
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
githubot = require('githubot')
pad   = require('pad')
githubevents = require('hubot-github-repo-event-notifier')

module.exports = (robot) ->

    our_repo = process.env['REPOSITORY_NAME']
    if !our_repo?
        console.error("the environment variable REPOSITORY_NAME must be specified for hubot-baronbogo to work properly")

    github = githubot(robot)
    limit = 20
    # console.log 'You must call me by my name - ' +
    # console.log 'If you are curious, I am listening to  ' +  robot.listeners.length + ' source'

    # hook events handler

    disp_issues = (issues, pullreq) ->
        output = '```\n'
        count = 0
        for g in issues

            if g.pull_request?
                if pullreq == true
                    output = output + pad( '' + g.number, 8)  + pad(g.user.login, 20) + '  '  + g.title + '\n'
                    if (count >= limit)
                        output = output + 'MORE ...\n'
                if pullreq
                output = output + pad( '' + g.number, 8)  + pad(g.user.login, 20) + '  '  + g.title + '\n'
                if count >= limit
                    output = output + 'MORE ...\n'
        output = output + '```'
        return output

    disp_issue = (issue) ->
        issueText = "Issue"

        if issue.pull_request?
            issueText = "Pull Request"

        output = """
        #{issueText}: \##{issue.number}
        Opened by: #{issue.user.login}
        Title: #{issue.title}
        Status: #{issue.state}
        Url: #{issue.html_url}
        return output

    robot.respond  /intro baronbogo/i, (res) ->
            reply = ""
            reply += "Hi, my name is baronbogo, and I am the Rocket.Chat GitHub integration bot.\n"
            reply += "You can add me for your own public or private GitHub projects.\n"
            reply += "Find my code here:\n"
            reply += "\n"
            reply += "I can do webhooks, issues, merge requests, and gists out of the box.\n"
            reply += "Please add to my abilities and contribute your code to Rocket.Chat.\n"
            reply += "our prs - list open merge requests for the project\n"
            reply += "our issues - list open issues for the project\n"
            reply += "our issue n - show issue n for the project\n"
            reply += "gits for <userid> - list gists for specified GitHub user\n"
            reply += "pr n for m - show merge request #n  for project #m\n"
            reply += "issue n for m - show issue #n for project #m\n"
            reply += "get gist n for m - view gist #n for user #m\n"
            res.send reply

    robot.respond /issues for (.*)/i, (res) ->
        url = "" + res.match[1] + "/issues?state=open"

        github.get url, (issues) ->
            res.send disp_issues(issues, false)

    robot.respond /our issues/i, (res) ->
        url = "" + our_repo + "/issues?state=open"

        github.get url, (issues) ->
            res.send disp_issues(issues, false)

    robot.respond /prs for (.*)/i, (res) ->
        url = "" + res.match[1] + "/issues?state=open"

        github.get url, (issues) ->
            res.send disp_issues(issues, true)

    robot.respond /our prs/i, (res) ->
        url = "" +  our_repo + "/issues?state=open"

        github.get url, (issues) ->
            res.send disp_issues(issues, true)

    robot.respond /(pr|issue) (.*) for (.*)/i, (res) ->
        url = "" + res.match[3] + '/issues/' + res.match[2]

        github.get url, (issue) ->
            res.send disp_issue(issue)

    robot.respond /our (pr|issue) (.*)/i, (res) ->
        url = "" + our_repo + "/issues/" + res.match[2]

        github.get url, (issue) ->
            res.send disp_issue(issue)

    robot.respond /get gists for (.*)/i, (res) ->
        url = "" + res.match[1] + "/gists"
        #  console.log 'url' + url
        github.get url, (gists) ->
            count = 1
            output = '```\n'
            for g in gists
                output = output + pad( '' + count, 8)  + g.description + '\n'
            output = output + '```'
            res.send output

    # handle gists
    robot.respond /get gist (.*) for (.*)/i, (res) ->
        url = "" + res.match[2] + "/gists"
        #  console.log 'url' + url
        github.get url, (gists) ->
            github.get "" + gists[parseInt(res.match[1]) - 1].id, (gist) ->
                # console.log JSON.stringify gist
                for k,v of gist.files
                    output = '```\n#ops:openeditor\n\n' + v.content + '\n```'
                    res.send output