import { Message } from '';
import type { IMessage } from '';
import { Messages, Users, Rooms, Subscriptions } from '';
import { isChatReportMessageProps, isChatGetURLPreviewProps } from '';
import { escapeRegExp } from '';
import { Match, check } from 'meteor/check';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { reportMessage } from '../../../../server/lib/moderation/reportMessage';
import { roomAccessAttributes } from '../../../authorization/server';
import { canAccessRoomAsync, canAccessRoomIdAsync } from '../../../authorization/server/functions/canAccessRoom';
import { canSendMessageAsync } from '../../../authorization/server/functions/canSendMessage';
import { hasPermissionAsync } from '../../../authorization/server/functions/hasPermission';
import { deleteMessageValidatingPermission } from '../../../lib/server/functions/deleteMessage';
import { processWebhookMessage } from '../../../lib/server/functions/processWebhookMessage';
import { executeSendMessage } from '../../../lib/server/methods/sendMessage';
import { executeUpdateMessage } from '../../../lib/server/methods/updateMessage';
import { OEmbed } from '../../../oembed/server/server';
import { executeSetReaction } from '../../../reactions/server/setReaction';
import { settings } from '../../../settings/server';
import { MessageTypes } from '../../../ui-utils/server';
import { normalizeMessagesForUser } from '../../../utils/server/lib/normalizeMessagesForUser';
import { API } from '../api';
import { getPaginationItems } from '../helpers/getPaginationItems';
import { findDiscussionsFromRoom, findMentionedMessages, findStarredMessages } from '../lib/messages';
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
msgId: String,
roomId: String,
asUser: Match.Maybe(Boolean),
const msg = await Messages.findOneById(this.bodyParams.msgId, { projection: { u: 1, rid: 1 } });
if (!msg) {
return API.v1.failure(`No message found with the id of "${this.bodyParams.msgId}".`);
if (this.bodyParams.roomId !== msg.rid) {
return API.v1.failure('The room id provided does not match where the message is from.');
if (
this.bodyParams.asUser &&
msg.u._id !== this.userId &&
!(await hasPermissionAsync(this.userId, 'force-delete-message', msg.rid))
) {
return API.v1.failure('Unauthorized. You must have the permission "force-delete-message" to delete other\'s message as them.');
const userId = this.bodyParams.asUser ? msg.u._id : this.userId;
const user = await Users.findOneById(userId, { projection: { _id: 1 } });
if (!user) {
return API.v1.failure('User not found');
await deleteMessageValidatingPermission(msg, user._id);
return API.v1.success({
_id: msg._id,
message: msg,
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { roomId, lastUpdate } = this.queryParams;
if (!roomId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-roomId-param-not-provided', 'The required "roomId" query param is missing.');
if (!lastUpdate) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-lastUpdate-param-not-provided', 'The required "lastUpdate" query param is missing.');
} else if (isNaN(Date.parse(lastUpdate))) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-roomId-param-invalid', 'The "lastUpdate" query parameter must be a valid date.');
const result = await Meteor.callAsync('messages/get', roomId, { lastUpdate: new Date(lastUpdate) });
if (!result) {
return API.v1.failure();
return API.v1.success({
result: {
updated: await normalizeMessagesForUser(result.updated, this.userId),
deleted: result.deleted,
authRequired: true,
async get() {
if (!this.queryParams.msgId) {
return API.v1.failure('The "msgId" query parameter must be provided.');
const msg = await Meteor.callAsync('getSingleMessage', this.queryParams.msgId);
if (!msg) {
return API.v1.failure();
const [message] = await normalizeMessagesForUser([msg], this.userId);
return API.v1.success({
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
if (!this.bodyParams.messageId?.trim()) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-messageid-param-not-provided', 'The required "messageId" param is missing.');
const msg = await Messages.findOneById(this.bodyParams.messageId);
if (!msg) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-message-not-found', 'The provided "messageId" does not match any existing message.');
const pinnedMessage = await Meteor.callAsync('pinMessage', msg);
const [message] = await normalizeMessagesForUser([pinnedMessage], this.userId);
return API.v1.success({
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
const messageReturn = (await processWebhookMessage(this.bodyParams, this.user))[0];
if (!messageReturn) {
return API.v1.failure('unknown-error');
const [message] = await normalizeMessagesForUser([messageReturn.message], this.userId);
return API.v1.success({
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { roomId, searchText } = this.queryParams;
const { offset, count } = await getPaginationItems(this.queryParams);
if (!roomId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-roomId-param-not-provided', 'The required "roomId" query param is missing.');
if (!searchText) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-searchText-param-not-provided', 'The required "searchText" query param is missing.');
const result = (await Meteor.callAsync('messageSearch', searchText, roomId, count, offset));
return API.v1.success({
messages: await normalizeMessagesForUser(result, this.userId),
// The difference between `chat.postMessage` and `chat.sendMessage` is that `chat.sendMessage` allows
// for passing a value for `_id` and the other one doesn't. Also, `chat.sendMessage` only sends it to
// one channel whereas the other one allows for sending to more than one channel at a time.
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
if (!this.bodyParams.message) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-params', 'The "message" parameter must be provided.');
if (MessageTypes.isSystemMessage(this.bodyParams.message)) {
throw new Error("Cannot send system messages using 'chat.sendMessage'");
const sent = await executeSendMessage(this.userId, this.bodyParams.message as Pick<IMessage, 'rid'>, this.bodyParams.previewUrls);
const [message] = await normalizeMessagesForUser([sent], this.userId);
return API.v1.success({
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
if (!this.bodyParams.messageId?.trim()) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-messageid-param-not-provided', 'The required "messageId" param is required.');
const msg = await Messages.findOneById(this.bodyParams.messageId);
if (!msg) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-message-not-found', 'The provided "messageId" does not match any existing message.');
await Meteor.callAsync('starMessage', {
_id: msg._id,
rid: msg.rid,
starred: true,
return API.v1.success();
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
if (!this.bodyParams.messageId?.trim()) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-messageid-param-not-provided', 'The required "messageId" param is required.');
const msg = await Messages.findOneById(this.bodyParams.messageId);
if (!msg) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-message-not-found', 'The provided "messageId" does not match any existing message.');
await Meteor.callAsync('unpinMessage', msg);
return API.v1.success();
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
if (!this.bodyParams.messageId?.trim()) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-messageid-param-not-provided', 'The required "messageId" param is required.');
const msg = await Messages.findOneById(this.bodyParams.messageId);
if (!msg) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-message-not-found', 'The provided "messageId" does not match any existing message.');
await Meteor.callAsync('starMessage', {
_id: msg._id,
rid: msg.rid,
starred: false,
return API.v1.success();
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
roomId: String,
msgId: String,
text: String, // Using text to be consistant with chat.postMessage
customFields: Match.Maybe(Object),
previewUrls: Match.Maybe([String]),
const msg = await Messages.findOneById(this.bodyParams.msgId);
// Ensure the message exists
if (!msg) {
return API.v1.failure(`No message found with the id of "${this.bodyParams.msgId}".`);
if (this.bodyParams.roomId !== msg.rid) {
return API.v1.failure('The room id provided does not match where the message is from.');
// Permission checks are already done in the updateMessage method, so no need to duplicate them
await executeUpdateMessage(
_id: msg._id,
msg: this.bodyParams.text,
rid: msg.rid,
customFields: this.bodyParams.customFields as Record<string, any> | undefined,
const updatedMessage = await Messages.findOneById(msg._id);
const [message] = await normalizeMessagesForUser(updatedMessage ? [updatedMessage] : [], this.userId);
return API.v1.success({
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
if (!this.bodyParams.messageId?.trim()) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-messageid-param-not-provided', 'The required "messageId" param is missing.');
const msg = await Messages.findOneById(this.bodyParams.messageId);
if (!msg) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-message-not-found', 'The provided "messageId" does not match any existing message.');
const emoji = 'emoji' in this.bodyParams ? this.bodyParams.emoji : (this.bodyParams as { reaction: string }).reaction;
if (!emoji) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-emoji-param-not-provided', 'The required "emoji" param is missing.');
await executeSetReaction(this.userId, emoji, msg, this.bodyParams.shouldReact);
return API.v1.success();
{ authRequired: true, validateParams: isChatReportMessageProps },
async post() {
const { messageId, description } = this.bodyParams;
if (!messageId) {
return API.v1.failure('The required "messageId" param is missing.');
if (!description) {
return API.v1.failure('The required "description" param is missing.');
await reportMessage(messageId, description, this.userId);
return API.v1.success();
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { rid, userId } = this.queryParams;
let { ignore = true } = this.queryParams;
ignore = typeof ignore === 'string' ? /true|1/.test(ignore) : ignore;
if (!rid?.trim()) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-room-id-param-not-provided', 'The required "rid" param is missing.');
if (!userId?.trim()) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-user-id-param-not-provided', 'The required "userId" param is missing.');
await Meteor.callAsync('ignoreUser', { rid, userId, ignore });
return API.v1.success();
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { roomId, since } = this.queryParams;
const { offset, count } = await getPaginationItems(this.queryParams);
if (!roomId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('The required "roomId" query param is missing.');
if (!since) {
throw new Meteor.Error('The required "since" query param is missing.');
} else if (isNaN(Date.parse(since))) {
throw new Meteor.Error('The "since" query parameter must be a valid date.');
const { cursor, totalCount } = await Messages.trashFindPaginatedDeletedAfter(
new Date(since),
{ rid: roomId },
skip: offset,
limit: count,
projection: { _id: 1 },
const [messages, total] = await Promise.all([cursor.toArray(), totalCount]);
return API.v1.success({
count: messages.length,
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { roomId } = this.queryParams;
const { offset, count } = await getPaginationItems(this.queryParams);
if (!roomId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-roomId-param-not-provided', 'The required "roomId" query param is missing.');
if (!(await canAccessRoomIdAsync(roomId, this.userId))) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Not allowed');
const { cursor, totalCount } = await Messages.findPaginatedPinnedByRoom(roomId, {
skip: offset,
limit: count,
const [messages, total] = await Promise.all([cursor.toArray(), totalCount]);
return API.v1.success({
messages: await normalizeMessagesForUser(messages, this.userId),
count: messages.length,
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { rid, type, text } = this.queryParams;
check(rid, String);
check(type, Match.Maybe(String));
check(text, Match.Maybe(String));
const { offset, count } = await getPaginationItems(this.queryParams);
const { sort, fields, query } = await this.parseJsonQuery();
if (!settings.get<boolean>('Threads_enabled')) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Threads Disabled');
const user = await Users.findOneById(this.userId, { projection: { _id: 1 } });
const room = await Rooms.findOneById(rid, { projection: { ...roomAccessAttributes, t: 1, _id: 1 } });
if (!room || !user || !(await canAccessRoomAsync(room, user))) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Not Allowed');
const typeThread = {
_hidden: { $ne: true },
...(type === 'following' && { replies: { $in: [this.userId] } }),
...(type === 'unread' && { _id: { $in: (await Subscriptions.findOneByRoomIdAndUserId(room._id, user._id))?.tunread || [] } }),
msg: new RegExp(escapeRegExp(text || ''), 'i'),
const threadQuery = { ...query, ...typeThread, rid: room._id, tcount: { $exists: true } };
const { cursor, totalCount } = await Messages.findPaginated(threadQuery, {
sort: sort || { tlm: -1 },
skip: offset,
limit: count,
projection: fields,
const [threads, total] = await Promise.all([cursor.toArray(), totalCount]);
return API.v1.success({
threads: await normalizeMessagesForUser(threads, this.userId),
count: threads.length,
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { rid } = this.queryParams;
const { query, fields, sort } = await this.parseJsonQuery();
const { updatedSince } = this.queryParams;
let updatedSinceDate;
if (!settings.get<boolean>('Threads_enabled')) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Threads Disabled');
if (!rid) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-room-id-param-not-provided', 'The required "rid" query param is missing.');
if (!updatedSince) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-updatedSince-param-invalid', 'The required param "updatedSince" is missing.');
if (isNaN(Date.parse(updatedSince))) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-updatedSince-param-invalid', 'The "updatedSince" query parameter must be a valid date.');
} else {
updatedSinceDate = new Date(updatedSince);
const user = await Users.findOneById(this.userId, { projection: { _id: 1 } });
const room = await Rooms.findOneById(rid, { projection: { ...roomAccessAttributes, t: 1, _id: 1 } });
if (!room || !user || !(await canAccessRoomAsync(room, user))) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Not Allowed');
const threadQuery = Object.assign({}, query, { rid, tcount: { $exists: true } });
return API.v1.success({
threads: {
update: await Messages.find(
{ ...threadQuery, _updatedAt: { $gt: updatedSinceDate } },
projection: fields,
remove: await Messages.trashFindDeletedAfter(updatedSinceDate, threadQuery, {
projection: fields,
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { tmid } = this.queryParams;
const { query, fields, sort } = await this.parseJsonQuery();
const { offset, count } = await getPaginationItems(this.queryParams);
if (!settings.get('Threads_enabled')) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Threads Disabled');
if (!tmid) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-params', 'The required "tmid" query param is missing.');
const thread = await Messages.findOneById(tmid, { projection: { rid: 1 } });
if (!thread?.rid) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-message', 'Invalid Message');
const user = await Users.findOneById(this.userId, { projection: { _id: 1 } });
const room = await Rooms.findOneById(thread.rid, { projection: { ...roomAccessAttributes, t: 1, _id: 1 } });
if (!room || !user || !(await canAccessRoomAsync(room, user))) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Not Allowed');
const { cursor, totalCount } = await Messages.findPaginated(
{ ...query, tmid },
sort: sort || { ts: 1 },
skip: offset,
limit: count,
projection: fields,
const [messages, total] = await Promise.all([cursor.toArray(), totalCount]);
return API.v1.success({
count: messages.length,
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { tmid } = this.queryParams;
const { query, fields, sort } = await this.parseJsonQuery();
const { updatedSince } = this.queryParams;
let updatedSinceDate;
if (!settings.get<boolean>('Threads_enabled')) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Threads Disabled');
if (!tmid) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-params', 'The required "tmid" query param is missing.');
if (!updatedSince) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-updatedSince-param-invalid', 'The required param "updatedSince" is missing.');
if (isNaN(Date.parse(updatedSince))) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-updatedSince-param-invalid', 'The "updatedSince" query parameter must be a valid date.');
} else {
updatedSinceDate = new Date(updatedSince);
const thread = await Messages.findOneById(tmid, { projection: { rid: 1 } });
if (!thread?.rid) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-message', 'Invalid Message');
const user = await Users.findOneById(this.userId, { projection: { _id: 1 } });
const room = await Rooms.findOneById(thread.rid, { projection: { ...roomAccessAttributes, t: 1, _id: 1 } });
if (!room || !user || !(await canAccessRoomAsync(room, user))) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Not Allowed');
return API.v1.success({
messages: {
update: await Messages.find({ ...query, tmid, _updatedAt: { $gt: updatedSinceDate } }, { projection: fields, sort }).toArray(),
remove: await Messages.trashFindDeletedAfter(updatedSinceDate, { ...query, tmid }, { projection: fields, sort }).toArray(),
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
const { mid } = this.bodyParams;
if (!mid) {
throw new Meteor.Error('The required "mid" body param is missing.');
await Meteor.callAsync('followMessage', { mid });
return API.v1.success();
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
const { mid } = this.bodyParams;
if (!mid) {
throw new Meteor.Error('The required "mid" body param is missing.');
await Meteor.callAsync('unfollowMessage', { mid });
return API.v1.success();
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { roomId } = this.queryParams;
const { sort } = await this.parseJsonQuery();
const { offset, count } = await getPaginationItems(this.queryParams);
if (!roomId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-params', 'The required "roomId" query param is missing.');
const messages = await findMentionedMessages({
uid: this.userId,
pagination: {
return API.v1.success(messages);
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { roomId } = this.queryParams;
const { sort } = await this.parseJsonQuery();
const { offset, count } = await getPaginationItems(this.queryParams);
if (!roomId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-params', 'The required "roomId" query param is missing.');
const messages = await findStarredMessages({
uid: this.userId,
pagination: {
messages.messages = await normalizeMessagesForUser(messages.messages, this.userId);
return API.v1.success(messages);
{ authRequired: true },
async get() {
const { roomId, text } = this.queryParams;
const { sort } = await this.parseJsonQuery();
const { offset, count } = await getPaginationItems(this.queryParams);
if (!roomId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-params', 'The required "roomId" query param is missing.');
const messages = await findDiscussionsFromRoom({
uid: this.userId,
text: text || '',
pagination: {
return API.v1.success(messages);
{ authRequired: true },
async post() {
const { roomId, type: otrType } = this.bodyParams;
if (!roomId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-params', 'The required "roomId" query param is missing.');
if (!otrType) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-params', 'The required "type" query param is missing.');
const { username, type } = this.user;
if (!username) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user');
await canSendMessageAsync(roomId, { uid: this.userId, username, type });
await Message.saveSystemMessage(otrType, roomId, username, { _id: this.userId, username });
return API.v1.success();
{ authRequired: true, validateParams: isChatGetURLPreviewProps },
async get() {
const { roomId, url } = this.queryParams;
if (!(await canAccessRoomIdAsync(roomId, this.userId))) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Not allowed');
const { urlPreview } = await OEmbed.parseUrl(url);
urlPreview.ignoreParse = true;
return API.v1.success({ urlPreview });