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1 wk
Test Coverage
import { Input } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { useState } from 'react';
import Select from "react-select";
import { PolarAngleAxis, PolarGrid, PolarRadiusAxis, Radar, RadarChart } from 'recharts';

const OwaspRR = ({
    vulnerabilitySetter: setVulnerability
}) => {

    const [isValidOwaspVector, setIsValidOwaspVector] = useState(true);
    const [skillLevelValue, setSkillLevelValue] = useState(null);
    const [motiveValue, setMotiveValue] = useState(null);
    const [opportunityValue, setOpportunityValue] = useState(null);
    const [sizeValue, setSizeValue] = useState(null);
    const [lossOfConfidentialityValue, setLossOfConfidentialityValue] = useState(null);
    const [lossOfIntegrityValue, setLossOfIntegrityValue] = useState(null);
    const [lossOfAvailabilityValue, setLossOfAvailabilityValue] = useState(null);
    const [lossOfAccountabilityValue, setLossOfAccountabilityValue] = useState(null);
    const [easeOfDiscoveryValue, setEaseOfDiscoveryValue] = useState(null);
    const [easeOfExploitValue, setEaseOfExploitValue] = useState(null);
    const [awarenessValue, setAwarenessValue] = useState(null);
    const [intrusionDetectionValue, setIntrusionDetectionValue] = useState(null);
    const [financialDamageValue, setFinancialDamageValue] = useState(null);
    const [reputationDamageValue, setReputationDamageValue] = useState(null);
    const [nonComplianceValue, setNonComplianceValue] = useState(null);
    const [privacyViolationValue, setPrivacyViolationValue] = useState(null);
    let owaspRRChartData = [
        { subject: 'Skills required', value: 1, id: "SL" },
        { subject: 'Motive', value: 1, id: "M" },
        { subject: 'Opportunity', value: 0, id: "O" },
        { subject: 'Population size', value: 2, id: "S" },
        { subject: 'Ease of discovery', value: 1, id: "ED" },
        { subject: 'Ease of exploit', value: 1, id: "EE" },
        { subject: 'Awareness', value: 1, id: "A" },
        { subject: 'Intrusion detection', value: 1, id: "ID" },
        { subject: 'Loss of confidentiality', value: 2, id: "LC" },
        { subject: 'Loss of integrity', value: 1, id: "LI" },
        { subject: 'Loss of availability', value: 1, id: "LAV" },
        { subject: 'Loss of accountability', value: 1, id: "LAC" },
        { subject: 'Financial damage', value: 1, id: "FD" },
        { subject: 'Reputation damage', value: 1, id: "RD" },
        { subject: 'Non-compliance', value: 2, id: "NC" },
        { subject: 'Privacy violation', value: 3, id: "PV" },
    const [chartData, setChartData] = useState(owaspRRChartData);

    const onVectorChange = ev => {
        const target =;
        const name =;
        let value = target.value;
        if (validateVector(value)) {
            let scores = computeOwaspScores(value);
            setVulnerability({ ...vulnerability, 'owasp_impact': scores[0], 'owasp_likehood': scores[1], 'owasp_overall': scores[2], [name]: value });
        else {
            setVulnerability({ ...vulnerability, [name]: value });

    const validateVector = (vector) => {
        const vectorRegex = new RegExp(/^\(SL:[1,3,5,6,9]\/M:[1,4,9]\/O:[0,4,7,9]\/S:[2,4,5,6,9]\/ED:[1,3,7,9]\/EE:[1,3,5,9]\/A:[1,4,6,9]\/ID:[1,3,8,9]\/LC:[2,6,7,9]\/LI:[1,3,5,7,9]\/LAV:[1,5,7,9]\/LAC:[1,7,9]\/FD:[1,3,7,9]\/RD:[1,4,5,9]\/NC:[2,5,7]\/PV:[3,5,7,9]\)$/);
        const isValid = vectorRegex.test(vector);
        return isValid;

    const parseVector = (vector) => {
        return vector.slice(1, -1).split(/\//).map(s => s.split(':'));

    const computeLikehood = (fields) => {
        let sum = 0;[key, value]) => {
            if ((key === 'SL') || (key === 'M') || (key === 'O') || (key === 'S')
                || (key === 'ED') || (key === 'EE') || (key === 'A') || (key === 'ID')) {
                sum += parseInt(value);
            return sum;
        return sum / 8;

    const computeImpact = (fields) => {
        let sum = 0;[key, value]) => {
            if ((key === 'LC') || (key === 'LI') || (key === 'LAV') || (key === 'LAC')
                || (key === 'FD') || (key === 'RD') || (key === 'NC') || (key === 'PV')) {
                sum += parseInt(value);
            return sum;
        return sum / 8;

    const computeOverall = (impact, likehood) => {
        if ((impact < 3) && (likehood < 3)) {
            return 'note';
        } else if (((impact < 3) && (likehood < 6)) || ((impact < 6) && (likehood < 3))) {
            return 'low';
        } else if ((impact < 3) || (likehood < 3) || ((impact < 6) && (likehood < 6))) {
            return 'medium';
        } else if ((impact < 6) || (likehood < 6)) {
            return 'high';
        } else {
            return 'critical';

    const computeValues = (fields) => {
        const likehood = computeLikehood(fields);
        const impact = computeImpact(fields);
        const overall = computeOverall(impact, likehood);
        return [impact, likehood, overall];

    const computeOwaspScores = (vector) => {
        let fields = parseVector(vector);
        return computeValues(fields);

    const risk_colors = {
        'note': { label: 'Note', color: 'var(--blue)' },
        'low': { label: 'Low', color: 'var(--green)' },
        'medium': { label: 'Medium', color: '#FF8C00' },
        'high': { label: 'High', color: 'var(--red)' },
        'critical': { label: 'Critical', color: 'var(--purple)' }

    const OwaspChart = () => (
        <RadarChart outerRadius={180} width={900} height={550} data={chartData}>
            <PolarGrid />
            <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="subject" />
            <PolarRadiusAxis angle={90} domain={[0, 10]} />
            <Radar name="OWASP Risk Rating" dataKey="value" stroke={risk_colors[vulnerability.owasp_overall || 'note'].color}
                fill={risk_colors[vulnerability.owasp_overall || 'note'].color} fillOpacity={0.7} />

    const skillLevelOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - No technical skills' },
        { value: 3, label: '3 - Some technical skills' },
        { value: 5, label: '5 - Advanced computer user' },
        { value: 6, label: '6 - Network and programming skills' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - Security penetration skills' }

    const motiveOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - Low or no reward' },
        { value: 4, label: '4 - Possible reward' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - High reward' }

    const opportunityOptions = [
        { value: 0, label: '0 - Full access or expensive resources required ' },
        { value: 4, label: '4 - Special access or resources required' },
        { value: 7, label: '7 - Some access or resources required' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - No access or resources required' }

    const sizeOptions = [
        { value: 2, label: '2 - Developers, System administrators' },
        { value: 4, label: '4 - Intranet users' },
        { value: 5, label: '5 - Partners' },
        { value: 6, label: '6 - Authenticated users' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - Anonymous Internet users' }

    const getValue = (fields, name, updateName, newValue) => {
        if (updateName === name) {
            return newValue;
        let temp = 0;[key, value]) => {
            if (key === name) {
                temp = value;
            return temp;

        return temp;

    const produceVector = (fields, name, newValue) => {
        return "(SL:" + getValue(fields, 'SL', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "M:" + getValue(fields, 'M', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "O:" + getValue(fields, 'O', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "S:" + getValue(fields, 'S', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "ED:" + getValue(fields, 'ED', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "EE:" + getValue(fields, 'EE', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "A:" + getValue(fields, 'A', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "ID:" + getValue(fields, 'ID', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "LC:" + getValue(fields, 'LC', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "LI:" + getValue(fields, 'LI', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "LAV:" + getValue(fields, 'LAV', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "LAC:" + getValue(fields, 'LAC', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "FD:" + getValue(fields, 'FD', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "RD:" + getValue(fields, 'RD', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "NC:" + getValue(fields, 'NC', name, newValue) + "/"
            + "PV:" + getValue(fields, 'PV', name, newValue) + ")";

    const updateSelectedValue = (event, id) => {
        switch (id) {
            case 'SL':
            case 'M':
            case 'O':
            case 'S':
            case 'ED':
            case 'EE':
            case 'A':
            case 'ID':
            case 'LC':
            case 'LI':
            case 'LAV':
            case 'LAC':
            case 'FD':
            case 'RD':
            case 'NC':
            case 'PV':
                console.warn("invalid id: ", id);

    const updateChart = (id, value) => {
        chartData.forEach(element => {
            if ( === id) {
                element.value = value;

    const updateValues = (event, id) => {
        let vector = vulnerability.owasp_vector;
        if (!vector) {
            vector = "(SL:1/M:1/O:0/S:2/ED:1/EE:1/A:1/ID:1/LC:2/LI:1/LAV:1/LAC:1/FD:1/RD:1/NC:2/PV:3)";
        let fields = parseVector(vector);
        vector = produceVector(fields, id, event.value);
        let scores = computeOwaspScores(vector);
        setVulnerability({ ...vulnerability, 'owasp_impact': scores[0], 'owasp_likehood': scores[1], 'owasp_overall': scores[2], 'owasp_vector': vector });
        updateSelectedValue(event, id);
        updateChart(id, event.value);

    const getCurrentValue = (options, name) => {
        const vector = vulnerability.owasp_vector;
        if (!vector) {
            return options[0];
        const fields = parseVector(vector);
        const value = getValue(fields, name, '', 0);
        updateChart(name, value);
        let found = null;
        options.forEach(element => {
            if (element.value === parseInt(value)) {
                found = element;
        // if nothing found, fallback to default
        if (!found) {
            found = options[0];
        return found;

    const ThreatAgentFactors = () => (
            <h6>Threat agent factors</h6>
            <label>Skill level
                <Select options={skillLevelOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "SL")}
                    value={skillLevelValue || getCurrentValue(skillLevelOptions, "SL")} />
                <Select options={motiveOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "M")}
                    value={motiveValue || getCurrentValue(motiveOptions, "M")} />
                <Select options={opportunityOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "O")}
                    value={opportunityValue || getCurrentValue(opportunityOptions, "O")} />
            <label> Size
                <Select options={sizeOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "S")}
                    value={sizeValue || getCurrentValue(sizeOptions, "S")} />

    const lossOfConfidentialityOptions = [
        { value: 2, label: '2 - Minimal non-sensitive data disclosed' },
        { value: 6, label: '6 - Minimal critical data disclosed' },
        { value: 6, label: '6 - Extensive non-sensitive data disclosed' },
        { value: 7, label: '7 - Extensive critical data disclosed' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - All data disclosed' }

    const lossOfIntegrityOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - Minimal slightly corrupt data' },
        { value: 3, label: '3 - Minimal seriously corrupt data' },
        { value: 5, label: '5 - Extensive slightly corrupt data' },
        { value: 7, label: '7 - Extensive seriously corrupt data ' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - All data totally corrupt' }

    const lossOfAvailabilityOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - Minimal secondary services interrupted' },
        { value: 5, label: '5 - Minimal primary services interrupted' },
        { value: 5, label: '5 - Extensive secondary services interrupted' },
        { value: 7, label: '7 - Extensive primary services interrupted' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - All services completely lost' }

    const lossOfAccountabilityOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - Fully traceable' },
        { value: 7, label: '7 - Possibly traceable' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - Completely anonymous' }

    const TechnicalImpactFactors = () => (
            <h6>Technical impact factors</h6>
            <label>Loss of confidentiality
                <Select options={lossOfConfidentialityOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "LC")}
                    value={lossOfConfidentialityValue || getCurrentValue(lossOfConfidentialityOptions, "LC")} />
            <label>Loss of integrity
                <Select options={lossOfIntegrityOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "LI")}
                    value={lossOfIntegrityValue || getCurrentValue(lossOfIntegrityOptions, "LI")} />
            <label>Loss of availability
                <Select options={lossOfAvailabilityOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "LAV")}
                    value={lossOfAvailabilityValue || getCurrentValue(lossOfAvailabilityOptions, "LAV")} />
            <label> Loss of accountability
                <Select options={lossOfAccountabilityOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "LAC")}
                    value={lossOfAccountabilityValue || getCurrentValue(lossOfAccountabilityOptions, "LAC")} />

    const easeOfDiscoveryOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - Practically impossible ' },
        { value: 3, label: '3 - Difficult' },
        { value: 7, label: '7 - Easy' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - Automated tools available' }

    const easeOfExploitOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - Theoretical' },
        { value: 3, label: '3 - Difficult' },
        { value: 5, label: '5 - Easy' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - Automated tools available' }

    const awarenessOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - Unknown' },
        { value: 4, label: '4 - Hidden' },
        { value: 6, label: '6 - Obvious' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - Public knowledge' }

    const intrusionDetectionOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - Active detection in application' },
        { value: 3, label: '3 - Logged and reviewed' },
        { value: 8, label: '8 - Logged without review' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - Not logged' }

    const VulnerabilityFactors = () => (
            <h6>Vulnerability factors</h6>
            <label>Ease of discovery
                <Select options={easeOfDiscoveryOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "ED")}
                    value={easeOfDiscoveryValue || getCurrentValue(easeOfDiscoveryOptions, "ED")} />
            <label>Ease of exploit
                <Select options={easeOfExploitOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "EE")}
                    value={easeOfExploitValue || getCurrentValue(easeOfExploitOptions, "EE")} />
                <Select options={awarenessOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "A")}
                    value={awarenessValue || getCurrentValue(awarenessOptions, "A")} />
            <label>Intrusion detection
                <Select options={intrusionDetectionOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "ID")}
                    value={intrusionDetectionValue || getCurrentValue(intrusionDetectionOptions, "ID")} />

    const financialDamageOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - Less than the cost to fix the vulnerability' },
        { value: 3, label: '3 - Minor effect on annual profit' },
        { value: 7, label: '7 - Significant effect on annual profit' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - Bankruptcy' }

    const reputationDamageOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: '1 - Minimal damage' },
        { value: 4, label: '4 - Loss of major accounts' },
        { value: 5, label: '5 - Loss of goodwill' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - Brand damage' }

    const nonComplianceOptions = [
        { value: 2, label: '2 - Minor violation' },
        { value: 5, label: '5 - Clear violation' },
        { value: 7, label: '7 - High profile violation' }

    const privacyViolationOptions = [
        { value: 3, label: '3 - One individual' },
        { value: 5, label: '5 - Hundreds of people' },
        { value: 7, label: '7 - Thousands of people' },
        { value: 9, label: '9 - Millions of people' }

    const BusinessImpactFactors = () => (
            <h6>Business impact factors</h6>
            <label>Financial damage
                <Select options={financialDamageOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "FD")}
                    value={financialDamageValue || getCurrentValue(financialDamageOptions, "FD")} />
            <label>Reputation damage
                <Select options={reputationDamageOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "RD")}
                    value={reputationDamageValue || getCurrentValue(reputationDamageOptions, "RD")} />
                <Select options={nonComplianceOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "NC")}
                    value={nonComplianceValue || getCurrentValue(nonComplianceOptions, "NC")} />
            <label>Privacy violation
                <Select options={privacyViolationOptions} onChange={e => updateValues(e, "PV")}
                    value={privacyViolationValue || getCurrentValue(privacyViolationOptions, "PV")} />

    return (
            <label>OWASP Risk Rating vector
                <Input type="text" name="owasp_vector" value={vulnerability.owasp_vector || ""}
                    onChange={onVectorChange} placeholder="eg: (SL:1/M:1/O:0/S:2/ED:1/EE:1/A:1/ID:1/LC:2/LI:1/LAV:1/LAC:1/FD:1/RD:1/NC:2/PV:3)" />
            <label>OWASP Likehoood score
                <input type="number" step="0.1" min="0" max="10" name="owasp_likehood" value={vulnerability.owasp_likehood || 0.0}
                    disabled />
            <label>OWASP Impact score
                <input type="number" step="0.1" min="0" max="10" name="owasp_impact" value={vulnerability.owasp_impact || 0.0}
                    disabled />
            <label>OWASP Overall score
                <input type="text" name="owasp_overall" value={vulnerability.owasp_overall || "n/a"}
                    disabled />
            <OwaspChart />
            <ThreatAgentFactors />
            <VulnerabilityFactors />
            <TechnicalImpactFactors />
            <BusinessImpactFactors />


export default OwaspRR;