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2 days
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import emojione from 'emojione';
import mem from 'mem';

import { emojisByCategory, emojiCategories, toneList } from './emojiPicker';

// TODO remove fix below when issue is solved:

// add missing emojis not provided by JS object, but included on emoji.json
emojione.shortnames +=
emojione.regShortNames = new RegExp(

emojione.emojioneList[':tm:'] = {
    uc_base: '2122',
    uc_output: '2122-fe0f',
    uc_match: '2122-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '2122-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':copyright:'] = {
    uc_base: '00a9',
    uc_output: '00a9-f0ef',
    uc_match: '00a9-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '00a9-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':registered:'] = {
    uc_base: '00ae',
    uc_output: '00ae-fe0f',
    uc_match: '00ae-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '00ae-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':digit_zero:'] = {
    uc_base: '0030',
    uc_output: '0030-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0030-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0030-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':digit_one:'] = {
    uc_base: '0031',
    uc_output: '0031-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0031-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0031-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':digit_two:'] = {
    uc_base: '0032',
    uc_output: '0032-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0032-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0032-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':digit_three:'] = {
    uc_base: '0033',
    uc_output: '0033-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0033-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0033-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':digit_four:'] = {
    uc_base: '0034',
    uc_output: '0034-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0034-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0034-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':digit_five:'] = {
    uc_base: '0035',
    uc_output: '0035-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0035-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0035-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':digit_six:'] = {
    uc_base: '0036',
    uc_output: '0036-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0036-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0036-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':digit_seven:'] = {
    uc_base: '0037',
    uc_output: '0037-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0037-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0037-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':digit_eight:'] = {
    uc_base: '0038',
    uc_output: '0038-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0038-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0038-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':digit_nine:'] = {
    uc_base: '0039',
    uc_output: '0039-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0039-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0039-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':pound_symbol:'] = {
    uc_base: '0023',
    uc_output: '0023-fe0f',
    uc_match: '0023-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '0023-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',

emojione.emojioneList[':asterisk_symbol:'] = {
    uc_base: '002a',
    uc_output: '002a-fe0f',
    uc_match: '002a-fe0f',
    uc_greedy: '002a-fe0f',
    shortnames: [],
    category: 'symbols',
    emojiPackage: 'emojione',
// end fix

// fix for :+1: - had to replace all function that does its conversion:

emojione.shortnameConversionMap = mem(emojione.shortnameConversionMap, { maxAge: 1000 });

emojione.unicodeCharRegex = mem(emojione.unicodeCharRegex, { maxAge: 1000 });

const convertShortName = mem(
    (shortname) => {
        // the fix is basically adding this .replace(/[+]/g, '\\$&')
        if (typeof shortname === 'undefined' || shortname === '' || emojione.shortnames.indexOf(shortname.replace(/[+]/g, '\\$&')) === -1) {
            // if the shortname doesnt exist just return the entire match
            return shortname;

        // map shortname to parent
        if (!emojione.emojioneList[shortname]) {
            for (const emoji in emojione.emojioneList) {
                if (!emojione.emojioneList.hasOwnProperty(emoji) || emoji === '') {
                if (emojione.emojioneList[emoji].shortnames.indexOf(shortname) === -1) {
                shortname = emoji;

        const unicode = emojione.emojioneList[shortname].uc_output;
        const fname = emojione.emojioneList[shortname].uc_base;
        const category = fname.indexOf('-1f3f') >= 0 ? 'diversity' : emojione.emojioneList[shortname].category;
        const title = emojione.imageTitleTag ? `title="${shortname}"` : '';
        // const size = ns.spriteSize === '32' || ns.spriteSize === '64' ? ns.spriteSize : '32';
        // if the emoji path has been set, we'll use the provided path, otherwise we'll use the default path
        const ePath =
            emojione.defaultPathPNG !== emojione.imagePathPNG ? emojione.imagePathPNG : `${emojione.defaultPathPNG + emojione.emojiSize}/`;

        // depending on the settings, we'll either add the native unicode as the alt tag, otherwise the shortname
        const alt = emojione.unicodeAlt ? emojione.convert(unicode.toUpperCase()) : shortname;

        if (emojione.sprites) {
            return `<span class="emojione emojione-${category} _${fname}" ${title}>${alt}</span>`;
        return `<img class="emojione" alt="${alt}" ${title} src="${ePath}${fname}${emojione.fileExtension}"/>`;
    { maxAge: 1000 },

const convertUnicode = mem(
    (entire, _m1, m2, m3) => {
        const mappedUnicode = emojione.mapUnicodeToShort();

        if (typeof m3 === 'undefined' || m3 === '' || !(emojione.unescapeHTML(m3) in emojione.asciiList)) {
            // if the ascii doesnt exist just return the entire match
            return entire;

        m3 = emojione.unescapeHTML(m3);
        const unicode = emojione.asciiList[m3];
        const shortname = mappedUnicode[unicode];
        const category = unicode.indexOf('-1f3f') >= 0 ? 'diversity' : emojione.emojioneList[shortname].category;
        const title = emojione.imageTitleTag ? `title="${emojione.escapeHTML(m3)}"` : '';
        // const size = ns.spriteSize === '32' || ns.spriteSize === '64' ? ns.spriteSize : '32';
        // if the emoji path has been set, we'll use the provided path, otherwise we'll use the default path
        const ePath =
            emojione.defaultPathPNG !== emojione.imagePathPNG ? emojione.imagePathPNG : `${emojione.defaultPathPNG + emojione.emojiSize}/`;

        // depending on the settings, we'll either add the native unicode as the alt tag, otherwise the shortname
        const alt = emojione.unicodeAlt ? emojione.convert(unicode.toUpperCase()) : emojione.escapeHTML(m3);

        if (emojione.sprites) {
            return `${m2}<span class="emojione emojione-${category} _${unicode}"  ${title}>${alt}</span>`;
        return `${m2}<img class="emojione" alt="${alt}" ${title} src="${ePath}${unicode}${emojione.fileExtension}"/>`;
    { maxAge: 1000, cacheKey: JSON.stringify },

emojione.shortnameToImage = (str) => {
    // replace regular shortnames first
    str = str.replace(emojione.regShortNames, convertShortName);

    // if ascii smileys are turned on, then we'll replace them!
    if (emojione.ascii) {
        const asciiRX = emojione.riskyMatchAscii ? emojione.regAsciiRisky : emojione.regAscii;

        return str.replace(asciiRX, convertUnicode);

    return str;

const isEmojiSupported = (str: string) => {
    str = str.replace(emojione.regShortNames, convertShortName);

    // if ascii smileys are turned on, then we'll replace them!
    if (emojione.ascii) {
        const asciiRX = emojione.riskyMatchAscii ? emojione.regAsciiRisky : emojione.regAscii;

        return str.replace(asciiRX, convertUnicode);

    return str;

export const getEmojiConfig = () => ({
    render: emojione.toImage,
    renderPicker: emojione.shortnameToImage,
    sprites: true,