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//    File:        SiftMatch.h
//    Author:        Changchang Wu
//    Description :    interface for the SiftMatchGL
//    Copyright (c) 2007 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
//    All Rights Reserved
//    Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
//    documentation for educational, research and non-profit purposes, without
//    fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the
//    above copyright notice and the following paragraph appear in all copies.
//    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill make no representations
//    about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
//    'as is' without express or implied warranty. 
//    Please send BUG REPORTS to

class GLTexImage;
class ProgramGPU;

class SiftMatchGL:public SiftMatchGPU
    typedef GLint ParameterGL;
    //tex storage
    GLTexImage _texLoc[2];
    GLTexImage _texDes[2];
    GLTexImage _texDot;
    GLTexImage _texMatch[2];

    ProgramGPU * s_multiply;
    ProgramGPU * s_guided_mult;
    ProgramGPU * s_col_max;
    ProgramGPU * s_row_max;

    //matching parameters
    ParameterGL _param_multiply_tex1;
    ParameterGL _param_multiply_tex2;
    ParameterGL _param_multiply_size;
    ParameterGL _param_rowmax_param;
    ParameterGL _param_colmax_param;

    ///guided matching
    ParameterGL _param_guided_mult_tex1;
    ParameterGL _param_guided_mult_tex2;
    ParameterGL _param_guided_mult_texl1;
    ParameterGL _param_guided_mult_texl2;
    ParameterGL _param_guided_mult_h;
    ParameterGL _param_guided_mult_f;
    ParameterGL _param_guided_mult_param;
    int _max_sift; 
    int _num_sift[2];
    int _id_sift[2];
    int _have_loc[2];

    //gpu parameter
    int _sift_per_stripe;
    int _sift_num_stripe;
    int    _sift_per_row;
    int    _pixel_per_sift;
    int _initialized;
    vector<float> sift_buffer; 
    void AllocateSiftMatch();
    void LoadSiftMatchShadersGLSL();
    int  GetBestMatch(int max_match, int match_buffer[][2], float distmax, float ratiomax, int mbm);
    SiftMatchGL(int max_sift, int use_glsl);
    virtual ~SiftMatchGL();
    void InitSiftMatch();
    void SetMaxSift(int max_sift);
    void SetDescriptors(int index, int num, const unsigned char * descriptor, int id = -1);
    void SetDescriptors(int index, int num, const float * descriptor, int id = -1);
    void SetFeautreLocation(int index, const float* locatoins, int gap);
    int  GetSiftMatch(int max_match, int match_buffer[][2], float distmax, float ratiomax, int mbm);
    int  GetGuidedSiftMatch(int max_match, int match_buffer[][2], float H[3][3],  float F[3][3], 
        float distmax, float ratiomax, float hdistmax,float fdistmax, int mbm);
