namespace Rikta\PhpQuery\Operation\Juggling;
use Rikta\PhpQuery\QueryInterface;
* The purpose of the methods in this specific trait is:
* Perform operations that work across the whole query, like sorting or limiting.
* Some added operations in this trait are `not()`-able, if you call them behind a `$query->not()`
* all items that pass your check will be actually removed (e.g. `$query->not()->unique()`)
* - limit()
* - unique()
* Some added operations in this trait work on paths (sub-values), if you call them behind a `$query->onNextPath('.something')
* instead of the original item the corresponding sub-value is provided to your check (e.g. `$query->not()->onNextPath('.something')->unique()`)
* the result of the operation is the set of original items (= not only the sub-values), minus any items which sub-values didn't pass the check
* - sort()
* - unique()
* @internal this trait shall only be used to build the Query-class and not be used on it's own in any class!
* The methods are scattered into different interfaces&traits to group the operation methods thematically for easier understanding
* @see _JugglingOperationMethodsInterface
trait _JugglingOperationMethodsTrait
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see _JugglingOperationMethodsInterface::limit()
public function limit(int $n): QueryInterface
return $this->addOperation(new Limit($n));
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see _JugglingOperationMethodsInterface::reverse()
public function reverse(): QueryInterface
return $this->addOperation(new Reverse());
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see _JugglingOperationMethodsInterface::sort()
public function sort(?callable $sortFn = null): QueryInterface
return $this->addOperation(new Sort($sortFn));
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see _JugglingOperationMethodsInterface::unique()
public function unique(): QueryInterface
return $this->addOperation(new Unique());