import type { IRoom, IUser, RoomType } from '';
import { Rooms, Users } from '';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { isObject } from '../../../../lib/utils/isObject';
import { createDirectMessage } from '../../../../server/methods/createDirectMessage';
import { addUserToRoom } from './addUserToRoom';
export const getRoomByNameOrIdWithOptionToJoin = async ({
nameOrId = '',
tryDirectByUserIdOnly = false,
joinChannel = true,
errorOnEmpty = true,
}: {
user: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username'>;
nameOrId: string;
type?: RoomType;
tryDirectByUserIdOnly?: boolean;
joinChannel?: boolean;
errorOnEmpty?: boolean;
}): Promise<IRoom | null> => {
let room: IRoom | null;
// If the nameOrId starts with #, then let's try to find a channel or group
if (nameOrId.startsWith('#')) {
nameOrId = nameOrId.substring(1);
room = await Rooms.findOneByIdOrName(nameOrId);
} else if (nameOrId.startsWith('@') || type === 'd') {
// If the nameOrId starts with @ OR type is 'd', then let's try just a direct message
nameOrId = nameOrId.replace('@', '');
let roomUser;
if (tryDirectByUserIdOnly) {
roomUser = await Users.findOneById(nameOrId);
} else {
roomUser = await Users.findOne({
$or: [{ _id: nameOrId }, { username: nameOrId }],
room = isObject(roomUser)
? await Rooms.findOneDirectRoomContainingAllUserIDs([ Set([user._id, roomUser._id])])
: await Rooms.findOneById(nameOrId);
// If the room hasn't been found yet, let's try some more
if (!isObject(room)) {
// If the roomUser wasn't found, then there's no destination to point towards
// so return out based upon errorOnEmpty
if (!isObject(roomUser)) {
if (errorOnEmpty) {
throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-channel');
} else {
return null;
const { rid } = await createDirectMessage([roomUser.username], user._id);
return Rooms.findOneById(rid);
} else {
// Otherwise, we'll treat this as a channel or group.
room = await Rooms.findOneByIdOrName(nameOrId);
// If no room was found, handle the room return based upon errorOnEmpty
if (!room && errorOnEmpty) {
throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-channel');
if (room === null) {
return null;
// If a room was found and they provided a type to search, then check
// and if the type found isn't what we're looking for then handle
// the return based upon errorOnEmpty
if (type && room.t !== type) {
if (errorOnEmpty) {
throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-channel');
} else {
return null;
// If the room type is channel and joinChannel has been passed, try to join them
// if they can't join the room, this will error out!
if (room.t === 'c' && joinChannel) {
await addUserToRoom(room._id, user);
return room;