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# Lab42::DataClass

An Immutable DataClass for Ruby

Exposes a class factory function `Kernel::DataClass` and a module `Lab42::DataClass` which can
extend classes to become _Data Classes_.

Also exposes two _tuple_ classes, `Pair` and `Triple`

## Synopsis

Having immutable Objects has many well known advantages that I will not ponder upon in detail here.

One advantage which is of particular interest though is that, as every, _modification_ is in fact the
creation of a new object **strong contraints** on the data can **easily** be maintained, and this
library makes that available to the user.

Therefore we can summarise the features (or not so features, that is for you to decide and you to chose to use or not):

  - Immutable with an Interface à la `OpenStruct`
  - Attributes are predefined and can have **default values**
  - Construction with _keyword arguments_, **exclusively**
  - Conversion to `Hash` instances (if you must)
  - Pattern matching exactly like `Hash` instances
  - Possibility to impose **strong constraints** on attributes
  - Predefined constraints and concise syntax for constraints
  - Possibility to impose **arbitrary validation** (constraints on the whole object)
  - Declaration of **dependent attributes** which are memoized (thank you _Immutability_)
  - Inheritance with **mixin of other dataclasses** (multiple if you must)

## Usage

  gem install lab42_data_class

With bundler

  gem 'lab42_data_class'

In your code

require 'lab42/data_class'

## Speculations (literate specs)

The following specs are executed with the [speculate about]( gem.

Given that we have imported the `Lab42` namespace
    DataClass = Lab42::DataClass

## Context: Data Classes

### Basic Use Case

Given a simple Data Class
    class SimpleDataClass
      extend DataClass
      attributes :a, :b

And an instance of it
    let(:simple_instance) { 1, b: 2) }

Then we access the fields
    expect(simple_instance.a).to eq(1)
    expect(simple_instance.b).to eq(2)

And we convert to a hash
    expect(simple_instance.to_h).to eq(a: 1, b: 2)

And we can derive new instances
    new_instance = simple_instance.merge(b: 3)
    expect(new_instance.to_h).to eq(a: 1, b: 3)
    expect(simple_instance.to_h).to eq(a: 1, b: 2)

For detailed speculations please see [here](speculations/

## Context: `DataClass` function

As seen in the speculations above it seems appropriate to declare a `Class` and
extend it as we will add quite some code for constraints, derived attributes and validations.

However a more concise _Factory Function_ might still be very useful in some use cases...

Enter `Kernel::DataClass` **The Function**

### Context: Just Attributes

If there are no _Constraints_, _Derived Attributes_, _Validation_ or _Inheritance_ this concise syntax
might easily be preferred by many:

Given some example instances like these
    let(:my_data_class) { DataClass(:name, email: nil) }
    let(:my_instance) { "robert") }

Then we can access its fields
    expect( eq("robert")
    expect(my_instance[:email]).to be_nil

But we cannot access undefined fields
    expect{ my_instance.undefined }.to raise_error(NoMethodError)

And this is even true for the `[]` syntax
    expect{ my_instance[:undefined] }.to raise_error(KeyError)

And we need to provide values to fields without defaults
    expect{ "") }
      .to raise_error(ArgumentError, "missing initializers for [:name]")
And we can extract the values
    expect(my_instance.to_h).to eq(name: "robert", email: nil)

#### Context: Immutable → self

Then `my_instance` is frozen:
    expect(my_instance).to be_frozen
And we cannot even mute `my_instance`  by means of metaprogramming
    expect{ my_instance.instance_variable_set("@x", nil) }.to raise_error(FrozenError)

#### Context: Immutable → Cloning

    let(:other_instance) { my_instance.merge(email: "robert@mail.provider") }
Then we have a new instance with the old instance unchanged
    expect(other_instance.to_h).to eq(name: "robert", email: "robert@mail.provider")
    expect(my_instance.to_h).to eq(name: "robert", email: nil)
And the new instance is frozen again
    expect(other_instance).to be_frozen

For speculations how to add all the other features to the _Factory Function_ syntax please
look [here](speculations/

## Context: `Pair` and `Triple`

Two special cases of a `DataClass` which behave like `Tuple` of size 2 and 3 in _Elixir_

They distinguish themselves from `DataClass` classes by accepting only positional arguments, and
cannot be converted to hashes.

These are actually two classes and not class factories as they have a fixed interface , but let us speculate about them to learn what they can do for us.

### Context: Constructor functions

Given a pair
    let(:token) { Pair("12", 12) }
    let(:node)  { Triple("42", 4, 2) }

Then we can access their elements
    expect(token.first).to eq("12")
    expect(token.second).to eq(12)
    expect(node.first).to eq("42")
    expect(node.second).to eq(4)
    expect(node.third).to eq(2)

And we can treat them like _Indexable_
    expect(token[1]).to eq(12)
    expect(token[-2]).to eq("12")
    expect(node[2]).to eq(2)

And convert them to arrays of course
    expect(token.to_a).to eq(["12", 12])
    expect(node.to_a).to eq(["42", 4, 2])

And they behave like arrays in pattern matching too
    token => [str, int]
    node  => [root, lft, rgt]
    expect(str).to eq("12")
    expect(int).to eq(12)
    expect(root).to eq("42")
    expect(lft).to eq(4)
    expect(rgt).to eq(2)

And of course the factory functions are equivalent to the constructors
    expect(token).to eq("12", 12))
    expect(node).to eq("42", 4, 2))

#### Context: Pseudo Assignments

... in reality return a new object

Given an instance of `Pair`
    let(:original) { Pair(1, 1) }

And one of `Triple`
    let(:xyz) { Triple(1, 1, 1) }

    second = original.set_first(2)
    third  = second.set_second(2)
    expect(original).to eq( Pair(1, 1) )
    expect(second).to eq(Pair(2, 1))
    expect(third).to eq(Pair(2, 2))

And also
    second = xyz.set_first(2)
    third  = second.set_second(2)
    fourth = third.set_third(2)
    expect(xyz).to eq(Triple(1, 1, 1))
    expect(second).to eq(Triple(2, 1, 1))
    expect(third).to eq(Triple(2, 2, 1))
    expect(fourth).to eq(Triple(2, 2, 2))

## Context: `List`

A `List` is what a _list_ is in Lisp or Elixir it exposes the following API

Given such a _list_
    let(:three) { List(*%w[a b c]) }

Then this becomes really a _linked_list_
    expect( eq("a")
    expect(three.cdr).to eq(List(*%w[b c]))

For all details please consult the [List speculations](speculations/


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