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1 wk
Test Coverage
import { Team } from '';
import type { IRoom, IRoomWithRetentionPolicy, IUser, MessageTypesValues } from '';
import { TEAM_TYPE } from '';
import { Rooms, Users } from '';
import type { ServerMethods } from '';
import { Match } from 'meteor/check';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';

import { RoomSettingsEnum } from '../../../../definition/IRoomTypeConfig';
import { roomCoordinator } from '../../../../server/lib/rooms/roomCoordinator';
import { hasPermissionAsync } from '../../../authorization/server/functions/hasPermission';
import { setRoomAvatar } from '../../../lib/server/functions/setRoomAvatar';
import { saveReactWhenReadOnly } from '../functions/saveReactWhenReadOnly';
import { saveRoomAnnouncement } from '../functions/saveRoomAnnouncement';
import { saveRoomCustomFields } from '../functions/saveRoomCustomFields';
import { saveRoomDescription } from '../functions/saveRoomDescription';
import { saveRoomEncrypted } from '../functions/saveRoomEncrypted';
import { saveRoomName } from '../functions/saveRoomName';
import { saveRoomReadOnly } from '../functions/saveRoomReadOnly';
import { saveRoomSystemMessages } from '../functions/saveRoomSystemMessages';
import { saveRoomTopic } from '../functions/saveRoomTopic';
import { saveRoomType } from '../functions/saveRoomType';
import { saveStreamingOptions } from '../functions/saveStreamingOptions';

type RoomSettings = {
    roomAvatar: string;
    featured: boolean;
    roomName: string | undefined;
    roomTopic: string;
    roomAnnouncement: string;
    roomCustomFields: Record<string, any>;
    roomDescription: string;
    roomType: IRoom['t'];
    readOnly: boolean;
    reactWhenReadOnly: boolean;
    systemMessages: MessageTypesValues[];
    default: boolean;
    joinCode: string;
    streamingOptions: NonNullable<IRoom['streamingOptions']>;
    retentionEnabled: boolean;
    retentionMaxAge: number;
    retentionExcludePinned: boolean;
    retentionFilesOnly: boolean;
    retentionIgnoreThreads: boolean;
    retentionOverrideGlobal: boolean;
    encrypted: boolean;
    favorite: {
        favorite: boolean;
        defaultValue: boolean;

type RoomSettingsValidators = {
    [TRoomSetting in keyof RoomSettings]?: (params: {
        userId: IUser['_id'];
        value: RoomSettings[TRoomSetting];
        room: IRoom;
        rid: IRoom['_id'];
    }) => Promise<void> | void;

const hasRetentionPolicy = (room: IRoom & { retention?: any }): room is IRoomWithRetentionPolicy =>
    'retention' in room && room.retention !== undefined;

const validators: RoomSettingsValidators = {
    async default({ userId }) {
        if (!(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'view-room-administration'))) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Viewing room administration is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Viewing_room_administration',
    async featured({ userId }) {
        if (!(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'view-room-administration'))) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Viewing room administration is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Viewing_room_administration',
    async roomType({ userId, room, value }) {
        if (value === room.t) {

        if (value === 'c' && !(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'create-c'))) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Changing a private group to a public channel is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Change_Room_Type',

        if (value === 'p' && !(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'create-p'))) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Changing a public channel to a private room is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Change_Room_Type',
    async encrypted({ userId, value, room, rid }) {
        if (value !== room.encrypted) {
            if (!(await roomCoordinator.getRoomDirectives(room.t).allowRoomSettingChange(room, RoomSettingsEnum.E2E))) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Only groups or direct channels can enable encryption', {
                    method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                    action: 'Change_Room_Encrypted',

            if (room.t !== 'd' && !(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'toggle-room-e2e-encryption', rid))) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'You do not have permission to toggle E2E encryption', {
                    method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                    action: 'Change_Room_Encrypted',
    async retentionEnabled({ userId, value, room, rid }) {
        if (!hasRetentionPolicy(room)) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Room does not have retention policy', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',

        if (!(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'edit-room-retention-policy', rid)) && value !== room.retention.enabled) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Editing room retention policy is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',
    async retentionMaxAge({ userId, value, room, rid }) {
        if (!hasRetentionPolicy(room)) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Room does not have retention policy', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',

        if (!(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'edit-room-retention-policy', rid)) && value !== room.retention.maxAge) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Editing room retention policy is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',
    async retentionExcludePinned({ userId, value, room, rid }) {
        if (!hasRetentionPolicy(room)) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Room does not have retention policy', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',

        if (!(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'edit-room-retention-policy', rid)) && value !== room.retention.excludePinned) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Editing room retention policy is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',
    async retentionFilesOnly({ userId, value, room, rid }) {
        if (!hasRetentionPolicy(room)) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Room does not have retention policy', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',

        if (!(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'edit-room-retention-policy', rid)) && value !== room.retention.filesOnly) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Editing room retention policy is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',
    async retentionIgnoreThreads({ userId, value, room, rid }) {
        if (!hasRetentionPolicy(room)) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Room does not have retention policy', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',

        if (!(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'edit-room-retention-policy', rid)) && value !== room.retention.ignoreThreads) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Editing room retention policy is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',
    async roomAvatar({ userId, rid }) {
        if (!(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'edit-room-avatar', rid))) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Editing a room avatar is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',

type RoomSettingsSavers = {
    [TRoomSetting in keyof RoomSettings]?: (params: {
        userId: IUser['_id'];
        user: IUser & Required<Pick<IUser, 'username' | 'name'>>;
        value: RoomSettings[TRoomSetting];
        room: IRoom;
        rid: IRoom['_id'];
    }) => void | Promise<void>;

const settingSavers: RoomSettingsSavers = {
    async roomName({ value, rid, user, room }) {
        if (!(await saveRoomName(rid, value, user))) {

        if (room.teamId && room.teamMain) {
            void Team.update(user._id, room.teamId, {
                type: room.t === 'c' ? TEAM_TYPE.PUBLIC : TEAM_TYPE.PRIVATE,
                name: value,
                updateRoom: false,
    async roomTopic({ value, room, rid, user }) {
        if (!value && !room.topic) {
        if (value !== room.topic) {
            await saveRoomTopic(rid, value, user);
    async roomAnnouncement({ value, room, rid, user }) {
        if (!value && !room.announcement) {
        if (value !== room.announcement) {
            await saveRoomAnnouncement(rid, value, user);
    async roomCustomFields({ value, room, rid }) {
        if (value !== room.customFields) {
            await saveRoomCustomFields(rid, value);
    async roomDescription({ value, room, rid, user }) {
        if (!value && !room.description) {
        if (value !== room.description) {
            await saveRoomDescription(rid, value, user);
    async roomType({ value, room, rid, user }) {
        if (value === room.t) {

        if (!(await saveRoomType(rid, value, user))) {

        if (room.teamId && room.teamMain) {
            const type = value === 'c' ? TEAM_TYPE.PUBLIC : TEAM_TYPE.PRIVATE;
            void Team.update(user._id, room.teamId, { type, updateRoom: false });
    async streamingOptions({ value, rid }) {
        await saveStreamingOptions(rid, value);
    async readOnly({ value, room, rid, user }) {
        if (value !== {
            await saveRoomReadOnly(rid, value, user);
    async reactWhenReadOnly({ value, room, rid, user }) {
        if (value !== room.reactWhenReadOnly) {
            await saveReactWhenReadOnly(rid, value, user);
    async systemMessages({ value, room, rid }) {
        if (JSON.stringify(value) !== JSON.stringify(room.sysMes)) {
            await saveRoomSystemMessages(rid, value);
    async joinCode({ value, rid }) {
        await Rooms.setJoinCodeById(rid, String(value));
    async default({ value, rid }) {
        await Rooms.saveDefaultById(rid, value);
    async featured({ value, rid }) {
        await Rooms.saveFeaturedById(rid, value);
    async retentionEnabled({ value, rid }) {
        await Rooms.saveRetentionEnabledById(rid, value);
    async retentionMaxAge({ value, rid }) {
        await Rooms.saveRetentionMaxAgeById(rid, value);
    async retentionExcludePinned({ value, rid }) {
        await Rooms.saveRetentionExcludePinnedById(rid, value);
    async retentionFilesOnly({ value, rid }) {
        await Rooms.saveRetentionFilesOnlyById(rid, value);
    async retentionIgnoreThreads({ value, rid }) {
        await Rooms.saveRetentionIgnoreThreadsById(rid, value);
    async retentionOverrideGlobal({ value, rid }) {
        await Rooms.saveRetentionOverrideGlobalById(rid, value);
    async encrypted({ value, room, rid, user }) {
        await saveRoomEncrypted(rid, value, user, Boolean(room.encrypted) !== Boolean(value));
    async favorite({ value, rid }) {
        await Rooms.saveFavoriteById(rid, value.favorite, value.defaultValue);
    async roomAvatar({ value, rid, user }) {
        await setRoomAvatar(rid, value, user);

declare module '' {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
    interface ServerMethods {
        saveRoomSettings(rid: IRoom['_id'], settings: Partial<RoomSettings>): Promise<{ result: true; rid: IRoom['_id'] }>;
        saveRoomSettings<RoomSettingName extends keyof RoomSettings>(
            rid: IRoom['_id'],
            setting: RoomSettingName,
            value: RoomSettings[RoomSettingName],
        ): Promise<{ result: true; rid: IRoom['_id'] }>;

const fields: (keyof RoomSettings)[] = [

const validate = <TRoomSetting extends keyof RoomSettings>(
    setting: TRoomSetting,
    params: {
        userId: IUser['_id'];
        value: RoomSettings[TRoomSetting];
        room: IRoom;
        rid: IRoom['_id'];
) => {
    const validator = validators[setting];
    return validator?.(params);

async function save<TRoomSetting extends keyof RoomSettings>(
    setting: TRoomSetting,
    params: {
        userId: IUser['_id'];
        user: IUser & Required<Pick<IUser, 'username' | 'name'>>;
        value: RoomSettings[TRoomSetting];
        room: IRoom;
        rid: IRoom['_id'];
) {
    const saver = settingSavers[setting];
    await saver?.(params);

export async function saveRoomSettings(
    userId: IUser['_id'],
    rid: IRoom['_id'],
    settings: Partial<RoomSettings>,
): Promise<{ result: true; rid: IRoom['_id'] }>;
export async function saveRoomSettings<RoomSettingName extends keyof RoomSettings>(
    userId: IUser['_id'],
    rid: IRoom['_id'],
    setting: RoomSettingName,
    value: RoomSettings[RoomSettingName],
): Promise<{ result: true; rid: IRoom['_id'] }>;
export async function saveRoomSettings(
    userId: IUser['_id'],
    rid: IRoom['_id'],
    settings: Partial<RoomSettings> | keyof RoomSettings,
    value?: RoomSettings[keyof RoomSettings],
): Promise<{ result: true; rid: IRoom['_id'] }> {
    if (!userId) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', {
            function: 'RocketChat.saveRoomName',
    if (!Match.test(rid, String)) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-room', 'Invalid room', {
            method: 'saveRoomSettings',

    if (typeof settings !== 'object') {
        settings = {
            [settings]: value,

    if (!Object.keys(settings).every((key) => fields.includes(key as keyof typeof settings))) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-settings', 'Invalid settings provided', {
            method: 'saveRoomSettings',

    const room = await Rooms.findOneById(rid);

    if (!room) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-room', 'Invalid room', {
            method: 'saveRoomSettings',

    if (!(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'edit-room', rid))) {
        if (!(Object.keys(settings).includes('encrypted') && room.t === 'd')) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Editing room is not allowed', {
                method: 'saveRoomSettings',
                action: 'Editing_room',
        settings = { encrypted: settings.encrypted };

    if (room.broadcast && (settings.readOnly || settings.reactWhenReadOnly)) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'Editing readOnly/reactWhenReadOnly are not allowed for broadcast rooms', {
            method: 'saveRoomSettings',
            action: 'Editing_room',

    const user = await Users.findOneById(userId, { projection: { username: 1, name: 1 } });
    if (!user) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', {
            method: 'saveRoomSettings',

    // validations
    for await (const setting of Object.keys(settings) as (keyof RoomSettings)[]) {
        await validate(setting, {
            value: settings[setting],

        if (setting === 'retentionOverrideGlobal') {
            delete settings.retentionMaxAge;
            delete settings.retentionExcludePinned;
            delete settings.retentionFilesOnly;
            delete settings.retentionIgnoreThreads;

    // saving data
    for await (const setting of Object.keys(settings) as (keyof RoomSettings)[]) {
        await save(setting, {
            user: user as IUser & Required<Pick<IUser, 'username' | 'name'>>,
            value: settings[setting],

    return {
        result: true,
        rid: room._id,

    saveRoomSettings: (...args) => {
        const userId = Meteor.userId();
        if (!userId) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', {
                function: 'RocketChat.saveRoomName',

        return saveRoomSettings(userId, ...args);