next-version*]
    const DIRECTION_UP = 1;

     * The direction value for migrating downwards (downgrading).
     * @since [*next-version*]
    const DIRECTION_DOWN = -1;

     * The migrations directory path.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @var string|Stringable
    protected $migrationsDir;

     * The current database version.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @var int|string|Stringable
    protected $dbVersion;

     * The mysqli handle.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @var mysqli
    protected $mysqli;

     * The template factory.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @var TemplateFactoryInterface|null
    protected $templateFactory;

     * Constructor.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param mysqli                                        $mysqli            The mysqli handle.
     * @param string|Stringable                             $migrationsDir     The migrations directory path.
     * @param int|string|Stringable                         $dbVersion         The current database version.
     * @param TemplateFactoryInterface                      $templateFactory   The factory for creating SQL templates.
     * @param array|stdClass|ArrayAccess|ContainerInterface $placeholderValues The replacement values for placeholders
     *                                                                         in SQL templates.
    public function __construct(
        TemplateFactoryInterface $templateFactory,
    ) {
        $this->mysqli = $mysqli;

     * Retrieves the mysqli handle.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @return mysqli The mysqli handle.
    protected function _getMysqli()
        return $this->mysqli;

     * Sets the mysqli handle.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param mysqli $mysqli The mysqli handle.
    protected function _setMysqli($mysqli)
        if (!($mysqli instanceof mysqli)) {
            throw $this->_createInvalidArgumentException(
                $this->__('Argument is not a mysqli handle'), null, null, $mysqli

        $this->mysqli = $mysqli;

     * Retrieves the migrations directory path.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @return string|Stringable The migrations directory path.
    protected function _getMigrationsDir()
        return $this->migrationsDir;

     * Sets the migrations directory path.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param string|Stringable $migrationsDir The migrations directory path.
    protected function _setMigrationsDir($migrationsDir)
        $this->migrationsDir = $this->_normalizeString($migrationsDir);

     * Retrieves the current database version.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @return int|string|Stringable The current database version.
    protected function _getDbVersion()
        return $this->dbVersion;

     * Sets the current database version.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param int|string |Stringable $dbVersion The current database version.
    protected function _setDbVersion($dbVersion)
        $this->dbVersion = $this->_normalizeInt($dbVersion);

     * Retrieves the template factory.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @return TemplateFactoryInterface|null The template factory instance.
    protected function _getTemplateFactory()
        return $this->templateFactory;

     * Retrieves the template factory.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param TemplateFactoryInterface|null $templateFactory The template factory instance.
    protected function _setTemplateFactory($templateFactory)
        if ($templateFactory !== null && !($templateFactory instanceof TemplateFactoryInterface)) {
            throw $this->_createInvalidArgumentException(
                $this->__('Argument is not a template factory'), null, null, $templateFactory

        $this->templateFactory = $templateFactory;

     * Performs database migration.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param int|string|Stringable $target The migration target - can be a version, state, preset, etc.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the given target is invalid.
     * @throws RuntimeException If failed to migrate to the given target.
    public function migrate($target)
        $target     = $this->_normalizeInt($target);
        $current    = $this->_getDbVersion();
        $difference = $target - $current;

        // No migration needed
        if ($difference === 0) {

        // Maximise the values to 0, since negative DB versions are not allowed
        $current = max(0, $current);
        $target  = max(0, $target);

        // Get direction, 1 for up and -1 for down
        $direction = (int) (absint($difference) / $difference);
        // Get the list of migration versions to run
        $migrations = ($direction === static::DIRECTION_UP)
            ? range($current + 1, $target)
            : range($current, $target + 1);
        // Determine the file names to look for, depending on migration direction
        $filename = ($direction === static::DIRECTION_UP)
            ? static::UP_MIGRATION_FILENAME
            : static::DOWN_MIGRATION_FILENAME;
        // The root migrations directory
        $directory = $this->_getMigrationsDir();

        foreach ($migrations as $_version) {
            $_path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$directory, sprintf('%1$s-%2$s', $_version, $filename)]);


     * Runs the migration at a given file path.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param string|Stringable $filePath The path to the migration file.
     * @throws RuntimeException If failed to read the migration file or if the migration failed to execute.
    protected function _runMigrationFile($filePath)
        $mysqli = $this->_getMysqli();

        $migrationSql = $this->_readSqlMigrationFile($filePath);
        $migrationSql = $this->_replaceSqlTokens($migrationSql, $this->_getPlaceholderValues());
        $sqlQueries   = explode(';', $migrationSql);
        $sqlQueries   = array_filter(array_map('trim', $sqlQueries));
        $errors       = [];


        foreach ($sqlQueries as $query) {
            $result = $mysqli->query($query . ';');

            if (!(bool) $result) {
                $errors[] = $mysqli->error;

        // If errors occurred, roll back the database
        if (!empty($errors)) {

            throw $this->_createRuntimeException(implode("\n", $errors));

        // If there were no errors, commit the transaction

     * Replaces placeholder tokens in the SQL.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param string|Stringable                             $sql    The SQL.
     * @param array|stdClass|ArrayAccess|ContainerInterface $values The placeholder values.
     * @return string|Stringable The SQL with the replaced placeholder tokens.
    protected function _replaceSqlTokens($sql, $values)
        $factory = $this->_getTemplateFactory();

        if (!($factory instanceof TemplateFactoryInterface)) {
            throw $this->_createRuntimeException($this->__('Template factory is null'));

        $template = $factory->make([
            TemplateFactoryInterface::K_TEMPLATE => $sql

        return $template->render($values);

     * Reads the SQL from a migration file.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param string|Stringable $filePath The path to the migration file.
     * @return string|Stringable The read SQL.
     * @throws RuntimeException If failed to read the migration file.
    protected function _readSqlMigrationFile($filePath)
        $filePath = $this->_normalizeString($filePath);

        if (is_file($filePath) && is_readable($filePath)) {
            return file_get_contents($filePath);

        throw $this->_createRuntimeException($this->__('Cannot read migration file "%s"', [$filePath]), null, null);