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Test Coverage
//    File:        SiftMatchCU.cpp
//    Author:        Changchang Wu
//    Description : implementation of the SiftMatchCU class.
//                CUDA-based implementation of SiftMatch
//    Copyright (c) 2007 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
//    All Rights Reserved
//    Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
//    documentation for educational, research and non-profit purposes, without
//    fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the
//    above copyright notice and the following paragraph appear in all copies.
//    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill make no representations
//    about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
//    'as is' without express or implied warranty. 
//    Please send BUG REPORTS to


#include "GL/glew.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

#include "GlobalUtil.h"
#include "CuTexImage.h" 
#include "SiftGPU.h"
#include "ProgramCU.h"
#include "SiftMatchCU.h"

SiftMatchCU::SiftMatchCU(int max_sift):SiftMatchGPU()
    _num_sift[0] = _num_sift[1] = 0;
    _id_sift[0] = _id_sift[1] = 0;
    _have_loc[0] = _have_loc[1] = 0;
    _max_sift = max_sift <=0 ? 4096 : ((max_sift + 31)/ 32 * 32) ; 
    _initialized = 0;

void SiftMatchCU::SetMaxSift(int max_sift)
    max_sift = ((max_sift + 31)/32)*32;
    if(max_sift > GlobalUtil::_texMaxDimGL) max_sift = GlobalUtil::_texMaxDimGL;
    _max_sift = max_sift;

int  SiftMatchCU::CheckCudaDevice(int device)
    return ProgramCU::CheckCudaDevice(device);

void SiftMatchCU::InitSiftMatch()
    if(_initialized) return;
    GlobalUtil::_GoodOpenGL = max(GlobalUtil::_GoodOpenGL, 1); 
    _initialized = 1; 

void SiftMatchCU::SetDescriptors(int index, int num, const unsigned char* descriptors, int id)
    if(_initialized == 0) return;
    if (index > 1) index = 1;
    if (index < 0) index = 0;
    _have_loc[index] = 0;
    //the same feature is already set
    if(id !=-1 && id == _id_sift[index]) return ;
    _id_sift[index] = id;
    if(num > _max_sift) num = _max_sift;
    _num_sift[index] = num; 
    _texDes[index].InitTexture(8 * num, 1, 4);

void SiftMatchCU::SetDescriptors(int index, int num, const float* descriptors, int id)
    if(_initialized == 0) return;
    if (index > 1) index = 1;
    if (index < 0) index = 0;
    if(num > _max_sift) num = _max_sift;

    sift_buffer.resize(num * 128 /4);
    unsigned char * pub = (unsigned char*) &sift_buffer[0];
    for(int i = 0; i < 128 * num; ++i)
        pub[i] = int(512 * descriptors[i] + 0.5);
    SetDescriptors(index, num, pub, id);

void SiftMatchCU::SetFeautreLocation(int index, const float* locations, int gap)
    if(_num_sift[index] <=0) return;
    _texLoc[index].InitTexture(_num_sift[index], 1, 2);
    if(gap == 0)
        sift_buffer.resize(_num_sift[index] * 2);
        float* pbuf = (float*) (&sift_buffer[0]);
        for(int i = 0; i < _num_sift[index]; ++i)
            pbuf[i*2] = *locations++;
            pbuf[i*2+1]= *locations ++;
            locations += gap;
    _have_loc[index] = 1;

int  SiftMatchCU::GetGuidedSiftMatch(int max_match, int match_buffer[][2], float H[3][3], float F[3][3],
                                     float distmax, float ratiomax, float hdistmax, float fdistmax, int mbm)

    if(_initialized ==0) return 0;
    if(_num_sift[0] <= 0 || _num_sift[1] <=0) return 0;
    if(_have_loc[0] == 0 || _have_loc[1] == 0) return 0;
    ProgramCU::MultiplyDescriptorG(_texDes, _texDes+1, _texLoc, _texLoc + 1,
        &_texDot, (mbm? &_texCRT: NULL), H, hdistmax, F, fdistmax);
    return GetBestMatch(max_match, match_buffer, distmax, ratiomax, mbm);

int  SiftMatchCU::GetSiftMatch(int max_match, int match_buffer[][2], float distmax, float ratiomax, int mbm)
    if(_initialized ==0) return 0;
    if(_num_sift[0] <= 0 || _num_sift[1] <=0) return 0;
    ProgramCU::MultiplyDescriptor(_texDes, _texDes + 1, &_texDot, (mbm? &_texCRT: NULL));
    return GetBestMatch(max_match, match_buffer, distmax, ratiomax, mbm);

int SiftMatchCU::GetBestMatch(int max_match, int match_buffer[][2], float distmax, float ratiomax, int mbm)
    sift_buffer.resize(_num_sift[0] + _num_sift[1]);
    int * buffer1 =  (int*) &sift_buffer[0], * buffer2 = (int*) &sift_buffer[_num_sift[0]];
    _texMatch[0].InitTexture(_num_sift[0], 1);
    ProgramCU::GetRowMatch(&_texDot, _texMatch, distmax, ratiomax);
        _texMatch[1].InitTexture(_num_sift[1], 1);
        ProgramCU::GetColMatch(&_texCRT, _texMatch + 1, distmax, ratiomax);
    int nmatch = 0, j ;
    for(int i = 0; i < _num_sift[0] && nmatch < max_match; ++i)
        j = int(buffer1[i]);
        if( j>= 0 && (!mbm ||int(buffer2[j]) == i))
            match_buffer[nmatch][0] = i;
            match_buffer[nmatch][1] = j;
    return nmatch;
