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Test Coverage
# Contributing

## Setting Up Development Environment

### 1 Fork and clone the repository.

### 2 Install Docker.
- **Windows 10 (Pro/Enterprise, 64-bit):**
- **macOS El Capitan 10.11 and newer:**

_(Other Mac or Windows OS? See [instructions for Docker Toolbox](

_(Running Linux? See [instructions for Docker CE on Linux](

Trouble with docker? The [Troubleshooting Docker wiki]( outlines solutions for common errors.

### 3 Build the Docker Containers
Build the containers from any [terminal]( program with:
docker-compose build

Optional: list the containers you just built:
docker ps

You should see two containers: refugerestrooms_web and postgres.

### 4 Run the Docker Containers

You can now run the app with:
docker-compose up

The web app will be reachable at this address: `localhost:3000`

_(Point your web browser at `localhost:3000` or ``, or even `[IP address of computer running the container]:3000` from any computer on the same LAN. The last method is useful for testing the app/site on smart phones and tablets.)_

### 5 Do some Development

Files are shared between your computer and the Docker machine. If you update a file on your computer, the change should show up on the Docker machine, and vice-versa.

If you need to run commands on the Docker container directly, run this:
docker-compose run web bash
_(This will give you a full interactive terminal session running on the Docker machine. For example, run `bundle update` to update the Gems in the Gemfile to more recent versions, or `rails console` to access web objects like `Restroom.first`.)_

Occasionally, you might need to rebuild the Docker machine so it picks up major updates (such as a new version of Ruby, or an updated Gemfile). To do so, run `docker-compose down` and `docker-compose build`.

If you want to access the postgres container to reach the psql command line do

docker-compose run db bash
psql -h refugerestrooms_db_1 -U postgres

or equivalently:
docker-compose run db psql -h refugerestrooms_db_1 -U postgres

### 6 Run the Tests
docker-compose run -e "RAILS_ENV=test" web rake db:migrate:reset spec
_(If you want to know if your changes pass our automated testing, before even submitting your changes to RefugeRestrooms on Github, this will let you know.)_

If you want to run an individual spec, first log in to the container, then the spec.  E.g.:
docker-compose run web bash
rspec spec/models/restroom_spec.rb

This is equivalent, but slower during a code-test-code-test development cycle:

docker-compose run web rspec spec/models/restroom_spec.rb

### 7 Linting Code
Ruby code is linted with [rubocop](

If you want to lint your code before pushing it, you can run:
docker-compose run web rubocop

Some lint issues can be resolved automatically by running:
docker-compose run web rubocop --auto-correct

### 8 Shut down the Docker Container:
In another terminal window, run:
docker-compose down
_(Shutting down the container in this way is safer than exiting with `Ctrl + C`, and prevents issues with breaking the `db` container.)_

### 9 Optional tasks:
To clean up encoding problems in the safe2pee data, run (Use `rake db:fix_accents[dry_run]` to preview the changes.):
docker-compose run rake db:fixaccents

### Assets
* [Assets Repo](

## Testing

Please cover any new code with specs. We prefer code to be covered using [RSpec]( or [Capybara](

## Now What?
Checkout our [Wiki]( and specifically the [newcomers guide]('-Manual-%5C--Newcomers'-Guide).

Please also read our [Code of Conduct](, which gives guidance on our standards of community and interaction.