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name: Generic Proposal Issue Template
about: Generic issue template for any proposed change. Has sections to add context
  and guidance for how to implement the proposal. Designed to make issues clear and
  easy to understand/work on.
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''


_(This is a template. Please fill in the areas under each heading. Thanks!)_

_(You may delete this text at the top when done!)_

## Scope / difficulty

A concise description of what files this will change, or what topic areas this proposal includes.

If you think this proposal is easy or hard, you can say so here, so contributors will know what to expect.

## Impact

A concise description of what benefits and changes this proposal would introduce when complete.

_(Helps convey what this means to the Refuge Restrooms project, and why this proposal is worth working on.)_

## Rationale

What motivated you to make this proposal. Why this proposal is needed, why it makes sense, why it is the right thing to do, etc.

_(The human side of the reason for this proposal. Optional, but always nice to include!)_

## Proposal

The main proposal.

Include info (including background and context) people will need to understand your proposal.

Links and documentation that help explain parts of your proposal are welcome.

## How to actually do this:

Any guidance on how to complete the proposal. Can be a concrete set of steps such as "Just need to edit this file [link-to-file-on-our-GitHub]", "This guide should help: [link]", etc.

Links and documentation that help explain how to actually fix this problem/implement the proposal, if you have them, are welcome.