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namespace RebelCode\Storage\Resource\WordPress\Wpdb;

use Dhii\Expression\ExpressionInterface;
use Dhii\Expression\LogicalExpressionInterface;
use Dhii\Storage\Resource\Sql\EntityFieldInterface;
use Dhii\Storage\Resource\Sql\OrderInterface;
use Dhii\Util\String\StringableInterface as Stringable;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use OutOfRangeException;
use stdClass;
use Traversable;

 * Common functionality for objects that can retrieve records from a database using WPDB.
 * @since [*next-version*]
trait SelectCapableWpdbTrait
     * Executes a SELECT WPDB SQL query, retrieving records from the database that satisfy the given condition.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param LogicalExpressionInterface|null   $condition Optional condition that records must satisfy.
     *                                                     If null, all records in the target table are retrieved.
     * @param OrderInterface[]|Traversable|null $ordering  The ordering, as a list of OrderInterface instances.
     * @param int|null                          $limit     The number of records to limit the query to.
     * @param int|null                          $offset    The number of records to offset by, zero-based.
     * @return array|Traversable A list of retrieved records.
    protected function _select(
        LogicalExpressionInterface $condition = null,
        $ordering = null,
        $limit = null,
        $offset = null
    ) {
        $fields = $this->_getSqlSelectFieldNames();
        $hashValueMap = ($condition !== null)
            ? $this->_getWpdbExpressionHashMap($condition, $fields)
            : [];

        $values = array_values($hashValueMap);
        $vCount = count($values);
        $tokens = ($vCount > 0)
            ? array_combine($values, array_fill(0, count($values), '%s'))
            : [];

        $query = $this->_buildSelectSql(

        return $this->_getWpdbQueryResults($query, $values);

     * Builds a SELECT SQL query.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param array|stdClass|Traversable                                        $columns  The columns, as a map of
     *                                                                                    aliases (as keys) mapping to
     *                                                                                    column names, expressions or
     *                                                                                    entity field instances.
     * @param array|stdClass|Traversable                                        $tables   A mapping of tables aliases
     *                                                                                    (keys) to their real names.
     * @param array|Traversable                                                 $joins    A list of JOIN logical
     *                                                                                    expressions, keyed by table
     *                                                                                    name.
     * @param LogicalExpressionInterface|null                                   $where    The WHERE logical expression
     *                                                                                    condition.
     * @param OrderInterface[]|Traversable|null                                 $ordering The ordering, as a list of
     *                                                                                    OrderInterface instances.
     * @param int|null                                                          $limit    The number of records to
     *                                                                                    limit the query to.
     * @param int|null                                                          $offset   The number of records to
     *                                                                                    offset by, zero-based.
     * @param string[]|Stringable[]|EntityFieldInterface[]|stdClass|Traversable $grouping A list of strings, stringable
     *                                                                                    objects or entity-field
     *                                                                                    instances.
     * @param array                                                             $hashmap  Optional map of value names
     *                                                                                    and their hashes.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException If an argument is invalid.
     * @throws OutOfRangeException      If the limit or offset are invalid numbers.
     * @return string The built SQL query string.
    abstract protected function _buildSelectSql(
        $joins = [],
        LogicalExpressionInterface $where = null,
        $ordering = null,
        $limit = null,
        $offset = null,
        $grouping = [],
        array $hashmap = []

     * Retrieves the SQL database table names used in SQL SELECT queries.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @return array|stdClass|Traversable The SQL tables aliases (as keys) mapping to their real names (as values).
    abstract protected function _getSqlSelectTables();

     * Retrieves the names of the columns used in SQL SELECT queries.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @return array|stdClass|Traversable The columns, as a map of aliases (as keys) mapping to column names,
     *                                    expressions or entity field instances.
    abstract protected function _getSqlSelectColumns();

     * Retrieves the SQL SELECT query column "field" names.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @return string[]|Stringable[] A list of field names.
    abstract protected function _getSqlSelectFieldNames();

     * Retrieves the JOIN conditions used in SQL SELECT queries.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @return LogicalExpressionInterface[] An assoc. array of logical expressions, keyed by the joined table name.
    abstract protected function _getSqlSelectJoinConditions();

     * Retrieves the fields to group by in SQL SELECT queries.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @return string[]|Stringable[]|EntityFieldInterface[]|stdClass|Traversable The fields to group by.
    abstract protected function _getSqlSelectGrouping();

     * Retrieves the expression value hash map for a given WPDB SQL condition, for use in WPDB args interpolation.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param ExpressionInterface   $condition The condition instance.
     * @param string[]|Stringable[] $ignore    A list of term names to ignore, typically column names.
     * @return array A map of value names to their respective hashes.
    abstract protected function _getWpdbExpressionHashMap(ExpressionInterface $condition, array $ignore = []);

     * Executes a query using wpdb.
     * @since [*next-version*]
     * @param string|Stringable $query     The query to execute.
     * @param array             $inputArgs An array of arguments to use for interpolating placeholders in the query.
     * @return array|Traversable The resulting records.
    abstract protected function _getWpdbQueryResults($query, array $inputArgs = []);