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Test Coverage
  {@html atomOneLight}
  <title>Svelte Awesome</title>

    <Icon bind:data={icon} scale={4} />
  <h1><a href="">Svelte-Awesome</a></h1>
  <p class="desc">Font Awesome component for Svelte.js, using inline SVG.</p>
    See <a href="icons" rel="external">here</a> for a (temporarily crude) list of all available embedded

  <p><Icon data={flag} /></p>
  <figure><HighlightSvelte code={'<Icon data={flag}/>'} /></figure>

  <p><Icon data={language} scale={3} /></p>
  <figure><HighlightSvelte code={`<Icon data={language} scale={3}/>`} /></figure>

  <p><Icon data={refresh} spin /></p>
  <figure><HighlightSvelte code={'<Icon data={refresh} spin/>'} /></figure>

  <p><Icon data={spinner} pulse /></p>
  <figure><HighlightSvelte code={'<Icon data={spinner} pulse/>'} /></figure>

  <p><Icon data={signal} flip="horizontal" /></p>
  <figure><HighlightSvelte code={'<Icon data={signal} flip="horizontal"/>'} /></figure>

  <p><small>Accessible for screen readers, etc.</small></p>
  <p><Icon data={code} label="Source Code" /></p>
  <figure><HighlightSvelte code={'<Icon data={code} label="Source Code"/>'} /></figure>

  <h2>Custom Class</h2>
  <p><small>Additional classes for custom styling</small></p>
  <p><Icon data={certificate} class="pinkIcon" /></p>
  <figure><HighlightSvelte code={'<Icon data={certificate} class="pinkIcon"/>'} /></figure>

  <h2>Custom Styles</h2>
  <p><small>Inline custom styling</small></p>
  <p><Icon data={paintBrush} style="border: 1px solid #000; border-radius: 8px; padding: 5px" /></p>
      code={'<Icon data={paintBrush} style="border: 1px solid #000; border-radius: 8px; padding: 5px"/>'}

  <h2>Dynamic Scale and Styles</h2>
  <p><small>Inline dynamic scaling and styling</small></p>
  <p on:mouseenter={toggleIconOpen} on:mouseleave={toggleIconOpen}>
    <Icon data={powerOff} style={`transform:rotate(${iconOpen ? 0 : -180}deg)`} scale={iconScale} />
      code={'<Icon data={powerOff} style={`transform:rotate(${iconOpen ? 0 : -180}deg)`} scale={5}/>'}
    <h2>Stacked icons</h2>
    <p><small>Use stacked icons like in FontAwesome. Even more powerful.</small></p>
      <Icon label="No Photo">
        <Icon data={}/>
        <Icon data={icons.ban} scale="2" class="alert"/>
    <figure><pre class="prettyprint"><code>{'<Icon label="No Photo">'}
  {'<Icon data={camera}/>'}
  {'<Icon data={ban} scale="2" class="alert"/>'}
  <h2>Custom icons</h2>
  <p><small>You can register your own icons.</small></p>
  <p><Icon data={baidu} /></p>
  <figure><HighlightSvelte code={'<Icon data={baidu}/>'} /></figure>

  <h2>FontAwesome v5 Icons</h2>
  <p><Icon data={faFontAwesomeLogoFull} scale={10} /></p>
  <figure><HighlightSvelte code={'<Icon data={faFontAwesomeLogoFull} scale={10}/>'} /></figure>

  <h2>FontAwesome v6 Icons</h2>
  <p><Icon data={faCircleQuestion} scale={3} /></p>
  <figure><HighlightSvelte code={'<Icon data={faCircleQuestion} scale={3}/>'} /></figure>

  <h2>Multi-color icons</h2>
  <p><small>Register icons in more advanced ways to unleash the full power of SVG.</small></p>
  <p><Icon data={webpack} /> <Icon data={vue} /> <Icon data={html5} /></p>
    See <a href="">readme</a> for further

    <a href="//">@RobBrazier</a>|<a
      href="//">MIT License</a
    >|<a href="//">View on GitHub</a>

  :global(.pinkIcon) {
    fill: hotpink !important;

<script lang="ts">
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  import { faFontAwesomeLogoFull } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons-v5/faFontAwesomeLogoFull';
  import { faCircleQuestion } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
  import Icon from '$lib/components/Icon.svelte';
  import * as icons from '$lib/icons';
  import paintBrush from '$lib/icons/paintBrush';
  import certificate from '$lib/icons/certificate';
  import code from '$lib/icons/code';
  import signal from '$lib/icons/signal';
  import spinner from '$lib/icons/spinner';
  import refresh from '$lib/icons/refresh';
  import language from '$lib/icons/language';
  import flag from '$lib/icons/flag';
  import powerOff from '$lib/icons/powerOff';
  import { HighlightSvelte } from 'svelte-highlight';
  import atomOneLight from 'svelte-highlight/styles/atom-one-light';

  import '$css/global.css';

  export let html5 = {
    'html5-c': {
      width: 512,
      height: 512,
      raw: '<path fill="#E34F26" d="M71,460 L30,0 481,0 440,460 255,512"/><path fill="#EF652A" d="M256,472 L405,431 440,37 256,37"/><path fill="#EBEBEB" d="M256,208 L181,208 176,150 256,150 256,94 255,94 114,94 115,109 129,265 256,265zM256,355 L255,355 192,338 188,293 158,293 132,293 139,382 255,414 256,414z"/><path fill="#FFF" d="M255,208 L255,265 325,265 318,338 255,355 255,414 371,382 372,372 385,223 387,208 371,208zM255,94 L255,129 255,150 255,150 392,150 392,150 392,150 393,138 396,109 397,94z"/>'
  export let baidu = {
    baidu: {
      width: 23.868,
      height: 26,
      paths: [
          d: 'M3.613 13.701c2.827-.608 2.442-3.986 2.357-4.725-.138-1.139-1.477-3.128-3.296-2.971C.386 6.21.052 9.515.052 9.515c-.309 1.528.74 4.793 3.561 4.186zm3.002 5.875c-.083.238-.268.846-.107 1.375.315 1.187 1.346 1.24 1.346 1.24h1.48v-3.619H7.749c-.713.213-1.057.767-1.134 1.004zM8.86 8.035c1.562 0 2.823-1.797 2.823-4.019C11.683 1.796 10.421 0 8.86 0 7.301 0 6.036 1.796 6.036 4.016c0 2.222 1.265 4.019 2.824 4.019zm6.724.265c2.087.271 3.429-1.956 3.695-3.644.272-1.686-1.074-3.644-2.552-3.98-1.48-.339-3.329 2.032-3.497 3.578-.2 1.89.271 3.778 2.354 4.046zm5.114 9.923s-3.229-2.498-5.113-5.198c-2.555-3.981-6.185-2.361-7.399-.337-1.209 2.024-3.093 3.305-3.36 3.644-.271.334-3.9 2.293-3.095 5.871.806 3.576 3.635 3.508 3.635 3.508s2.085.205 4.504-.336c2.42-.537 4.503.134 4.503.134s5.652 1.893 7.199-1.751c1.545-3.645-.874-5.535-.874-5.535zm-9.671 5.423H7.352c-1.587-.316-2.219-1.4-2.299-1.584-.078-.188-.528-1.059-.29-2.539.686-2.219 2.642-2.379 2.642-2.379h1.956V14.74l1.666.025v8.881zm6.844-.025h-4.229c-1.639-.423-1.716-1.587-1.716-1.587v-4.677l1.716-.027v4.203c.104.447.661.529.661.529h1.742v-4.705h1.825v6.264zm5.986-12.486c0-.808-.671-3.239-3.159-3.239-2.492 0-2.825 2.295-2.825 3.917 0 1.548.131 3.71 3.227 3.641 3.096-.068 2.757-3.507 2.757-4.319z'
  export let webpack = {
    webpack: {
      width: 1200,
      height: 1200,
      paths: [
          style: 'fill:#8ED6FB',
          d: 'M1035.6 879.3l-418.1 236.5V931.6L878 788.3l157.6 91zm28.6-25.9V358.8l-153 88.3V765l153 88.4zm-901.5 25.9l418.1 236.5V931.6L320.3 788.3l-157.6 91zm-28.6-25.9V358.8l153 88.3V765l-153 88.4zM152 326.8L580.8 84.2v178.1L306.1 413.4l-2.1 1.2-152-87.8zm894.3 0L617.5 84.2v178.1l274.7 151.1 2.1 1.2 152-87.8z'
          style: 'fill:#1C78C0',
          d: 'M580.8 889.7l-257-141.3v-280l257 148.4v272.9zm36.7 0l257-141.3v-280l-257 148.4v272.9zm-18.3-283.6zM341.2 436l258-141.9 258 141.9-258 149-258-149z'
  export let vue = {
    vue: {
      width: 256,
      height: 221,
      polygons: [
        { style: 'fill:#41B883', points: '0,0 128,220.8 256,0 204.8,0 128,132.48 50.56,0 0,0' },
          style: 'fill:#35495E',
          points: '50.56,0 128,133.12 204.8,0 157.44,0 128,51.2 97.92,0 50.56,0'

  export let iconOpen = true;
  export let iconScale = 5;

  const keys = Object.keys(icons) as string[];

  function randomIcon() {
    let icon = keys[Math.floor(Math.random() * keys.length)];
    return (icons as Record<string, any>)[icon];

  export let icon = randomIcon();
  let running = true;

  export function change(): void {
    icon = randomIcon();

  export function toggleIconOpen(): void {
    iconOpen = !iconOpen;

  export function toggle(): void {
    running = !running;

  onMount(() => {
    setInterval(() => {
      if (running) {
    }, 200);