"actionsOnClustersPermissions": "Only Org. Administrators and cluster owners can perform actions on clusters.",
"active": "Active",
"addAccountsToThisGroup": "Add service accounts you wish to associate with this User Access group",
"addGroupMemberErrorDescription": "The member was not added successfully.",
"addGroupMemberErrorTitle": "Failed adding member to group",
"addGroupMemberSuccessDescription": "The member was successfully added to the group.",
"addGroupMemberSuccessTitle": "Success adding member to group",
"addGroupMembersErrorDescription": "The members were not added successfully.",
"addGroupMembersErrorTitle": "Failed adding members to group",
"addGroupMembersSuccessDescription": "The members were successfully added to the group.",
"addGroupMembersSuccessTitle": "Success adding members to group",
"addGroupRolesErrorDescription": "The roles were not added successfully.",
"addGroupRolesErrorTitle": "Failed adding roles to group",
"addGroupRolesSuccessDescription": "The roles were successfully added to the group.",
"addGroupServiceAccountsErrorDescription": "The service {count, plural, one {account was} other {accounts were}} not added successfully.",
"addGroupServiceAccountsErrorTitle": "Failed adding service {count, plural, one {account} other {accounts}} to group",
"addGroupServiceAccountsSuccessDescription": "The service {count, plural, one {account was} other {accounts were}} successfully added to the group.",
"addGroupServiceAccountsSuccessTitle": "Success adding service {count, plural, one {account} other {accounts}} to group",
"addGroupSuccessDescription": "The group was added successfully.",
"addGroupSuccessTitle": "Success adding group",
"addGrouprolesSuccessTitle": "Success adding roles to group",
"addMember": "Add member",
"addMembers": "Add members",
"addNewGroupServiceAccountsErrorDescription": "The group has been created, but the service {count, plural, one {account was} other {accounts were}} not associated successfully. Try adding the the service {count, plural, one {account} other {accounts}} later.",
"addNewUsersText": "To add new users or manage existing users, go to your",
"addPermission": "Add permission",
"addPermissions": "Add permissions",
"addPolicyErrorDescription": "The policy was not added successfully.",
"addPolicyErrorTitle": "Failed adding policy",
"addPolicySuccessDescription": "The policy was added successfully.",
"addPolicySuccessTitle": "Success adding policy",
"addRole": "Add role",
"addRoleToConfigureAccess": "Add a role to configure user access.",
"addRoleToGroup": "Add role to group",
"addRoleToThisGroup": "Add role to this group",
"addRoles": "Add roles",
"addRolesToGroup": "Add roles to the {name} group",
"addServiceAccount": "Add service account",
"addServiceAccounts": "Add service accounts",
"addServiceAccountsToGroupDescription": "This list contains all service accounts associated with your Red Hat organization account. Select any service accounts you wish to associate with the User Access group.",
"addSpecificUserToGroup": "Add {username} to a group",
"addToDefinitions": "Add to definitions",
"addToGroup": "Add to group",
"addUserToConfigure": "Add a user to configure user access.",
"addUserToGroup": "Add user to a group",
"addedPermissions": "Added permissions",
"addingGroupCanceledDescription": "Adding group was canceled by the user.",
"addingGroupMemberCancelled": "Adding member to group was canceled by the user.",
"addingGroupMemberDescription": "Adding member to group initialized.",
"addingGroupMemberTitle": "Adding member to group",
"addingGroupMembersCancelled": "Adding member to group was canceled by the user.",
"addingGroupMembersDescription": "Adding members to group initialized.",
"addingGroupMembersTitle": "Adding members to group",
"addingGroupRolesCancelled": "Adding roles to group was canceled by the user.",
"addingGroupRolesTitle": "Adding roles to group",
"addingGroupTitle": "Adding group",
"allOrgAdminsAreMembers": "All organization administrators in this organization are members of this group.",
"allRolesAdded": "All available roles have already been added to the group",
"allUsersAreMembers": "All users in this organization are members of this group.",
"allUsersViewEverything": "All users in the organization may view everything.",
"appServicesNotManaged": "Application Services permissions are not managed with User Access",
"application": "Application",
"applyCostPermissionText": "Specify where you would like to apply each cost permission selected in the previous step, using the dropdown below.",
"applyInventoryGroupsRolePermission": "Specify which inventory groups you'd like to give access for these permissions",
"assignAtLeastOneGroup": "You need to assign at least one inventory group to each permission.",
"assignAtLeastOneResource": "You need to assign at least one resource to each permission.",
"associatingServiceAccounts": "Associating service accounts",
"backToPreviousPage": "Back to previous page",
"baseRole": "Base role",
"beginQuickStartLink": "Begin Quick start",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"changesWillBeLost": "All changes will be lost",
"checkFilterBeginning": "Make sure the beginning of your search input corresponds to the beginning of the value you are looking for, or try changing your filter settings.",
"chooseSubscriptionEllipsis": "Choose a subscription...",
"clearAllFilters": "Clear all filters",
"clientId": "Client ID",
"close": "Close",
"configureCostSources": "Configure sources for Cost Management",
"configureItems": "Configure {items}",
"configureResourcesForPermission": "To add this permission to your role and define specific resources for it, at least one data source must be connected.",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"confirmCheckMessage": "I understand, and I want to continue",
"confirmDetails": "Confirm details",
"confirmDetailsDescription": "Confirm the details for your source, or click Back to revise",
"contactOrgAdmin": "Contact your organization administrator(s) for more information or visit {link} to learn more about your permissions.",
"contactOrgAdministrator": "Contact your Org. Administrator for more information.",
"contactServiceTeamForAccounts": "Contact your platform service team to add service accounts.",
"contactServiceTeamForRoles": "Contact your platform service team to add roles.",
"continue": "Continue",
"copyAnExistingRole": "Copy an existing role",
"copyToAllPermissions": "Copy to all",
"createAnotherGroup": "Create another group",
"createAnotherRole": "Create another role",
"createAtLeastOneItem": "create at least one {item}",
"createGroup": "Create group",
"createRole": "Create role",
"createRoleErrorDescription": "The role was not added successfuly.",
"createRoleErrorTitle": "Failed adding role",
"createRoleFromScratch": "Create a role from scratch",
"creatingGroup": "Creating a group",
"creatingRoleCanceled": "Creating role was canceled by the user",
"defaultAccessGroupChanged": "Default access group has changed",
"defaultAccessGroupEditWarning": "Once you edit the <b>Default access</b> group, the system will no longer update it with new default access roles. The group name will change to <b>Custom default access</b>.",
"defaultAccessGroupNameChanged": "Now that you have edited the <b>Default access</b> group, the system will no longer update it with new default access roles. The group name has changed to <b>Custom default access</b>.",
"defaultGroupNotManually": "Default admin access group roles cannot be modified manually",
"defineAtLeastOneResource": "At least one resource must be defined for this permission",
"defineCostResources": "Define Cost Management resources",
"definedResources": "Defined resources",
"delete": "Delete",
"deleteGroup": "Delete group",
"deleteGroupQuestion": "Delete group?",
"deleteGroups": "Delete groups",
"deleteGroupsQuestion": "Delete groups?",
"deleteRole": "Delete role",
"deleteRoleQuestion": "Delete role?",
"deletingGroupRemovesRoles": "Deleting the <b>{name}</b> group removes all roles from the members inside the group.",
"deletingGroupsRemovesRoles": "Deleting these <b>{count}</b> groups removes all roles from the members inside the groups.",
"description": "Description",
"discard": "Discard",
"discardedInputsWarning": "All inputs will be discarded",
"edit": "Edit",
"editGroupCanceledDescription": "Edit group was canceled by the user.",
"editGroupErrorDescription": "The group was not updated successfuly.",
"editGroupErrorTitle": "Failed updating group",
"editGroupInfo": "Edit group's information",
"editGroupSuccessDescription": "The group was updated successfully.",
"editGroupSuccessTitle": "Success updating group",
"editPermissionsUsingArrows": "Give or remove permissions to specific resources using the arrows below.",
"editPolicyErrorDescription": "The policy was not updated successfully.",
"editPolicyErrorTitle": "Failed updating policy",
"editPolicySuccessDescription": "The policy was updated successfully.",
"editPolicySuccessTitle": "Success updating policy",
"editResourceDefinitions": "Edit resource definitions",
"editRoleErrorDescription": "The role was not updated successfully.",
"editRoleErrorTitle": "Failed updating role",
"editRoleSuccessDescription": "The role was updated successfully.",
"editRoleSuccessTitle": "Success updating role",
"editingGroupTitle": "Editing group",
"editingRoleCanceledDescription": "Edit role was canceled by the user.",
"editingRoleTitle": "Editing role",
"email": "Email",
"exit": "Exit",
"exitEditResourceDefinitions": "Exit edit resource definitions?",
"exitItemAdding": "Exit {item} adding?",
"exitItemCreation": "Exit {item} creation?",
"filterByKey": "Filter by {key}",
"filterByResource": "Filter by resource...",
"filterMatchesNoFilters": "This filter criteria matches no {items}.",
"filterMatchesNoItems": "This filter criteria matches no {items}.",
"firstName": "First name",
"followingPermissionsCannotBeAdded": "The following permissions can not be added to a custom role and were removed from the copied role:",
"granularPermissionsWillBeCopied": "Only granular permissions will be copied into a custom role (for example, approval:requests:read). Wildcard permissions will not be copied into a custom role (for example, approval:*:read).",
"group": "Group",
"groupBeingCreated": "The group is being created",
"groupCreatedSuccessfully": "You have successfully created a new group",
"groupDefinition": "Group definition",
"workspacesDefinition": "Workspaces definition",
"groupDescription": "Group description",
"groupDoesNotExist": "Group with ID {id} does not exist.",
"groupName": "Group name",
"groupNameTakenText": "Please return to Step 1: Group information and choose a unique group name for your group.",
"groupNameTakenTitle": "Group name already taken",
"groupNotFound": "Group not found",
"groups": "Groups",
"iamLearningResourcesLink": "View all Identity and Access Management Learning Resources.",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"invGroupsLabel": "Select a group to add permissions for",
"invalidGroup": "Invalid group",
"invalidRole": "Invalid role",
"invalidUser": "Invalid user",
"inventoryGroupsAccessDescription": "Specify which inventory group(s) you'd like to apply your selected permissions to, using the dropdowns below.",
"inventoryGroupsAccessTitle": "Define Inventory group access",
"inventoryGroupsTooltip": "Add permission to these groups.",
"workspacesAccessDescription": "Specify which workspaces you'd like to apply your selected permissions to, using the dropdowns below.",
"workspacesAccessTitle": "Define Workspaces access",
"workspacesTooltip": "Add permission to these workspaces.",
"key": "Key",
"labelDocumentation": "Documentation",
"labelOtherResource": "Other resource",
"labelQuickStart": "Quick start",
"lastModified": "Last modified",
"lastName": "Last name",
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"loading": "Loading...",
"maxCharactersWarning": "Can have maximum of {number} characters.",
"member": "member",
"members": "Members",
"myUserAccess": "My User Access",
"name": "Name",
"nameAlreadyTaken": "Name has already been taken.",
"nameAndDescription": "Name and description",
"no": "No",
"noAccountsInDefaultAccess": "In adherence to security guidelines, service accounts are not automatically included in the default access group. To grant access, it is necessary to manually add them to the appropriate user access groups.",
"noCostManagementPermissions": "You are not entitled to add cost-management permissions to your role.",
"noGroupAccounts": "There are no service accounts in this group",
"noGroupMembers": "There are no members in this group",
"noGroupRoles": "There are no roles in this group",
"noGroups": "No groups",
"noMatchingItemsFound": "No matching {items} found",
"noPermissions": "No permissions",
"noPermissionsForInsights": "You do not have individual permissions for Insights.",
"noRbacPermissions": "You are missing RBAC permissions to add inventory permissions to your role.",
"noResourceDefinitions": "There are no resource definitions for {permission} permission",
"noResultsFound": "No results found",
"noRolePermissions": "There are no permissions in this role",
"noServiceAccountsFound": "No service accounts found",
"noWildcardPermissions": "Wildcard permissions (for example, approval:*:*) aren’t included in this table and can’t be added to your custom role.",
"none": "None",
"notApplicable": "N/A",
"notSubscribed": "Not subscribed",
"onlyGranularPermissions": "Custom roles only support granular permissions",
"onlyGroupRolesVisible": "This role list has been filtered to only show roles that are not currently in your group.",
"onlyNonUserGroupsVisible": "This group list has been filtered to only show groups that the user is not currently a member of.",
"operation": "Operation",
"orgAdmin": "Org. Admin",
"orgAdminHint": "You can manage other users' permissions with 'User access'",
"orgAdminInheritedRoles": "This group contains the roles that all org admin users inherit by default.",
"orgAdministrator": "Org. Administrator",
"overview": "User Access",
"overviewHeroListItem1": "Control user access by organizing roles instead of assigning permissions individually to users",
"overviewHeroListItem2": "Create groups that include roles and their corresponding permissions",
"overviewHeroListItem3": "Assign users to these groups, allowing them to inherit the permissions associated with their group's roles",
"overviewHeroSubtitle": "The Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console uses role-based access control (RBAC).",
"overviewHeroTitle": "Get started with User Access",
"overviewSubtitle": "Streamline access management for your organization’s users and resources with the User Access to ensure secure and efficient control over permissions and authorization.",
"overviewSupportingFeaturesSubtitle1": "The Default access group contains all authenticated users in your organization. These users automatically inherit a selection of predefined roles. The Default admin access group is limited to Organization Administrator users in your organization.",
"overviewSupportingFeaturesSubtitle2": "If you need to modify the default access group to add or remove roles, this new group will change to a Custom default access group.",
"overviewSupportingFeaturesTitle": "About default groups",
"owner": "Owner",
"pageNotExists": "Page you are looking for does not exist.",
"permission": "Permission",
"permissionNotDisplayedDescription": "The permission either does not exist or has already been added to this role. Adjust your filters and try again. Note: Applications that only have wildcard permissions (for example, compliance:*:*) aren't included in this table and can't be added to your custom role.",
"permissionResourcesDetails": "If there needs to be more details on the resources the permission is to be used for, it would be detailed here.",
"permissionStringDescription": "The permission string is made up of the following inputs where it denotes which application and the resource type the permission will be allowed for.",
"permissionWillNotBeGrantedThroughRole": "The <b>{permission}</b> permission will no longer be granted through the <b>{role}</b> role.",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"permissionsAddedSuccessfully": "You have successfully added permissions to the role",
"permissionsWillNotBeGrantedThroughRole": "The <b>{permissions}</b> permissions will no longer be granted through the <b>{role}</b> role.",
"pleaseChoose": "Please choose",
"rbacGroups": "RBAC Groups",
"rbacUsers": "RBAC Users",
"readBlogPostLink": "Read blog post",
"recommendedContentItem1": "Restricting access to a service to a team",
"recommendedContentItem2": "Configuring granular permissions by service",
"recommendedContentItem3": "Configuring read-only permissions for a team",
"recommendedContentItem4": "Reducing permissions across my organization",
"recommendedContentItem5": "User Access Configuration Guide for RBAC",
"recommendedContentItem6": "RBAC API v.1.0.0",
"recommendedContentItem7": "Red Hat blog post on Console RBAC",
"recommendedContentTitle": "Recommended content",
"remove": "Remove",
"removeGroupError": "There was an error deleting the group. Please try again.",
"removeGroupMembersErrorDescription": "The members were not removed successfully.",
"removeGroupMembersErrorTitle": "Failed removing members from the group",
"removeGroupMembersSuccessDescription": "The members were successfully removed from the group.",
"removeGroupMembersSuccessTitle": "Success removing members from group",
"removeGroupRolesErrorDescription": "The roles were not removed successfully.",
"removeGroupRolesErrorTitle": "Failed removing roles from the group",
"removeGroupRolesSuccessDescription": "The roles were successfully removed from the group.",
"removeGroupRolesSuccessTitle": "Success removing roles from group",
"removeGroupServiceAccountsErrorDescription": "The service {count, plural, one {account was} other {accounts were}} NOT removed from the group because of error.",
"removeGroupServiceAccountsErrorTitle": "Failed removing service {count, plural, one {account} other {accounts}} from group",
"removeGroupServiceAccountsQuestion": "Remove service {count, plural, one {account} other {accounts}}?",
"removeGroupServiceAccountsSuccessDescription": "The service {count, plural, one {account was} other {accounts were}} successfully removed from the group.",
"removeGroupServiceAccountsSuccessTitle": "Success removing service {count, plural, one {account} other {accounts}} from the group",
"removeGroupSuccess": "Group deleted successfully",
"removeGroupsError": "There was an error deleting the groups. Please try again.",
"removeGroupsSuccess": "Groups deleted successfully",
"removeMember": "Remove member",
"removeMemberQuestion": "Remove member?",
"removeMemberText": "<b>{name}</b> will lose all the roles associated with the <b>{group}</b> group.",
"removeMembersQuestion": "Remove members?",
"removeMembersText": "These <b>{name}</b> members will lose all the roles associated with the <b>{group}</b> group.",
"removePermission": "Remove permission",
"removePermissionQuestion": "Remove permission?",
"removePermissions": "Remove permissions",
"removePermissionsQuestion": "Remove permissions?",
"removePolicySuccessDescription": "The policy was removed successfully.",
"removePolicySuccessTitle": "Success removing policy",
"removeRole": "Remove role",
"removeRoleErrorDescription": "The role was not removed successfully.",
"removeRoleErrorTitle": "Failed removing role",
"removeRoleModalText": "Members in the <b>{name}</b> group will lose the permissions in the <b>{role}</b> role",
"removeRoleQuestion": "Remove role?",
"removeRoleSuccessDescription": "The role was removed successfully.",
"removeRoleSuccessTitle": "Success removing role",
"removeRoles": "Remove roles",
"removeRolesModalText": "Members in the <b>{name}</b> group will lose the permissions in these <b>{roles}</b> roles",
"removeRolesQuestion": "Remove roles?",
"removeServiceAccounts": "Remove service {count, plural, one {account} other {accounts}}",
"removeServiceAccountsText": "{count, plural, one {<b>{name}</b> service account} other {<b>#</b> service accounts}} will be removed from <b>{group}</b> group.",
"required": "Required",
"resource": "Resource",
"resourceDefinition": "Resource definition",
"resourceDefinitions": "Resource definitions",
"resourceDefinitionsApplyToCostAndInventory": "Resource definitions only apply to Cost Management and Inventory permissions",
"resourceType": "Resource type",
"resources": "Resources",
"resourcesAvailable": "Resources available for the permission",
"resourcesDefined": "Resources defined for the permission",
"restoreDefaultAccessDescription": "Restoring <b>Default access</b> group will remove <b>Custom default access</b> group. <b>Custom default access</b> configurations cannot be recovered. Are you sure?",
"restoreDefaultAccessInfo": "This restores <b>Default access</b> group and removes <b>Custom default access</b> group. All configurations in <b>Custom default access</b> are deleted and cannot be recovered.",
"restoreDefaultAccessQuestion": "Restore Default access group?",
"restoreToDefault": "Restore to default",
"returnToStepNumber": "Return to step {number}",
"review": "Review",
"reviewDetails": "Review details",
"reviewRoleDetails": "Review and confirm the details for your role, or click Back to revise.",
"role": "role",
"roleCreatedSuccessfully": "You have successfully created a new role",
"roleDescription": "Role description",
"roleName": "Role name",
"roleNameTakenText": "Please return to Step 1: Create role and choose a unique role name for your custom role.",
"roleNameTakenTitle": "Role name already taken",
"roleWilBeRemovedWithPermissions": "{count, plural, one {The} other {These}} <strong>{name}</strong> {count, plural, one {role} other {roles}} will be removed from any group it's in, and members in the groups will no longer be granted the permissions in the role.",
"roleWithNameExists": "Role with this name already exists.",
"roles": "Roles",
"save": "Save",
"seeLess": "See less",
"seeMore": "See more",
"selectAll": "Select all ({length})",
"selectAppsToViewPermissions": "Select applications to view your personal permissions.",
"selectGroups": "Select groups",
"selectWorkspaces": "Select workspaces",
"selectNone": "Select none (0)",
"selectPage": "Select page ({length})",
"selectPermissionsForRole": "Select permissions to add to your role",
"selectResources": "Select resources",
"selectRolesForGroupText": "Select one or more roles to add to this group.",
"selectState": "Select a state",
"selectedPermissions": "Selected permissions",
"serviceAccount": "Service account",
"serviceAccounts": "Service accounts",
"serviceAccountsPage": "Service Accounts admin page",
"status": "Status",
"stay": "Stay",
"timeCreated": "Time created",
"toConfigureUserAccess": "To configure user access to applications",
"toManageUsersText": "To manage users, go to your",
"triggerMyCatalog": "Trigger my catalog",
"triggerMyQuickstart": "Trigger my quickstart",
"tryChangingFilters": "Try changing your filter settings.",
"understandActionIrreversible": "I understand that this action cannot be undone",
"ungroupedSystems": "Ungrouped systems",
"user": "user",
"userAccessAdmin": "User Access Admin",
"userAccessAdminHint": "You can manage other users' permissions with 'User access'",
"userDescription": "{username}'s roles, groups and permissions.",
"userNotFound": "User not found",
"userNotFoundDescription": "User with username {username} does not exist.",
"username": "Username",
"users": "Users",
"usersDescription": "These are all of the users in your Red Hat organization.",
"usersInheritedRoles": "This group contains the roles that all users in your organization inherit by default.",
"value": "Value",
"viewApiSiteLink": "View API site",
"viewDefaultGroupsLink": "View your default groups",
"viewDocumentationLink": "View documentation",
"viewGroupsBtn": "View groups",
"viewResourceDefinitions": "View resource definitions for the <strong>{permission}</strong> permission",
"viewRolesBtn": "View roles",
"visitServiceAccountsPage": "To add, reset credentials, or delete service accounts visit the {link}.",
"warning": "Warning",
"whyNotSeeingAllPermissions": "Why am I not seeing all of my permissions?",
"yes": "Yes",
"yourPermissions": "Your {name} permissions",
"yourRoles": "Your {name} roles"