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//    File:        SiftPyramid.h
//    Author:        Changchang Wu
//    Description : interface for the SiftPyramid class.
//        SiftPyramid:            data storage for SIFT
//        |---PyramidGL:            OpenGL based implementation
//        |   |--PyramidNaive:    Unpacked version 
//        |   |--PyramidPacked:    packed version 
//        |--PyramidCU:            CUDA-based implementation
//    Copyright (c) 2007 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
//    All Rights Reserved
//    Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
//    documentation for educational, research and non-profit purposes, without
//    fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the
//    above copyright notice and the following paragraph appear in all copies.
//    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill make no representations
//    about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
//    'as is' without express or implied warranty. 
//    Please send BUG REPORTS to


class GLTexImage;
class GLTexInput;
class SiftParam;
class GlobalUtil;

//class SiftPyramid
//description: virutal class of SIFT data pyramid
//               provides functions for SiftPU to run steps of GPU SIFT
//               class PyramidNaive is the first implementation
//               class PyramidPacked is a better OpenGL implementation
//               class PyramidCU is a CUDA based implementation


class SiftPyramid : public GlobalUtil
        DATA_GAUSSIAN    = 0,
        DATA_DOG        = 1,
        DATA_KEYPOINT    = 2,
        DATA_GRAD        = 3,
        DATA_ROT        = 4,
        DATA_NUM        = 5
        SIFT_SKIP_FILTERING        = 0x01,
        SIFT_SKIP_DETECTION        = 0x02,
        SIFT_SKIP_ORIENTATION    = 0x04,
        SIFT_RECT_DESCRIPTION   = 0x08
    SiftParam&    param;
    int            _hpLevelNum;
    int*        _levelFeatureNum;
    int            _featureNum;
    float*        _histo_buffer;
    //keypoint list
    int            _existing_keypoints;
    vector<int>    _keypoint_index;
    //display vbo
    GLuint*        _featureDisplayVBO;
    GLuint*         _featurePointVBO;
    float        _timing[8];
    //image size related
    //first octave
    int            _octave_min;
    //how many octaves
    int            _octave_num;
    //pyramid storage
    int            _pyramid_octave_num;
    int            _pyramid_octave_first;
    int            _pyramid_width;
    int            _pyramid_height;
    int            _down_sample_factor;
    int            _allocated; 
    int            _alignment;
    int         _siftgpu_failed;
    vector<float>    _keypoint_buffer;
    vector<float>    _descriptor_buffer;
    inline  void PrepareBuffer();
    inline  void LimitFeatureCount(int have_keylist = 0);
    //shared by all implementations
    virtual void RunSIFT(GLTexInput*input);
    virtual void SaveSIFT(const char * szFileName);
    virtual void CopyFeatureVector(float*keys, float *descriptors);
    virtual void SetKeypointList(int num, const float * keys, int run_on_current, int skip_orientation);
    //implementation-dependent functions
    virtual void GetFeatureDescriptors() = 0;
    virtual void GenerateFeatureListTex() =0;
    virtual void ReshapeFeatureListCPU() =0;
    virtual void GenerateFeatureDisplayVBO() =0;
    virtual void DownloadKeypoints() = 0;
    virtual void GenerateFeatureListCPU()=0;
    virtual void GenerateFeatureList()=0;
    virtual GLTexImage* GetLevelTexture(int octave, int level)=0;
    virtual GLTexImage* GetLevelTexture(int octave, int level, int dataName) = 0;
    virtual void BuildPyramid(GLTexInput * input)=0;
    virtual void ResizePyramid(int w, int h) = 0;
    virtual void InitPyramid(int w, int h, int ds = 0)=0;
    virtual void DetectKeypointsEX() = 0;
    virtual void ComputeGradient() = 0;
    virtual void GetFeatureOrientations() = 0;
    virtual void GetSimplifiedOrientation() = 0;

    virtual void CleanUpAfterSIFT()  {}
    virtual int  IsUsingRectDescription() {return 0; } 
    static  int  GetRequiredOctaveNum(int inputsz); 

    ///inline functions, shared by all implementations
    inline void SetFailStatus() {_siftgpu_failed = 1; }
    inline int  GetSucessStatus() {return _siftgpu_failed == 0; }
    inline int GetFeatureNum(){return _featureNum;}
    inline int GetHistLevelNum(){return _hpLevelNum;}
    inline const GLuint * GetFeatureDipslayVBO(){return _featureDisplayVBO;}
    inline const GLuint * GetPointDisplayVBO(){return _featurePointVBO;}
    inline const int * GetLevelFeatureNum(){return _levelFeatureNum;}
    inline void    GetPyramidTiming(float * timing){    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) timing[i] = _timing[i];    }
    inline void CleanupBeforeSIFT() 
        _siftgpu_failed = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) _timing[i] = 0; 
        _featureNum = 0;
        _featureDisplayVBO = 0;
        _featurePointVBO = 0;
        _levelFeatureNum = NULL;
        _histo_buffer = NULL;
        _hpLevelNum = 0;

        //image size
        _octave_num = 0;
        _octave_min = 0;
        _alignment = 1;
        _pyramid_octave_num = _pyramid_octave_first = 0;
        _pyramid_width = _pyramid_height = 0;
        _allocated = 0;
        _down_sample_factor = 0;

        _existing_keypoints = 0;
    virtual ~SiftPyramid() {};    

    void StopDEBUG();
    void BeginDEBUG(const char* imagepath);
    void WriteTextureForDEBUG(GLTexImage * tex, const char * namet, ...);

#define FIRST_OCTAVE(R)            (R? _octave_num - 1 : 0)
#define NOT_LAST_OCTAVE(i, R)      (R? (i >= 0) : (i < _octave_num))
#define GOTO_NEXT_OCTAVE(i, R)     (R? (--i) : (++i))
#define FIRST_LEVEL(R)             (R? param._dog_level_num - 1 : 0)   
#define GOTO_NEXT_LEVEL(j, R)      (R? (--j) : (++j))
#define NOT_LAST_LEVEL(j, R)       (R? (j >= 0) : (j < param._dog_level_num))
#define FOR_EACH_OCTAVE(i, R)      for(int i = FIRST_OCTAVE(R); NOT_LAST_OCTAVE(i, R); GOTO_NEXT_OCTAVE(i, R))
#define FOR_EACH_LEVEL(j, R)       for(int j = FIRST_LEVEL(R);  NOT_LAST_LEVEL(j, R);  GOTO_NEXT_LEVEL(j, R))
#define FOR_EACH_OCTAVE(i, R) for(int i = 0; i < _octave_num; ++i)
#define FOR_EACH_LEVEL(j, R)  for(int j = 0; j < param._dog_level_num; ++j)
