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7 hrs
Test Coverage
import type { IUser } from '';
import { Subscriptions, Users } from '';

import { subscriptionHasRole } from '../../../authorization/server';

export type SubscribedRoomsForUserWithDetails = {
    rid: string;
    t: string;
    shouldBeRemoved: boolean;
    shouldChangeOwner: boolean;
    userIsLastOwner: boolean;
    newOwner: IUser['_id'] | null;

export function shouldRemoveOrChangeOwner(subscribedRooms: SubscribedRoomsForUserWithDetails[]): boolean {
    return subscribedRooms.some(({ shouldBeRemoved, shouldChangeOwner }) => shouldBeRemoved || shouldChangeOwner);

export async function getSubscribedRoomsForUserWithDetails(
    userId: string,
    assignNewOwner = true,
    roomIds: string[] = [],
): Promise<SubscribedRoomsForUserWithDetails[]> {
    const subscribedRooms: SubscribedRoomsForUserWithDetails[] = [];

    const cursor =
        roomIds.length > 0 ? Subscriptions.findByUserIdAndRoomIds(userId, roomIds) : Subscriptions.findByUserIdExceptType(userId, 'd');

    // Iterate through all the rooms the user is subscribed to, to check if he is the last owner of any of them.
    for await (const subscription of cursor) {
        const roomData: SubscribedRoomsForUserWithDetails = {
            rid: subscription.rid,
            t: subscription.t,
            shouldBeRemoved: false,
            shouldChangeOwner: false,
            userIsLastOwner: false,
            newOwner: null,

        if (subscriptionHasRole(subscription, 'owner')) {
            // Fetch the number of owners
            const numOwners = await Subscriptions.countByRoomIdAndRoles(subscription.rid, ['owner']);
            // If it's only one, then this user is the only owner.
            roomData.userIsLastOwner = numOwners === 1;
            if (numOwners === 1 && assignNewOwner) {
                // Let's check how many subscribers the room has.
                const options = { projection: { 'u._id': 1 }, sort: { ts: 1 as const } };
                const subscribersCursor = Subscriptions.findByRoomId(subscription.rid, options);

                for await (const {
                    u: { _id: uid },
                } of subscribersCursor) {
                    // If we already changed the owner or this subscription is for the user we are removing, then don't try to give it ownership
                    if (roomData.shouldChangeOwner || uid === userId) {
                    const newOwner = await Users.findOneActiveById(uid, { projection: { _id: 1 } });
                    if (!newOwner) {

                    roomData.newOwner = uid;
                    roomData.shouldChangeOwner = true;

                // If there's no subscriber available to be the new owner and it's not a public room, we can remove it.
                if (!roomData.shouldChangeOwner && roomData.t !== 'c') {
                    roomData.shouldBeRemoved = true;
        } else if (roomData.t !== 'c') {
            // If the user is not an owner, remove the room if the user is the only subscriber
            roomData.shouldBeRemoved = (await Subscriptions.countByRoomId(roomData.rid)) === 1;


    return subscribedRooms;