const program = require('commander');
const fs = require('fs');
const { sync: globSync } = require('glob');
const last = require('lodash/last');
let LANG_DIR = '/src/locales/';
let LANG_PATTERN = '';
let IGNORED = ['data'];
.option('-p, --pattern <value>', 'file pattern')
.option('-I, --ignore-files <value>', 'array of ignored files')
.option('-L, --lang-pattern <value>', 'pattern to look for files with languages')
.option('-l, --lang-dir <dir>', 'folder with languages');
const rootFolder = `${process.cwd()}/`;
if (program.ignoreFiles) {
IGNORED = program.ignoreFiles.split(',');
if (program.langDir) {
LANG_DIR = program.langDir;
if (program.langPattern) {
LANG_PATTERN = `${LANG_DIR}${program.langPattern}`;
} else {
LANG_PATTERN = `${LANG_DIR}/*.json`;
// Merge translated json files (es.json, fr.json, etc) into one object
// so that they can be merged with the eggregated 'en' object below
const mergedTranslations = globSync(`${rootFolder}${LANG_PATTERN}`)
.map((filename) => {
let locale = last(filename.split('/')).split('.json')[0];
if (locale === 'translations') {
locale = 'en';
if (!IGNORED.includes(locale)) {
return { [locale]: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')) };
.reduce((acc, localeObj) => {
return { ...acc, ...localeObj };
}, {});
// Merge aggregated default messages with the translated json files and
// write the messages to this directory
fs.writeFileSync(`${rootFolder}${LANG_DIR}data.json`, JSON.stringify({ ...mergedTranslations }, null, 2));