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namespace Rikta\PhpQuery\Operation\Modification;

use Rikta\PhpQuery\QueryInterface;

 * The purpose of the methods in this specific interface is:
 * Wrapping the subsequent operation and modifying its input and or result.
 * @internal this interface shall only be used to build the QueryInterface and not be implemented on it's own in any class!
 *           The methods are scattered into different interfaces&traits to group the operation methods thematically for easier understanding
interface _ModificationOperationMethodsInterface
     * array_flips the items for the subsequent operation.
     * Keys become values, values become keys.
     * The items are flipped back after the operation.
     * Not all operations are flippable!
    public function flip(): QueryInterface;

     * Remove the returned items of the subsequent call from the query.
     * @example
     * $repo = new ArrayRepository([1, 2, 3, 4]);
     * $query = Query::forRepository($repo);
     * $filter = fn ($value) => $value % 2;
     * $query->filterValues($filter)->getResults()->getItems(); // [1, 3]
     * $query->not()->filterValues($filter)->getResults()->getItems(); // [2, 4]
     * Only operations that actually (try to) reduce items are not-able!
     * Calling it e.g. on a sort - wouldn't it throw an exception - would essentially discarding all items.
    public function not(): QueryInterface;

     * Perform the next operation on a subvalue.
     * instead of the original item the corresponding sub-value is provided to your check (e.g. `$query->not()->onNextPath('.something')->isEmpty()`)
     * the result of the operation is the set of original items (= not only the sub-values), minus any items which sub-values didn't pass the check
    public function onPathValue(string $path): QueryInterface;