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Test Coverage
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## unreleased
### Added

### Removed

### Changed

## [2.0.3] 2020-10-05
### Added
- Alt message in MATRIX logo.

### Removed

### Changed
- Changed the color of matrix and the color of labels enter Meeting and enter Room

## [2.0.2] 2020-09-02
### Added
- new room description option
- Plays matrix ringtone when user is being invited to join a meeting
- Added a new form of user authorization: WHITELIST_USERS.

### Removed

### Changed
- `express` now has the responsibilities previously attributed to `body-parser`
- fixed behavior when inviting user to external meeting, now matrix will not open a new jitsi room

## [2.0.1] 2020-05-05
### Added
- New `ctrl+click` to open a embeded Jitsi Meet in a new Tab.
- Now we are using `jest`for backend tests
- Added new kind `ROOMS_SOURCE=REMOTE` to load room via remote file `ROOMS_DATA=https://myroomsdatafile.json`
- New Issues templates (Bug, Feature, Cleanup, Documentation)
- New ChangeLog file 
- New Contributors Session managed by [all-contributors](
### Removed
- We removed `mocha` for backend tests 

### Changed
- Improve heroku urlcallback in app.json from `http://localhost:8080/auth/google/callback` to `https://${}`
- The Environment variable `WHITELIST_DOMAINS` now is not necessary to use `@` (eg. ``) to run this versiion is necessary to remove `@` (eg. ``)

## [2.0.0] - 2020-03-20
### Changed
- Following more security, We changed the way to execute oauth login with google button. 

## [1.0.0] - 2019-07-18
### Added
- New Layout called Mortheus