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import type { IUser } from '';
import type { Logger } from '';
import type { Method, MethodOf, OperationParams, OperationResult, PathPattern, UrlParams } from '';
import type { ValidateFunction } from 'ajv';
import type { Request, Response } from 'express';

import type { ITwoFactorOptions } from '../../2fa/server/code';

export type SuccessResult<T> = {
    statusCode: 200;
    body: T extends object ? { success: true } & T : T;

export type FailureResult<T, TStack = undefined, TErrorType = undefined, TErrorDetails = undefined> = {
    statusCode: 400;
    body: T extends object
        ? { success: false } & T
        : {
                success: false;
                error?: T;
                stack?: TStack;
                errorType?: TErrorType;
                details?: TErrorDetails;
                message?: string;
          } & (undefined extends TErrorType ? object : { errorType: TErrorType }) &
                (undefined extends TErrorDetails ? object : { details: TErrorDetails extends string ? unknown : TErrorDetails });

export type UnauthorizedResult<T> = {
    statusCode: 403;
    body: {
        success: false;
        error: T | 'unauthorized';

export type InternalError<T> = { statusCode: 500; body: { error: T | 'Internal error occured'; success: false } };

export type NotFoundResult = {
    statusCode: 404;
    body: {
        success: false;
        error: string;

export type TOperation = 'hasAll' | 'hasAny';
export type NonEnterpriseTwoFactorOptions = {
    authRequired: true;
    forceTwoFactorAuthenticationForNonEnterprise: true;
    twoFactorRequired: true;
    permissionsRequired?: string[] | { [key in Method]: string[] } | { [key in Method]: { operation: TOperation; permissions: string[] } };
    twoFactorOptions: ITwoFactorOptions;

export type Options = (
    | {
                | string[]
                | ({ [key in Method]?: string[] } & { '*'?: string[] })
                | ({ [key in Method]?: { operation: TOperation; permissions: string[] } } & {
                        '*'?: { operation: TOperation; permissions: string[] };
            authRequired?: boolean;
            forceTwoFactorAuthenticationForNonEnterprise?: boolean;
                | {
                        numRequestsAllowed?: number;
                        intervalTimeInMS?: number;
                | boolean;
            queryOperations?: string[];
            queryFields?: string[];
    | {
                | string[]
                | ({ [key in Method]?: string[] } & { '*'?: string[] })
                | ({ [key in Method]?: { operation: TOperation; permissions: string[] } } & {
                        '*'?: { operation: TOperation; permissions: string[] };
            authRequired: true;
            twoFactorRequired: true;
            twoFactorOptions?: ITwoFactorOptions;
                | {
                        numRequestsAllowed?: number;
                        intervalTimeInMS?: number;
                | boolean;

            queryOperations?: string[];
            queryFields?: string[];
) & {
    validateParams?: ValidateFunction | { [key in Method]?: ValidateFunction };
    authOrAnonRequired?: true;
    deprecation?: {
        version: string;
        alternatives?: string[];

export type PartialThis = {
    readonly request: Request & { query: Record<string, string> };
    readonly response: Response;
    readonly userId: string;
    readonly bodyParams: Record<string, unknown>;
    readonly queryParams: Record<string, string>;
    readonly queryOperations?: string[];
    readonly queryFields?: string[];
    readonly logger: Logger;

export type UserInfo = IUser & {
    email?: string;
    settings: {
        profile: object;
        preferences: unknown;
    avatarUrl: string;

export type ActionThis<TMethod extends Method, TPathPattern extends PathPattern, TOptions> = {
    readonly requestIp: string;
    urlParams: UrlParams<TPathPattern>;
    readonly response: Response;
    // TODO make it unsafe
    readonly queryParams: TMethod extends 'GET'
        ? TOptions extends { validateParams: ValidateFunction<infer T> }
            ? T
            : TOptions extends { validateParams: { GET: ValidateFunction<infer T> } }
            ? T
            : Partial<OperationParams<TMethod, TPathPattern>> & { offset?: number; count?: number }
        : Record<string, string>;
    // TODO make it unsafe
    readonly bodyParams: TMethod extends 'GET'
        ? Record<string, unknown>
        : TOptions extends { validateParams: ValidateFunction<infer T> }
        ? T
        : TOptions extends { validateParams: infer V }
        ? V extends { [key in TMethod]: ValidateFunction<infer T> }
            ? T
            : Partial<OperationParams<TMethod, TPathPattern>>
        : // TODO remove the extra (optionals) params when all the endpoints that use these are typed correctly
          Partial<OperationParams<TMethod, TPathPattern>>;
    readonly request: Request;

    readonly queryOperations: TOptions extends { queryOperations: infer T } ? T : never;
    parseJsonQuery(): Promise<{
        sort: Record<string, 1 | -1>;
        fields: Record<string, 0 | 1>;
        query: Record<string, unknown>;
} & (TOptions extends { authRequired: true }
    ? {
            user: IUser;
            userId: string;
            readonly token: string;
    : TOptions extends { authOrAnonRequired: true }
    ? {
            user?: IUser;
            userId?: string;
            readonly token?: string;
    : {
            user?: IUser | null;
            userId?: string | undefined;
            readonly token?: string;

export type ResultFor<TMethod extends Method, TPathPattern extends PathPattern> =
    | SuccessResult<OperationResult<TMethod, TPathPattern>>
    | FailureResult<unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown>
    | UnauthorizedResult<unknown>
    | NotFoundResult
    | {
            statusCode: number;
            body: unknown;

export type Action<TMethod extends Method, TPathPattern extends PathPattern, TOptions> =
    | ((this: ActionThis<TMethod, TPathPattern, TOptions>) => Promise<ResultFor<TMethod, TPathPattern>>)
    | ((this: ActionThis<TMethod, TPathPattern, TOptions>) => ResultFor<TMethod, TPathPattern>);

export type Operation<TMethod extends Method, TPathPattern extends PathPattern, TEndpointOptions> =
    | Action<TMethod, TPathPattern, TEndpointOptions>
    | ({
            action: Action<TMethod, TPathPattern, TEndpointOptions>;
      } & { twoFactorRequired: boolean });

export type Operations<TPathPattern extends PathPattern, TOptions extends Options = object> = {
    [M in MethodOf<TPathPattern> as Lowercase<M>]: Operation<Uppercase<M>, TPathPattern, TOptions>;